Imagine If ...
Please shut your eyes and imagine with me. . .
Imagine that you just awoke from a good night’s sleep, and felt very refreshed. You spouse took all the kids to the store and then to the park, leaving you alone. You feel free and unencumbered! The morning sun is streaming in the window and you feel very peaceful and happy inside.
Instead of getting up for the day, you feel a great desire and a need to really reconnect with your Heavenly Father. You return to your bed, situate your pillow under your head just right, and arrange the blankets so that you are perfectly comfortable. You are not drowsy, but alert and awake. You are lying on your back, very comfortable. You shut your eyes and are intent on getting into a meditative state.
As you shut your eyes, the cares of family and any unfinished business or work at home fades away. You are feeling very in-tune to your mind, your heart, and your thoughts are clear and focused.
As you lie there, you begin talking with your Heavenly Father in your mind. Your words come freely, smoothly, and just come in a way to really express your feelings. You are impressed that you feel so in-tune with your real inner self.
In your prayer, you thank your Heavenly Father for your wonderful blessings. You think about your family, and the really nice things that you appreciate about each one. You feel very blessed to have your home, your life, your mind and your abilities and talents. You thank him for other personal things that are very pleasing to you. You feel very, very content and blessed by God.
As you do this, you become aware that your Heavenly Father is truly there, and loves you. You even perceive he is above your feet, in the air, looking down at you with a smile on his face. His countenance beams with love for you! You are his special daughter (son), with whom he has been and known for ever it seems before you were sent to mortality. He stands there, so pleased with you. He loves you deeply.
Next the impression comes to you that he wants to talk to you. You are thrilled, but also a little anxious, for this is not the normal prayer! Most of your prayers have been to him, one way, but now he wants to talk to you personally. This will be in your mind, in clear words, in your meditative state, words that come without constraint or being forced. These words will not come from you, for you are in a very intuitive, listening state. You are observing, hearing, waiting.
Healer's Portal
Now, you perceive an object like an elegant door-frame is in front of you. You recognize this as a portal of some kind. It is in the air, also above your feet. This portal is to later transport your spirit to a special healing room. Heavenly Father is still there near you, in the background, watching and observing you. He wants you to take all the time you need to explore this new portal.
You next feel that your spirit is able to rise up out of your body and come to this portal, and look at it more closely. Your mind is fully aware of what your detached spirit is doing and thinking, and also of your body back on your bed. You have complete agency and thought.
You look and see that this portal is shaped like a large rectangular door frame, with a pillar support section on the right and left sides, and a horizontal top which connects them together. The corners of the upright pillars and the horizontal top are curved in a smooth fashion. The opening is about 4 feet wide. It is light brown and looks like a wooden frame. You are facing this portal. The opening is several feet taller than you are so you could easily walk through if needed.
There are two sides of the framework: the frontside towards you and the backside. You reach out your right hand and touch the frame’s frontside closest to your right on the straight pillar support section. You notice that it has three bumps along its surface which are three half-round segments which run the full length of the frontside surface. Each half-round is butted against the next one, side by side. The total width of this framework seems to be about 12 inches wide, so that with the three raised half-round sections, each section is a little less than 4 inches wide and about two inches high. Each one is identical in cross-section yet is made without seam and of one piece. You can trace these rounded bumps with your fingers: up the right side, over the curved top section, and then down the left side. It is just very simple, beautiful and of perfect workmanship. These bumps are very smooth and polished. The entire portal is of one piece of this smooth and polished material.
On the backside surface of the portal frame is another smooth and polished half-rounded surface. This one takes up the full width of the frame, and is about 6 inches tall and 12-inches wide, rounded. Including the frontside half-rounds, the total depth at the middle of the portal frame is 8 inches. You reach around the frame with both your left and right hands. You can feel the backside of the frame with both of your your hands. As you do so, your fingers touch on the opposite side. It is so smooth, polished and hard. You next move your hands up the backside of the frame, over the top, and down the left side. As you do so your spirit easily moves your body around the portal. You can tell it is a continuously rounded surface without any breaks. The entire portal framework is elegantly simple and beautiful!
You realize that the side towards you with the three half-rounds has a meaning. It means that you are in mortality, in your present time when you face this frontside. If you were on the other side of the portal, and faced the single larger rounded side, your spirit would be in another time period, place or in eternity without time, but not on your current time and place. This portal is your means of being transferred to that other location.
Coming into your mind next comes also these words: “The three half-rounds on the frontside of the portal represents the three heavenly healers: Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother, and Jesus. The rounded backside represents the shape of the room that you are going to, God’s Loving Healing Center."
On the inside of the portal is a flimsy kind of mirror, which you can extend your hand through or walk through by just thinking to be on the other side. This portal responds to your thoughts and righteous desires of your heart.
(Note: This portal was referred to by Heavenly Father in May, 2015 as the 'Healer's Portal'. It can appropriately be used by any healer or healing angel to gain access to God's Loving Healing Center.)