80. The Mortal Awakening of the Angels
Posted 5-28-2018

Hello my friends!

I think you will enjoy this post. I have listened to it multiple times and get more insights each time I hear it.  I hope these YouTube videos also help for some of you. 

Let me know what you think–I know you are each busy, but I love to hear from you! Please pray about all of these things too so that you are assured in what you believe in and act upon.

Have a wonderful week!


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 14, 2018, Monday

1. Later in the evening–Tonight I finally sat down at nearly 9:00 p.m. I started my prayer early since I could tell I was already tired.

Oh, this morning I talked for over half an hour with my wife, all about the places in heaven I have been, including the pocketed rock wall where I had been this morning. I also told her about the domed room and God's Loving Healing Center. It seemed to go very well. We spent a lot of the day together today, so fun!

2. Tonight in my prayer, I came to the first floor of the temple, in the premortal probation chapel, just north of the mortal probation chapel. This chapel depicts the events during the premortal life in heaven. I felt to go there for some reason. I opened the doors to this large room and entered. It was light and I came to the raised stand area in the front of the chapel. I made sure I was clear and then knelt down and prayed to my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I asked if they could come to me in my prayer.

At this time a door opened in the back of the chapel and both my Heavenly Mother and then my Heavenly Father came to me. They seemed pleased to have come to me this evening.

3. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, we have asked you to come to our premortal chapel in order to receive instruction from us about your life as it developed before you came to earth. You have received a lot of information already from us over the past several years, given to you in bits and pieces.

4. I want to share with you what makes our children develop their character and unique personalities. This was started even before they became spirits, born to your Heavenly Mother and me. When we came among the intelligences, we could tell which intelligences were spiritually inclined and which were those who would do well in a spirit and later, a physical body, patterned exactly after our own bodies. We could tell those who had the character and willpower necessary to be able to handle the wide latitude of freedom we would give them if they were to become our children.

5. Once we chose the intelligences to become our own offspring, they developed quickly a pattern of living. They developed their own personality, a recognizable behavior unique to them that all of our children could recognize. This personality was their expression of who they were and what they mostly felt comfortable doing. Some were more leaders, some more methodical, some were more diligent, and there were so many traits that each developed, making them each unique. We loved all of these, our children! It was so enjoyable to watch them develop and blossom into their own person, their personality.

6. Your Heavenly Mother and I have studied these, our children, and discussed their strengths and needs frequently together. We usually chose their mortal experiences to have the circumstances necessary to overcome their weaknesses that we have given them in the flesh. Our hope is that in their struggles to overcome their weaknesses, they will become stronger. Some that had developed high levels of love in the premortal life, we sent into families who needed a lot of love. This we did for you Raphael, which challenged you and gave you the perspective of one who was born into and lived in a family environment that needed more emotional connections and feelings of love for all. This has been a difficult weakness for you, Raphael, but now has rounded you into a more loving and understanding person. Your personality has been greatly enhanced with these experiences. This same thing has or will be experienced by all our elect children. For those who are willing to follow us, we will teach and nurture in overcoming their weaknesses of the flesh.

7. In the next phase of life, after our children have experienced their premortal and mortal lives, they will find their character and individual personalities have been changed and matured. This process is for all, and those who obey us, who follow our ways, we will shape and mold into Godly children.

There is a godly character and personality that those of our children develop who become like us and to whom we grant their exaltation. They are all different, but have a godly personality. They will have developed love, compassion, gentleness, discipline, great understanding, selflessness and a host of other characteristics required to become gods. Their personalities will be fully rounded and matured.'

8. I pondered what Heavenly Father conveyed to me. I found it somewhat difficult to write these words he was sharing with me. I hope it was sufficient. Heavenly Father spoke again:

'Raphael, you have expressed in your own words my thoughts adequately well. Our sons and daughters who will become like us will progress from one degree to another, until they are mature to receive the station of a God. Their personalities, who they are, will also mature and grow in this process of change. We often see you as your future character and person, so capable and loving. We are shaping you into this person gradually day by day. We do this for all our children who will allow us to do so.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father. I felt my understanding of this would all grow more and more clear in time. I expressed my love to him. I felt my time in prayer tonight had drawn to a close. I felt also that Heavenly Mother would give me her message in the morning in this same chapel. We will see.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 15, 2018, Tuesday

1. This morning after I awoke I came directly into our adjacent room. I went right to the premortal chapel in the temple and my Heavenly Parents were standing there exactly where they had been the night before! I gazed into their faces and knew them. Heavenly Mother asked me to write what she would say to me:

'Raphael, I wish to speak to you about the propensities of our children and of opposition. When we chose the intelligences to become our children, we could tell those who would become exalted, even from the beginning. This we knew because of our foresight. We also knew who had propensities to turn away and choose their own path and not be obedient to our commandments.

2. Had we only chosen those who would be the elect of God, they wouldn't have been able to develop the strength of thinking on their own amongst only those who followed us. They needed opposition in all things to create the godly character and personality required to become even as we are.

3. Therefore, from the beginning, we chose intelligences whom we knew would fall away from our plan of happiness. These would tempt and test our elect, even some becoming Lucifer and his minions. For without these, our elect who would keep our commandments in all things, would not gain strength to choose the right. They had to be amongst a group of our children who would seek to persuade them to be carnal, sensual and devilish.

4. We chose the correct ratio of those who would become wicked, of their own free will and choice, versus those who would rise to the top in their struggles and become fully obedient. The entire molding of our obedient children required constant opposition. For how could they choose the good without being tempted and exposed to the evil?

5. 2 Nephi 2:11–

"For it must needs be that there is an opposition in all things. If not so, my firstborn in the wilderness, righteousness could not be brought to pass, neither wickedness, neither holiness, nor misery, neither good nor bad. Wherefore all things must needs be a compound in one; wherefore, if it should be one body it must needs remain as dead, having no life neither death, nor corruption nor incorruption, happiness nor misery, neither sense nor insensibility."

6. This means that had I birthed only the intelligences who we knew would become like us and be fully obedient, they would not have gained the strength from opposition to be faithful. They would have experienced neither lasting happiness or experienced misery. Their character and personality would have not been tested and refined in the furnace of affliction.

7. 2 Nephi 2:12–

"Wherefore, it must needs have been created for a thing of naught; wherefore there would have been no purpose in the end of its creation. Wherefore, this thing must needs destroy the wisdom of God, and his eternal purposes, and also the power, and mercy, and the justice of God."

8. Raphael, we orchestrated opposition in all things from the beginning in order to form and mold our elect who one day would emerge as Gods as we are. There would also be many more in number who would not become Gods, but would have been given every opportunity to be as happy and righteous as they chose to be.

9. We placed Judas in the original twelve apostles of Jesus Christ, and we have chosen leaders also in the current LDS Church, some whom we knew would also turn away from us. This these did of their own choice and not by our decisions in any way. However, in these trying circumstances for our elect, we orchestrated a situation to refine our elect to become stronger and more dependent upon us, their God. The elect couldn't make it back to our celestial realms by following the crowd–they had to do it on their own volition and choice. It would be difficult, and need to be of such high importance to them to leave religion, habits, traditions and even loved ones to make their trek back to us, their God.

10. Matthew 10:37-39–

"He that loveth father or mother more than us is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.

He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it."

11. Raphael, each one who receives their exaltation goes through the fire of affliction in order to be refined and purified, in order to develop the character and personality of a God. The shaping of our obedient is only possible with opposition. Be glad you have lots of struggles in life that have helped shape you as you chose to follow us, your God!'

I deeply thanked my Heavenly Mother for the insights I received from her words this morning! I am grateful for opposition and struggles, for without these I couldn't grow and progress. I am so glad to also have my free-will choice.

I ended my prayer and started my new day!

12. In the evening–I felt this evening to go to the desert oasis. I finally am praying at 9:30 p.m., while in my recliner in my front room. One may wonder how I pray while writing in my recliner? I actually connect my conscious mind to my unconscious mind while in a meditative state. I can do this while I write and have found this to be an effective way to have communion (prayer) with my Heavenly Parents. I have received the "go ahead" from my Heavenly Parents and got this approval again tonight. I feel my prayer is more fully documented when I do it this way and it is more connective also with God.

So tonight I saw myself in the desert oasis, next to the bench. I saw that I came down to the water's edge and knelt by the shore on the sand. I had no need to drink living water since I was clear in all my body, even to my feet.

I then asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. I then saw, with my unconscious mind, Heavenly Mother come to me from the other side of the oasis, right on top of the water. She stopped walking when she was a few feet in front of me. She was smiling and there was a glow of light coming from her and it was particularly bright right next to her body.

13. She asked me to write her words:

'Raphael, this is a particularly calm and warm evening in our celestial world! The moon is rising in the western sky. We may have our moon rise or fall in any part of the sky that we wish. Our celestial sun has just set in the eastern sky a short time ago too. This is a very serene and quiet evening in our world!

You have worked hard today. It feels so good to work on your objectives and goals, particularly side by side with your wife. You love being with her and are very good companions. As I mentioned before, we will allow you to continue to work together as you are able, into your older age. Your labors will continue to be working with plants and in helping others heal, according to your knowledge and how we lead both of you. These will be very happy years ahead for both of you.

14. You have also been learning much about flowers and edible plants for food and healing plants from your wife. She has gained a lot of experience in this area and together your wisdom and skill will be sought after, all in a coming day. She will work side by side with you in the time you find available, and in your replicated body, among the beautiful flowers and healing plants in our millennial day. You will both work in the New Jerusalem area during the entire millennial day. What a joy you will experience together in this happier world!

15. There will be other angels too who will be blessed to work with their spouses in the millennium. They will all be blessed with the ability to replicate themselves so they may continue their important work in the New Jerusalem celestial temple. This will also be a wonderful joy and service they love to do in assisting their fellow members of the Church of the Firstborn as they receive their final temple ordinances, prior to their exaltation. We will hold back no righteous desire from our holy angels during this great millennial period!'

I anticipate all of these wonderful activities in the millennial days ahead. I know there is much to do until then. Day by day we labor in behalf of our brothers and sisters, the elect of God on the earth, as we are directed by our caring Heavenly Parents. This is such an amazing opportunity of growth and service!

This interaction with Heavenly Mother constituted my evening prayer tonight! I love these prayer times! They are so uplifting to me. I thank God for such wonderful times!

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 16, 2018, Wednesday

1. This morning I came into the adjacent room to pray. The sun is streaming through my eastern window and it promises to be a beautiful day with a high of 79 degree F (from my weather app on my phone).

Last night I had a kneeling prayer also in my bedroom. I came again to the desert oasis and my Heavenly Mother was still there. I confirmed that my prayer that I recorded in my recliner in my front room was accurate. I heard Heavenly Mother whisper to me that all I had written was accurately recorded. I felt a thrill of joy again as I perceived her accepting sparkly eternity eyes and broad smile! Boy, she is so full of love and a desire to please and bless me, her son!

I have lots planned for today. We went over our schedule last night. These are happy days for me!

2. This morning I went to the northern shores of Lake Beautiful, where there are orchards and flower gardens. I drank at the water's edge and then walked north into the beautiful orchard. Some trees still were abloom in blossoms and some had little fruit all over their branches. I knelt under an apple tree, facing the glistening lake not far away.

I then saw both of my Heavenly Parents coming on a path from my left, or east side, around the lake. They were strolling hand in hand. Heavenly Mother saw me and waved. She motioned me to come join them. I stood and ran down the path to the lake, to the shore path that they were walking on. I slowed down to a gentle walk as I approached them. They had stopped and were both watching me.

As I approached, Heavenly Mother held out her outward hand and I came next to her and took her hand. They both smiled at me and we began walking.

3. Heavenly Father then spoke:

'Raphael, you have learned how to effectively pray to us. We don't need our children to remain in a pattern where they pray in a certain way, especially if their prayers aren't connecting them to us. While you pray to us in your front room, amongst your family, while writing what you see and perceive in your journal, we are able to come to you and speak to you. This prayer method has been very effective for you. It has made it possible for you to spend larger blocks of time with us and still be with your family. When there is lots of family talk, the prayer is delayed temporarily, but we are fine with that. You have been learning also to connect with us in an earthly environment of distractions. This ability will continue to serve you well.

4. You also connect with us in prayer and communion like you are doing now, in the quiet of your adjacent bedroom in your home. There are no distractions there. You are clear and perceiving us accurately.'

He paused in speaking. We were strolling together around Lake Beautiful, which was to our right. I wrote exactly what came into my conscious mind, and the words just flowed from my pen. It is all very remarkable to me! I only see or perceive the very thing I write at that very moment. I have no idea what is coming whenever I commune with them. However, sometimes I feel a forethought of something which will happen, but it all flows so clearly. I just felt that Heavenly Mother would speak to me.

5. She turned and looked me in the eye as we continued walking and then she conveyed her thoughts, her mind to my mind, with no audible words:

'Raphael, our holy angels, like you, frequently come to our celestial world. They too come in the various locations that you have described in your journal and web posts. They too replicate themselves, some in their physical translated bodies like your own. They may be on assignment in the celestial realms around the earth, and be also here at the same moment, in deep enjoyment and relaxation. This is also true of our resurrected servants and the translated servants of Enoch: all work steadily for us, and use replication to re-energize themselves in a similar manner as we are now doing, walking around Lake Beautiful.

6. We, who are your Gods and your Heavenly Parents, are also many other places in our replicated states. We are able to connect ourselves in our mind wherever we may be. We know what we are doing at all times, wherever we may be. Our presence in each location is fully absorbed and active wherever we may be. We give our full attention to our task at hand and make all the time we need to complete our desires in that particular place. It is an amazing process that we do! We have extended this power of God to our righteous elect children also, as the need and desire arises. You, Raphael, continually replicate yourself, and you are very comfortable in doing this. You keep within the bounds of our replication process and you accurately know, in your unconscious celestial mind, all that occurs in each of your replicated states. You are thus able to fulfill all the many assignments we give to you, even while you are acting or sleeping in your mortal body on earth.

7. It is wisdom that we have put a veil over the human mind for those of our children living in the telestial world, in your mortal earth life. You don't have the capacity to do more than you now do, working in that world in your conscious mind. However, in a much more elevated celestial realm, your unconscious mind is very capable, with no limitations as we may bless you with.'

She stopped transferring her thoughts to me. We walked in pleasant silence until we came to a little stream coming into Lake Beautiful.

8. Heavenly Father then spoke:

'Raphael, we create whatever pleases us, and whatever we may need, in our celestial world. The little stream before us comes from a snow-capped mountain to our north. As it gently melts, the living water flows down to our lake and enters here. This snowy mountain is a beautiful place to visit and is so very quiet too, much like our desert oasis area. Come in prayer tonight and I will take you there, Raphael!'

9. I thanked my Heavenly Father for this exciting privilege to accompany him tonight. He then spoke:

'Raphael, we also give you short little communications for your prayers, now twice a day. These short experiences with us gently guide you to what we wish to reveal to you. We teach you in this way our manners, our world, our revelations, and our assignments. We are pleased that you make time for us, morning and night, in your conscious mortal life. Your mortal life is greatly enhanced by your communion with us!'

I thanked my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for such a wonderful walk this morning around Lake Beautiful! I thanked them for being their son. I knew my time in prayer was ending. I closed my prayer back home in my recliner, in the name of Jesus Christ, their Beloved Son. I then started my planned day!

10. In the evening– I am pretty tired now. I am in my front room recliner and I am beginning my evening prayer.

I came to the place where the little mountain stream enters Lake Beautiful.The time of day was still in the day in heaven, even though for me on earth it was now dark outside. I knelt facing up the stream, away from the lake. I felt very clear and then asked if my Heavenly Parents could come, particularly Heavenly Father who said he would take me to the snowy mountain from where this little stream comes.

11. I next saw my Heavenly Father coming down to me from the side of the stream! He was walking to me. He spoke:

'Raphael, stand and walk with me! We will go to the snowy mountain to the north.'

I stood and he held my hand. We zipped over the stream in the air, over areas I hadn't seen before, mostly wooded and beginning to be rocky and mountainous. I then saw a snowy mountain range in the distance.

12. Heavenly Father paused in the air and spoke:

'Raphael, we are going to a place on that snowy mountain where this stream begins, from the melting snow. It is very beautiful to be in!'

We then continued our journey, zipping in the air to the place Heavenly Father had predetermined to take me. We soon slowed down and came into a snowy mountain valley. We came down into the valley and came above a snowy area with pine and fir trees ladened with snow. The sky was deep blue and it was very pretty.

13. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, you may come here to pray or meditate if you wish. This area changes climate and now it is in deep snow. The trees are ladened with freshly fallen snow. You may kneel in this snow or in the air above the snow. There are alpine animals here too that live. It is a very quiet place, similar to the desert oasis area where you frequent. You will not feel the chill from the snow, nor the heat from the desert when you go there, but it is always comfortable wherever you go in your body in our celestial kingdom.

The snow melts in the sunshine under this snow cover and there is a stream that forms and flows eventually to Lake Beautiful.

14. Raphael, on the way here you saw that we passed forests and rocky lands. We choose the face of our land to accommodate our needs during each eternity. We have chosen to create this snowy mountain range for several reasons, one which is to have a very peaceful and beautiful meditative area for our celestial world inhabitants. This area is directly north of Lake Beautiful. You will be able to find your way here directly if you think of this mountain valley. You will not need to fly over the open territory as we did when we came.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for bringing me to this very soft and snowy mountain valley. I loved the white snow against the deep blue sunny sky! Heavenly Father smiled at me and my prayer ended and I found myself back at home. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ and got ready for bed.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 17, 2018, Thursday

1. This morning I awoke at 7:00 a.m., the same time as I normally do. I came again to my adjacent bedroom which has streaming sunshine coming in the east window.

I determined to go to the little stream in the southern desert, a place of peace and completely opposite that of the snowy mountain valley. It is remarkable to me the great variation that I find in the celestial world where my Heavenly Parents live!

I knelt on the dry sand and faced the distant desert oasis to the northeast. I asked for one or both of my Gods to come to me. Heavenly Mother started appearing in the air before me, a little elevated above and in front of me. I gazed on her. She was beaming with a large smile as she usually does! She was very beautiful.

2. She spoke to me:

'Raphael, you have visited many areas in our celestial world. These are all varied and each beautiful and lovely in their own way. We love to create many different scenes of beauty that we have also created on the earth. We ourselves and our children may go to these areas to do their work, to relax and enjoy themselves, or to pray and think. We crave beauty and variety, so that is why there are such different types of terrain and beauty all around!'

I wondered what Heavenly Mother would bring up next. I have no idea, nor even could think of a new topic. I will see!

3. 'Raphael, we have talked with you about imposing no expectations on one's spouse in a celestial marriage. This behavior is developed over time, for in the beginning of the marriage on earth our children usually are blessed with offspring. This time is usually a very intense and special time of their early marriage relationship, when they are young and full of strength. Both spouses need to work in cooperation in bringing forth and raising their children. The wife's role is usually defined by her bearing and nurturing their children in a safe and protected environment. This home is the perfect place for the mother to nurture, feed, play with, and fully care for the growing needs of her infant child. Homes are protected places where it feels secure and safe, physically and spiritually, from the outside world. Your Father and I even do this for our newborn spirit children in our celestial world. You might think why we would want to shelter and protect our infant spirits from outside influences in a celestial world like we have. However, this time with both of us, their Mother and Father, gives our baby and infant spirits important bonding time, and simple teachings that are given verbally and by example from us, their loving parents. They could receive this one on one time in no other way.

4. We have also given the husband a desire to protect and provide for his new family on earth. His role is to shelter and provide all the basic needs for them in order to create their home and to ensure it is a safe place for he and his wife to nurture their children. This usually necessitates him to labor outside the home working hard to provide a living for all to enjoy.

Both the roles of nurturing for the woman and providing for the man are essential in creating a happy home. Each of the marriage partners, the husband and the wife, and now the father and the mother, have established roles and separate duties. These are based on love and mutual respect in a happy marriage.

5. Even during these often demanding times, we encourage each spouse to drop expectations of the other. As this is done, the desire to fulfill their respective roles and to share in whatever way they are able usually motivates each spouse to fully participate in their God-given roles of mother and father. This is the ideal in a God-centered family. Our children who are now adults with a major responsibility of raising a family, look to their own parents and to us, their Heavenly Parents, for examples of how to set up their own homes and their roles. They should spend time in counseling and talking together in all of their plans and dreams.

6. This whole process is so beautiful and amazing still to me, how a new helpless infant brings together the man and woman, bound together in marriage and love to create a growing family! This is the way our children in mortality act most like us, their Heavenly Parents. This is all ordained by us and propagates our human race on earth.

7. Satan has come abroad and continually tried to subvert all phases of marriage and family life. He and his minions have forfeited their opportunity for marriage and family life. They must live alone, singly, and miserable forever unless they repent and join their fellow Refugees of Lucifer in our protected world. This latter group who have fully come unto our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, are the only ones who have followed Satan who will enjoy mortality, marriage and family life. The remainder will be ultimately banished to live alone forever, unless they repent and come unto their redeemer, Jesus Christ.

8. There are all varieties of marriages and families on earth. These adapt to the circumstance they find themselves in. Many have less than ideal relationships, or are emotionally, spiritually, mentally or physically maimed to some degree when they fall in love, marry and start their family if they choose to do so. Some never marry, or are not able to marry on earth. Similarly, some may never be able to bear children on earth. However, for the righteous, every opportunity to have these choice experiences will be afforded them in their future! In eternity, every exalted person is married to one spouse and will experience this great marriage and family relationship as either a husband or a wife and a father or a mother.

9. Your Heavenly Father and I are so very happy in our roles as joint marriage partners and as the father and mother head of all our posterity! Oh, how we love each other! Oh how we love our children! Our entire existence and work in eternity is all centered around our marriage and family!'

I was so pleased that my Heavenly Mother talked to me all about marriage and family today! I feel so, so blessed to be their son, in their large family. It gives me a feeling of very much belonging and of participating in helping as I can, their great missions and roles as my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I thanked her for her words. I hope I have written them clearly, in my own words this morning.

I knew my one on one time with my Heavenly Mother had come to a close. I ended my prayer in the name of her Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and started my new day.

10. 9:50 p.m.– I came in my prayer this evening to the sapling tree of life, just west of the tree of life. I enjoyed the lovely garden and walking in my bare feet in the deep soft soil. I felt clear all over and then knelt down in the soft soil. I knelt facing west, towards the rocky hole in the ground off in the distance. I don't know fully why I face a certain direction or go to a certain place, but I do because I feel impressed to go there. I wait until I feel where I should go. Sometimes it is all set up by God to show me something, best shown from that location.

I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come and commune with me in prayer. There was a path to my front right which meanders around this flower and bush garden. My Heavenly Parents both came walking to me on this path. They were talking together but I didn't here what they said. They walked right up to me, stopped talking and turned towards me.

11. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, it is time for me to give you another difficult assignment.'

I had no idea what this was about. I had no inkling of his assignment.

'Raphael, we have asked you to come here, where the sapling tree of life has grown so large. In not many days we will tell you to gather the angels and have it move to the New Jerusalem. This tree has grown gradually larger. Our assignment is for you to go among all our mortal angels who work from these celestial realms for us. Talk to each one and find what is the major blockage issue in them being congruent in their mortal bodies to themselves in their replicated, celestial state. In your interview with them, offer your assistance to awaken them in mortality more and more, consistent with their major issue of becoming who they are in their mortal conscious awareness. This awakening process will be gradual, like the steady growth of this sapling tree.

12. Each angel will have a different major issue they wish to have help in overcoming. Work with each one and help them overcome their problem of connecting their mortal conscious mind to their unconscious mind, as you have done. Help them accept their true identity as a mortal angel, having their earthly experience now in the flesh.'

I said I would do all that he, my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother ask of me. I asked for more understanding. Heavenly Father said he would elaborate more in the morning. He said it was late now and that I should sleep now and come refreshed in the morning.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 18, 2018, Friday

1. I slept well and am up again early even before my wife awoke. I am praying in the next bedroom. I came again to the sapling tree of life. I was alone and knelt in the same place where I had knelt last night. As I prayed, I saw Heavenly Mother come from behind the sapling tree. She spoke to me:

'Raphael, the assignment your Heavenly Father gave you last night will be difficult since many mortal angels are not aware they are an angel working for us in the celestial realms. You will need to go to them in their dreams, in a vision, or some way to arouse them. Some are in their own religion they grew up in, some don't even have a practicing belief. All are in mortality, living their lives somewhere on the earth.

2. You may go to them first in their replicated celestial self, in our celestial world. Here they know and honor you and will respond to you in their unconscious mind. For most, they will have no idea in their conscious mind of your conversation. This is a difficult assignment, since there are so many that you will need to individually work with and try, with their unconscious replicated selves, to figure out how to awaken them in their mortal conscious self on earth. Take the major blocking issue each tells you and work with them in figuring out how to remove this issue without forcing yourself on them. In their mortal state, they need to be dealt with tenderly. You will do well in praying unto us, your joint Heavenly Parents, in deciding your plan of action as you work with their replicated being in our celestial realms.

You have seen how we have gradually awakened you, Raphael, to your identity as a mortal angel, and our leader in the hidden celestial realms. You have seen also how this has occurred for those few who actively sustain you and receive your emails.

3. You may also call upon other angels or servants who work in these celestial realms for assistance in this awakening process. Be steady in pursuing with each mortal angel a process of awakening their conscious mind and mortal being to their premortal identity and their current work they do in heaven and on earth as an angel of God. We will be with you as you labor with these very choice and loving children we have sent to earth now, those whom we have called as our mortal holy angels.'

4. At this time, Heavenly Father also came from behind the sapling tree. He came next to Heavenly Mother and then spoke to me also:

'Raphael, we have prepared you for this great and necessary assignment. You have come to well understand the workings of your unconscious mind in our celestial realms. This has also become the way of all our mortal angels who now act and serve us in the celestial world. However, for most, they have no awareness of what their replicated self does in our celestial realms.

5. We are asking you to direct the awakening of each angel. We need each one to become fully aware of their identity and mission. This knowledge and understanding will greatly strengthen their effectiveness as holy angels before us. We will be able then to more actively teach and direct them since they will be more awakened in the flesh.

This will be a unique process of becoming increasingly aware of who they are, our beloved angels of God! We have much in store for them, where we need them to be consciously aware of their active role as an angel of God.

Our angels in heaven will be able to be assigned by you to assist others in this awakening process. They won't be able to awaken themselves, however, since most won't believe themselves coming to themselves but will believe a fellow angel on assignment from God. You have our authority to act in ways we inspire you to help awaken them, so that they each will know this is from God and not their own imaginations.

6. Each will need a very real experience that is very clear and dramatic for themselves, like how you first saw your Heavenly Mother in your energy class over five years ago. They each will need this to rely on during days ahead of questioning and self introspection.

When Our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, comes in the clouds of heaven, we need each mortal angel to fully know who they are as glorious angels working in our celestial realms. They will have their conscious and unconscious minds merged permanently together again at that time, or before. Some may have this blessing also extended to them when they come to the New Jerusalem in their mortal bodies for the first time. This is the blessing we are extending to you, Raphael.

7. Your Heavenly Mother and I have decided to give you this difficult assignment in lieu of doing this directly ourselves. In this leadership role, you will be challenged, for it will not be easy. We will continually be with you and support you. We will work with you, our archangel Raphael, in every way to extend to you our power and inspiration, our light and our love. Your service to our angels you help awaken will bind you in love and acceptance to them individually. You will see through our eyes, our eternity eyes, why we have chosen these as our angels, and their potential in acting as mortal angels and our angels in heaven.

8. Last night you talked with your oldest son prior to going to the school concert. You told him that this time is now a very great awakening time of energy work being promoted and accepted more and more in the world. He agreed with you.

Raphael, our work is not only opening up the world to energy healing work, but the work of angels will become more and more widespread, accepted and experienced by our elect. As the world falls more and more into darkness in certain regions, our light and service among the righteous will be more and more prevalent and active. This includes the ministration of angels and the awakening of these angels themselves. We will counter the works of Satan with the works of God!'

I bowed my head in humble submission before my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother who stood before me. They were smiling upon me. Each then placed their hands on my head.

9. Heavenly Father spoke again:

'Raphael, our archangel, we jointly bless you to move ahead in this new awakening assignment. We bless you to have our presence and guidance in these matters continually. We bless you to act and move quickly in working with each holy angel who is living in the flesh, to become fully awakened and aware in their conscious self of all they do unconsciously in our celestial realms. We give you our love, understanding, our very power of discernment in this great effort. We admonish you to work steadily with each mortal angel. We give you additional strength and vitality, both in your replicated celestial self in heaven and in your mortal self on the earth. We trust and love you, Raphael!


10. I looked up and my Heavenly Parents were so full of light and strength, in great glory! I saw myself filled with their light. I had more confidence now that I not only felt very clear, I also felt so full of light and love, empowered by my Heavenly Parents in this new assignment!

I thanked them again and said I would start immediately. They then disappeared and I was aware mostly of just writing all of this down in my personal journal. I knelt in my room and confirmed all of what I had received in my prayers last night and this morning. I then closed my prayer and started my new day.

11. 9:30 p.m. This evening I started a prayer to my Heavenly Parents at the maple tree grove west of Lake Beautiful, next to the Great Assembly Hall in heaven. I knelt by the shore, just at the edge of the maple tree grove. I asked my Heavenly Parents to come.

I then saw the front doors of the assembly hall open and my Heavenly Parents standing in the doorway! They waved me to come to them, so I stood and zipped in the air before them. I bowed my head and Heavenly Mother asked me to look upon them. She spoke:

12. 'Raphael, we want you to be aware of a meeting you called for tomorrow morning in the Great Assembly Hall. You have invited all of the mortal angels to come and meet with you. You are planning to share with each of them your assignment to help them awaken to their mortal conscious mind what they are doing in the celestial realms and their calling as a holy angel of God. You are planning to set up a schedule with each one, to meet initially with them in the next week. You will have them all assembled here tomorrow When you come to the assembly hall tomorrow during your prayer, you will be able to see and hear what you do in the meeting.

13. We will be with you when you speak tomorrow, Raphael. We each will be in the top southwest corner of the hall, out of sight from those attending.'

I thanked her for alerting me to the meeting. I said I was so active in projects today on earth that I didn't realize there would be a meeting! I asked that I might be in tune with my unconscious self and receive communication with my replicated self who would conduct the meeting.

14. Heavenly Father said he and Heavenly Mother would help me to connect to myself to be able to record in my journal what transpires. He then asked me to walk with them into the hall where they would go over the important points to cover in the meeting. I saw myself stand and walk between them. We walked into the hall and then I lost contact with my unconscious self. I guess I will see what I speak about in tomorrow's meeting in my Saturday morning prayers.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 19, 2018, Saturday

1. I awoke this morning before my spouse and quietly came to the adjacent bedroom. I tried to go to other areas in heaven, all to no avail! I felt to come directly to the stand in the Great Assembly Hall. I felt my replicated unconscious self was standing at the podium in front of many angels who were having their mortal experience now on earth. I saw also that my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were in the corner of the hall, up next to the ceiling and were watching me. They were out of sight of all those who had assembled. There were no other people on the stand behind me except for two–one whom I asked to give our opening prayer, and one to lead our music.

I started speaking. I silently asked my Heavenly Parents to help me record in my journal exactly what I did and to be very clear. I then saw a cup of water on the stand. It was filled with living water. I also saw a light beam come from both my Heavenly Parents in the corner to the back of my head. I then felt confidence that I would direct and say in the meeting all that God wanted me to.

2. I spoke these words:

'My dear fellow mortal angels, I have asked that each of you come to a meeting just for you this early morning, even before you received your assignments from your Father and Mother, as holy angels to administer to the elect of God. They are both here, out of your view, and are completely inspiring me as I talk to you!

We will open our meeting with a hymn of the restoration "High on the Mountain Top", after which I have asked Mary (known as M.A. in her mortal life) to offer our opening prayer.'

3. We sang this rousing hymn. It seemed a very appropriate message for us who were angels of God. I enjoyed especially the words:

Her light should there attract the gaze
of all the world in latter days"


We'll now go up and serve the Lord
Obey his truths and learn his word."

After the prayer, I dismissed Mary and the music leader to sit in the congregation. I then spoke again:

4. 'I have asked all of you mortal angels to come here as one large group this morning. My message is first for you, individually. Please pay attention to what I say to you and then seek to know how you may best implement this direction in your mortal life on earth.

A day and a half ago, I was involved with my Heavenly Parents in prayer. I had felt to pray next to the sapling tree of life, just west of the tree of life. My Gods were walking to me in this lovely garden area from west of the sapling tree and were talking together. When they arrived, they faced me and Heavenly Father spoke to me. He said that I was to now receive a difficult assignment to help awaken each mortal angel to his other glorious calling as an angel of God! I was to individually come to each of you in our celestial world where we work and minister from in service to those on earth. I was to interview each of you, seeking ways I could be of assistance to help you in your mortal conscious mind, realize and then connect to your unconscious celestial self in heaven and to know you are an angel of God! It was now time to have your mortal conscious mind and replicated unconscious mind connect and awaken to each other.

5. Heavenly Father said that this process would be difficult but is very needful now. He and Heavenly Mother said it is time now to become aware in your mortal bodies of your great calling in heaven, so that you could be more powerful and capable angels. Our Gods would then use you in more ways that they had not been able to do in the past.

6. You may recall my experience when I was first awakened to my Heavenly Mother. This occurred in an energy class in April 2013 in Provo, Utah. Heavenly Mother came directly to me in that class and helped me learn the first healing gift. The experience was totally unexpected and very powerful and so influential upon me. I absolutely knew it was real, although I had so very little knowledge of how God works in my conscious mortal mind. I have since reflected on this singular event many times later in my life. It has launched me into becoming connected to my angelic mission, and ultimately of my identity as Raphael, a holy archangel of God.

7. Similarly, our Heavenly Parents have told me it is now time for each of you to receive an impactful event like what I received. This event or process will be strong and very clear to your conscious self on earth. It will be the start of your awakening to who you really are as an angel of God and will start a dramatic connection between your conscious and unconscious mind.

8. My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother have asked me to have each of you think about what would be the best way to awaken you. They want you to come up with one blockage issue that, if removed, would dramatically awaken you to God and your own identity as an angel of God. I am to work with each of you in your awakening, but you are to come up with the method. We will work together with guidance from our Heavenly Parents.

In this awakening process, we could have another fellow angel be part of the process. You too might be of service to them in their own mortal awakening. I would also be involved as you determine. The ultimate goal is to jump start you into knowing of your angelic role and to be able to link your conscious mind to your unconscious mind.

9. The amazing second coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ, is coming soon. Each of you will meet him in the clouds of heaven, in your full angelic power, wearing your angel vestures. You will then, or perhaps even before this time, receive a full complete connection of your conscious and unconscious minds. It will be like it was for you before you came to mortality. The veil over your minds will be completely lifted!

Help me in awakening you now, to starting this mind-connecting process! I will meet with each of you this coming week. Between now and then, think deeply of how best to awaken your mortal mind to who you are as an angel, and how best to start your mind reconnection process. In our interview, let's meet at the location of your choice in heaven. Let's invite the presence of our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to our interview. Although unseen, they will very much be our guidance in planning for your awakening. Let's call on those you trust and love, who are also angels, to assist in this change.

10. God now has said that they will counter the ever increasing darkness on earth with more and more heavenly light and messengers from heaven. These messengers include you, God's holy mortal angels, who will appear and act more fully in the lives of the elect of God on the earth. Our influence in their lives will become much more known, even more commonplace. We will act in more and more power from God, partly because we will be more aware in our mortal minds of who we are and what we are doing in fulfilling directions from God!

11. I bless each of you before me to move ahead with confidence and faith. This change will be a juncture for all of you in your progression as angels of God. I bless you in your meditations prior to our interview this next week. What a wonderful opportunity our Heavenly Parents have afforded us at this time!'

I then closed my talk in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ. I said we would conclude with another hymn "What was Witnessed in the Heavens " (hymns page 11), after which Laonna, a fellow healing angel and female archangel, would offer a closing prayer.

We then dismissed and all the mortal angels went their way. I was left alone, sitting on the stand. My Heavenly Parents then descended from their position in the top corner of the meeting hall and stood in the air in front of me.

12. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, we are pleased with your meeting and words you spoke today! We will be with you and our mortal angel in each of your interviews this upcoming week. Soon we'll have an awakened army of angels to administer with greater power, confidence and our authority to those elect on the earth!'

I thanked my Heavenly Parents before me for their guidance and direction for me in our meeting today. I expressed my love to them. I knew my prayer was ended. I thanked them finally for helping me be clear enough to record this all in my journal on earth. I then came back into my adjacent room and ended my prayer and journal writing.

11:10 p.m. It is late and I am still up, wanting to connect in prayer to my Heavenly Parents. I came tonight to the circling waters and knelt in front of the bench, next to the water. I drank several times from the living water. I then felt very clear. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. The Father came down from the sky immediately and stood above the water, elevated in the air in front of me.

13. He spoke to me:

'Raphael, you have been surprised today how much stamina you have felt after working in your yard and garden all day and then square dancing at night. You have also conducted and spoke at the mortal angel meeting this morning in heaven.

We are strengthening you to do all the actions you do now, both on earth and in the celestial realms above. You have been able to accomplish more than you thought possible. We will continue to bless you with vitality this week as you interview and start working with each mortal angel in helping them awaken their mortal selves. You will also continue to have stamina in your earthly endeavors.

14. Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I were both pleased in the meeting you ran this morning. Your leadership is providing encouragement to our mortal holy angels at this time. Your work will continue to expand as you are faithful and diligent in all we direct you to do.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his confidence in me! I closed my prayer and got ready for bed.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 20, 2018, Sunday

1. This morning I awoke again to sunshine! I came to the adjacent room where I pray and sunshine was streaming through the window. I do love blue skies and sunshine!

In my prayer this morning, I came to the fir forest west a little ways of the overlook to Heavenly Father's wheat field. I knelt on the soft forest floor. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

I then saw someone at the overlook and I went over to Heavenly Mother who was looking over the wheat field. I came to her side and looked at the field. Heavenly Father was irrigating the wheat in his field. Water had partially been diverted from the river representing Heavenly Father and flowed in a dirt channel next to the road. He had then blocked it at a certain point and the water flowed south over the wheat field.

2. Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael, oh how your Heavenly Father cares for his wheat in his field! He is watering his wheat now with living water. The wheat represent our millennial elect who are now coming forth on the earth.

Raphael, write my words now that I will speak to you.'

I wrote to this point.

3. Heavenly Mother continued:

'Raphael, we love our elect, for they listen to our voice and keep our commandments.

Yesterday you held a meeting for our mortal angels, to help awaken them in their conscious mind that they are angels of God. We will send them more openly now to our elect who are on the earth. They will be sent on many rescue missions to protect, guide and give direction to our elect. Their work will become more commonplace in the darkened world where our elect live. They will brighten and give hope to our faithful, encouraging them to endure for a time the culture and degrading values of a society that is being promoted by Lucifer and his minions. Evil in your world will increase for a time but then be quickly eliminated as the light and fire from heaven is poured out upon the elect and the earth. Soon we will have a millennium day where these (she pointed to the wheat field below) will grow up as calves in the stall:

4. Malachi 4:1-3–

"For behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that is shall leave them neither root nor branch.

But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves in the stall.

And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the Lord of hosts."

5. Your Father and I will pour out the blessings of heaven upon the earth and its righteous inhabitants and will at the same time remove the wicked. The earth will continue its transition from a telestial to a terrestrial world, greatly blessing those who will come forth in the millennial day. Oh, we look forward to this great day of rest and peace!'

Heavenly Mother then turned to me directly. Her eyes were bright, full of hope and so loving. She was thinking of her elect children that are coming upon the earth. I could tell she loved them so very much!

6. 'Raphael, your Father and I have brought forth the righteous in the beginning, in the day we created them from their intelligence, and clothed them in spirit form after our own image. These elect whom we have chosen give us great joy! Most of the remainder of our children receive some measure of happiness, but only our elect children come into our Church of the Firstborn, and ultimately receive the type of life we lead, to their exaltation in the eternal worlds. These are they in whom we delight! For these, we prepare the earth to be a peaceful, happy and such a lovely place to live!'

7. She then hugged me and twirled me around like a mother would do for her toddler! I was thrilled by the bright hope I felt for these elect and for Mother Earth, that she then shared with me as I was hugged and twirled! I received a glimpse of her great joy that she has in her obedient children. I knew that she and my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ would do anything to save these choice sons and daughters in a fallen world.

Heavenly Mother then spoke to me as she put her hands on my shoulders–

'Come, let us go to your Heavenly Father and look closer at his great care and work in watering his wheat field!'

8. She then took my hand, and we zipped through the air to be by his side. Heavenly Father was very intent on his irrigation work, but when he saw us by his side, he paused and came to us. He kissed Heavenly Mother and put his right arm around her shoulders. He and Heavenly Mother then faced me and Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, as you can see, I am ever diligent in nourishing and watering our wheat which represents our elect children on the earth. I too think of them continually, as does your Heavenly Mother. We delight in them and will do everything possible in leading them to their exaltation and eternal lives. We have great and detailed plans in helping each one awaken to us, their God, so that we may lead them to the great joy and happiness we so enjoy in our life as their Gods.

9. As our mortal angels learn about their role and activities in their mortal conscious mind, they will become more capable and powerful angels to us. We will send them to our elect on assignments to protect and guide them in a turbulent world. We will reveal more and more our light and power to our faithful who will come forth in the millennium on earth. Your role, Raphael, will increase in light and strength as you grow in your calling, to administer to our angels and to the elect on the earth, both to those living now in mortality and those soon coming forth. We love you, Raphael!'

10. I saw tears coming from my Heavenly Father's eyes as he finished speaking to me! Heavenly Mother started crying too for joy. I looked again at the wheat field and saw in my mind an array of vast multitudes of men and women, dressed in white robes, all beaming with happy smiles! I saw that these were the elect of God, represented by the wheat. I too became overcome with joy at the love I felt for these, my righteous brothers and sisters! The love of God had fully engulfed me as I saw these faces in the multitude of the righteous before me!

This short glimpse has strengthened me and motivates me to pursue my course ever so diligently! I know God's purposes will be fulfilled in saving their elect. What a privilege it is to save my fellowmen in this great work of God! I feel deeply moved!

I then knew my prayer had ended. I thanked my Heavenly Parents and then faded from their presence in the wheat fields of the Father. I then started my sabbath day.

11. At church: My wife and I attended a local ward. We came into the meeting during the opening hymn. I felt to go to the white gate during the sacrament. I knelt before the gate and anticipated, through my gift of foresight, that Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother would come above the gate and that I would go through the gate soon.

After the blessing of the bread, I made my covenant with my Heavenly Parents. I then saw my Heavenly Parents come above the gate in the air. After I partook of the bread, Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael, we accept the covenant you have made to us. Go now through the white gate.'

I then stood and walked to the white gate, behind which I knew Jesus Christ was located. The gate opened as I approached. I came into the area just before the straight and narrow path, beyond the gate.

12. Jesus Christ then came out of a white mist that was just above the path that leads to the tree of life. He had a silver sacrament tray with broken bread in it. He extended the tray to me. I looked into his eyes, his eternity eyes. I saw deep compassion and understanding and tenderness! I then partook of a piece of bread. He smiled and turned and walked back into the mist and was gone.

I waited and looked up the path and saw the tree of life in the distance. It all looked so familiar.

Then the priest blessed the water. The water was passed to me in the ward and I partook. Then in heaven, Jesus came through the mist and had a similar tray of water cups. He extended the tray towards me. I looked again into his eternity eyes and recognized again these eyes of my redeemer.

I partook of one cup and drank, and replaced the cup. He smiled and turned, walking back into the mist above the path. He was then gone.

I was alone. I then turned and walked out the white gate to come to where I had previously knelt. I turned around and my Heavenly Father was in the air, with Heavenly Mother on his left and Jesus was on his right. They were all bright and smiling.

13. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, we accept your humility and obedience in partaking of the emblems of the holy sacrament today, first from the aaronic priesthood in the ward and secondly from Our Beloved Son himself, beyond the white gate. Thus may all of our elect partake of the sacrament directly from their savior, Jesus Christ. He has personally and individually redeemed each of our elect and will accept them back into our presence!'

14. I bowed my head and thanked my Gods in front of me for the sacrament today! The bishopric member in the ward started announcing the remainder of the meeting. I started writing all of this down in my pocket journal.

I wonder about the formality of all of this. I am not sure why, but I do know what I experienced. I believe that every one of the elect may have the sacrament passed to them from the savior, Jesus Christ for themselves. They may be able to look at him and see his compassionate eternity eyes! Maybe he will speak to them?

15. In the evening. I am writing in my journal every major encounter I have with deity. Today I have already had two encounters in prayer, and I anticipate another one in prayer tonight!

I thought to go to the beautiful buttercup field in the wide open mountain valley. I thought of being there and I was immediately there! Heavenly Mother had taken me there before. I am so impressed with the great variety of terrain and all the ecosystems in their world, all in celestial glory! I know this is for their enjoyment and for that of their children. It also provides perfect settings for them to reveal their teachings and revelations to their children.

Anyway, I came to the beautiful meadow of buttercup flowers, still so ablaze and breathtaking! I knelt above them in the air so as not to disturb them. I asked for either or both of my Heavenly Father or Heavenly Mother to come to me.

Heavenly Mother came then up the trail that she had previously brought me on, across the meadow. She came quickly across the meadow in the air until she was in front of me.

I gazed into her beautiful countenance–so bright, happy, and full of smiles and joy! I looked on her glorious person also, so majestic and full of light!

16. She spoke to me:

'Raphael, you are blessed to have a wife, a sweet companion, that gives you lots of feedback. Without a companion in whom you could trust and love, you would tend to stay in habits and behaviors that may not suit you the best.

Last night at square dancing, you met your friends who invited you previously to dinner. The wife is so mild mannered and her husband domineering. Without feedback, he doesn't have opportunity to temper his behavior, because he can't see himself clearly. Marriage partners help each other to improve and grow with the feedback they give each other in love. Husbands help their wives improve and wives their husbands. Daily talking and connection is very helpful for them each and together to grow in more Christian and mature ways.

17. Experiences together, facing life changes together, and counseling together in love and consideration can strengthen the marriage relationship. Your Father and I had struggles on our earth in our early marriage that we met with together. These greatly focused our attention on our needy child and each other, developing unselfishness and deeper love and tenderness. We helped each other, gave lots of feedback to each other and matured quickly into a warm and strong marriage.

This balance of consideration and occasional correction given in love is necessary for continued growth and a strong lasting relationship. Married couples need to highly prize each other, adapting their own wants and needs to those of their companion and the overall need of the marriage and family.

18. The greatest joys and closeness are possible in marriage. Your Heavenly Father and I are extremely happy in our relationship as husband and wife and in father and mother in our large family. We always place the needs of each other, our marriage and family, first in our lives.'

Heavenly Mother then extended her hand to me. I took it and we walked hand in hand over the meadow of buttercups, a little above them in the air. We meandered over this meadow, walking slowly and pausing at times while we walked. I don't know what we talked about, but I could tell I was being tenderly instructed in sustaining a loving relationship with others, particularly with my wife and loved ones. I watched from my vantage point until we both faded out of view.

What a meaningful prayer tonight! I want to be humble and open to personal improvements! I want to be quick to change my needful behavior corrections, so that I become a more loving and kind person.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 21, 2018, Monday

1. Today is my wife and my anniversary! We have been married 43 years today! We were married in the Manti Temple, and it snowed 1-2 inches when we came out of the temple. I feel so blessed to be married to the companion of my choice, to the woman of my dreams! I would immediately and unhesitantly do it all over again if given the choice.

We awoke around 7:00 a.m. and talked in bed for a while. I then told her all about how Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother create their spirit children from intelligence. I shared with her about this eternity and how Heavenly Mother birthed her first eight boys in a row, all to be leaders in the future family they would have. I told her I was the fourth boy born and that my premortal name was Raphael. I told her of my awakening over five years ago. I told her a very little bit of all this, including what my name and mission in part is, that I am to start the Church of the Firstborn in preparation for the return of Jesus Christ. I told her about the temple in the New Jerusalem, and my role to administer the waters of separation there for all who come into this church. I shared with her our joint role and mission as healing companions in the millennial days ahead. I told her my sister K is also a healing angel with the premortal name of Rachael. I spent a good hour sharing a glimmer of these important points of my identity and mission with her.

I also said I don't expect her to believe all of this. I said it has taken me now two years to absorb all of this and how could I expect her to come to an awareness and acceptance in one day?

I feel relieved and happy! This is finally shared with my wonderful companion of 43 years! I find it amazing that our journey has brought us to this point. I trust in God to continue to lead and direct me. I only have an inkling of what lies ahead!

2. So I came to the circling waters for my morning prayer this morning. I saw myself writing on the bench there, in my heavenly journal record, all about my revealing of myself to my wife, my true identity and some of my missions.

I came then next the the circling waters and drank from my cupped hand. After my first drink I felt very clarified, ready for communion with my Heavenly Parents. I knelt and asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me.

Both my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother gradually appeared to me over the waters! They were smiling and accepting. I opened our conversation telling them of what I shared of my identity as Raphael with my loving wife. I said it was also our 43rd anniversary, which I knew they knew too. I then paused for one of them to speak to me. Heavenly Father looked at Heavenly Mother and she asked me to write her words:

3. 'Raphael, you have done well in sharing your true identity as Raphael with your loving wife. You have waited for the right moment to share, and have told her enough now to think about. We are pleased with how you have shared and what you have revealed to her. Continue to share with her, gradually, what we have revealed to you about your mission and purpose with her in a future day.

She had lots of questions about "what are we supposed to do in our life?" These are only natural, since you have presented to her your grand role as an archangel of God, living a quiet simple life. You are living now as we desire, a quiet life in mortality, with no attention drawn to yourself. The time of your revealing to our elect and to the world is not yet, and will be in a day of great turmoil for the world. However, for the righteous, it will be a time of peace and extreme joy in the New Jerusalem.

We will not reveal more to you this morning. Both your Father and I love you and will gently lead you along, Raphael!'

I thanked her for her comforting words. I am so so blessed to have her and Heavenly Father so connected to me! I feel this is such an amazing privilege!

4. In the evening: Tonight I came to the circling waters again. I had come there this morning and Heavenly Mother had spoken to me. I knelt again with God. Heavenly Father came tonight, without Heavenly Mother. He came over to me and asked me to rise and sit on the bench behind me with him. I don't recall sitting with him before, ever! I stood and came to the bench behind me. I sat down and Heavenly Father sat on my left side and put his right arm around my shoulders.

5. Heavenly Father then spoke:

'Raphael, we have been meeting with you in prayer every day since the first part of 2015. At first you couldn't perceive us, but you persisted week after week. Now we come quickly to you whenever you come to us and ask us to come. We do this because of the increased connection that we have mutually developed with you in prayer, Raphael.

6. Some who read your daily account of your interactions with us may think we meet with you too frequently, or that you should have a daily personal connection with God. However, it is our desire to have personal connection with each of our children on earth every day! However, they won't come unto us, or won't wait for us to come. They rush through their prayers and close their prayer, usually before we ever come. They who don't persist in waiting for us to come, as you did back in 2015.

7. Connection with us, your Heavenly Mother and I, is a tender and fragile thing! We gradually reveal ourselves more and more to the faithful who persist in waiting upon us in prayer. We gradually lift the veil between their conscious mind and unconscious mind. We bless them in their lives because "this long have they cried unto us" (see Ether 1:43). We guide them in their lives and lead them to do our will. As they obey, we bless them with more connection, and gradually reveal to them all things as they may desire.

Raphael, we are pleased that you have shared your true identity and mission of Raphael with your loving wife today on this, your wedding anniversary. She has tenderly regarded your words, and taken them seriously. It will take time for her to absorb all the ramifications of you being our archangel Raphael.'

8. Heavenly Father then looked over the circling water in front of us, while we were still seated on the bench. He raised his left arm and pointed and asked me to look with him into the future. He asked me what I saw. I responded:

'My Father, I see my wife and I tending the celestial beds in the temple square area in the New Jerusalem! We are talking together and enjoying the abundant celestial flowers, bushes, trees and also the healing plant remedies that are interspaced! This seems to bring both of us great satisfaction, working in the soil with the plants together!'

9. Heavenly Father replied:

'Raphael, you have seen correctly with the gift of foresight that I have blessed you with! One of your joint responsibilities with your wife will be to help propagate these celestial plants into all the world in that millennial era of peace and rest. These celestial plants will be planted by yourselves and others and will grow into a terrestrial plant on your earth. They only grow as celestial plants in our New Jerusalem temple square on earth. You both will also have access to the beautiful gardens, orchards, forests, waterways and fields in our celestial world where celestial plants grow in abundance!'

10. I deeply thanked my Heavenly Father for this beautiful glimpse into the future responsibilities of my wife and I among these celestial plants! I felt so very blessed to have this vision of what we would do!

Heavenly Father stood and I stood too. He turned to me and said Heavenly Mother or he would continue to meet with me twice daily as they have recently been doing. He said it was my responsibility to record all their words in my journal. He said he was pleased with the method wherein my sister types these entries up and then they are posted online.

He then stepped over the water, turned and started to leave like he came. Soon I was left to myself. I thanked him again in my mind for my wonderful prayer tonight. I then prepared for bed.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 22, 2018, Tuesday

1. This lovely morning I came into my adjacent room to pray. I am so grateful for the words last night of my Heavenly Father about prayer. I pray that I can continue communing with both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother in prayer, twice daily. It is so much a blessing to me! I feel sometimes like I am on a fast race, in a whirlwind of sorts, to get everything done, including my prayers and writing them all down in my journal. I barely have enough time to get my webposts out! I am so glad my sister K types these up! We work as a team.

This morning I came to the fountain of living water, near the entrance door of the temple. I made sure I was clear and open and then knelt on the north side of the fountain facing the fountain and temple to the south. I asked my Heavenly Parents to come to me in my prayer. I waited. Soon my Heavenly Parents came to my right, walking around the fountain. I gazed on their happy faces! I looked into their amazing eternity eyes–so deep, compassionate, loving, accepting, happy and so recognizable!

I began my prayer with words of gratefulness to both of them. I felt so honored to be in their glorious presence!

2. Heavenly Mother then asked me to write her words:

'Raphael, we are so pleased to also to come to you twice daily in communion and prayer! It has been many years since we have communed with our children so openly. The last time was back in the days of our faithful Nephites, after Jesus Christ, Our Beloved Son, appeared to them in glory. He introduced a number of these faithful souls to the Father, and then I shortly came. My exposure to them was significantly more limited, however, since it was not the day yet of my revealing as it is today.

3. Before then we both came frequently to Our Beloved Son during his entire life, starting in his early teen years. He knew us intimately when he started his earthly mission at thirty years old. He was fully led by both the Father and I in his life, always wanting to fulfill our will. He communed also with us twice daily, in heaven as you now do. He was involved also in the celestial healing, instructing the holy angels more in detail on their important roles and missions. He introduced to the healing angels "complete healings", where the angel went into the past and future of their client to heal, all by the power of God and God's direction. This was a major boost in the ability of our healing angels.

4. Before this, we communed with Enoch and his group and Melchizedek and some of his people. These were all translated eventually. We both came to many of these noble souls during their prayers to us, their Gods and Heavenly Parents. Again, my revealing to them was more limited because my time of being so open was not yet.

When we brought the entire group of translated celestial souls to us in heaven, we communed with them frequently in our heavenly home. However, I limited my interaction with them still. Some knew I was the Holy Ghost, but not all.

5. Before this, we communed with Noah and Adam and his wife Eve, your first mortal parents. We were very open with Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden where we raised them as our children in a new terrestrial earth. They both knew both your Father and I intimately and called us Father and Mother. We were with them always as they grew from babies to adults.

Raphael, beyond these interactions with our beloved children, we have had only a few moments of our revealing to those on earth. Joseph the prophet saw Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father in vision a number of times. He also occasionally saw me, but I didn't speak to him. My time wasn't yet.

6. You have been the selected son through whom I would be revealed more openly to the world of the faithful, Raphael! You were awakened in the very day of my revealing, along with my holy female archangels. This is all in preparation for a millennial era of peace and happiness when I will be well-known among my faithful children, my elect on the earth.

7. What you write in your journal about your Heavenly Father and me will be read and studied by the faithful in days to come. These words will bolster their faith and give them hope to connect to us as you have done. There will be many who break through the veil of unbelief and will see even more clearly than you now see. We will still come to them in similar ways, in their unconscious minds. We will walk the paths and gardens in our celestial New Jerusalem areas frequently. Many will also see us there. In the temple endowment area, in the New Jerusalem temple, we will always be present but unseen by most. However, all will feel our influence and presence, for we will send our glory and our power into our temple. It will shine with celestial light day and night!'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words she shared with me today. I feel so honored and filled with awe that I would have been chosen to be in my Heavenly Parents's presence so frequently! I will continue to record all of my interactions in my journal that I have with them. . It is such a great privilege!

Thus ended my morning prayer today. I closed my prayer and confirmed all that I had received. I then started my busy day!"