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Hello and welcome to my website giving the Book of Raphael Volumes 1 and 2. I hope that you will have a good experience in exploring these records. They show my own spiritual journey since 2011 until now. I update Raphael volume 2 regularly as I receive more revelation on the scriptures. When I do so I will add the current date of my new entry.
My premortal name is Raphael. My mortal name is R, the first letter of my first mortal name. I have been told by my Father in Heaven to protect my identity for the time being. I have purposefully also not given my contact information. Heavenly Father told me that all inquiries from you at this time are to be directed to him through humble and sincere prayer. He has power to direct each of his children who come to him with revelation, giving them answers to their questions, just as he has given to me. He will confirm all truth that he has given to me to every humble and open seeker of truth. He wants everyone to ask of him, and he will give liberally.
I have been recently been told by my Heavenly Father to make this record of Raphael Volumes 1 and 2, publicly available online without cost or login requirements. Whoever finds this record will have to search for the words "Book of Raphael", or similar words, or get a reference from another person or website. God has told me that he would inspire his elect in their minds to find this online record in some way.
This online resource is free for all, and has no restrictions. It is an educational website, not commercial by any means, and meant to teach truths that I received from prayer and revelation from God. As such, it may be printed and distributed freely. I have been careful to have chosen images that are copyright free, taken by myself, or which are credited as to their source under their respective post. If you share this information, please reference this Book of Raphael website link with the information you share.
My spiritual journey was jump-started when I was attending an energy class in Provo, Utah on April 20, 2013. I was seeking to gain skills in an effort to help heal my son who had been brain injured. In the class I experienced the most extraordinary spiritual event of my lifetime, when I was blessed to behold my Heavenly Mother who came into our class for the entire day! I was the only one who could see her, for my spiritual eyes were opened and not the others. I was taught a great deal from her, and from my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ who also came that day in the class at different times. I was overcome with awe and great humility from this experience!
I then started an amazing spiritual healing journey. I taught at a well-attended energy healing convention, and taught a few of my own classes to those interested. I gathered a small group of interested people who attended these classes and to whom I started emailing regularly. I felt very led by my Heavenly Parents in learning the healing arts directly from God, including learning about healing angels. These emails constitute posts 1 through 14 in Raphael Volume 1.
Three years after my dramatic experience in the energy class, I had another remarkable experience when I was told who I was in a premortal life. I shared this with those who were on my email list. Together we then began an extraordinary journey of revelation into what our mission was in these last days. I was told by God to keep all of this very closed except to those few in my email list.
During the next five and a half years I received continual direction from my Heavenly Parents. There were by then a reduced number on my email list that participated with me in many heavenly visions and directions from God. God provided through them the divine law of witnesses that he promised in the scriptures for establishing truth. During this time we learned and participated in the return of the lost tribes of Israel from the lands of the north, the building of the New Jerusalem and celestial temple, and so many new truths that have not been revealed before to man.
While I received communication from my Gods, it was at times a struggle for me to be spiritually clear enough to write exactly what I was given. I sometimes had my thoughts cluttered with the things of this world, and I had to rid myself of these thoughts and concerns while I was with my Gods. God spoke to me in my own mind and heart, and the clearer I was spiritually, the more precise I could record what was shared with me. I therefore know that there are some mistakes in my record, and they are all from me and not from God. As I was more open and not influenced by my own mortal perceptions and weaknesses, I was able to receive more clearly the words of God. Please forgive me in advance for my weakness in conveying to you what I received. I humbly submit what I received in my own great weaknesses and imperfections.
In September 2021, some of us were preparing to depart to the New Jerusalem as we had been directed. This did not happen which was very disappointing. A few of us later found out that we had come before God, in our unconscious minds, petitioning him to allow us to stay behind and help our loved ones in the rough last days we knew were coming ahead. We were granted our request, and have therefore stayed behind.
After this latest experience in staying behind in our current mortal world, we have each been alone in our own spiritual journeys. I have recorded only what I received personally in the Book of Raphael Volume 2. This book is also provided on this website. I was told by my Heavenly Father to place my revelations as comments to various verses of scriptures. I have therefore included in Volume 2 my comments with dates when I recorded them, along with previous entries from Volume 1 that pertained to that particular scripture.
I have kept this all to myself, not revealing any of this to anyone. I believe many of these revelations are very great, elucidating previous truths I have been given, and providing many more new spiritual insights into the meaning of the scriptures. These are organized in scriptural order, staring with the Book of Genesis. Besides the Bible, I have included modern-day scriptures of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints found in the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, the Pearl of Great Price and Joseph Smith translation excepts from the Bible.
I pray that you will not scoff at what I have received, or cast off my record. Instead, please pray to our God about what I have written, in the name of Jesus Christ. If you are humble, open and sincere, God will confirm these truths to you by the power of the Spirit and the Holy Ghost, and give you revelation.
In all of my spiritual journey, I have come to know very personally my three Gods, Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother, and Jesus Christ. I have talked and walked with them frequently, gone to where they dwell, and have been directed by them. They are extremely loving and compassionate individuals, and we are the direct children of our Heavenly Parents in a world of spirits where we lived before we came to mortality. They have freely shared their world and so many great truths with me. They have asked that I write all that I have received, and now to share it with the world, still under the cloak of anonymity. Someday soon, in a better world, I will be identified by them, in their own way and time. Until then, I will fulfill their request that I share what I have received.
Warmly, R
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