Do We Each Have our Own Portal?
From one of our own, I with her daughters J and N. They are all healing angels.):
When we were taking the advanced class with you, J let us know that the portal she uses to go to God’s Loving Healing Center was different than the one you describe as the Healer’s Portal. She described this portal to us. Since that time, I wondered if we each have our own portal, and if they are unique to each of us. I wondered what my portal would look like. I had prayed about it and desired to see if I have a portal and what that looks like. Recently, as I lay down to sleep, with my eyes closed but far from being asleep, an image came into my head of an arch of vines/leaves. It surprised me. I wasn’t thinking about it or looking for it. I wondered if this was my portal. I have recently started trying to meditate and go to God’s Loving Healing Center again and found that as I do so, this is the portal that I see now…an arch with vines/leaves intertwined and the mirror like surface in the middle (instead of the Healer’s Portal), so I believe this is my portal. I don’t see if very clearly yet, but the clarity is slightly improving. So, I asked J to describe her portal to me again (white marble with pink veins) and asked N if she has a unique portal. N’s was something blue, green and purple and very shiny. I don’t remember the details they gave me. But, it got me thinking. Has anyone else found that they have a portal that they use to get to God’s Loving healing Center that is unique to them? If so, would you mind sharing?
R: I feel that what I shared is exactly correct. I believe that each of us who are healing angels can use either the general healing portal that I described, or one that was uniquely created just for the healing angel. I would love to hear your experiences in use a portal of any kind! Please share.