We sang the Battle Hymn of the Republic (Hymns #60) as a rest hymn in the sacrament meeting where I received the trumpet of God on July 17th, 2016. Its words were amazing to me, a second witness that what I had just received today and earlier this May with the sword of Raphael is true! I believe it was the only song in the LDS Hymnal that could have given such a clear witness. I had just finished writing the account in my pocket journal at that sacrament meeting when we starting singing this hymn.
I did a word search on all the LDS Hymns, and this is what I found: The Battle Hymn of the Republic is the one of two songs in the current LDS hymnal that has the word "trumpet" in it! The other one (Behold the Mountain of the Lord, #54) has these words in stanza 3: "They'll hang the trumpet in the hall, And study war no more"–not pertaining at all to the trumpet of the archangels. There are also three other hymns with the word "trump" in them, and these are about proclaiming the gospel or about resurrection and not about any last days events.
The only hymn that we could have sung which has trump or trumpet in it, and which pertains to my last-days calling as the archangel Raphael, is the Battle Hymn of the Republic. To my mind, it is as though this hymn was written for this time we are living in, and not much for the Civil War time. I have included a rendition of this hymn by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir also (scroll down).
Here are all the current stanzas with my comments on the first and third stanzas:
Battle Hymn of the Republic
First stanza:
"Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord;
He is trampling out the vintage where grapes of wrath are stored;
He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword,
His truth is marching on."
"The fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword"
My comments:
This first stanza speaks of the last days of the coming of the Lord. The "fateful lightning of his terrible swift sword" sounds just like the silver lightning from the sword of Raphael which will clear out Satan and him minions from the bottomless pit on July 31st, 2016! To Satan and his followers, this lightning is truly fateful and terrible! The word "loosed" is also used, reminding me that Satan will be loosed among men in great fury.
Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah! His truth is marching on.
Second stanza (left out of LDS Hymnbook, but sung by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir below):
"I have seen Him in the watchfires of a hundred circling camps;
They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps;
I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps,
His day is marching on."
"He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat"
Third stanza (left out of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir rendition below, and most others online also):
"He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat;
He is sifting out the hearts of men before His Judgement Seat.
Oh! Be swift, my soul, to answer Him, be jubilant, my feet!
Our God is marching on."
My comments:
In this third stanza, Julia Ward Howe pens one of the main purposes of the sounding of the trumpets by the archangels: to prepare for battle during the days of the coming of the Lord (our day). This battle is for the souls of men and women against Satan who will be released in his fury, for he knows his time is short (see Revelation 12:12). It is really a time of sifting out the souls of men before "His Judgement Seat" (see Revelations 20:4 where Judgement seats are mentioned after Raphael locks up Satan and his hosts into the bottomless pit with the 1000 year seal).
Fourth stanza: "In the beauty of the lilies, Christ was born across the sea,
With a glory in his bosom that transfigures you and me.
As he died to make men holy, let us live to make men free,
While God is marching on."
Mormon Tabernacle Choir rendition of The Battle Hymn of the Republic
Including stanzas 1, 2 and 4 (I feel bad they left out stanza #3!)
My comments:
When I just saw and heard the above video today (July 18th, 2016), I cried the entire way through! I was so moved by this glorious hymn, especially at the end of the last stanza. It was as if I was there again, in the presence of Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ in the command center of the celestial temple, standing there with my trumpet of God that had just been given to me! I was flanked by my brothers, the six other archangels who has similar missions of blowing their trumpets of God.
This is truly a battle that we are all in for the souls of every man, woman and child on the earth. We have such a privilege to participate at this time as healing angels, on God's errand of healing his children during this battle, and at his command. What a glorious experience we are soon to have!
I love you all! Take heart and courage, for we will be victorious!
**All of the other word searches for "trumps" found in the LDS Hymnal (in 3 hymns) are about proclaiming the gospel or about resurrection:
Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise (#41)
2. "Ye heralds, sound the golden trump
To earth's remotest bound.
Go spread the news from pole to pole
In all the nations round:
That Jesus in the clouds above,
With hosts of angels too,
Will soon appear, his Saints to save,
His enemies subdue."
The Happy Day at Last Has Come (#32)
2. "The gospel trump again is heard.
The truth from darkness has appeared.
The lands which long benighted lay
Have now beheld a glorious day:"
The Glorious Gospel Light Has Shone (#283)
3. "And we for them can be baptized,
Yes, for our friends most dear,
That they can with the just be raised
When Gabriel's trump they hear;
That they may come with Christ again"