86. Three Degrees of Glory
Posted 7-21-2018
I hope each of you are doing well, and enjoying yourself, your family and this beautiful warm summer! I have been enjoying swimming and biking with my family. We are also starting to reap the harvest from our garden–such a fun time of year for me!
This post includes my visits to a telestial world in eternity, a terrestrial world, and our own celestial world at the beginning of our Heavenly Parent's first eternity. I think you will find this very interesting!
Please pray about all of these revelations. There are so many coming that I hardly can remember what I have already received, in my mortal mind!
I also love to ask your questions, and to correspond with you by email. Please don't hesitate to write!
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 9, 2018, Monday
1. I awoke refreshed, ready to meet a new day and new week. I came to the adjacent bedroom and knelt in prayer next to the recliner there. I went to a place 20 feet or so to the northwest of the sapling tree of life. I had taken of a fruit and a leaf from that tree. I ate and felt very clarified and in tune with my God. I then knelt, facing away from the sapling tree of life. I asked for my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to come.
They next both came to a place behind me, under the canopy of the tree. I arose and came near them and then knelt in front of them. I knew my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, their familiar faces, the grandeur of being in their presence!
2. Heavenly Mother spoke to me:
'Raphael you have again been brought back into our heavenly presence. We appear to you now each time you ask of us, for you have proven your diligence. We gradually build upon the past, revealing to you here a little and there a little.
S.A. had written you last night. She asked whether the sacrament was valid for those who were baptized after the authorized date had ended for baptism and other LDS Church ordinances.
When anyone partakes of our sacrament with a sincere heart and real intent, we accept their covenant, even though they hadn't been baptized. It is a covenant between them and us, their God. For those who haven't been baptized or were baptized without our authority, we still fully accept their covenant. For those who were previously baptized with our authority, we also accept their covenant and their renewal of the baptismal covenants.
3. Raphael, you have become more and more feeling the void in the LDS sacrament meetings that you have attended. We understand fully your feelings! However, there is nowhere else for you and your wife to go worship in a church now that would be any better. The LDS Church does administer the sacrament still with our authorization. This can be a great blessing to our faithful who come and make their covenants with us each week. We will give them revelations and speak to them as we do to you, during this sacrament time.
4. For those who have children at home, we know how hard this is to raise children in a floundering church and fallen society. There must needs be gospel teachings and living in the home that becomes the primary instructions for these young ones. This has always been the case but is even more critical in building testimonies in young children of us, their Heavenly Parents, their Redeemer, Jesus Christ and gospel teachings. Happy loving relationships are so essential in families so the children, once of age, will accept and also want to live these standards in a decaying society.
5. Children may be taught at a young age to approach us in meditative and sincere prayer. We will readily come to these faithful and believing little ones! They will respond to parents' teachings to connect with us, their loving parents, and that we will come to their unconscious beings. They can be trained to listen and wait for us to come and to write down their own revelations from us, their Heavenly Parents. They can be encouraged to be diligent in approaching us. Their faith and acceptance of our answers will establish habits and patterns for living as they grow up in a difficult society. Parents should not rely on teachings at church, but take the initiative and teach them predominantly in their own home.
6. Raphael, you and your wife have diligently taught your children in your home. All of these are now adults and face the world now on their own. They remember these teachings and your diligence in training them. Those with children are repeating the same pattern of gospel instruction in their own homes.'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her instructive and kind words. Heavenly Father then spoke:
'Raphael, make this entry from last night to be your last for post 85. Your posts are coming fast and are well received by those who read and diligently study them. We will confirm all of your writings as from us, their Gods, as they come unto us in humility and sincere prayer.'
I felt very gratified to have this acceptance of my journal entries from my Heavenly Father! I thanked him and again my Heavenly Mother.
They both then started walking in their garden path behind me. Heavenly Mother turned and motioned me to come join them! I arose and quickly walked to her left side. I don't recall what was said on our stroll, but I felt very much peace and love come from them. I closed my prayer in my bedroom and started my day.
7. Evening–Tonight I came to the desert oasis and sat on the bench facing the living water in the oasis. I had worked hard during the day on earth and had the thought cross my mind that maybe I was tired in the celestial realms too? I immediately received the impression:
'Raphael, you are only tired in mortality and your replicated self has lots of energy and stamina in the celestial world! You are thinking of sitting down on the bench at the desert oasis in your conscious mind but in reality you didn't experience tiredness in your replicated self today!'
I felt this was correct. I then perceived that I sat on the bench by the oasis because I was trying to get connected with God, not because I was tired. I felt sitting would help me visualize and see my Gods better. I then knelt by the bench and addressed God in prayer, asking my Heavenly Parents to come.
8. Heavenly Mother came directly to me from the oasis, walking a little ways above the water. She stood in front of me and immediately began to speak:
'Raphael, your replicated celestial body does not tire like your body in mortality. You might at some time become overspent in the celestial world, because of all your activity in many replicated states there. You then might become overspent, having reached your current limitations. As you progress, you will be able to replicate more and more and not feel so spiritually and mentally exhausted.
I have fed you from my glass table to give you reserves in your celestial replicated states. I have also fed you with my foods to help you be strengthened in your mortal body. The food is similar in both cases, but was intended and blessed by me to strengthen your different states.
9. Raphael, when you were typing up your journal entries today, you wondered why it took so long for both your Heavenly Father and me to explain to you about blasphemy against the Holy Ghost.
Raphael, we gave you our words and impressions in your mind, your unconscious mind. You then had to transfer these thoughts and meanings into your conscious mind, and then write all of these in your own words in your journal. There are many steps of the process in receiving our revelations. Some days you, too, might feel clearer than others in hearing us.
This is why our explanations seem long and perhaps drawn out to you. In the end, the content of your journal entry covers what we wanted you to convey. We approve your words, written in your mortal weakness! As you keep humble and open, you will be able to receive all we want you to write. These words are therefore not directly from our mouths, but contain the words and thoughts we gave you and then were written by you, to your understanding and ability to communicate.
10. You were also thinking this past weekend and today how remarkable it was that once you set some system up, it can continue without your supervision. You thought of your temperature regulation on your greenhouse, and then of pumping algae water on your plants in the greenhouse from your fishpond. This is now all set up and works well, even if you are not there during the day. You noticed how you are able to fix things around your house and yard because of your experience and insights.
Raphael, we will use these skills that you have in a near day at the formation of the New Jerusalem. We will assist you and other planners as you all use faith, ingenuity, and the systems you may be able to establish, along with our help and inspiration. However, the greatest of all your activities will be in working with our elect children! You will act in our stead in administering our love and acceptance for all who come to this beautiful city, even to the New Jerusalem. We will share our love and light through you to these, our beloved faithful children! We wish all to feel great love and peace in our celestial city on the earth!'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for talking with me. I so love the way she knows just what to say to address my current thoughts and wonderings, even when I haven't voiced them to anyone. I know God may understand and read our thoughts. I believe no one else has the power to do so except our loving Heavenly Parents.
11. D&C 6:16–
"Yea, I tell thee, that thou mayest know that there is none else save God that knowest thy thoughts and the intents of thy heart."
I stand therefore very openly before God, for my Heavenly Parents can perceive all of my thoughts and the intents of my heart. They may address these as my Heavenly Mother did for me tonight. This is such a wonderful blessing to me! I am motivated to be clean and pure before them always. I want to always be receptive to everything they may say to me. I then closed my prayer and got ready for bed.
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 10, 2018, Tuesday
1. This morning I awoke early and came to the adjacent bedroom to pray. I came to the glass table in Heavenly Mother's lower gardens. I knelt by the glass chair there, which was next to the table. I checked and made sure I was pure and clear, even down to my toes! All seemed like I was transparent, spiritually speaking.
I asked for both or one of my Heavenly Parents to come to me. Heavenly Father came walking up to me alone. He spoke:
'Raphael, sit up in the glass chair, for your Heavenly Mother is bringing food from her gardens to strengthen you, both in your celestial replicated state and in your mortal body on earth.'
I sat up in the chair. Heavenly Mother then came, walking up from the south on a path. She carried a glass plate with a nectarine and some shelled almonds. She also had a glass bowl with large blackberries in it, plus a spoon. She also had a cloth napkin. She set all of them on the glass table in front of me.
2. She then spoke:
'Raphael, you have recently been pushing up against your physical limits on earth and have felt expended in your replicated celestial body in our celestial realms. I have brought my food I grew to strengthen you in both your physical state on earth and your replicated states in our celestial realms in heaven. Please eat these now.'
I thanked her and started eating. The blackberries were very tender, almost melting in my mouth! The nectarine was juicy and sweet. I left the seed on the plate. The shelled almonds were very fresh tasting and had a slight vanilla taste to them. All was so delicious! I thanked my Heavenly Mother and told her how wonderful her foods were.
When done, I wiped my mouth and fingers of the juice that had dripped from the nectarine. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me. She first asked me to write all of this in my journal and then write her words she would speak to me:
3. 'Raphael, periodically I will be feeding you my foods I grow to strengthen you as you extend to your new capacities in your body. We desire that you have more capability and endurance as you gradually become more able, here a little and there a little. I am glad my foods tasted so good to you!
You have wondered yesterday evening if you were writing my words to you out of your own imaginations. However, this thought can be easily dismissed since thinking anything else except that which you wrote didn't feel correct. Even now, as you write my words to you in your journal, you are only writing that which "flows" into your mind. These words are not from yourself, your own imaginations, but from me, your loving Mother!
4. When you started your meditations this morning, you wondered and asked where you should come to pray. All of the places you asked about to come were not correct and you could quickly discern these were not places we wanted to have you come. It was only when you thought of coming to my glass table here that you felt assured this was where we wanted you to come. Raphael, we prompted you to come here and verified this to you by our gentle and soft whispers. This is how we lead you, in such a mild and gentle flow of information that comes into your open and receptive mind and spirit.
We know all the thoughts and the intents of your heart also. You are pure and clean before us, else we would not come before you. We also see all of our children–their thoughts, feelings and intentions of their hearts. We respond to all in our own way, leading and blessing those who seek us diligently and sincerely.'
5. Heavenly Father then spoke to me:
'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother or I both speak to you generally in the same gentle mode. Our words are actually thoughts we communicate to you. These thoughts are then formulated by your mind into your language of the flesh, even English. These are all your own words, which describe the impressions and thoughts that we give to you.
We speak or communicate our thoughts to your spirit, your unconscious mind. We frequently transfer our thoughts to you during the day and in your meditative prayers. You always receive these in your conscious mind, as in a similar way that your own thoughts come. You may discern whether these are from yourself or us by asking us in your thoughts or mind. You will immediately sense if they are from us or yourself.
6. The very words you are now writing are flowing from me, your Father, as thoughts to your unconscious mind, then formulated in your conscious mind as these same thoughts, and then into words that you write in English. It is a smooth flow if you are focused in prayer, in a meditative state before us. These thoughts occupy your entire focus. (There was then a pause)
When there is a pause in our thoughts, like just happened, you wait and spiritually listen until the flow of revelation again comes into your mind and heart. In this way we may gently lead you. We do similarly to all of our beloved children who are in their mortal state. If they ask of us, in the prayer of faith, we will speak to them also. They need to develop the sensitivity and receptive nature that you developed, in order to clearly hear our thoughts and direction.'
7. I bowed my head in reverence to my Heavenly Mother and Heavenly Father before me! I thanked them in my thoughts which they knew, as clear as any words I may have spoken. Our entire exchange was in our thoughts, which it always is. I use the words "speak" and "said" in my journal, but I do this for the better conveyance of understanding for those who might read my journal someday.
This is all such a natural exchange of thought between my Heavenly Parents and me, that sometimes I think, "Is this really God speaking to me, or am I just making all of this up in my own thoughts and my mind. I then know it is really the gentle flow of revelation to my open and receptive soul. This is all so delicious to me–for I am fed by these revelations from my loving and very real Heavenly Parents! They are so loving, tender and accepting of me, in all of my weaknesses!
I next thanked them for our prayer this morning at Heavenly Mother's glass table. I knew my time in prayer was over for now and that I needed to start my new day. This too was what they wanted. They want to lead me a little bit each day, frequently in prayer and in between when I am involved with mortal living.
8. It is exactly as the prophet Isaiah wrote:
Isaiah 28:10–
"For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little."
9. Later: I came this evening to the meandering stream in the celestial world in the southern desert. It was quiet and still except some gurgling water in the stream. The celestial sun was going down in the sky. It was a perfect place to meditate! I felt very in tune with the desert here. I asked my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to come in answer to my request to commune with them in my evening prayer.
Heavenly Father appeared to me in the air above the stream. He was in a brilliant white robe. His eyes were deep and soft and felt so warm and accepting to me. I was thrilled to be in his presence. I asked him to give his message to me tonight. I said I would write his thoughts in my own words, and try to be in tune to all that he would say.
10. Here are his words:
'Raphael, today you have worked outside in the heat of the summer day. It reached over 100 degrees again in your area. The heat of the sun on your body is intense during these hot spells.
You have noticed our celestial sun. It is in our celestial sky and moves according to our desire, and not in regular orbits like the rotation of the earth and its journey around your sun. When we created the earth upon which you dwell, we placed it into your existing solar system. This has been used before on multiple earths that have occupied the same space and orbit of your own earth. Each earth was the place for a mortal experience for our myriad eternities that have come and gone out of mortal existence.
11. Our celestial orb was created by your Heavenly Mother and I and has also served many eternities. Once a given eternity is completed, this celestial orb is vacated again by our children, these having been assigned various eternal kingdoms of glory within our own galaxy.
Let us now go visit one of these terrestrial kingdoms of glory from the last eternity Raphael!' I arose from my knees and accompanied my Heavenly Father. We then descended upon a very beautiful terrestrial orb of some kind! I was next to my Heavenly Father on my left side. We came to a beautiful forest and lake area and then stood upon the ground on the shore.
12. Heavenly Father spoke again:
'Raphael, this is a terrestrial world that has been resurrected to this glory. Those living plants and creatures are also resurrected to a terrestrial state. The inhabitants of this world are the sons and daughters of your Heavenly Mother and I who were rewarded with a terrestrial glory in eternity. There is also room enough on this orb for some of those of your current eternity who will merit this degree of salvation from us, their Gods, as our gift to them.'
I then thought of the scripture in D&C 76 that speaks of the terrestrial glory:
13. D&C 76:71-80–
"And again, we saw the terrestrial world, and behold and lo, these are they who are of the terrestrial, whose glory differs from that of the church of the Firstborn who have received the fulness of the Father, even as that of the moon differs from the sun in the firmament.
Behold, these are they who died without law;
And also they who are the spirits of men kept in prison, whom the Son visited, and preached the gospel unto them, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh;
Who received not the testimony of Jesus in the flesh, but afterwards received it.
These are they who are honorable men of the earth, who were blinded by the craftiness of men.
These are they who receive of his glory, but not of his fulness.
These are they who receive of the presence of the Son, but not of the fulness of the Father.
Wherefore, they are bodies terrestrial, and not bodies celestial, and differ in glory as the moon differs from the sun.
These are they who are not valiant in the testimony of Jesus; wherefore, they obtain not the crown over the kingdom of our God.
And now this is the end of the vision which we saw of the terrestrial, that the Lord commanded us to write while we were yet in the Spirit."
14. We then traveled across the lake to a beautiful and peaceful community of people. They were happy and lived in tranquility and enjoyment together. They did things together on their world that brought them the highest level of happiness they could possibly attain.
These couldn't see Heavenly Father or me by his side. We watched them talking and laughing, being apparently happy to a degree. Their world was very beautiful and so lovely! I perceived that there was no sun nor moon, but continual day, for those who lived there needed no sleep, nor food. They all lived alone, singly. They didn't have the capacity to procreate and have children. They were happy though, and very much enjoyed their eternal reward in eternity. They had no ambition to progress, for they were content.
15. Heavenly Father spoke to me:
'Raphael, these who live here in this terrestrial world are eternally in the happiest state they were willing to receive. They are so pleased that your Heavenly Mother and I rewarded them a place in eternity where they are with others who also are comfortable with their same status. They cannot improve to a higher level of progression. We will now go back to the meandering stream in the celestial world.'
16. I immediately could tell the much greater grandeur and glory of this celestial world. I feel so happy and comfortable being here with my Heavenly Father and my Heavenly Mother for eternity! I so love the opportunity one day to be like my Heavenly Father and my wife to be like Heavenly Mother. I am so grateful for the plan of salvation!
Heavenly Father said we would visit the telestial world sometime in the near future too. He then said that my time with him had ended. He said he loved me and that I would be able to live eternally in a celestial world like this one! I thanked him. I then saw him start to fade until he was gone. I knelt again and thanked him for this great experience tonight in the terrestrial world!
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 11, 2018, Wednesday
1. I have been thinking in the night of my vision in the terrestrial world. For some reason I have thought of a male member of our ward, a neighbor, living on that terrestrial orb. He is a nice person but strikes me as following whatever the crowd does. He is strict in following whatever the rules and norms of the current LDS culture. I don't know why I associated him with those people laughing and enjoying themselves in that lakeside community I saw.
Anyway, I am not interested in living in that terrestrial place for eternity. It was so very beautiful and tranquil, but it was nothing like the glorious celestial world I am used to! I mostly felt the ache of being single and alone were I to live in the terrestrial world! I would so miss being married to my loving wife! I knew there would be friends there, but being alone and single for eternity would be so very limiting to me! I know I would pine over this great limitation! I know that my soul would ache over the possibility of attaining a higher state where I could have been eternally married to my loving spouse! I felt the emptiness I would feel if I were assigned to live alone and single in such a world!
2. This morning I went to the circling waters in the beautiful celestial world. Oh, it is so grand and such a lovely place! There is such peace and happiness that exudes from the entire celestial world! I notice this more, now that I have been to a terrestrial world.
I drank some of the living water from the stream. I realized that the lake in the vision I saw was not living water. It, too, was resurrected water, but nothing like this celestial living water! I knelt in front of the bench facing the circling waters. I then prayed that my Heavenly Parents or one of them come to me.
Heavenly Mother appeared to me immediately a little above the circling waters in the air! She was full of light and very strikingly beautiful! She was smiling and had very loving and sparkling eternity eyes. Her entire person was bright and shining.
3. She spoke to me:
'Raphael, you have seen one of our terrestrial worlds last night with your Heavenly Father. These are good people who live there, but were not willing to accept the fulness of our glory. They were unbelieving on earth and were content to only receive a portion of the truth that we sought to give to each. They are happy now and content with the great gift of terrestrial living in eternity.
You are also correct that the water there is not living water. All of our creations in that world are terrestrial in their level of expression and glory. The plants and animals there are kindly and responsive to our children who live on that terrestrial orb, and are resurrected to a terrestrial glory. It is a world void of Satan or his devils and a peaceful and happy place to live.
4. I know what you feel when you think how lonely it would be to not be married in such a world! Raphael, you have a celestial nature and as such yearn for something higher, even a spouse with whom you could love, who would be your eternal companion! This is what we promise you in eternity, plus a celestial and glorious world like we are in now! You will also be blessed with eternal increase, your own spirit sons and daughters for worlds without number! What an amazing life we live, and you too will someday live!'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her comforting words! My soul was satisfied at these thoughts of eternal glory and celestial bliss.
5. Heavenly Mother continued speaking:
'Raphael, come now with me to see some of our celestial creations that are near to us!'
Heavenly Mother then extended her right hand to me. I stood and came by her right side. We then traveled right up into the celestial sky until we were in space above the celestial orb from which we came.
6. Heavenly Mother spoke again as she extended her left arm in front of her:
'Raphael, below us is our glorious celestial orb! Those other smaller bright worlds to our left and right are exalted celestial earths. These are each from a previous eternity. Our children who are exalted to a celestial glory have their original inheritances from us on these worlds. They have all also created their own galaxies in the immensity of space where they continue to create and increase their domains. They are exquisitely happy in the great work they do, each a loving couple sealed together for eternity. These are Gods with the same powers and glory like your Heavenly Father and I. They have received all that we have and are joint heirs of celestial glory and increase!
Their glory is described in D&C 76:50-70–
7. D&C 76:50-70
"And again we bear record—for we saw and heard, and this is the testimony of the gospel of Christ concerning them who shall come forth in the resurrection of the just—
They are they who received the testimony of Jesus, and believed on his name and were baptized after the manner of his burial, being buried in the water in his name, and this according to the commandment which he has given—
That by keeping the commandments they might be washed and cleansed from all their sins, and receive the Holy Spirit by the laying on of the hands of him who is ordained and sealed unto this power;
And who overcome by faith, and are sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise, which the Father sheds forth upon all those who are just and true.
They are they who are the Church of the Firstborn.
They are they into whose hands the Father has given all things—
They are they who are priests and kings, who have received of his fulness, and of his glory;
And are priests of the Most High, after the order of Melchizedek, which was after the order of Enoch, which was after the order of the Only Begotten Son.
Wherefore, as it is written, they are gods, even the sons of God—
Wherefore, all things are theirs, whether life or death, or things present, or things to come, all are theirs and they are Christ’s, and Christ is God’s.
And they shall overcome all things.
Wherefore, let no man glory in man, but rather let him glory in God, who shall subdue all enemies under his feet.
These shall dwell in the presence of God and his Christ forever and ever.
These are they whom he shall bring with him, when he shall come in the clouds of heaven to reign on the earth over his people.
These are they who shall have part in the first resurrection.
These are they who shall come forth in the resurrection of the just.
These are they who are come unto Mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly place, the holiest of all.
These are they who have come to an innumerable company of angels, to the general assembly and church of Enoch, and of the Firstborn.
These are they whose names are written in heaven, where God and Christ are the judge of all.
These are they who are just men made perfect through Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, who wrought out this perfect atonement through the shedding of his own blood.
These are they whose bodies are celestial, whose glory is that of the sun, even the glory of God, the highest of all, whose glory the sun of the firmament is written of as being typical."
8. Heavenly Mother then let go of my hand and faced me. She placed both of her hands on my shoulders and looked me in my eyes.
She spoke again:
'My son, every one of our beloved children may choose to become like your Heavenly Father and I. Each needs to choose what level of glory they are willing to receive. Those who are faithful and obedient to our promptings and seek , by their actions to live our gospel in their lives, will be proven and eventually be elected into our Church of the Firstborn. They then progress until they receive all the blessings and inheritance of our Firstborn, even all that we have, to their celestial glory and exaltation forever!'
She next drew me close in a warm embrace and kissed me. I was crying for joy to hear her words and to be so close to her, my glorious eternal mother!
This is how my prayer concluded this morning. I became mostly aware of writing all of this down in my journal as my mind switched to my mortal self. I feel such peace and wonder at all of this! I feel so very blessed.
I knelt by my recliner and thanked my Heavenly Mother in prayer again. I know what I have written to be true. I then got up and happily started my new day.
9. In the evening–I came in my replicated unconscious self to the bench in front of the lake at God's Loving Healing Center. I came to the water's edge and knelt on one knee as I drank from my cupped hand. I felt so grateful for celestial living water, particularly after visiting the terrestrial world where the water was not living water.
I felt clarified quickly when I drank. I felt also I would soon have a visit from my Heavenly Mother, given to me with the gift of foresight and enhanced by the living water.
Heavenly Mother then came to me, walking across the lake! She was beautiful and full of light. The light penetrated all the way to the bottom of the lake as she approached me! I knelt before her. I gazed into her eternity eyes and felt comforted to be in her majestic, loving presence!
'Raphael, water in your telestial mortal world is very vital for the survival of all living things. It feels wet and can appear in a liquid, solid or gaseous state. The water on the earth continually gets recycled into the atmosphere and then comes down often as rain on the earth. All water on your telestial earth is confined to the domain of the earth.
11. In a terrestrial resurrected world, like you saw last night, water also has many of these same characteristics as those in your telestial world. Those in the terrestrial world may drink of this water and it will satisfy their thirst. They have thirst even though they are resurrected. Were they celestial resurrected individuals, they would have no thirst needs. Thirst needs are for telestial and terrestrial resurrected individuals in eternity, but not for celestial. The animals and plants in these telestial and terrestrial worlds also drink or need water to be sustained, even though these creatures and plants are resurrected. Were they celestial creatures and plants, they would not require celestial living water to be sustained.
12. Resurrection for all our creatures and plants means that these last forever and never die. It does not mean, in these lower glories of telestial and terrestrial states that they don't need water to be sustained, however. Water in these worlds greatly helps sustain these people, creatures and plants that are all resurrected. I know perhaps this sounds difficult to understand, but this is how we have designed those who live in their resurrected state in a telestial or terrestrial world.
In our celestial world, there is no need for drinking living water or eating celestial food in order to be sustained. All celestial living entities are self-sustained by just existing in the celestial world, without the need of water or food.'
13. I did not comprehend this in my mortal mind too well. I asked if it could be explained to me when my mortal body was more awake! I apologized to my Heavenly Mother. I said I loved to hear her words but that I was not alert enough tonight to comprehend it.
Heavenly Mother spoke:
'Raphael, I will meet with you in the morning when you are more alert and capable to absorb all of my words.'
I thanked her for her understanding. I said I felt bad and didn't want to miss what she had to say about these different worlds in their eternal glory states. I told her I loved her and then closed my prayer.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 12, 2018, Thursday
1. I came again to the lake at God's Loving Healing Center. I drank again of some of the living water and felt pure and clean and prepared to commune with my Heavenly Mother. I then felt Heavenly Mother would soon come. I next saw her come across the lake until she was directly in front of me!
She spoke:
'Raphael, I understand how you became so very tired from your hard physical work in your rental house last night. I will continue to describe the differences of certain elements in the telestial, terrestrial and celestial states.
2. In the resurrection, those who are resurrected to a telestial or terrestrial state need water to be sustained. This is true also for the resurrected plants and animals in those kingdoms. There is rain and the natural ecosystems of water as on your mortal earth. However, there are no evil or false spirits like who dwell there as on the mortal earth, but only those of a like state. All of the individuals are all similar in their telestial or terrestrial worlds. Each world is very beautiful and a happy place for these to live. There is no reproduction, no babies, and no newness of life, either for the people, animals, or plants. This is reserved for the celestial worlds. The individuals on these telestial and terrestrial worlds do not need food although they may eat from the plants of their world if they wish. They live on an isolated world, independent from any others in our vast creations. The telestial worlds are similar to your mortal earth in beauty and glory, whereas the terrestrial worlds are more glorious and majestic, like the moon is brighter and more dominant than all of the stars in the night sky. However, these are both of the night when compared to the amazing celestial worlds, which are likened to the sun of the day in glory.
3. On these telestial and terrestrial worlds, there are abundant elements and minerals found in the soil and rocks. The inhabitants of these worlds often are industrious and produce technology from the elements and the resources of these worlds.
4. The people are resurrected as males and females, but have no desire or ability to reproduce. They instead are content to live singly, but still congregate and work peaceably together. They are content in their state and have no hope of any change in their future. Faith and hope in a more glorious future are a part of the mortal telestial world, the mortal terrestrial millennial state, and the glorious celestial life in the eternal celestial worlds!'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her additional explanations. I especially thanked her for the faith and hope I felt in my own future! This is really such a blessing! I asked about the celestial world and how those who dwell thereon have faith and hope.
5. Heavenly Mother spoke:
'Raphael, the celestial worlds are inhabited by those who were willing and desirous to live the laws of the celestial kingdom. These include watching out for others in service and love, and in acting in kindness, gentleness to all those around them. These were valiant in the testimony of Jesus Christ once they heard of him in mortality. These were not deceived by the cunningness of men, but depended on the personal revelations from us to their souls. See D&C 76:50-70, 92-96.
You have become accustomed to our glorious celestial world, in the wilderness area where your work will continue to be performed.
6. Raphael, there is also on your earth different spheres where others do their work from and who influence those in mortality. The devils are in the lowest sphere and dwell from beneath the earth's surface. They are wicked, led by Lucifer, who is their father. They seek to tempt and lure, by their trickeries and lies, those who dwell in the mortal telestial world.
Those who dwell on the earth as mortals live in a telestial sphere. All the earth and the plants and animals also, live in this telestial state. They live predominantly in their mortal conscious state which is their reality. They all will die at some future time.
7. There is also a terrestrial and celestial sphere on the earth so that those of a higher order may come and in these spheres do their work. Each sphere is independent of the other and cannot be seen unless the inhabitant of the lower sphere is quickened to the glory of the higher sphere. Those who minister to the earth's inhabitants are messengers from God, God's servants and the angels. These include spirits, translated or resurrected individuals.
8. We, who are the Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother of all, come to the celestial sphere frequently in administering and leading our children along. Our holy angels also work in the celestial sphere on the earth. If we didn't have this celestial sphere, there could be no platform or area from which to administer. This sphere is a celestial area which encompasses the entire area on and above the surface of the earth. Only those who are celestial may enter into this sphere.
9. There is similarly a terrestrial sphere on and above the earth. The multitudes of servants may enter into this area, including the 144,000 and the translated servants of Enoch's group. These have power of teleportation. They influence those in mortality to do good and to come to their Redeemer, Jesus Christ. They watch over those on the earth. Guardian spirits from the spirit world work from this sphere. Paradise, the rest of the faithful, is in the terrestrial sphere on the earth.
10. Once people die, they either go here, to the terrestrial sphere if they have lived goodly lives, or to a telestial sphere prepared for them. This is the spirit world of those who are still not redeemed or who have not heard of Jesus Christ, their Redeemer, or who are evil. There are various areas in the telestial sphere, so they don't generally mingle. Satan and his evil minions may also come to the telestial spirit sphere on the earth. This is where God's servants are sent to help preach the gospel of Jesus Christ in the world of the spirits. These servants generally come from the terrestrial sphere.
Raphael, you live in mortality in your telestial mortal state. However, you and all our holy angels also work from the celestial sphere of the earth. You ministered there as spirit angels until the day of your translation. Now you minister in the celestial sphere in your celestial translated body. This is also true of almost all of the mortal angels. There are a few not yet translated who still work in this celestial sphere in their spirits only.
11. We have designed the spheres of the earth to accommodate our plan for the mortal testing of our children who come to earth. We have a detailed plan for each of our children during their mortal probation. We use our children to help us minister to those in their mortal probation. It is all a very extensive effort, in coordination with Our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, the Great Redeemer, to save all of our children to the highest level they each are willing to receive. This is our great effort, our full focus at this time when our children are in their mortal telestial state.'
I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her extensive revelations to me this morning. I wrote as all her thoughts just flowed freely into my mind. I feel very much at peace, and feel clear in what she communicated to me! I hope I wrote all to her satisfaction.
12. Heavenly Mother then spoke again:
'Raphael, I am pleased with what you have written. Review your entry again and then it will stand as my revelations to you on the various degrees of glory.'
I looked into my Heavenly Mother's tender, deep and loving eyes! She seemed to yearn for each of her children to come unto her and that she would lead them along as fast and as willing as they would let her. She smiled broadly and then instantly vanished! I was alone at the shore of the lake. I reviewed my entry in my journal and concluded my prayer.
13. Evening–I posted post 85 today. I am glad my sister is back in town–lots to type up for her already. I have been thinking a lot about not wanting to live in the terrestrial or telestial kingdoms. I really want so much to dwell in the celestial glory, so, so much greater! I am so happy with the promises God has extended to me already that I can and will live in the celestial world forever! This gives me great consolation and peace!
Today my wife and I discussed a lot of what we really want to do in our lives. We have decided to not do certain tasks, especially around the home and in repairing our rental properties. We plan to hire these to be done.
We also made a list of everything that we really enjoy doing and it is primarily with family and friends and with each other. This will become the new emphasis of our tasks and events we plan now in our lives.
14. Anyway, tonight I came to pray in the uninhabited area of heaven, next to the lake and celestial ocean remedy beds of Heavenly Mother. I was atop a little hill between these two bodies of water. I faced the ocean and made sure I was feeling very clear. I then knelt on the hill and asked my Heavenly Parents to come.
At that moment, both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came to me, walking from my left on the sandy ocean beach. I watched as they then started walking in the air until they were in front of me. I looked into their smiling faces. I knew they loved each other very much and were so considerate and compatible.
15. Heavenly Father then spoke. He asked me to write his words/ thoughts he would give to me:
'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother has talked to you about the degrees of glory and the various levels or spheres of the earth this morning. You have seen that both the terrestrial and telestial worlds are very wonderful, but not a place for you. You desire to be sealed together with your companion and become even as we are. This is a burning desire in your soul!
This burning desire to reach the celestial kingdom is common to all our elect sons and daughters! They want to be led there by us, their loving Heavenly Parents, more than following the norms and culture of their society. They each need to be diligent and determined enough to follow our promptings more than man, even if he were a prophet or leader of the people. They each need to become one with us and receive our directions from us and not from others!'
16. Heavenly Mother then spoke:
'Our son, we want to take you from this location to one of our telestial worlds. We will wait until you are fresh and more alert in the morning time. Come here tomorrow again and we will return. We will take you to a telestial world in eternity, populated by our telestial sons and daughters.'
I thanked my Heavenly Parents. I said I would be so honored to go to visit a telestial world. I thanked them for their consideration, knowing I am quite sleepy. I said I would attempt to pray earlier in the evening from now on so that I am not so tired. I left their presence but will return tomorrow morning!
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 13, 2018, Friday
1. I had a good sleep and feel refreshed. I am excited to go visit a telestial world this morning!
I came to the hill between the lake and the celestial ocean again. I felt clear and receptive. I knelt and asked my Heavenly Parents to come. They both gradually appeared before me in the same location they were in last night.
2. Then Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, stand and take our hands as we go visit one of our telestial worlds, where our children have been assigned their eternal reward!'
I stood and took their hands, Heavenly Father on my left and Heavenly Mother on my right. The next instant we were all three in a jungle area. It was just like the jungle I had been in when I picked my third son up from his mission to Guatemala. We had spent 8 days in the jungles of Guatemala. We walked in the air above the path below us. Soon we came to an opening area where there were huts of some kind.
3. Heavenly Mother spoke:
'Some of the people on this telestial world feel most comfortable living like they did on their earth. There are people who have chosen to live in these huts, here in eternity.'
We then proceeded until there was a cliff which overlooked a city of some kind. We traveled to the city, in the air above the ground. I saw it was a rural setting, with houses like I would expect to see in a US city, outside the city. The houses had yards and fences. Most houses had several people who lived in them. These were single and were friendly and kindly people. They were not married, but had lots of friends. The community was a happy place to live. They were all adults, no children or infants. I got the impression that they slept at night and awoke and lived during the day, just like on earth. They didn't need to sleep, but most did so because they were used to this pattern of living. There was a sun that arose in the morning and set at night. There was an atmosphere, water cycle with clouds and rain, and basically a beautiful world similar to the one I live in mortality on now.
We next traveled to a seashore in this telestial world. I saw a vast ocean, beaches, and communities built on the shores. All seemed peaceful. I saw that the inhabitants loved to travel and visit with each other. Some were industrious and had factories and manufacturing like they had loved to do on their earth. People had the same personality and inclinations as they had possessed in their mortal existence. However, these people were resurrected and lived in eternity in peaceful dwellings, many doing the same things as they had done on their own earth.
4. Heavenly Father then spoke:
'Raphael, this is a peaceful, telestial world. It is in glory similar to your own earth, except Satan and his minions are not present to tempt mankind here.
5. See D&C 76:81-90–
"And again, we saw the glory of the telestial, which glory is that of the lesser, even as the glory of the stars differs from that of the glory of the moon in the firmament.
These are they who received not the gospel of Christ, neither the testimony of Jesus.
These are they who deny not the Holy Spirit.
These are they who are thrust down to hell.
These are they who shall not be redeemed from the devil until the last resurrection, until the Lord, even Christ the Lamb, shall have finished his work.
These are they who receive not of his fulness in the eternal world, but of the Holy Spirit through the ministration of the terrestrial;
And the terrestrial through the ministration of the celestial.
And also the telestial receive it of the administering of angels who are appointed to minister for them, or who are appointed to be ministering spirits for them; for they shall be heirs of salvation.
And thus we saw, in the heavenly vision, the glory of the telestial, which surpasses all understanding;
And no man knows it except him to whom God has revealed it."
6. These have not received of our fullness in this eternal world. They were resurrected at the last resurrection and were redeemed from Satan. They live peaceably here with each other in this telestial world. This is where they are content to be, happy to live at the level of happiness they were willing to receive. Theirs is as the glory of the stars in heaven.
There are also plants and animals here, which also are resurrected to this same telestial glory. However, neither the animals nor the people need food to be sustained, for they live quite satisfied in their resurrected states. They do drink of the telestial water frequently, however. The water rains on the plants , the forests and jungle that you saw. The soil abundantly brings forth its nourishment to sustain all of the living plants. People and animals may eat of the plant life if they desire, but it is not required to sustain them.
7. Raphael, you see that our visit of the terrestrial world was similar to this telestial world, only it was more beautiful and glorious. Its inhabitants reached a happier state, and in eternity were living on a higher state of civilization and peace.
However, in both of these worlds, men and women lived in single states, never to have any desires to have children or able to do so. They are content to live with others in their single states too. They have lots of friends and activity, but these were not family. The connections with these friends are not binding or nearly as strong as family ties you experience in your own family on earth–for these strong connection in families are reserved for our children who live in the celestial worlds, as husband and wife, bound together in an eternal marriage relationship. These are Gods who are the only ones able to procreate and have children in eternity!'
8. Heavenly Mother then spoke:
'Raphael, this concludes your visions of the telestial and terrestrial worlds. We have our servants or ourselves regularly visit these eternal kingdoms. These servants meet any needs that these kingdoms may have, within their sphere of glory. All of our children in their saved states are very happy to be where they are, to the level of happiness and living that they were willing to accept during their mortal probation. We have delivered them from the devil and they all dwell peacefully in their eternal worlds, all within our galaxy we have created.
9. Once all of our children in these kingdoms and our celestial elect who dwell in celestial glory, are all in their respective kingdoms, we who are their Heavenly Parents are again alone in our celestial kingdom. Those who have rebelled and want no part of any kingdom of glory, by their actions, are also placed in a kingdom of no glory, alone and single for eternity.
10. We then close our eternity and initiate a new eternity. We do this all over again, for this is our great work! It is the most fulfilling work we could ever do! We so love each other and we so love our creations and our children that we bring forth! We have had very many eternities now and love these creations, particularly those who have chosen to become even like us, and do the same thing as we do. These are our great friends and family in eternity, for we are all bound together in eternal family relationships!'
I thanked my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for this wonderful visit today and for their explanations to me. I told them I yearn to be eternally bound to them someday and to my spouse. I said I wanted to be like them in eternity! I thanked them for choosing me to be their son in this current eternity.
I then had my vision closed and I was writing in my journal in the adjacent bedroom. I closed my prayer and started another day.
11. At night–I came to pray tonight at the earliest time I could, around 10:25 p.m.
Now that I am sitting down after we dropped them all off in Springville, I am turning my mind to prayer. I feel very happy and satisfied. Like we did something that really built memories in our grandchildren and us! We didn't invite their parents and just had the children to ourselves for over 6 hours. It was way fun!
12. Tonight I thought to go to the desert oasis for my prayer. It was warm from the heat of the day and the celestial sun had gone behind the horizon probably several hours ago. The stars were out, but no moon. I thought about the telestial mortal world I live in, and the eternal telestial world I saw and visited this morning. I felt so grateful to have hope, to have family, and to be married in mortality. These don't exist in the eternal telestial worlds. I will do all I can do to merit the celestial kingdom and to live in an eternal marriage relationship in eternity. This only exists in celestial glory!
I knelt down in the warm sand and faced the oasis. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come, or one of them to come. Both of my Heavenly Parents then came to me, walking around the oasis on a path to my left. They came to me and motioned for me to walk with them! I stood and held hands on the side of my Heavenly Mother. We kept walking around the oasis.
13. I spoke:
'My beloved Heavenly Parents, I am so grateful to be with you tonight in this heavenly celestial world! I thank you for showing me the telestial world this morning and the terrestrial world several days ago. I know these are happy places for these people, but I would not be happy there! I want to be in a glorious celestial world like this one and become even as you both are in eternity! I feel so blessed to know that this is possible and even promised to me!'
14. Heavenly Mother spoke:
'Raphael, our greatest joy comes when our children become so determined and desirous to become even as we are, and will do whatever we ask of them. These will become Gods as we are, and will become our heirs of all we have. This is your destiny, Raphael! We are overjoyed to grant all this to you and our faithful!'
We then started walking into the sky above, and then into space. We were still holding hands.
15. Heavenly Father then spoke:
'Raphael, we will now go to our celestial world in the beginning of its creation. It is the same celestial orb that we have just come from, during our first eternity on this celestial orb!'
We came down to the temple that I am used to attending. I saw the fountain of living water but did not see the golden altar. I saw the three rivers dividing from the beautiful fountain.
16. Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, you see that our celestial world is basically the same now as it was in our first eternity where we were Gods of this, our celestial orb. We had spirit children populate this beautiful world. These have since all gone onto their eternal salvation or to their kingdoms of no glory, all depending upon their desires and their works. The worlds we recently visited in the terrestrial and telestial orbs are like those for that were rewarded our children in our first eternity. There were also many who received a celestial glory, and some who received a kingdom of no glory. When all was completed with this eternity, we started a brand new eternity. We have been doing this many times now, all numberless to you but everyone numbered to us. These have all been our direct children. Those who are terrestrial and telestial occupy space on worlds within our own galaxy. Those who received celestial glory have their celestial earth as their first inheritance in our galaxy, near us, but have all also created their own galaxies in space. This is how all eternity keeps changing and progressing--it is all because of these actions of the Gods!'
17. I saw that the inhabitants of my Heavenly Parent's first eternity looked just like us, descendants of our eternal Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, my same parents in the spirit. I saw we who are their children are the very most important focus of all their efforts. They brought my Heavenly Parents great satisfaction and eternal joy!
We then came back into the skies above and then moved back into my own eternity in the current time. We came back to the oasis, having walked all around it once.
18. Heavenly Mother spoke:
'Raphael, just as we walked around this beautiful round oasis one time, so are our works one eternal round, never ending and always so very new and exciting to us. We derive so much joy and satisfaction from our work and love to care for and serve our blessed children all our days!'
They brought me back to where I was initially kneeling. They both turned and bid me goodbye. They said they would always be near me. I thanked them for this amazing prayer! I said I loved them. They then ascended up into the skies without me. I was alone. I knelt down again and thanked them in my kneeling prayer. I then got up and got ready for bed.
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 14, 2018, Saturday
1. I arose early today since my wife and I are planning on going to garage sales. I awoke at sunrise. I came to the fountain of living water and knelt on the ground on the northern end facing the temple to the south. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me.
Heavenly Father came from the temple doors. He walked or floated in the air to a place right in front of me. He was happy and smiling. He asked me to write the words he spoke:
'Raphael, you have seen this week the worlds we created for the telestial, terrestrial and finally celestial inhabitants, our children. We have explained the various glories of these worlds and their inhabitants. You have also seen how our children are rewarded according to their works and desires. These are resurrected, some quickened to a telestial, some to a terrestrial, and some a celestial glory. They each are quickened to the same glory of the worlds that they are assigned.
We revealed to our prophet, Joseph Smith, that the telestial and terrestrial are ministered by servants of the next higher kingdom:
2. D&C 76:86-88
"These are they who receive not of his fulness in the eternal world, but of the Holy Spirit through the ministration of the terrestrial;
And the terrestrial through the ministration of the celestial.
And also the telestial receive it of the administering of angels who are appointed to minister for them, or who are appointed be ministering spirits for them; for they shall be heirs of salvation."
3. There are individuals in the terrestrial worlds who are assigned to minister to those in the telestial worlds. These have ability to travel to the telestial world, through the power of the Holy Spirit as described in verse 86. This is not the Holy Ghost, but the Spirit of God, by which all of our actions to those on a lesser order is fulfilled. These who are terrestrial and minister to the telestial, frequently visit these telestial worlds. They do not have the priesthood or the office of a high priestess, for these are reserved for the fulness of my glory in the celestial worlds. Nevertheless, they have authority to administer through the medium of the Holy Spirit to the telestial inhabitants. They insure all is well functioning and in order in these telestial worlds.
The celestial angels, who minister to the terrestrial are those spoken of in D&C 130:6-9.
4. D&C 130:6-9–
"The angels do not reside on a planet like this earth;
But they reside in the presence of God, on a globe like a sea of glass and fire, where all things for their glory are manifest, past, present, and future, and are continually before the Lord.
The place where God resides is a great Urim and Thummim.
This earth, in its sanctified and immortal state, will be made like unto crystal and will be a Urim and Thummim to the inhabitants who dwell thereon, whereby all things pertaining to an inferior kingdom, or all kingdoms of a lower order, will be manifest to those who dwell on it; and this earth will be Christ’s."
5. These celestial angels are not exalted, nor have they received an inheritance of a God, but they dwell in a celestial world, and minister to the Gods who have received a far greater glory.
6. See D&C 131:1-4–
"In the celestial glory there are three heavens or degrees;
And in order to obtain the highest, a man must enter into this order of the priesthood [meaning the new and everlasting covenant of marriage];
And if he does not, he cannot obtain it.
He may enter into the other, but that is the end of his kingdom; he cannot have an increase."
7. Some of these celestial angels in eternity also are assigned to minister to those in the terrestrial worlds. These celestial angels direct the order and well being of those who dwell in the terrestrial worlds and also direct those who are terrestrial who minister to the telestial. Thus, each of these lower kingdoms are directed by the celestial. We, who are the Gods, direct the angels, and in turn, through their ministrations, know all that occurs and is happening to those in the terrestrial and telestial worlds. These are still the children of both Heavenly Mother and myself in eternity, but live in lower kingdoms of glory.
For those who have denied us as being their Heavenly Parents, they receive no kingdom of glory. They are single and isolated in eternity, for it would have been better for them not to have been born. (D&C 76:32) These suffer the wrath of God in eternity (D&C 76:33). These are placed in a dark and isolated state, as intelligent entities, never to be visited again by the Gods or others.'
I thanked my Heavenly Father for these additional details about the destinies of his children. I knew my time of instruction had ended. I asked that he be with me all the day long. I then closed my prayer and started my day.
8. Evening– I am now in my recliner, ready again to approach God in prayer.
I came to Heavenly Mother's lower garden, just on the east side of the river on the grassy bank. I felt clear and perceptive. I asked for either or both of my Heavenly Parents to come. I was kneeling facing east.
Heavenly Mother came to me on a garden path from her gardens. She came in front of me. She was smiling and bright in her countenance. She was looking like she was ready to speak to me.
9. She asked me to write her words:
'Raphael, we are glad to see you enjoying your life with your family so much today! Life can be short in passing, and it is important to spend relaxing time with loved ones in positive relationships and experiences. Today you spent most of the day enjoying your wife and family. These memories will remain in your minds as very positive experiences . Our entire focus is to strengthen our children so that they may remember good interactions with us and ultimately choose to be like us. Love in relationships can be felt and remembered in an environment of acceptance and no judgment.
10. We love all of our children! We honor all their choices and accept whatever they wish to do and how they act. Every culture in which our children live in mortality brings out the true character of our children. We want them to follow the intentions of their hearts. They may be very poor or very rich, but in either case we can see whom they desire to serve. All classes of society can experience happiness and enjoyment in family and friend relationships. Sometimes the rich and ambitious have the least happiness in their lives, and yet those in abject poverty are the happiest.'
I asked my Heavenly Mother to help me not get too focused on tasks. I said sometimes my ambitions prevent me from relaxing and enjoying time with loved ones.
11. Heavenly Mother spoke again:
'Raphael, all we really expect of you in your mortal life now is to continue to connect in prayer to us and to relax and love your family and friends. You already have enough ambition to pursue many projects. These tasks will come and go, but the relationships you build and nourish can last forever. When our children reach the end of their lives, they never regret spending too much time with family and friends. However, the many projects and tasks of the days, months and years fade in importance or are often forgotten. Family relationships are never forgotten. Tender and happy memories of kindness and love remain forever.'
12. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her counsel. I said I would seek to spend lots of time building meaningful relationships with family and friends.
I then gazed into Heavenly Mother's eyes and saw deep memories and times together with her, in my premortal life. I saw that once she pulled me aside and showed me how to do some healing work that she knew. It was intention healing that she was showing me for the first time! She showed me how to focus my mind in an intention to heal and how the elements in the spirit body responded. This tender and one on one instruction by my Heavenly Mother to me helped me gravitate towards the healing arts in my interests. I had but a short glimpse of the premortal memory, now in my chakral memories, of my sweet and loving Heavenly Mother!
I thanked her for this memory! I saw how important building memories in family members is!
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 15, 2018, Sunday
1. This is a beautiful morning today, as I came early into the adjacent bedroom. The whole week is supposed to be in the upper nineties again. We have enjoyed a warm summer, earlier than normal.
I came to the fountain of living water and had several questions in my mind.
1. Are there places in the universe for elves, dwarfs, leprechauns, sprites, gnomes, and other little beings (elementals) to live? Are they real creatures?
2. May we communicate with the spirits of animals in mortality, or in the telestial, terrestrial and celestial realms?
2. I knelt by the fountain, facing the temple. I checked if I was spiritually clear and I could tell I was. As I started to ask if my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother would come, I perceived Heavenly Mother right next to me, standing near the fountain! I gazed on her. I saw her beautiful and loving face in my unconscious mind. I could tell she was there to answer my questions and the yearnings of my heart.
Once I had basked in her presence, she asked me to write her thoughts and words she would give to me:
3. 'Raphael, there are many people all over the world now and throughout history that have sought to understand God. In so doing, many have sincerely sought us and we have responded. However, Satan then has come and sought to twist their perceptions of who we are. He has then also inspired them to create religions and belief systems that are false, that actually lead our children away from us, their true Heavenly Parents.
4. Lucifer and his band of evil followers have even appeared to our children in various shapes and forms. These have constituted the make-believe realms of elves, gnomes, fairies and magical small creatures that really are figments of the imaginations of our children who are seeking to understand the unseen realms. Satan is so pleased to be able to trick and lead away large masses of people into untrue religious ideas, false beliefs of all sorts, and in magical thoughts. These are not all evil, but are belief patterns that are not real or founded in truth.
5. If our child who comes unto us asks us, in the sincerity of their heart, if their belief system they have come to accept is true, then we will reveal the truths of our worlds to them. We will come and Satan will loose his grip on the imaginations of their hearts. They should come to us, in the name of our Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, in a spirit of sincere humility and repentance. In this open and sincere state, they may ask and we will lead them into all realms of truth!
6. Raphael, we have created all animals and plants and all our children. We know the truth of all our kingdoms in eternity or in mortality. We also know of all the imaginations and false belief systems and religious beliefs in the world and that have ever existed on other eternities. We fully know the truth of all things.
What we have revealed to you of the telestial, terrestrial, celestial and kingdoms of no glory are the only eternal places in eternity. These are populated by our own offspring and of other Gods who are descendants of our own first Gods whom we know. There are no other more powerful or existing entities of power in the universe, for all is controlled by the Gods.
7. We Gods have all created various animals and plants that are of lower orders of creation, lower than our own offspring. These creations all acknowledge that we, the Gods, are their creators and they acknowledge us in humble reverence and respect. They seek to do our will and respond willingly when we ask of them. There are no entities beyond what we have created in the vast immensity of space except the base intelligence and elemental matter, both used by us in our creation processes.
8. The imaginations and creations of our children are wide and varied! So often these are misguided and based on false notions. It is really impossible for man in a fallen mortal world to know us, their Heavenly Parents, unless we directly reveal ourselves to them by revelation. We have revealed to you, Raphael, our truths from heaven, from the unseen worlds, so that our children may have correct views of us, their Gods, their true Heavenly Parents, and of our creations and worlds we have made. We have also revealed ourselves to our true prophets from the beginning.'
9. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her answer to my first question. I feel much more clarified and enlightened. She then said she would answer my next question, about communication with the plants and animals later. She said I had received enough for now and that more would be given in the flow of revelation that comes to me daily. I thanked her again. I said I loved her so dearly and so fully trusted her and Heavenly Father, for I knew they were my true parents. I closed my prayer and started my Sabbath day.
10. After Church: My wife and I attended our home ward today. I came to the sacrament portion of the meeting at the white gate. I walked through the open gate during the sacrament hymn "Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee" (Hymns, 141). I came then into the very presence of Jesus Christ, who stood in front of me. I gazed into his deep eternity eyes. They looked so deep and compassionate. The hymn ended and the priest blessed the bread. I concentrated to be able to see what Jesus was then doing. I next saw Jesus retrieve some bread on a table next to him. There was also a silver cup with wine, I believe, in it and a silver plate. He took the bread and broke it and placed it on the plate. I ate the broken bread, all the time looking at my Savior before me. I then ate in the ward the broken bread as it was passed to me.
11. When I was done, Jesus spoke to me:
'Raphael, I have redeemed you and made you clean and pure before me. These (the ward members) haven't seen the things that you have seen. They don't know us, their Gods, like you know and see us. The veil for them is very strong and none have penetrated it in this congregation, except you, my son. Have compassion on these, your neighbors and fellow LDS members. Accept them in their weaknesses and foibles. Be pleasant and warm towards them. I have sacrificed my life for each one, and await them to come to me so that I may heal them and bring them to our Father and Mother.'
12. I then heard the priest bless the water in the ward. I made my covenant with my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I then saw them come from behind my Savior and come to his left side. Heavenly Mother was on my right, Heavenly Father was in the middle, and Jesus on my left. Jesus then reached to the cup of wine on the table and passed it to me. I took it and drank some and then gave it back. He set it on the table.
13. I then heard my Heavenly Father speak:
'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I accept your covenant today to take upon you the name of Our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ (he looked to his right side at Jesus), to always remember us, and to keep our commandments. Accept these, your neighbors, in kindness and love. Don't judge their actions of the past or those they may presently do. They are all our beloved children! We seek to lead them back to us, their Heavenly Parents.'
I thanked my three Gods to have come to me today at the sacrament. I said I would do as they asked, and accept my neighbors and fellow LDS members just as they are, with no judgment. I plan to extend love, kindness and compassion to each one.
The speaker then started speaking to the congregation. I realized my time with my Gods had ended and I started writing all of this down in my pocket journal.
14. In the evening:
I came to the celestial world to the circling water area, north to the edge of the young mountain forest. I came near a small tree and sat below its canopy. I started meditating and felt clear and receptive all over. I knelt and faced the forest and asked my Heavenly Parents to come. I then saw a light in the forest and felt like I should go to the light. I stood and walked on a small but clear path through the woods.
I soon came to the source of the light, my beloved Heavenly Mother! She asked me to come sit next to her on the horizontal log that was there. I sat and she sat next to me.
15. She spoke:
'Raphael, I gave you a remembrance this morning of pulling you aside in this very wooded area, and teaching you about intention healing! We sat next to each other on this log. This was early in this current eternity when we hadn't yet finished having our children.
Today I want to share with you how we communicate with our plants and animals, in your mortal sphere and in the eternal telestial, terrestrial and celestial worlds. It is actually similar to how I taught you to heal with intention.
Here's how you would communicate with any of our creations, whether in mortality or in the eternal worlds:
16. First, get in a meditative state and connect to yourself. When you connect to yourself, connect to your unconscious mind, in the realm of your world where the plants and animals live. In mortality, this is in the telestial realm.
17. Second, connect to the plant or animal you are seeking to communicate with. This will take practice to feel their level of vibration, or their communication level. These vary depending on the entity you want to connect with. Use your intuition as you seek to commune with them.
18. Finally, once you feel that you are on the same spiritual realm, and the same vibration level, then communicate by directed thoughts. Think at first simple words in your thoughts and seek to get a response. Once you feel the response back, then continue to commune in simple thoughts. Your communication will be on their level and always in thoughts. This is true for all plants and animals, and for other entities like water, earth or rocks, the atmosphere and any other entity with a spirit and intelligence.'
I looked into the eyes of my Heavenly Mother. She was so capable and practiced at all of this, having created all plants and animals, or had them become populated in her spirit realms where she dwells. She communes always with all her creations around her and they immediately respond. They love and respect her and want to please her, their creator.
19. She then spoke:
'Raphael, when you need me to instruct you more on this or any subject you may want, come to our horizontal log in my upper mountain young forest. I will come and instruct you. I will also extend this same promise for all my holy angels. I will also come to any of my children who are able to come here to this beautiful forest. They are all my beloved sons and daughters! I will hold nothing back from any of them as they come unto their Father and me!'
I so deeply thanked my Heavenly Mother before me! I asked if I had written all in my earthly journal correctly. She then started ascending into the sky and the thoughts came from her to my own mind: 'Yes, Raphael, you have sufficiently recorded all my words. I love you my son!'
Thus ended my prayer tonight. I will try this communication method soon!
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 16, 2018, Monday
1. This morning I awoke to Heavenly Mother, but I wasn't sure where she came to me. I probably wasn't fully awake. I felt that she appeared to me in her lower garden area, near the glass table. I tried to come into her presence, but something prevented me. I felt like something was blocking me from being in her presence this morning. I repeatedly tried to see her, but something came before me that prevented me from being in her presence. I struggled for over ½ hour and still I wasn't able to be clearly in her presence.
Later, at 9:15 a.m. I came out to the front room at 8:00 a.m. and told my wife my mind wasn't working correctly. She thought I had a migraine starting, so she gave me powdered ginger in a ½ cup of water. I drank it and went to bed for 1 ¼ hours. I just awoke and feel normal again in my mind. This felt pretty weird when I tried to pray, like I knew Heavenly Mother was there but couldn't figure out where she was! My mind was only half working.
2. I am now going to attempt to pray again. I don't have pain in my head or fuzziness anymore.
I came to the celestial world in Heavenly Mother's lower garden on the path between the glass table and the pool at the bottom of the waterfall. There I met with my Heavenly Mother finally. I gazed on her face, her eyes, nose and mouth. She was clear now and smiling. I had tried earlier this morning to connect with her at this location but I couldn't, try as I might!
3. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me and I wrote her words:
'Raphael, I am glad that you have finally been able to come to me and commune with me. You had the start of a migraine headache, but you were able to stop it and recover the clearness of your mind by taking ginger and going back to bed for awhile. Now there is a slight headache in your head.
When you tried to come to me earlier this morning, you were unable to do so, try as you might. It takes your full mind and concentration to come to me and see my face in your conscious mind. Without the sharpness of your faculties, you were unable to pray to me in front of you. I will not give you any further message this morning. You still need to recover somewhat. Come to me tonight and we will give you revelation.'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for finally connecting with her! I had felt lonely and unable to pray like I am used to. This was distressing to me. I feel much happier now and able to start my day.
4. In the evening–I came again tonight to Heavenly Mother's lower garden area, near the pool of water at the bottom of the waterfall. I knelt on an area just off the path to the glass table, facing south. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me. I felt clear in my body and spirit.
Heavenly Mother then came walking down the path towards me. She was smiling and seemed very happy.
5. She spoke to me.
'Raphael, I am coming first to you tonight. My message to you will be added to by your Heavenly Father when he comes later.
You and your wife experienced some disappointment today in the choices those you love had made. It also seemed that there were issues in your community you didn't like. Some days are like this, and you can't do anything about it. All of these happenings and events are out of your control. When people's views and events are out of your control, which in reality they almost all are, there is no use for you to become negative. Whether you are upset or worried or are saddened, these unwanted emotions will not at all change the outcomes. Usually, praying about changing people's minds will not help either since we honor the agency of all of our children. If one of our children is intent on doing something, we will let them do it, for that is the purpose of mortality, to find out the intentions of the hearts of our children in a probationary state. We sometimes influence them by adjusting the situations in life they may meet, but this is not very often we do this.
The events in life are also not changeable by you, but will happen in the regular course of life. Again, it is rare that we change circumstances that come upon our children, for the intent of mortality is to test and try them in a probationary state, and to give them experiences.
6. Therefore, you have little control over anything in life except yourself and how you will choose. I suggest that you accept this, and then choose to be happy with whatever others do or choose to do or how events turn out. You may, however, choose to be upset, sad, feel persecuted, or a whole host of negative emotions. These only exist in your own mind and are only your interpretation of facts and circumstances. They negatively affect you.
7. Raphael, I choose to dwell almost always in a happy and positive state! This greatly affects my entire being and I am filled with hope and love and kindness because I am so happy and positive. I extend this spirit to all my children I can, so that they, too, might be uplifted and happy like me.'
Heavenly Father then walked down the path and joined my Heavenly Mother in front of me. They greeted each other happily and held hands.
8. Heavenly Father then spoke to me:
'Raphael, when you talk with your wife or another person who might be upset by the events of the day, it is very helpful to fully listen to her or his soul's complaint. We do this all of the time when our children on earth approach us. Listening to another in need is showing love and empathy.
Today your wife was asking you all varieties of rhetorical questions. You tried to answer these, but there was no need. There is an effective way of talking out with her the issues occupying her mind. You would do well to respond in understanding and commiserating ways so she feels really understood. It does not do good to even try to solve her own problem. Instead, help her talk it out. These feelings and views are her own, and exist in her own mind. Likewise, you have views in your own mind too. When listening, withhold advice and judgment. These only complicate the working out of her views and may cause her to no longer want to share with you.
9. Use these same listening approaches with all of our children that want to talk out their issues. It is not easy to finally come to the conclusion that others may choose whatever he/she wants to do, and this is okay. Our children each have free choice that we honor and respect to choose their own paths.'
I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their words and the reinforcement of the thoughts to be happy and positive. I am realizing the futility of trying to control anything, particularly of others' views and choices, and how events may come to us on earth.
I realized this was my tidbit of truth tonight from my Heavenly Parents. I thanked them again and then ended my prayer.
I. R's Personal Journal Entry, July 17, 2018, Tuesday
1. Last night I prayed about what I had written in my journal. I felt I had adequately written what my Heavenly Mother spoke to me in the evening, but I didn't write well enough what Heavenly Father spoke to me about listening. I believe I was distracted since my conversation with my family was happening at the same time. This lessened my ability to write clear enough.
I went back this morning and added a few sentences and edited a few words. I now feel it is more acceptable to my Heavenly Father.
This morning I came to the desert oasis. I felt very happy to be here again! There was a great peace and stillness all around me. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me. Heavenly Father came from the sky to the center of the oasis, and then walked to a place in front of me. He was smiling slightly and was very majestic!
2. He spoke to me:
'Raphael, last night you sought to confirm the words you had written about the revelations from your Heavenly Mother and I. You felt assured in the words you had written from Heavenly Mother, but not sure about the words you wrote from me.
This is very good to confirm all our words. Then this morning you edited my words to be more accepting to me. They are correct enough now before me. They are not in my own words, but in your own way of describing my thoughts that I conveyed to you. This is how all scripture is written--all my revelations to men and women in their mortal state on earth. It is important to confirm with your Heavenly Mother and me the content and wording of what you write so that we approve this. After we confirm what you wrote, it is acceptable as scripture before us.
3. One example in the D&C that was purported as scripture but was not from God nor confirmed from us was section 132. This was falsified and not received by the prophet Joseph Smith. We have rejected this entire section, for it was created to cover up false beliefs that have perpetuated until today in the LDS church. It was an egregious sin for Brigham Young to have brought this forth on our people and for him to have sought to show Joseph's and our approval on the sin of polygamy, or the plurality of wives to be condoned by us. This one section has greatly misled many of our choice sons and daughters!
4. Had Brigham Young followed what we inspired him, he would not have inserted this falsified section into the Doctrine and Covenants. We would have been able to prevent so much sin and suffering. However, this was his intent and the intentions of the heart of so many more. We suffered it to continue in our Church to see who would follow us, their God, as opposed to by their leaders who continued to promote this sinful practice until the early 1900's.
Raphael, continue to write your words as you receive them from us, your Gods. Then confirm that they are acceptable to us, written in your own words and weakness. They will provide much instruction to our elect who will come forth on the earth in a coming day. These will reach for and ponder these words we have given you.'
5. I looked into the eternity eyes of my Father. He was peaceful and full of strength and assurance. I felt confirmed that what I had recorded was truly his from his mind, in my own words. I felt this was all acceptable to him, what I had written in my journal.
Heavenly Father then departed directly into a cloud that had gathered over the oasis. I watched until he had fully departed.
I then knelt and prayed at my recliner. I again confirmed all was correct and true as I received and wrote it. I closed my prayer and started my day.