79. Finding Out for Yourself
Posted 5-23-2018
Hello my friends,
I have a rather long post to share with you today. I hope you will pray about this, and determine for yourself if I speak the truth as God reveals it to me. I know I say this often, but it is very important to have our own direction from God. We each need to find out for ourselves truth from our Heavenly Parents.
I started sharing more and more about my angelic identity and role with my lovely wife during the time of this post. It has been very helpful for me to do this, and quite a relief! I have continued to gradually unveil who I am and my mission.
I have also learned about the importance of dropping expectations from our spouses, and of deeply cherishing time with our loved ones on earth. I was blessed to have my gift of foresight enhanced during this time period. I also learned about applying myself daily to my work tasks, and how rewarding this can be.
Please write me, as you are able. I love to hear from each of you, and answer any questions you may have.
PS, I have taken a bunch of photos of my yard and garden. I spend a lot of time there, so I thought it might be appropriate. Enjoy springtime!
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)
Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith Translation
Index of Posts 1-204
Book of Raphael Volumes One and Two Table of Contents

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 2, 2018, Wednesday
In the evening–today was another good day. I have learned more about "people pleasing". I think doing what others want and not doing what's best for us is not good. I call this people pleasing. Today three different people/ organizations tried to get us off our scheduled tasks, just to meet their own time demands and needs. We were reasonable, but stayed true to what we had planned and did not abandon our own plans. This felt more loving and true to us. I particularly have learned in life to be a people pleaser, but I don't think it is good or respectful to myself.
1. Anyway, I came home tonight to the desert oasis. I felt settled and clear. I didn't even have to drink living water, for I felt already extremely clarified! I knelt in the sand facing the oasis in front of the bench. I asked for Elohim to come.
I saw a bright light come above the water and then move towards me. I could see my Heavenly Mother in the light! I didn't see Heavenly Father.
2. Heavenly Mother wanted me to write her words she would speak to me:
'Raphael, you have experienced extreme clarity tonight so that you didn't need to drink living water to attain your clarity. We gave you an infusion of light this morning and I gave you my blessing. This is the cause for you feeling so clear now.
We desire our children to progress line upon line, here a little and there a little and precept by precept. In this way we gradually reveal our ways and revelations to our people. They will demonstrate to us their obedience and their ability to assimilate our revelations. We thereby do not overwhelm them, but give them just enough to continue to challenge them in becoming more and more like us.
3. This is how we have been tutoring you. However, this morning was a great leap for your progress, Raphael, which happens only occasionally. We gave you a boost of light that will continue to remain with you. You were also given food from me at my glass table to strengthen you in your mortal body. I occasionally feed you to strengthen you in a particular area of need, like your mortal needs. With this additional light and nourishment, you will now be able to progress easier in the areas we require. You were struggling up to this morning because you were doing more than you were capable, and became emotionally fragile. Now you are able to act in strength and have no fragility.
4. Raphael, as you continue to progress and as we continue to load more tasks and missions upon you, you will again reach another threshold of not coping well. We will boost you again with our light and nourishment, making you gradually more and more capable to meet the demands of your calling.
We are pleased with your progress, Raphael! We desire all our holy angels to progress also, as fast as they are able. They will then become more profitable servants to us, their Gods.'
At this time it seemed that the oasis, the ground around me, my Heavenly Mother and I all became very clear! We were shining brightly as was the water and the celestial orb. It was like the transparent glass spoken of in the scriptures:
5. D&C 130:9 "This earth, in its sanctified and immortal state, will be made like unto a crystal and will be a Urim and Thummim to the inhabitants who dwell thereon…"
I then lost my connection to my replicated self. I believe I continued with my Heavenly Mother in that clear beautiful setting, all done in my replicated celestial self. I closed my prayer and went to bed.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 3, 2018, Thursday
1. This morning I awoke refreshed, ready to connect again with my Heavenly Parents and to start a new day. I felt to go directly to the tree of life, not via the narrow path but from above in the sky. I plucked a white fruit and a leaf and then walked west to the sapling tree of life. I sat on a bench nearby and ate first the white fruit. I felt I wanted more love for those I interact with in life. I thought these thoughts while I ate this fruit.
I also ate the leaf, thinking of my physical body needs–a better mortal clear mind in particular. I was hoping the properties of the leaf would help me think quicker and remember better.
I then knelt, facing the tree of life in the distance. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. I soon saw them at the tree of life. Both were picking a fruit themselves. Then they walked to me with the fruit that they had each picked.
2. When they got to me, Heavenly Father asked me to write his words:
'Raphael, we are glad to come before you this morning! Your Heavenly Mother and I have each plucked a fruit of the tree of life and have these still in our hands. We desire you to eat first the fruit in your Mother's hand and then mine.'
I extended my hand and my Heavenly Mother gave me the fruit she had picked. I ate her fruit in three bites. As I ate, I tried to sense any changes in my mind or body. It was sweet and full of light! I then reached out to my Heavenly Father and he gave me the fruit he had picked. As I ate, I tried to sense any changes. It was not sweet and seemed plain, even earthy, not something that I would want to eat again! I also ate it all.
3. When I was finished eating both fruits, Heavenly Father spoke again:
'Raphael, life in mortality that you are experiencing does not always feel happy or bring you situations that are pleasant. Part of the time it brings joy and part of the time there are difficulties. This is akin to these two fruits that you have eaten. Had you not partaken of the plain fruit, you would have not appreciated the sweet, full of light fruit. We give our children in mortality opposition for their growth, and that they may seek for the good and prize the joy it brings.
4. You also need to partake of the difficult and non-sweet experiences in life. You cannot only have the sweet times. We have given these fruits to you to also help you understand that some assignments we give to you are bitter and difficult to fulfill. Others are a great joy to do. Such will be what we ask you to do in service to us.
In addition, your life will consist of great happy times and a similar amount of difficult times. You need to experience both. It is during the difficult times that there is the greatest growth. It is during the happy times that you will be motivated to keep a positive mindset, even during the difficult times that will inevitably come.'
5. Heavenly Mother then spoke:
'Raphael, both of our fruits we gave you nourished you. The sweet and full of light fruit will fill you with happiness and love. This is great nourishment to your soul. The fruit that Heavenly Father gave you will help you grow in your struggles, even though it was not pleasant to eat at the time.
We have chosen to teach you today these somewhat obvious ideas. You have already had lots of both good and difficult experiences in your life. You have also been given uplifting and difficult assignments, as our servant and angel.
Both your life experiences and your assignments will continue in these ways, with more intensity. You have been nourished and strengthened to be able to meet all of these challenges.'

6. I then was left to ponder what would soon come my way! I thought I would have deep joy and difficult struggles, both, in my mortal life and in assignments I would be given as part of my angelic mission.
This was the only message this morning. I knew my prayer was over. I knew my Heavenly Parents loved me, and would lead me aright. I feel determined to always follow whatever they lead me to do. I put my trust in them. I thought of this psalm:
"He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; he leadeth me beside the still waters,
He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the path of righteousness for his names' sake
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou annointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."
8. Later–I had another great day! I am now writing in the late evening, a little before bed. I had two emails tonight from two different people to whom I have sent my emails. They both said they couldn't confirm what I had shared with them in my last post. I had asked everyone to please confirm what I say and never to take my word alone for all of this. Anyway, they both must have been talking together, for I received both of their emails tonight. They asked that I don't send them any more email posts.
I plan to continue to connect with my Heavenly Parents. I will continue to write in my journal what I receive. I am saddened that these two had left, but I am more pleased that they were apparently true to themselves. I, too, need to be true to all that I receive.
I came this evening in my prayer to the serpentine stream in the desert, west of the desert oasis. I looked at myself spiritually and felt very clear. I didn't need to drink living water to clarify myself. I faced the distant oasis and then knelt in the sand. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. I looked next towards the oasis, but couldn't see anyone coming. I then felt someone was walking up the path to me from the south, or my right. Soon I could perceive Heavenly Mother alone. She came and stood in front of me. I gazed on her and recognized her hair, eyes, nose and broad smile. She then spoke to me:
9. 'Raphael, every one of our children need to determine for themselves if they believe what we have revealed to you or not. This is a great privilege for our children! They have their moral agency. We continue to inspire all the same, but whether they are sufficiently in tune or not is determined by their own perceptions.'
10. She then extended her hand to me and said:
'Raphael, stand and walk with me on the path next to our desert stream.'
I stood and came across the stream. I took her hand and we started walking along the path, generally going north.
'Raphael, write my words in your journal that I will speak to you!'
11. I have written to this point. Heavenly Mother then continued speaking:
'Raphael, you may experience others too who will not believe all the things you write as you receive these revelations from us. This may cause you to feel alone or even abandoned. However, your Heavenly Father and I will never abandon you! We will continue to be by your side, and continue to reveal our revelations to you from our celestial presence! These are truths never before revealed to our children.
12. For those who may turn aside, we will continue to love them. We also will continue to reveal to their hearts and minds the truth of all you receive and write. These days will be difficult for many. However, if they are humble, open, and sincerely ask us, we will confirm all your words to their heart and mind.'
We then walked a little further in silence. How did I know this? It was because this thought and perception clearly came into my mind. I let these subtle promptings and feelings just flow into my mind with no obstruction or blockage. I let it all just come to me as I perceive and then write.
13. Heavenly Mother broke the silence:
'Raphael we desire all our holy mortal angels to become clarified like you are clear. We will make them too like transparent glass or crystal. We want to elevate them with our light and love, like we have done for you yesterday. We want to boost them in greater perceptions and clarity. Please relay this to them.'
I told her I would share this with them soon. I thanked her for her kindness, her love, acceptance and confirmations. I felt uplifted and strengthened in her presence.
I then closed my prayer, for that was what I felt to do. I retired to bed with my wife.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 4, 2018, Friday
1. I prayed again last night to my Heavenly Mother at the meandering stream in the desert. She was still on the path. I poured out my soul, seeking to confirm all that I have received. Heavenly Mother spoke words like this to me:
'Raphael, think back on times when we have come to you, and it has been very sure and clear to you that we were speaking to you. The clearest and strongest was the event of April 20, 2013. This is when I came to you in your energy class. Another experience was on May 7, 2015 when Heavenly Father explained the first time to you about healing angels. The revelation that you were our archangel Raphael, given to you on April 4, 2016 was also very clear to you. Since that time, there have been so many clear experiences that you unquestionably knew happened. Each have been given to you with our confirming voice, some more clear to your mind and heart than others. If you focus your mind, asking us if a particular event or experience really happened, you will again feel our confirming voice. This voice will speak assurance and peace to your soul. What greater witness can you receive than from God? (see D&C 6:23)
2. The revelations we give you are very clear, and yet are given in great quietness and with our still small voice. You are fully used to our whisperings and our voice. It comes now so natural to you that it might seem normal, without much fanfare. However, these words, impressions, subtle and quiet directions are fully from us, and not from your own imagination or mind. We are directing you, Raphael, and all is true and of God!'
I felt assured last night again, and was able to drift off to sleep.
3. This morning I awoke early. I feel that my effort to continually question myself and confirm that I am being led aright by God is very healthy. It is when one gets complacent and doesn't inquire about these things that he/ she may be misled. All of this effort to confirm truth from God requires humility, openness of heart and a willingness to receive and to act on the directions from God.
This morning I felt strongly that it doesn't matter if I have any who support me in my views or not. I want and need to be true to myself! This is what each of us needs to do, and to continue to be inquiring and receiving directly from God. It is all about this connection and not about support from others, even if we have no support.
4. I think those in the LDS Church often get lazy, thinking that God would not mislead their leaders. They also think that with so many people believing the same, it could not be false, or they could not all be misled. There is some assurance in numbers, all doing and believing the same. It is easy to become complacent, no longer inquiring sincerely and diligently to God if they are led correctly. This I see is a great danger.

5. I came this morning in prayer next to the circling waters, but felt I didn't need it to clarify my body, for I was already clear all over from my head even to my toes. I prayed, asking for my Heavenly Parents to come.
Heavenly Father came in a bright light that descended from high in the sky. He soon stood before me. HE was smiling. I gazed into his deep eternity eyes, and knew I was in the presence of my Heavenly Father!
6. He spoke and asked me to write his words:
'Raphael, you are correct that it is very spiritually healthy to continually inquire whether you are being led by us or not. This practice pleases both your Heavenly Mother and me greatly.
I add my witness to your heart and mind that we have led by you to this point. What you have received in your weakness, in your lowly station on earth, is from us, your Gods! We will confirm this to all who diligently seek to know, by our still small voice and by our spirit.
7. You are also correct that it only matters if you are true to yourself, regardless if there are those who support you or not. Even if the whole of humanity may support you and uphold you as a prophet, if you don't receive our word, their support means nothing. The important issue is whether we speak to you our revelations or not.
Satan tricks our children with this lie: if everyone is doing it, or if everyone believes a certain way, or supports a certain cause, it must be true. He then is cleverly able to lead them away into "carnal security, that they will say: All is well in Zion; yea, Zion prospereth, all is well–and thus the devil cheateth their souls, and leadeth them away carefully down to hell". (see 2 Nephi 28:21)
8. Raphael, continue on the path we show you, daily supping form our hand in fervent and constant prayer. We will lead you along, and make sure you are not led astray.'
I thanked my Heavenly Father for his assuring words! I then felt he would be here, at the circling waters, any time today that I might inquire of him during my day. He would give me his counsel and guidance.
I thanked him and ended my conscious prayer. I then started my new day.
9. Later, during Father and Sons campout–I am here camping now up Hobble Creek at a Fathers and Sons campout. It is now 11:00 p.m. and I am still trying to connect with my Heavenly Parents in prayer. I am in my sleeping bag.
I came to the little stream flowing east from Lake Beautiful. I am on the slope in a birch forest. I prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Mother came and spoke to me. I felt it best to write her words:
10. 'Raphael, you have been building memories for your sons and grandsons. We are pleased when you have activities like these that strengthen relationships.
You have been talking with your wife about the marriage relationship this week. Many of the concepts taught by her life coach are correct, particularly with regards to marriage. The idea of being two mature adults who are responsible for their own emotional stability and mindset, and who love the companionship of each other is a worthy goal to pursue in any relationship. When there is a healthy view of one's companion, allowing them to be completely free to do as they wish and not being dependent on any certain of behaviors to be content and happy, then this provides for a stable marriage. This also creates the greatest freedom for each spouse to flourish and grow into their own person. It also provides for a greater desire to serve one's companion without being constrained to act in certain ways.
11. When one's spouse has expectations of what the other spouse is supposed to do, this often makes the marriage relationship more of a chore than a joy. Expectations for any behavior of one's spouse become limiting to the relationship.
The more expectations one has for any other person the more disappointment that they are prone to experience. When there are no expectations or judgment, the other person in the relationship is free to act without upsetting or offending the other. When they do act in a loving kind way, it is received with surprise and deep appreciation, and not received in the attitude of expecting such behavior.
We will discuss more about the joy of non-expectation behavior in more detail in the near future.'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her great wisdom and counsel. I then closed my prayer and went to bed.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 5, 2018, Saturday
1. Early evening. This day has been a whirlwind. I didn't sleep much at the campout, and have worked hard all day. I came to the desert oasis, and just sought to collect my thoughts. I feel a little out of sorts, maybe because I worked out in the yard most of the day and I am hungry.
I drank living water, and then knelt and asked my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Father came to me from across the lake, coming directly above the water. His happy face dispelled any out of sorts feelings I had.
2. He spoke to me:
'Raphael, my son, I am glad that you had a fun campout with your boys and grandsons. It is important to take time to do these sorts of activities.
Your Heavenly Mother talked to you late last night about the freedom you give your spouse, to act and choose how she wants. Correspondingly, she gives you freedom. In a healthy marriage, neither spouse feels constrained to act in any way they don't choose and want.
3. In a celestial marriage, both spouses deeply love each other, just as the other is, and they give wide latitude of choice to each other. They are not dependent on certain behaviors of their spouse for their own emotional stability. They act in mature ways, in consideration and love. They seek to be as self-reliant emotionally as possible, so that they may truly enjoy each other's company and serve without constraint to the other person. There are no expectations on each other. Both are free from judgment of each other and free from expectations of patterns and behaviors each does. The great freedom makes for increased love and much greater happiness!'
I then saw my Heavenly Father look up behind me. Heavenly Mother came to his side from the sky. They both smiled broadly at each other and I could tell they loved to be with each other. When she was next to him, they hugged and kissed. Then they held hands and faced me.
4. Heavenly Mother spoke:
'Raphael, we have great love for each other! We trust each other fully. We love and accept each other just as we are. We have the maximum expression of ourselves because we are with the person we cherish and love! We look for ways to please each other and these come as wonderful surprises of love and kindness. We never constrain each other to do any certain thing. We have no judgment or expectations of any particular thing or action for the other. We share our feelings and deepest thoughts. We do what we say we'll do. We are individually self-reliant to be happy and stable emotionally. Life is full of joy because we have a wonderful companion with whom to share our life. Neither of us dominate the other, or compel the other to do or act in any certain way.'
She looked at her loving husband and I saw a look of love pass between them. They are eternally bound and so happy together!
I want to be such a good spouse as I see my Heavenly Parents are for each other! What a great example to me!
I ended my prayer. I am so grateful for the stable marriage of my Heavenly Parents! They are such perfection of the marriage relationship.
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 6, 2018, Sunday
1. This morning I came to God's temple in the celestial world. I came in the front door and came to the back of the entry room, facing the temple doors in front of me. I saw that I was still very clarified, so I didn't drink any living water. I knelt towards the doors and invited my Heavenly Parents to come.
They soon came into the temple at the doors in front of me. They had been talking. When they came into the temple, they both looked at me and walked directly to me. They were holding hands, smiling.
I spent some time gazing upon their happy and loving faces. I scanned their robes, I looked into their familiar eternity eyes, both so deep and accepting of me!
I then started the prayer. I asked for the opportunity to share with my wife my life as it has been revealed to me, of being a healing angel and Raphael, the archangel. I prayed for strength to do so well. I especially asked that she be able to accept me just as I am with no judgments. I also asked that God send their Spirit to bless her to know this was true.
2. Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, we have timed the revealing of your premortal identity to your wife at the same that you are both changing your mindsets. We have taught both of you to drop all expectations of each other, all judgments, and just to love each other exactly as you each are. This will allow you to flourish and grow into the people you really are. You will find acceptance, love and understanding from each other. You will also be excited about the freedom you feel to just be yourselves. We will send our Spirit as you share from the beginning, your journey as an angel of God.'
3. Heavenly Mother also spoke:
'Raphael, don't feel apprehensive about sharing, for you will know when to share and how much. We will be with you as you reveal your role before us, and of the calling we have given to you. You are our fourth son born in the spirit, Raphael, in this eternity! We have a great work for you to accomplish. We are pleased with your openness and acceptance of our revelations. We will continue to lead you and bless you and your wife in all things.'
4. Heavenly Mother then extended her and I stood before them. She then said:
'Raphael, walk with us now to the vision murals, in our mortal probation chapel in our temple. We will watch together some of the events in your near future!'
We walked down the hallway and came into the chapel. We walked to the back mural in the southwest corner. It then depicted the events that would soon happen to me and to the other angels, and to the elect of God in the world. I don't know in my conscious mind what these were, but I know my Heavenly Parents were standing on either side of me, watching the vision mural with me.
5. I saw, in particular, many events coming my way, the directions I would be given by my Heavenly Parents, and my obedience to their directions. I saw them continue to magnify me as I was obedient to all that they revealed to me. I saw also the other angels receiving more and more revelations too. I saw that my wife was a constant support to me and me to her. We enjoyed a choice relationship of mutual love and acceptance, with no expectations or judgments of each other's actions. I saw that our Heavenly Parents smiled on us and blessed us in our marriage.
Thus ended my morning prayer. I feel happy and at peace. I look forward to this day.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 7, 2018, Monday
1. Yesterday, I shared with my wife again about my first encounter with Heavenly Mother in the energy class 5 years ago. I also shared all about my role as a healing angel. I told her of working in the unconscious mind in spiritual realms of the earth, while being replicated. I told her that for right now I was to have enough planned open time for connection 2 times per day with God, but other than this I can live a pretty much normal mortal life.
She had lots of good questions. I answered what I could and then attended a ward in Mapleton, Utah. It felt very good to share! She seemed receptive, but she said the concepts were really different than her previous understandings. She mentioned twice if we needed to do something different than we are doing in life because of my important calling.
In the sacrament, I came to the circling waters. I knelt and faced south from an area just in front of the bench. After the sacrament prayer on the bread, I made my sacrament covenant with God. As I waited for the bread to be passed, I saw both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother come to me above the water. They both were smiling at me. I then took the bread and Heavenly Father spoke:
2. 'Raphael, we accept your covenant you have made to take upon you the name of Jesus Christ.'
At that moment, Jesus came from my left and stood on the right side of the Father
'...to always remember us, and to keep our commandments.
You have done well in sharing with your wife about you being a healing angel! Continue sharing with her slowly, answering her questions and helping her understand all about healing angels.
We will also bless you with greater love and enjoyment in your marriage. Now that you are sharing more with her of your great calling, we will bless you both greatly in your love, acceptance and care for each other.'
3. The priest then blessed the water. Heavenly Mother then spoke:
'Raphael, we will make your marriage a closer relationship and a great comfort to each of you!'
She then stepped forth, put her hand behind Heavenly Father's back and with the outside hand placed it on my head. Heavenly Father did the same and placed his hand on my wife's head. They were both facing us. There began to come a light from each of them, down their arms and hands to my wife and me.
The sacrament then ended. I felt that our Heavenly Parents were both communicating something to us in our unconscious minds. It was a neat experience, even though I could not consciously hear the words.
4. We talked some more after the sacrament meeting. I realized I needed to share slowly and let it naturally sink in. We had been having some problems with our son at home, with some issues he was struggling with as a result of his brain injury. This makes it more difficult to accept more obscure beliefs like replication and working in the unconscious mind. These seem at first crazy concepts, even though they are true. I said God uses replication all the time to appear to many or act in multiple ways. I said this is how people have visions and their spirit stays in the body and keeps it alive, while the replicated spirit departs in vision.
We visited two neighbors, one in the rest home and one who had recently been thrown from her horse. We then came home and hurridly got ready for a family birthday party for two grandchildren. It was very fun! We returned late and I tested remedy charts and pulled pills for the week. At 11:20 we finally went to bed. I had my prayer at midnight after a full day!
5. In my evening prayer, Heavenly Father came to me in front of the desert oasis. He spoke to me briefly, but I don't recall what he even said. I was very tired. I went to sleep and awoke early.

6. This morning I came again to the desert oasis. I drank living water and prayed facing the water. Heavenly Father came to me next to the shore. I poured out my heart to him, particularly about sharing my life with my wife. I prayed she would be open to my story as I will slowly share it. I then asked him to share with me what he would like to share. Here are his words as I write them now:
'My son, we will be with you as you share your experiences that you have had with us, your Heavenly Parents, with your wife this week. Your sharing may be a pattern that other mortal angels may wish to consider also with their spouses, or those close to them. We will guide them too in what to share, if anything. They should counsel with their Heavenly Mother and I in any sharing of their angelic ministry with others that may be close to them.
7. You have noticed outside how quickly on your earth the world has changed into springtime. The weather is warmer, trees are leafing out, the grass needs mowing and the entire world is abloom with flowers! There is also a transition in the hearts of our elect to have more receptivity to spiritual promptings. We will be using you and our other heavenly servants in helping steer these elect to us, to be open to our revelations and promptings. The work of our angels is steadily increasing all over your world on earth, particularly as Satan rages more fully in the hearts of the wicked.
8. Your wife had a good question of why we use angels to minister to our children in mortality. You have answered correctly, in helping these angels to learn and also grow, so they will become men and women of God in healing, blessing, and doing all we ask them to do. We try to use all our own children in ministering our love and blessings to others of our children. Thus both the messenger of our action and direction, and the receiver are blessed and strengthened. We use those who ask us to help them to help others. We grant to them according to their desires to serve, and their openness to our promptings. We would that all our children act in love and service to each other. We smile upon their tender caring actions to those of our children who are in great need!
9. Your wife wondered too why there is so much suffering in the world. My answer to her is that this is part of a telestial environment, particularly where Satan has tried to wreak havoc among our children. Satan has inspired the wicked to create all varieties of traps and subjugations for all our children on earth. Many diseases and other health issues have come about because of Satan's meddling and luring of the wicked to control with power and dominion. The general level of sin and wicked behavior is directly due to Satan's work among our children on earth. Many of those in power on earth care only for their own gain and control and not for the needs and desires of our children who seek for peace and happiness.
10. Soon Satan and his minions will be bound, the wicked will be destroyed and the earth will be elevated to a terrestrial world. There will be great peace, happiness and the love of your Heavenly Mother and I will spread among our children. Our elect will serve each other in compassion and gentleness. This earth will become a paradise for those living on her surface! Just as surely as spring turns into summer, this more peaceful world is soon coming to Mother Earth.'
I thanked my Heavenly Father for his comforting words he gave to me this morning in my prayer. I yearned to be next to him and Heavenly Mother always, but knew I needed to work and live in a fallen telestial world. I asked for their companionship during the day today. I knew my time in prayer was ended. I expressed my love and then closed my prayer and started my day.
11. In the evening:
Tonight I thought to go to the little stream flowing east down the hill from Lake Beautiful. I drank of living water there and felt very clarified. I then faced north and knelt and prayed. I asked Elohim to come, or my Heavenly Parents.
My Heavenly Mother appeared directly in front of me. She was filled with light and was smiling. She asked me to write her words:
'Raphael, you have been busy today, scheduling a lot of activities into your life. You have such an enjoyable time planting in the garden and shopping with your wife. You have more activities than you can possibly do in your mortal life. If this were in the celestial realms, then you would be able to replicate yourself and get all of these tasks to do done! When you replicate in our celestial realms, you do one task at a time. When done with one, then you start another, and soon have all the tasks done. We give you many assignments to accomplish each day, and you and our angels work at these tasks until they are completed. We give these assignments, one at a time, so that when done with one, there is another assignment waiting. Our angels each come back into our presence and receive each assignment directly from us. We give you our authority and power to execute each one of our assignments.
12. We do this via our angels and messengers for their benefit and growth. They receive knowledge, skills and tutoring using our power and authority for a specific assignment. It is also recognized among all of our children that our angels and other servants who work in our celestial realms come with our authority, representing us.
Our archangels work even closer to us, in our presence, all the time. They replicate to go forth in fulfilling our assignments, but they are also in our presence continually. This way they have immediate access to us. Other angels are not continually in our presence, but come unto us when they receive their assignments. When they are not receiving our directions, but are out serving us, they are not in our presence, but out on their assignment.
13. In Revelations 8:2, John "saw the seven angels which stood before God; and to them were given seven trumpets." These are the male archangels who are continually before us, their God.
14. Similarly, the seven female archangels are before me continually also, in their replicated persons. Like their male archangel counterparts, they have one of their replicated persons always with me, as the male archangels are either with the Father or me continually.'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words about archangels and their role to be in God's presence. I then closed my prayer and went to bed.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 8, 2018, Tuesday
1. These are wonderful days. I awoke early to see the sunrise out my eastern window. It was clear blue skies with lots of sunshine.
In my morning prayer, I came to the winding desert stream on the path. I prepared myself mentally and knelt on the path next to the stream, facing west, with the oasis behind me in the distance. I had a hard time concentrating at first for I had many things to do pertaining to our many projects in my mind. These are now put away and I am able to pray. I could tell my body and mind were very clear.
I prayed to my Heavenly Parents. I then saw them both on the path to my left. I turned and faced them. They were smiling, filled with light and holding hands. I gazed into their faces, their eternity eyes! They were so deep, filled with compassion, acceptance, purpose, and love.
After I gazed on them for some time, I spoke of my gratefulness to be in their presence! I thanked them for showing me such great things. I told them how humbled I felt to be in front of them! I expressed a desire to only do their will and hear all their words, directions, counsels and cues. I waited.
2. Heavenly Father then spoke:
'Raphael, continue sharing today with your wife all about this celestial world you visit and work from so frequently. Tell her about the domed room, the lake at God's healing center, and the beautiful surrounding areas. Share with her some of the amazing wonders and serenity in our world. Tell her that this is her world too, where she knows, where she grew up as a noble spirit daughter of both your Heavenly Mother and me!'
I said I would continue to share these experiences with her I had in heaven and of this beautiful celestial world.
3. Heavenly Mother then asked me to write to this point in my journal and then to record her words:
'Raphael, your Father and I love each one of our children. We have given them a wonderful but sometimes difficult experience in mortality, in a fallen telestial world. Your day is particularly spiritually dark, and this makes it difficult for our children who have been close to us and spiritually sensitive. Many feel lost and feel they do not know anymore who we are. We yearn to have them come back into our presence and renew their understanding of our identity and also of their own identity. We temper these feelings for now, however, and wait the proper time of our revealing to each of them.
4. Share also with your loving wife all about my lower and upper gardens. Share with her what I have shown you about my remedy beds. Tell her of the beautiful circling waters, the meadows and forests, this calming desert area, Lake Beautiful and more! It is all very real and familiar to her in her premortal memories. You have walked together with your wife in all of these areas, even before you were born. Per your mutual desire, we have brought you forth at the same time in mortality in order to meet and marry. She will continue to be your companion in your ministry as Raphael during these last days and into the glorious millennium. You will be able to work together in ministering healing and comfort to our elect children. Raphael, her companionship and wisdom will be a great blessing to you! You are our healing angel through whom much healing and knowledge of the healing plants and remedies will be revealed anew to our children. You will work hand in hand with your loving wife who will assist you in all of this.'
I was so pleased and excited to hear these words from my Heavenly Mother! Oh, I know I will love doing this with my wife! I feel so very blessed to have her!
5. At night–I shared a little with my wife about the places I have visited. I would have liked to have done more. I have to be in the right mood or situation. Anyway, it will take time. I think slowly is best. This is how I received it all, slowly, over years actually.
I had another very busy and fun day! I went to work, did repairs on rentals, and spent time with my wife most all of the day. We share a lot and work hard together. This morning we planted tomatoes, peppers and prepared a square foot bed that she planted. It is very fun to both of us to garden!

After getting back, eating and getting bathed, it was 10:50 p.m. wow, how the day goes fast!
I came to the bench in front of the desert oasis. It is so calming here and a very connective place! I knelt down to pray, facing the oasis water. I saw next Heavenly Mother appear to me, over the water! She came a little closer to me and stopped near the shoreline. She asked me to write her words:
6. 'Raphael, you had a good conversation on the phone today with your sister, Rachael. She commented several times that she supports you in all that you do. We had asked her to give you support, for it is lonely for you to continually receive new revelations and share these. With the two recent mortal angels who have decided not to support you and no longer receive your webposts, you needed some support.
7. Each individual child of ours must choose for themselves what they believe and whom they will support. We desire all of our angels to support you in your calling, Raphael. You have not sought this position, nor do you seek any notoriety or any position of authority. You only do as we tell you. This is exactly as we wish, Raphael. We want you to continue to be very open, humble and have no expectations. We will completely lead you!
8. In your conversation with your sister, you also talked about the shields of the Father. You wondered how a fellow mortal angel could have an attached evil spirit. If they have this shield, how could they receive an attached spirit?
I want to answer this question. If our elect child has a shield of the Father, they are much more protected than before having the shield. However, if they continue meddling in habits that solicit attached spirits, they are able to linger closer to their person. If they then become influenced by these false spirits, who are evil, it is possible that these will jump onto them and become attached. This is all based on the desire of our child even though they have a shield. Once their shields are compromised, it is much more difficult to extract the evil spirit(s).
9. There are some mortal angels who have had their shields of the Father already compromised. There are also those in the high leadership positions of the LDS Church who have received shields, and these have subsequently also been compromised. For these individuals, they are more open to the adversary than ever before. However, for the great majority of our elect, their shields are in place and are effectively protecting them from the fiery darts of the adversary.
10. Your shield, Raphael, is very effective in protecting you from Satan's influence. You steer clear of any interaction with Satan or his minions except in the process of your duties to remove those to the prison orb. This shield of the Father has enhanced your spiritual progression in receiving more and more directions from us, your Gods.'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her help in sorting out these issues. I feel very connected to her and Heavenly Father these days–more than ever before! I feel also more assured and capable. I do feel very weak and humble, however, at the same time. I feel I am fully dependent on God for anything I might be able to do for myself or for anyone else.
I closed my prayer and went to sleep, a very tired man!

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 9, 2018, Wednesday
1. I awoke refreshed but sore, sore from physical labor in our garden digging and making a wall divider in a rental garage. I am grateful to have lots of activity in my life. I spend a lot of it with my wife.
I felt to come to the circling waters. My mind kept wanting to race onto my projects, so I had to keep pulling it back to prayer! I drank once from the water and then asked my Heavenly Parents to come. Both came and stood in the air over the water. They were smiling at me. I gazed on their faces for some time since I was at first distracted in my mind. Heavenly Father then wanted me to write his words:
2. 'Raphael, when I was on my earth, living at a similar age as you are in mortality, I too had many projects as you have. I worked hard, particularly in providing for my wife and family. I was strong and determined. Once all of our children became adults and moved away, your Heavenly Mother and I were alone in our home. We still had lots of activities and became much wiser than during our early years of marriage. However, our body strength and vitality started waning with age. This is the state you are in now.
3. When you come to the New Jerusalem, you will have aged more and your vitality will be that of an older man. This is when we will halt your aging process. You will be very wise, however, from your rich experiences you have learned from in life, and the many revelations we will have shared with you up to that time. We will then increase your vitality and strength to be able to function as our prophet of The Church of the Firstborn, and in directing the construction of the New Jerusalem, as we give you guidance.
4. Your sister Rachael mentioned yesterday on the phone how she had spent time with her granddaughter She said she had felt to enjoy these times in building a deeper relationship and in relishing the moments together. One cannot go back and relive these times together!
We counsel you to enjoy fully these times with your wife and loved ones. These are choice experiences that you have together. Accept your adult children and their spouses and children as they are, with no expectations or judgments. It is a wonderful privilege we give to each of our beloved children to choose for themselves their path in life and whom they wish to listen to. As you share unconditional love and acceptance with them, they will feel love and respect back. These times in your later years, after your children have become adults themselves, are some of the best times in life.'
5. After Heavenly Father spoke, Heavenly Mother wanted me to write her words too:
'Raphael, there was also a maturing of our spirit children in their premortal life with us, their Heavenly Parents, similar to what maturing older people experience in their mortal lives. When our spirit children were first born, they were protected and taught by us in our temple nursery. We shielded them from outside influences until we instilled in them values and our teachings. They then moved out of our temple home and became more mature. They had grown to their full spirit stature, but still lacked much wisdom and understanding. This maturing process required them to experience their pre-earth life on their own. We encouraged them to come back to us often. We set up classes and ways for them to learn about their future mortal lives. We encouraged them to develop lasting relationships with their brothers and sisters. We loved and accepted them unconditionally.
6. When our spirit children had matured to a high degree, finding what they loved to do and their propensities, talents and interests, we gave them the opportunity to come to mortality, a telestial experience. This is what they had been preparing for during their entire premortal life. If they would be true to our voice, obey our words that we would continually give them in their unconscious mind, they would then fulfill our plan for their lives. They could return to us and live the type of Godly life we live for themselves.
7. These experiences in your earth life are very special! Cherish and savor these times, Raphael, particularly in communing with us so directly and in being with your loved ones in your own family. We will continue to guide you in all your life. We will do this for every one of our children who seek us and also follow our counsel. Oh, we love you!'

I reached out to her extended hand and squeezed it in a token of love! She was beaming with a wide smile. Light and love just seemed to flow from her to me so that I was also filled with her light and love also.
She and Heavenly Father then started fading away. As they did, Heavenly Father said that they would both be by my side during the entire day. I thanked them and came to my conscious awareness, writing this all down in my journal as it occurred. I then started my new day!
8. In the evening: I have felt somewhat exhausted this evening from the work I have done today and this week. There was a lot of manual labor I did.
This evening I came into my bedroom and knelt by my bed. I immediately thought I was at the head of the little mountain stream in Heavenly Mother's upper garden, at the pool area. I knelt facing the granite cliff. I then asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. I could tell I was very clear in my body, all down to my toes. Heavenly Father came to the top of the granite cliff and asked me to come to him from where I was. I came directly up and knelt before him in the air so he was in front of me. He asked me to write the words he would speak to me:
9. 'Raphael, I am glad you have come to me early this evening in prayer. You would do well in all of your activities to prioritize these tasks and then work on them one at a time. We organize our work in a similar way and do our work when we desire it to be done. Some of our plans must wait until other events happen, but those that are needing to be done we do immediately. Whatever we have as our desire to do we do, and do not hesitate in our actions. We have our plans all in place, for we see the beginning to the end. We are never surprised in what happens in the present, for we see it coming in our future views.
10. We desire you to start seeing future events, using your increased gift of foresight. To activate this gift, we will tutor you. Stand and I will show you how this is done!'
I stood in the air and came next to my Father's outstretched right hand. He drew me close, with his right arm around my shoulders. He pointed with his left hand off to the horizon. He spoke again:
11. 'Raphael, look now off to the horizon. Think of trying to see what I am sharing with you while you look off to the future events.'
I then looked off in the horizon and thought of what Heavenly Father wanted me to see in the future. Today is my granddaughter's birthday, and she is 11 years old. As I looked into the future, I saw her as an older teenager, probably around 16 years. She was dressed in a dark dress and was a very pretty girl. Her hair seemed especially pretty and nicely made up and was the color as she is now.
12. Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, you have seen your granddaughter five years in the future, on her 16th birthday. You have correctly let come into your mind whatever I placed there. You only see what I place there. This is your gift of foresight! You need to be very open and have a clear mind. Asking that you see and perceive what we, who are your Gods, may wish to show you. Sometimes the view of what we want to show you will come into your mind if you are open and perceptive, without you asking us.
13. Raphael, this takes practice to look off in the horizon and perceive the future that we wish to show you. We want you to see and perceive what we give you, so we will give you more experiences this week. Make sure you don't dismiss these views we place in your mind, thinking it is some imagination of your own doing. Just let these views come and you will know it is from us, for you may ask us whether this view is given to you of God or not. Our assurance will come into your heart and mind immediately if it from us, your Gods.'
I thanked my Heavenly Father for this gift of foresight! I said I plan to be open and clear so that I could receive the views of the future as he and Heavenly Mother would wish to show me. I thanked him for this great gift of foresight!

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 10, 2018, Thursday
1. I awoke with my wife and we talked for some time this morning. We discussed priorities for our many things we want to do. I came away wondering what, if any, priorities of our daily tasks God would have me do. Is it based on my needs, my interests, my mission–what?
After talking, I came to the adjacent room to seek to connect to my God. I had this thought in my mind. I came to the desert in heaven, to an isolated hill in the desert. I made sure I was clear and then asked my Heavenly Parents to come to me or me to them. I soon felt the presence of my Heavenly Father. I was so grateful he came to me! Heavenly Mother was not there.
2. I asked my Heavenly Father about the need to prioritize my activities in my life. How do I determine these priorities? Is this based on my current thoughts of what my wife and I might need, or family members? Should my priorities be based on something Heavenly Father would show me? In mortality, does it make much difference if I work on preparing one house to be rented or to work in my garden planting tomatoes, or going to support a grandchild in his/her performance at school? How do I determine my mortal priorities?
3. Heavenly Father asked me to write his words:
'Raphael, each of our children who come to mortality may choose for themselves how they occupy their time. Besides the need to care for their own body, to provide for their basic needs and that of their family, we allow each of our children to find their own way and pursue their own interests. We give each a lot of situations or circumstances in their mortal life for them to navigate through. Some are more methodical than others, but each has a choice. We really desire to connect with each of our children daily. We will guide them as they allow us in their lives.
Some of our children have passion for a certain area to pursue and some other desires. Many magnify the talents they developed in their premortal life and others pursue the interests they come across in the course of their lives.
4. In all of these pursuits, we desire to help guide our children, to have them be open to us and to adopt our loving and gentle ways. Family relationships can be eternal and the love and kindness to each other in developing these relationships is very important. However, beyond these basic things, we give wide latitude to our children to pursue what they themselves wish to do. We watch how they interact with each other and how much they seek to follow us and our promptings to their unconscious minds, in their inner being.
5. You asked me about priorities in your own life. We have told you to fill in your time in your mortal life with worthwhile pursuits. We have said your current mission is in the celestial realms, both in heaven and on the earth, in fulfilling our will as you minister as an angel of God to our children we send you to. You are to lead a quiet life, with no attention called to your angelic duties you do for us. You may choose what you pursue in your own life. We want to have you carve out time twice daily for us in your personal prayers. Beyond this, you may do as you wish. We will guide and bless you in your life, leading you gently to areas that will bless you and your family.
6. Right now you also have chosen to have lots of activity in your mortal life–lots to do. In these pursuits, it is helpful to prioritize your tasks, in your own mind and with your spouse. Take one task at a time and seek to enjoy whatever you pursue. Avoid the feeling of being overwhelmed with so much to do. All of these actions you do are helping you develop good skills that bless you now and will bless you in preparing for a future day. In that future day, starting in the New Jerusalem, your mission we have you to do in mortality will also really begin. You will have your focus be to organize and construct the New Jerusalem. Your mortal activity will then become fully devoted to your archangel mission. This will continue into and throughout the entire millennial day.
7. Until that time, Raphael, I recommend filling your time with that of your choosing, as you counsel with us and your loving wife. Enjoy your chosen work and activity. Prioritize your life as you feel impressed. We will continue to pour out upon you our revelations and continue to guide you in these essential things we want you to do for us.'

I felt very satisfied with my Father's answer today! I thanked him for the wide liberty he and Heavenly Mother have given me. I want to so enjoy and relish this time in my mortal life. I feel so very blessed!
8. Later: After a very full and fun day–I left house early to go plant more in our garden. My wife had already been out for some time when I arrived. We worked together the entire day on joint projects together. It was a great!
We prioritized all the things to do today, made our schedule and then worked our plan. I feel free of all the other many tasks, since they were not on the schedule. We got everything done we had planned on except for the last task since my wife said she was too tired! Anyway, I have a great feeling of accomplishment this evening!
Tomorrow is also a full day. I love springtime too!
9. Tonight in my prayer I came to the western mezzanine of God's temple in heaven. I had wondered if there was a door exiting the temple at the ground level. I also felt I would do well to go there tonight for my evening prayer. I came up some steps to the western wall of the temple. I knelt on the granite or hard rock that was there. I faced east, or towards the temple. I asked one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come.
I next saw both my Heavenly Parents coming through a door on the west wall of God's temple. It wasn't a large entry door, but it matched the wall there and wasn't noticed easily. My Heavenly Father came out and then Heavenly Mother. They came together in front of me.
10. Heavenly Mother spoke to me:
'Raphael, we had you work for us extensively in the celestial realms today. You ministered healing and guidance to the elect of God now on the earth. In your mortal life, you also accomplished a great deal too. You are tired and ready for bed. I will give to you our short message:
11. When you work your plan of the day's activities, you release all of the other tasks from being done that day. This is very freeing! Also, when a detailed daily plan is consistently worked on, then the month's results are more pronounced than had you no daily plan to work on. You enjoy your work more and have the sensation of fewer items to be worked on.
In our heavenly abode, we give you multiple tasks to do one after another at the beginning of each day. When you are completed with the first task, you have another one waiting for you to begin. This method too is very freeing, for you only need to accomplish the task at hand. You also know when each of the tasks is completed for you receive a confirmation at the time.'
I realized I could also make more open time by replicating myself and getting those tasks done. I thanked Heavenly Mother for her short guidance. I look forward again to follow the plan that God gives me each day in the morning. There are hardly any moments between tasks, but I feel unrushed and free somehow.

J. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 11, 2018, Friday
1. This morning I awoke and prepared my mind for prayer. I felt rested and sure I could connect with one or both of my Heavenly Parents. I spiritually looked around and felt my unconscious self was under a large tree. I then knew I was under the large oak tree in the western part of Heavenly Father's wheat field. I then knelt, facing east, or to the wheat field. It was all green and maybe a foot in height. As I started to pray, my mind was filled with thoughts of the Stake President for some reason. I allowed these thoughts to keep coming.
I saw him now, dressed in a suit, acting very happy to be a leader in our area, and feeling so pleased that the church was moving ahead, in his mind, under revelation from God. He had ambitions to climb the ladder of church positions sometime in the future it seemed.
Next I saw him in 5 years. I allowed this view to come and tested and confirmed this view foresight was also from God. I saw he had been released. He was then a gray-haired man, and seemed disillusioned somehow with the LDS Church. His ambitions for leadership had been dashed. He seemed to be a broken man somehow. I looked back on the five years and saw that the flow of revelation to him was non-existent from God over these five years. I saw this was time also when he was the leader of the stake. He had been thinking he was acting under God's direction, but there had been given zero revelation from heaven. There had been lots of directions from the church leaders, his superiors, but no revelation from God, try as he might.
My view then closed. I wondered again if this had been from God, and I felt it was inspired.
2. I then asked for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to then come to me. Heavenly Father was immediately under the oak tree with me! He was smiling, and his eternity eyes seemed especially deep to me. He spoke:
'Raphael, my son, I have asked you to come to my wheat field this morning to help you develop your gift of foresight. Look now upon my wheat field and see what these tender shoots are going to be like in five years!'
I looked with an open mind and let what comes into my mind come. I then saw wheat about to my chest in height. They were still green but had grown a lot. There was only wheat in Heavenly Father's field, and no weeds. Heavenly Father spoke again:
3. 'Raphael, these represent my first millennial elect who are now coming forth on the earth. They will be ushered into the millennial day in the near future. They are pure and open and have connection with their Heavenly Mother and me.
The view you saw earlier in your unconscious mind of the current Stake President in the LDS Church was also from me. You knew it was from me at the time because you confirmed it to yourself when you saw with your gift of foresight. You had not asked for this, but only asked if what came into your mind was from me.
4. We are no longer giving revelation to the leaders of the LDS Church, as we have told you before. Those of the church, who ask us in the openness and sincerity of their hearts will receive our promptings. I will continue to protect our elect with my shields, from the enticements and intrusions of the adversary. However, those leaders who seek for ambition, have pride swell in their hearts because of their position of authority in the church–these do not receive our revelations, but are left to themselves.
5. Your gift of foresight will come to you exclusively from either your Heavenly Mother or myself. Always test to be sure the view you receive in your unconscious mind is from us. Concentrate then on 'seeing' what we wish to show you. We will guide you along, and you will fully see what we wish to reveal to you. Be humble and seek only to say and do our will, and not your own. This great gift is from us and not by anything that you may do to receive it, except to be in the state of receptivity, to be able to see what we want to show you.'

Heavenly Father indicated this concluded my prayer this morning. He said he would continue to be with me all the daylong. I thanked him and started my day!
6. Evening: We returned from another fun evening with another of our sons' family and just got back. I really like being with the grandkids. They are so open and innocent.
I came to a familiar area, at the circling water in Heavenly Mother's upper gardens. I was clear and prayed facing the water. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. I then saw Heavenly Mother come on the water in front of me! She was smiling and asked to speak to me:
7. 'Raphael, you have enjoyed a full day today and yesterday with family. These are moments to cherish together. We have many fond memories of being with our older children and their families from our mortal experience.
Last night and tonight you have been very tired when you got to bed. Raphael, this is one of the two times we may speak with you. We wish you to come to us earlier in the afternoon rather than 10:30 at night.'
I asked to be guided how I might spend time with my Gods. I told her I was sorry. On days like tonight, it seems out of my control. But I know it isn't out of my control, for I could carve out more time if I felt I needed it or I could pray in the afternoon.
8. Heavenly Mother said she would communicate with me what she wanted to share but I would not be able to hear it in my conscious mind.
I then saw myself ascend with her into the clouds above. I then saw white clouds above the circling waters, but I couldn't hear , try as I might. I feel more determined to commune earlier in the evening!
Tomorrow I will need to connect in the morning and early afternoon. We have Mother's Day plans for both Saturday evening and Sunday evening. I then closed my prayer and went to bed.

K. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 12, 2018, Saturday
1. When I awoke today, I talked with my wife in bed for 1 ½ hours. It was very nice to connect to her. I so enjoy her companionship!
I came next to the adjacent room to pray when we were done talking. I felt immediately to go to the fountain of living water, facing the temple in the distance. I felt I was clear and ready to pray. I knelt and prayed for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come to me.
Heavenly Mother came to me, walking from the doors of the temple. She was smiling and was filled with light and love for me it seemed! She came right up to me and took me by my hands, raised me up from my kneeling position, and hugged and kissed me.
2. She spoke:
'Raphael, I love you and am so glad to be with you, my son. I am thrilled to commune with you so often and to be here today with you!' She then took my arm, holding it in both her hands and said 'Let's walk and talk together!'
We walked along the river representing her, which at first heads east towards her gardens. There was a path we followed which heads along side of her river. The path leads towards the bottom of the falls. As we walked, she asked me to write her words and our conversation. I have written to this point now:
3. 'Raphael, what you discussed with your wife is very revealing about people around you. These are all my children. Each one is motivated by different things. Those in your own family who so frequently use flattering words when talking to others are often not genuine, but are seeking to manipulate these into doing something that would benefit themselves. This behavior makes others feel good, but it is shallow and not with sincerity or realness.
4. When you were with your son's family at the restaurant last night, you focused on your grandchildren. You were building a stronger relationship that would last, even into their entire life and into eternity. These relationships are so important and priority to be nurtured. I was pleased with your efforts to focus on these precious souls in your own family. You accepted them how they are, and just loved them. You delighted in their being, however that was. You showed interest and concern for them. They knew you loved them. Grandparents may do this sometimes easier than their own parents who are consumed in teaching them manners or quelling squabbles between siblings. Your role is unique in many ways–to just love, accept and give no judgment to your grandchild. One on one time is very helpful in developing a strong relationship of trust and love.
5. Raphael, your Father and I often come alone to you when you ask us to come. We use this one on one time to continue to develop a strong relationship with you. We share our abundant love and acceptance of who you are. We share deep feelings and our revelations with you. You are, in turn, very receptive to us, and our loving outreach to you. Our relationship therefore grows and our connection is strengthened.
6. In this same way you may develop a strong relationship with those in your own family. We have chosen who will be in your family in your mortal experience. You many times desired these individuals to be with you and we agreed. You had developed strong relationships together for many in your family in your spirit life before birth on earth. We chose some, but many were chosen by you and we accepted your mutual desires to be in the same extended family on earth.
7. By the time you were set apart as a healing angel, your family had been chosen. You had mutually desired to be with certain spirits and we were pleased with your choices. You had asked us if you could come with your future spouse, and we sent you both at the same general time to earth in order to meet and marry. Your earthly family relationships are for many of those in your family, a continuation of healthy and loving relationships developed before you came to earth. This is true for many others of our elect who come to the earth.'
8. We had now arrived at Heavenly Mother's glass table in her lower garden area. She spoke again:
'Raphael, come again later this afternoon before your family events of this evening that you have planned, to this same location, at my glass table. I will feed you again here preparatory to major work that your Heavenly Father and I want you to do!'

I said I would come. I felt so loved and accepted, not judged at all, but so warmly cared for by my Heavenly Mother! I always want to please her and do her will!
9. Later, 3:45 p.m. I began my second prayer very early today since I will probably get back quite late tonight. I came to Heavenly Mother's glass table in her lower garden. All around me were beautiful flowers of all varieties blooming! They each were so enticing me to come smell the fragrance and remark on their beauty it seemed. I went to some familiar lilacs that were on a trellis near me. The whole atmosphere was ablaze with a mild fragrance!
I came back to the glass table and faced the lilacs and trellis to my southwest. I asked for Heavenly Mother to come and maybe Heavenly Father if he wanted to come too. I knew Heavenly Mother said she would come for she had told me so this morning.
10. Heavenly Mother did come, in a bright column of light above the trellis. She had some lilacs in her hand that she brought with her. They were gorgeous but nothing like her beauty and love she exuded. I told her how lovely she was and how excited I was to be in her presence again. She smiled broadly and said she loved me.
She came then to the glass table and set the lilacs in a glass vase that was on the table. The vase was light purple and had images of flowers molded into its surface. There was living water already in the vase and the flowers and vase were a very pretty centerpiece!
11. Heavenly Mother extended her hand and said:
'Raphael, stand and walk with me! Let's go harvest some food for you to eat.'
I arose and walked up the gentle hill to the east. We came to some medium sized trees with purple fruit. She spoke:
'Raphael, hold out your hands and I will pluck some purple plums for you.'
She placed four large plums in my cupped hands. We next walked to a burgeoning cherry tree and she picked 12 cherries, deep purple–red in color, and placed them in my hands.
We then walked to another tree and picked several walnuts. She placed these three nuts in my hands, which were very full. She told me we would shell these back at the glass table. She said we would now return.
We were immediately at the table and she had me place my fruits on the table. She brought a cup and plate and then placed these on the plate, the plums together, the cherries together, and then the shelled walnuts together. I didn't know where the shells went, but the nuts were all shelled. She placed the cup closer to me and while I was sitting down she filled it with living water from somewhere that I don't know.
12. Heavenly Mother then came to my side, placed her right arm around my shoulders and pronounced a blessing:
'I bless this heavenly food to strengthen you, Raphael, in your celestial physical body, and to bless you emotionally to bear the burdens you will be given in the very near future. Amen.'
She then came to a chair across the table from me and sat down, facing me. She asked me to eat her food she plucked and grew for me. I started eating. The fruit and nuts were sweet and extra tasty–like I hadn't tasted any plum, cherry or walnut so good ever before on earth!
13. I soon finished. My plate had 4 plum seeds and 12 cherry seeds left on it. Heavenly Mother spoke again:
'Raphael, your Heavenly Father will give you an assignment soon in our spiritual realms in heaven. This will challenge your stamina, both physically and emotionally, in our celestial realms on the earth. With my foods you will have strength to fulfill all his commands.'
I thanked so very much my Heavenly Mother for her kindness to me. I said I would be obedient to her and Heavenly Father as long as I have strength. She then told me to have a great time celebrating my wife's Mother's Day with two of my children. She reached out and kissed me and then vanished. I thus ended my prayer next to Heavenly Mother's glass table.
L. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 13, 2018, Sunday
1. I awoke to a beautiful sunny morning today. It is all clear with prospects of a wonderful Mother's Day! We have all the families with grandkids coming today at 5:00 p.m.
This morning in my prayer I came to the shore of the desert oasis. It was warm outside there and clear and sunny too. I knelt in the sand, drank some clarifying living water and felt very clear. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Mother appeared to me on my right side. At first I couldn't see her clearly, but upon gazing on her and seeking to perceive her clearer, she came more and more into focus. I loved to see her sparkling eternity eyes, her nose, her mouth. She was beautiful! I told her I loved her and Happy Mother's Day! I asked if she had something to share with me this beautiful morning.
2. Heavenly Mother asked me to write her words:
'Raphael, I am the mother of the spirits of all mankind who dwell on the earth. These are my children who are living in your darkened world. Oh, I yearn to have them connect with me in prayer! I wish so to have them seek me and talk with me again! However, most are consumed in their own interests and lives, much more influenced by the adversary of their souls. They are mostly out of my reach and navigate their lives without their Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ or me in their conscious selves. They mostly don't know who they are–my beloved children!
Try as I might, I reach out to them for a glimmer of response, yet they will not hear me!'
3. I then saw a tear trickle down the cheek of my Heavenly Mother! I stood and came to her and embraced her, seeking to comfort her. I then felt a heavy burden of sorrow swell in my soul too! As we hugged, and our faces were touching on our cheeks, she spoke again:
'Raphael, you have been faithful and there are many more who are my elect who will awaken more and more to me. I may control my sadness for it is all in my mind only!'
4. She pulled back from me and put her hands on my shoulders. She spoke to me again:
'These elect are the children with whom I will focus my efforts. They too are now feeling distant from me, but after the trial of hardship and upheavals in their lives, they will seek me out. The shields of the Father will protect them in large measure from Satan's tactics and they will, in time, know me again and connect to me, their Heavenly Mother!'
I saw her eyes brighten with hope as she gazed into the horizon behind me. I turned and also looked. I then realized she was looking into the future. I asked her if I too might see what she was looking at in that future day.
5. She spoke again:
'Raphael, look upon my elect children!'
I looked and saw many gathered at the New Jerusalem, awaiting the glorious second coming of Jesus Christ. They were dressed in white robes and were pure and holy, having been individually cleansed by their Redeemer. There were also the elect located in other areas of the earth, waiting and watching for his coming.
Then Jesus Christ burst through the clouds of heaven, with all the holy angels at his side! There was immediately a rush of the righteous who ascended up to meet him in the air! The whole sky was filled with the elect of God who lived on the earth.
6. Heavenly Mother spoke again:
'Raphael, these are those who have come out of great tribulations and have washed their robes in the blood of my Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. These are pure before the Father and me! These are my children who have sought me and in whom I find great joy and pleasure!'
Her face was lit up with joy and there was a deep sparkle in her eyes. She was smiling broadly and seemed so happy. Her entire countenance had changed and transfigured!
7. 'Raphael, you see that my entire countenance and visage has changed, all because I chose to think other thoughts. I chose no longer to think of the wicked who have gone far astray from me. I controlled all in my mind. You too may choose to think what you may. It doesn't change the actions of others–only yourself and your own happiness. We who are your Heavenly Parents and your Gods choose to mostly think happy thoughts, for there is so much we see that is harsh and evil that we don't want to dwell on. We have to control always what we want to think and choose to feel.'
I then felt I was consciously in my recliner writing all of this and no longer in the desert in heaven! I knew I had received the message that Heavenly Mother wanted me to hear today. I thanked her in my mind and started my Sabbath day!
8. At church–Today my wife and I attended sacrament meeting in a ward at the same time our son went to his singles ward. We sat by an old neighbor who now goes to this ward we attended.
In the sacrament, I went in my mind up to the desert oasis and faced the water. I heard the prayer at the ward on the bread and made my own covenant in prayer to my Heavenly Parents. Heavenly Father came in great grandeur in front of me and Heavenly Mother was on his left side and Jesus Christ was on his right side. Heavenly Father spoke to me:
'Raphael, we accept the covenant you have made, to take upon you the name of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and to always remember your Heavenly Mother and me, and to keep our commandments.'
9. Heavenly Mother then spoke:
'Raphael, we have met here at the desert oasis to emphasize to you the message I gave you this morning, that your thoughts need to be controlled by you in order to bring about the view and the emotions you wish to have in your life.'
I then partook of the bread. Jesus Christ then spoke to me:
'Raphael, I have suffered for your weaknesses and sins, and fully redeemed you, else you could not return to us and be in our presence.'
I looked upon all three Gods before me. I saw they were all smiling at me and had accepted me.
10. I then partook of the water. Heavenly Father spoke again:
'Raphael, we are strengthening you in preparation for your upcoming assignment that I will give you. Look now to the horizon behind you, Raphael!'
I turned and looked without any idea what I might see or what God would place in my mind. I then began to get very tired. I never was able to see into the future. After the sacrament, I tried again to see off into the horizon. Nothing came. I felt tired again.
The sacrament talks then began. I couldn't concentrate to try to see what Heavenly Father wanted to show me. After church, we visited neighbors and then the family came for a large Mother's Day gathering. I didn't get back until 10:15 p.m. at night, now, as I write this account from my pocket journal I wrote in at church.
11. I am now ready to start my evening prayer. We have picked up and made the house look decent again after all the crowds have gone. I am grateful for their visits however.
I came back a third time today to the desert oasis. I came to the same place where I saw all three Gods before me at the water's edge of the oasis. I drank once of the living water and felt transparent and very clear. I turned and looked off at the horizon as I had done at the sacrament, with no success. I was facing the bench and away from the oasis. I began to see in the horizon some dark clouds gathering, like dark lightning clouds. They grew larger and were coming towards me. Soon they were directly overhead and the wind began to pick up with short gusts in various directions. I could see cloud-to-cloud lightning flashes before me, very close. Then one large bolt of lightning came right in front of me near the bench and hit the land with great force. There was a boom and an intense flash of light! I was temporarily blinded and then I heard a voice from the desert oasis behind me:
'Raphael, such will be the surprise and jolt that will rock your land in the near future!'
My compost pile
12. I turned around and Heavenly Father was standing behind me on the waters of the desert oasis. He continued:
'The intensity and shock will come very quickly and will rock your world. You need to prepare mentally for what will come. You need to have good control of your thoughts so that you will think clearly and feel settled and at peace during the turmoil all around you. Raphael, we will continue to be with you. Be not afraid, but be prepared.'
The vision vanished and I was writing in my recliner. I knew my prayer was finished. I wondered what all this future shock was about. I guess I need to prepare mentally and stay close to my Heavenly Parents so that when it comes, I will not be surprised, but ready to do whatever I am to do. I ended my prayer and got ready for bed.
M. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 14, 2018, Monday
1. I awoke today and came directly into the adjacent room to pray. I love having sunshine stream through our east window. It was quiet, the house was still asleep. I came to the pocketed rock wall in heaven, filled with mountain flowers like columbines and lupines. I faced the wall and knelt. I asked my Heavenly Parents to come, or one of them to come. Then to my right, from the forest, Heavenly Mother came in front of me! She was smiling and seemed happy. I thanked her for coming. I gazed into her face–her sparkly eyes, her nose and broad smile all made me feel relaxed and so cared for, for her countenance shone on me.
2. I asked if she had a message for me. She asked me to write her words:
'Raphael, share more with your wife this week about this lovely mountain stream, the flowers and trees here. Tell her that you feel loved and accepted by your Father and I.
Yesterday at church in the ward, you were comfortable during the sacrament portion of the meeting, but not in the remainder of the meeting with the two speakers. This is normal for you to connect to us during the sacrament and then to feel nothing during the remainder of the talks. We are also weary of those meetings! They seem to go on and on, without inspirations, all trying to boost and elevate each other:
Isaiah 1: 12–15
"When ye come to appear before me, who hath required this at your hand, to tread my courts?
Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity, event he solemn meeting.
Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hateth: they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bear them.
And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood."
4. You asked your wife yesterday why you felt so much lack of the spirit, even being quite upsetness, at the people. Your views have been greatly changing of true religion. You no longer accept the normal LDS cultural flow. These words and actions are sometimes repulsive to you. You yearn for a better spiritual environment where we bless you and the people with our light and love. This all makes you feel very lonely, estranged from the people whom you once thought were your friends with whom you could share your feelings.
Raphael, there will come a day of enlightenment and spiritual uplift! Right now there is no place to turn except to us in daily connective prayer to find peace and our light. Endure with patience these difficult days! We too are weary of our wayward children:
5. 2 Timothy 4:3–5–
"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables
But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry."
6. Raphael, your work is to continue to publish our words to you, to those very few who will listen and hear. We will give you revelation upon revelation to counter the hollow and lifeless spiritual chasm that is all around you.'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her support, her love and light that she continually showers upon me, her son. I expressed my love and devotion. I asked that she be with me as I share more with my wife today and give me opportunity to open up more. I then closed my prayer and started my day.
I felt this would be the end of post 79. I don't want these to get too long for I fear they become too hard to absorb."
3-year old goldfish in my pond, located in the chicken coop