78. Retraining the Mind
Posted 5-13-2018


I hope each of you are doing well, and enjoying a beautiful springtime like I am!

I have lots of information in this post about retraining our conscious minds, all given me from our Heavenly Parents. I also received a great blessing of light from my Heavenly Mother, which has greatly boosted my mental perceptions.

I found out that the number of the Refugees of Lucifer have now swelled to one billion in number! I have also been active in expelling half a million devils so far to that distant prison orb as the minions of Satan overstep their bounds. A lot is happening in the spirit realms around us!

Please pray about all of this, for my ideas are not from this world, but from God our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I have received word from many of you that you do confirm my words. I know this is the very best way to continue to proceed into the future. We each need our own light and knowledge we receive from God in these troubled and yet wonderful days ahead!

I have taken lots of pictures of my yard and garden (I hope I do not bore you with my flowers again!). This is my favorite time of year and I can hardly restrain myself!


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)

Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith Translation
Index of Posts 1-204
Book of Raphael Volumes One and Two Table of Contents

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 25, 2018, Wednesday

1. This morning I came to the bench near the fir forest, next to the Great Assembly Hall. The water on Lake Beautiful was glistening and it was very spring-like outside.

I drank from Lake Beautiful until I felt very clarified, able to see and connect to my unconscious self. I then knelt by the bench facing the fir forest. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

I first saw Heavenly Mother coming out of the forest. She then paused and Heavenly Father came on the same path behind her. They then held hands and came to me at the bench.

I looked on them. They were pleasant and happy, but somehow seemed winded from something–I was unsure. I asked them to share with me what they wanted to say.

2. Heavenly Mother asked me to write her words:

'Raphael, we have just emerged from the forest behind us. We came from the Refugees of Lucifer on the other side. They are burgeoning in their numbers! We needed to expand the area that they are living in, for there was a need to make more room for their numbers.'

3. I asked Heavenly Mother if I might see what they did to expand the area. She spoke:

'Raphael, come with us and we will go there!'

I stood and came between her and Heavenly Father. I took their hands and we went up in the sky and traveled over the fir forest to the north.

We soon came upon the expanded area of the Refugees of Lucifer. My Heavenly Parents had expanded the area to the west, north and east, so that there were more inhabitable areas, with beautiful meadows and rolling hills. There had before been mountains and rough terrain.

4. Heavenly Mother spoke:
'The members of the refugees has been steadily expanding, now to one billion in number! They are now moving their living areas to the open spaces we have made to be more habitable for them.'

We came next to the areas of the eastern section that my Heavenly Parents had expanded.

5. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, we may ask our celestial orb to change the configuration on his surface. This is what we have done here. We do this at different times based on the needs of our particular eternity. With so many more Refugees of Lucifer coming, we wanted to have the mountains that were here to become more flat, along with rolling hills and open meadows, streams and lakes. We came here and asked our celestial orb to change its surface to become what you see below us now, in gentle rolling land. We next planted grasses in these areas, which quickly grew, making these hills green and lovely. Heavenly Mother has also brought meadow flowers here too, and there are interspaced beautiful meadows in parts of these rolling hills.

6. We love our refugees, and want them to feel as comfortable as possible. They will make their habitation here, and to the north and west where we have expanded in similar ways.

They will be here during the millennial days on the earth. They will gradually be coming to earth for their mortal experience from this location, north of the fir forest.

Each of them has left the grasp of Lucifer and come to their Savior, Jesus Christ. They were in the greatest pain and misery, but are now freed from this completely, except in their minds. Our diligent servants are helping them rethink and redo their thoughts so they let go of their past and look forward to their futures. They will forever be a happy and a very grateful people!'

7. I thanked my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother for their great kindness to these, their children who once had turned away from them and now have returned back. My heart went out to these, for the terrible past they endured. I rejoice in their salvation and the opportunity to be numbered among the elect of God.

My Heavenly Parents and I came back to the bench, next to the Great Assembly Hall. Heavenly Mother then spoke:

'Raphael, come here tonight for more information about Lucifer and his plans to destroy our mortal children on earth. We will be here when you are able to come unto us!'

I then thanked them and said how much I loved them. I then started my day.

Our garlic bed we planted last fall

8. Later: My wife wasn't feeling well so she went to bed early. I am in the adjacent room to have my evening prayer.

I came to Lake Beautiful again and drank twice from my cupped hand. I then came to the bench near the fir forest and knelt, facing the lake. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

They both appeared over the lake, and rather quickly came to me. They were each in white light! However, they looked a little troubled. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, our fallen son Lucifer has developed more refined plans to the entrapment and then destruction of our children on the earth. Our hopes are that the elect will not succumb to Satan's deception and tricky plans.

9. Lucifer may do as he wishes, within the bounds that we have set, and for only a limited time now. Raphael, you have been active in escorting many of Satan's gullible minions to the prison orb, outside of your solar system. These have gone beyond the limits of decorum that we have set. Lucifer himself dares not trespass these bounds, but he encourages all of his leaders and followers to push up to and beyond the known limits. You have swiftly executed judgment based on our directions, when to remove a particular devil away from earth to the prison orb. They all fear your swift action.

10. The plans of Lucifer are these–to not only entrap the souls of men and women in mortality but to sacrifice many of his own devils to attempt to force mortals into subjugation. Satan's numbers are dwindling, both to the convert Refugees of Lucifer and also to those who trespass limits and then you remove them to the prison orb.

Satan is therefore much more aggressive against the mortals on the earth than ever before! He has already lost one half a million to the prison orb that you have placed there! Satan's numbers still foolishly push their boundaries, and you continue to remove them away from the earth.

11. Satan lures the unsuspecting with lurid and open sin in as much grossness as they will tolerate. He then has his devils possess their spirits, and attempts many times to force them into further sin and entrapment. All of the violent, sexual, carnal and murderous methods he has used in the past have been intensified. He pushes hard, saying there are no boundaries to the conduct of a man or a woman, for there is no God and no accountability. Thus he lies to them, and entraps them in sinister habits, and then blackmails them into continual evil behavior. He says there is no repentance, no going back and changing, for his recipient of his methods he says is too far into sin and evil, and can never change.

Satan also has worldwide control of sex trafficking rings, child pornography and murder rings, and all varieties of heinous crimes. He laughs and boasts of his power.

Satan is also promoting wars and deep arguments between leaders of nations that will recklessly propel their nations into war, hateful atrocities against their enemies, and terror of all varieties. Nuclear war and large destructive forces are all on the near horizon, and will rock your own land.

12. Our elect hear our voice and turn away from the gross and evil around them. For these elect, Satan lures them more carefully, one step at a time, until they are bound also in his evil thought patterns and addictions of all varieties. He greatly discourages sincere prayer and quiet time, for he knows the elect will seek us, their God. Instead, he keeps them busy in unimportant things, in more and more pleasure-centered living, in desensitizing habits and lifestyles. He promotes pride and self-sufficiency instead of dependence on God. He wants the faithful to depend on their leaders and to not question how they are being led. He lulls them away into carnal security rather than humble dependence on God, not man.

13. This is Satan's plan to wage in great anger among the mortals living on earth now. He will never stop until you capture him and his minions, and place them in the bottomless pit. He will continue to fume and connive his sinister plans in hell during the entire millennium.'

I thanked my Father for his clear words on Satan's plans! I pray that I will be astute enough to keep away from his tricks and entrapments. I know the antidote is to commune humbly and openly with God, to act in love and kindness to all, and to strive to serve all around me. I then knew my time in prayer was over. I thanked both my Heavenly Parents for coming, and then lost awareness of my unconscious mind, and came to bed.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 26, 2018, Thursday

1. This morning I talked with my wife for an hour before praying in the adjacent room. I came to the fountain of living water and drank once to feel clarified in my mind and body. I then felt determined to go to the white gate and commune with my Savior, Jesus Christ.

I envisioned walking there from the fountain. I saw the white gate soon, and it swing open towards where Jesus was standing. I walked in by Jesus who was holding the gate opened. I then turned and knelt before him. He had shut the gate behind me.

2. I spoke:

'My blessed Redeemer, I am so very grateful for thy great redemption wrought for me, and for thy continual cleansing and purity thou gives me daily. I know all this is because of thy great power to redeem and cleanse, and not my own. I love thee so much!'

Heirloom tomatoes just planted that we grew from seed

3. Jesus replied:

'Raphael, I continue to redeem and cleanse you from your occasional mishaps and all the weaknesses of the flesh which afflict you. In your mortal telestial self on earth you are weak, but in our celestial realms you are completely cleansed and empowered to do all our work that we commission you to do, directing you daily. Were it not for the redemptive power I continue to extend to you, you could not come so often into our presence. You are clean and pure before me and prepared again to commune with our Heavenly Parents!'

I looked into his deeply compassionate eternity eyes–so soft and loving! I feel so protected and cared for!

4. Jesus then lifted me up from my kneeling position and hugged me with his left arm around my shoulders. He pointed with an open hand to the path before me, the straight and narrow path leading to the tree of life. He spoke again:

'Raphael, this path represents your journey through life. Take it one step at a time, having no expectation of what may come, trusting in me as you hold fast to the iron rod, hand over hand as you make your journey to the beautiful tree of life! Your Heavenly Parents and I will always be with you!'

5. I stepped onto the path, took a hold of the iron rod with both hands, and then looked back at my Savior. He encouraged me with his eyes and smile. I then walked slowly towards the tree on the straight and narrow path, holding fast to the rod of iron to my right.

As I walked, I encountered lots of obstacles in life's journey. It rained hard and the path was slippery; there were gaps in the path that I stepped over by holding tight to the rod and pulling my body forward to the far part of the path; there were dark mists at times for me to walk through. There were deep ravines on either side of the path at one point, and the path was very narrow. There was blaring heat and scorching sun at times. However, I made it through all and came to a slight mound, which led to the tree of life before me!

6. I looked back and saw my "life". There were lots of dark mists still on the path. I could still see the broken path that I pulled myself across. I felt so relieved to have made it here to the tree!

I turned and plucked a white fruit and a leaf. I then walked to the nearby sapling and ate these. I felt very happy with myself, so so blessed to be guided and cleansed from my entire journey.

I then knelt, facing north, at the base of the sapling tree of life. I asked my Heavenly Parents to come. My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother soon appeared in front of me! They were broadly smiling, and seemed so pleased that I had come here and called on them in humble and grateful prayer.

Strawberries blooming

7. Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael, we will continue to bless you in your mortal life, over all the foibles and weaknesses of the flesh. These are part of the mortal journey of all our children in their telestial world. You will be able to fully rise above the wickedness and nasty culture of selfishness and sin that pervades your society. We will be on your right hand and on your left.'

8. Heavenly Father then spoke:

'My son, your Heavenly Mother and I have much yet to reveal to you, beyond anything you ever thought of. Our revelations will flow to you as sure as the sun rises each day in your world! You are an agent where our revelations will flow abundantly through.

Meet each day with a brightness of hope and faith. Lead a happy and unencumbered life, for we will guide your actions and bring you all you may need to do our will and be very much filled with contentment and joy!'

9. I replied to both of them:

'My Heavenly Parents, I am so blessed to be in thy loving presence! I thank thee exceedingly for all thy care and guidance. I look forward to whatever I may encounter in life, particularly in thy revelations and in actions I will do to fulfill thy will. I love thee both so very much!'

With these words, I quickly faded away in my conscious mind. I continued writing, but my communion with God was ended. I knelt by my recliner and verified all of this happened to me. I then closed my prayer.

10. Later in the evening–I had a very full and enjoyable day, at work and with my family! It is now 10:30 p.m. and I am settling down for a prayer. I came to the beautiful circling waters, next to the bench. I drank once from living water and then knelt facing the water. I asked for both or either of my Heavenly Parents to come.

Heavenly Father appeared in the middle of the circling waters a few feet above, in the air above the water. I gazed on his deep and tender eternity eyes, his white beard, his smile–all was so wonderful to behold! He then spoke:

11. 'Raphael, we are pleased with your efforts to keep trying to make improvements in your mortal conscious self. It is difficult to retrain your thinking and mindset in particular, for these have been gradually developed since your birth. We have given you lots of instruction on how to retrain and reprogram your mind.

Mortality in the telestial world, in your current world, can also be a harsh environment for our spiritually sensitive children. There are many cultural and religious values that are no longer honored. Satan rules in great anger and openness now in the world. Sin and evil practices are so easy these days for our children to access. Temptation lurks around so many of our own elect living at this time on earth.

Lettuce in one of our square foot garden beds

12. However, at the same time evil is more promoted, we have opened up the portals of heaven to many of our righteous who diligently seek us. You are one example, Raphael! Many of our revelations have been held back until these dark days, to counter the evil on the earth.

Light from us, your Heavenly Parents, is pouring down upon you from our celestial presence. More and more light and truth will continue to flood the earth from now on! Our heavenly servants are more active in their ministrations than ever before! We are very happy for these days to finally come!'

I felt invigorated by God's words to me! I am so glad I came to earth in these days and became aware in my later years when I could better absorb it all! I expressed my humble thanks to God for these great blessings!

I closed my prayer, for that was the message Heavenly Father gave to me tonight. I closed in the name of Jesus Christ.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 27, 2018, Friday

1. Today I awoke earlier than normal and saw the sunrise over the eastern mountains in Utah. It promises to be a lovely day–my weather app predicts 80 degrees for a high.

I soon was kneeling at my recliner. I thought to go to the granite cliff top at the end of Heavenly Mother's upper garden. I could see the magnificent temple in the distance, to the west. I drank from the living water below at the head of the mountain stream. I then came back up to the top of the granite and knelt. I asked for my Heavenly Parents or one of them to come.

Heavenly Mother then came from high in the sky above me. She was smiling and had sparkly eternity eyes. I was so pleased to have her come! I thanked her and told her how glorious she looked–so full of light, beauty and happiness. I asked if she had any message for me today.

2. Heavenly Mother asked me to write her words:

'Raphael, my son, it is a new morning here in our celestial world. We are sending forth more and more enlightenment, revelation, and truths from our holy presence upon our children, those who will receive on the earth. This flow of truth and light will increase continually until the magnificent return of Our Beloved Son to the earth. These are wonderful days, and like the new sunrise upon the earth, our light will shine over all mankind. However, most will not see, for they are trapped in carnal security, or pleasures of the flesh, in their own selfish agendas. But for those who seek us, we will abundantly pour out our light and love. We will guide the righteous to us, as fast as they are open and willing to receive us.

3. Today I want to share with you how to avoid the temptations of the flesh. Each of our children has a different weakness that Satan recognizes, as his minions study how to entrap and capture these in sin. These weaknesses of the flesh are what we give our children to overcome. The natural man comes to all our offspring in mortality, and is a struggle for all, even our spiritually sensitive and obedient. It is only in their fallen, telestial state of mortality that our children experience the deep pull of the natural man or natural woman. These tendencies come as selfish desires, pride, focus on vanity and beauty, self reliance, any appetite that gets out of its rightful bounds, manipulative or controlling behavior, gain of the things of the world, authority over others in unrighteous ways, the honors of men, and many more. They come to all at various times, and in ways our children are often unaware of their source. They all lead to misery and sin if our children practice and act on these luring temptations. They come into the minds of our children.

4. These all begin as thoughts. It is here where their avoidance is most easily started. Once your mind is made up, then avoidance of the temptation is so much easier, almost a non-issue.

Our children would do well to first recognize what behaviors and actions lead to sin and misery. They may ask "would this behavior I am thinking of doing lead me to be closer to God, and have more control over myself in the future?" This is often hard to do, for the temptation may only be slight, or a small thing, and the mind doesn't realize it as leading them away from God.

5. When our children spend time in reflective thoughts over their life, and how to improve, if they are open and seek to really gain full control over their mind and actions, they will see what needs changing. They then may consciously, in their own mind, rethink and retrain their mind in 'specific' ways to correct their behavior. As they call upon us, their God, in humble and open prayer, we too will help them see their weaknesses and actions that take them away from us.

6. The weaknesses of the flesh are often trained into our children since birth. For instance, the tendency to become angry may have been well taught by a parent. The child, now an adult, learned it well in seeing the actions of one he loves and seeks to become like. Then later in life, this now adult child still has anger tendencies. He/she may recognize this behavior in the quiet times of evaluation. Once recognized, then they need to replace the thought that 'when upset I become angry' with a new thought that is better. Rehearsal of proper or better thinking takes effort, but the change can then become permanent. All the emotions of men or women, whether good or bad, stem from his/her thoughts in his/her mind. This is where the effort to change should take place in the conscious and unconscious mind. Once corrected, the better feelings and better behavior (actions) naturally follow.

7. Raphael, your loving wife has progressed in ways of rethinking that have greatly helped her. She has also been teaching and sharing with you what she has learned. In turn, you are working on control of your thinking, and in replacing unwanted thoughts with correct ones. This is all a gradual process, but makes for you becoming empowered in all your thinking. Your emotions become happier, since they naturally flow from correct thinking. Your actions are more productive and pleasing to you. This pattern of retraining the mind can be done by all, one thought corrected at a time. This is the best way to feel empowered over any temptation that may come your way that ultimately would lead you away from us, your Gods.'

I felt happy with my communion with Heavenly Mother this morning! She was clear to me and I was very receptive. She smiled again, and her light, peace and love seemed to shine upon me as I knelt before her.

She then started ascending back up into the sky directly above me. I watched until she was out of sight. I want to capture these words of her advice in my mind, and more actively control my thoughts. I want to be very much in charge of myself in these ways!

Flax growing in one of our beds

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 28, 2018, Saturday

1. Last night we got home late after our date night. I prayed in the desert oasis and both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came to me. They were smiling at me and were holding hands.

I shared with them the activities of my day, how I felt with various things I did. I asked them to share with me.

Heavenly Father said that they would excuse me to bed because I was so tired. I had not intended to be so tired, or to skip my normal communion with them. However, I was very tired. I told my wife I was going to bed and we both went to bed around 11:30 p.m.

This morning I awoke early. I came again to the desert oasis. I drank once and then prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come.

2. Heavenly Mother came to me on the water. She asked me to write her words. I had a hard time seeing her–I guess it was earlier than I normally come. I kept dozing off to sleep, so I knew Heavenly Mother would want me to be alert. I therefore took a short nap of 45 minutes and now feel much more alert! I then could hear her words so much better. Here are Heavenly Mother's words:

'Raphael, when you come to us being tired, we cannot really share with you much. Last night and earlier this morning you were tired and had a hard time focusing. It is not a big consequence to us, only that we need to wait to commune with you. You should approach us when you are alert and capable to commune in a meaningful and alert way.

3. When you are distracted with other thoughts, and are not able to lay these aside, this also is a block to your prayer. You had some of these thoughts of distraction last night. Usually this isn't an issue, for you are able to focus on us, even in distracting circumstances. We desire for our children who come to us, for them to come fully awake and with no distracting thoughts. This will allow us to fully commune with them.

4. Today I wish to talk with you more about your thoughts. Your thoughts control everything you feel and then do in life. If your thoughts are pure before us, and if you are open to our words and new concepts, then you think about what we say and seek to follow us. However, if you have rigid beliefs and are closed-minded, we will not be able to influence you much. Humility is a very essential part of being open to us and malleable to our new revelations to your soul. Therefore, without an openness of heart and humility, when our children approach us, we are usually not very successful in helping them change and in leading them.

5. Expectations also get in the way of many of our righteous and sincere elect children. We find that their expectations usually constrain them to think in non-open ways, making it difficult to lead them. We therefore have asked you to drop all of your expectations of what we may share with you, or how your future may turn out.

6. Raphael, you have done well to be open, humble, and having no expectations when you approach us in prayer. You are usually alert and are able also to concentrate fully on what we say, putting away distracting thoughts. All of these practices are very important for our children when they seek us in sincere prayer. We will then be able to most effectively lead them as fast as they are capable of receiving.

7. Finally, you have developed the skill to listen and connect to your unconscious mind. You do this in your focused conscious mind. This is a very helpful skill to develop, for we speak to you in your unconscious mind, like we have done from the beginning. Now that you are in mortality, there is a veil over your unconscious mind so that you cannot perceive us or our works. We speak to you nearly as clearly as before you were born in your mortal body.

8. There are so many of our elect children who don't recognize our voice since they think we speak to them in their conscious minds. They sometimes think they will hear an audible voice in their minds. This is rare for us to do, for we speak in a still small voice, often a whisper to them. This is the way it seems to them when we speak to their unconscious mind. We speak and direct our thoughts to their unconscious mind frequently, but many don't hear. They are not accustomed to our voice, expecting we will commune to them in other ways, or are not diligent enough to develop the sensitivity in hearing us as we speak to their unconscious mind, behind their veil. We have placed this veil so that our children would need to persist and struggle to hear us. We also have other purposes in this veil, so that they would not see us all the time, making mortality a good test if they will follow our promptings.

9. When our prophets and others have recorded seeing us or Our Beloved Son, while they are in mortality, it is almost always in their unconscious mind. We open up their mind, removing temporarily the veil from their mind, so that they see us more clearly. After their vision, we again place the veil over their unconscious mind.

10. Our children may develop the ability, as have you, to connect their conscious mind to their unconscious mind. This you do now at will, and you write my words as I commune to you, speaking them to you in your unconscious mind. This practice is now highly developed in you, Raphael. You have learned to accept our gentle flow in this way, and fully believe it is us who speak, and not your own self, your own emotions or your own thoughts.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her clarifying words to me today! She said it in a way I could more easily understand what I have already been experiencing.

Heavenly Mother said she would be by my side throughout the day. She told me to enjoy all of my planned activities. She smiled upon me. I said I loved her deeply. I then faded from my direct communion with her and started another day.

First tomato of the season, planted from seed!
It was growing a tomato when we planted it this week!

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 29, 2018, Sunday

1. At night I was very tired, and had a prayer at the desert oasis. Heavenly Father came and only gave me one sentence in response to my request:

'Raphael, share with your wife all that you have been keeping secret in your life about your identity, and do it before you go on your Oregon trip in a month.'

2. I didn't write this down, but have been mulling over all of this. I further felt I should gradually share all with her, starting at my initial visit of Heavenly Mother on 4-20-2013. She already knows about this, for I shared all with her. These years later, on 4-4-2016, I was told I was the archangel Raphael. This was at the time a great shock to me. It has now been two years later, and so much more has happened!

I guess I am very apprehensive what she will think, and if she will reject these revelations I share with her. It is scary to me! I love her so much, but now need to open up my secret world to her. It has been so hard to keep this from her. At the same time, the ideas I am to share are quite mind expanding and hard to believe I think. I feel anxious!

This morning I came again to the desert oasis and drank living water until I was clear and felt transparent. I prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Mother soon appeared before me, over the water. She asked me to write her words:

3. 'Raphael, my son, I know it has been a hard thing for you to keep yourself and your identity and mission hid from your loving wife. This has been difficult for you. However, you have been successful and have followed our will in keeping your actions and our directions hidden, except to a few who are also mortal angels.

4. It is now time to share more fully all that we have revealed to you with your wife! This is our will. Share starting at your experience with me five years ago when I came to you in your energy class. Tell her about the five healing gifts we revealed to you, about your experiences teaching these healing gifts to your students. Share with her how we revealed to you two years ago that you were our holy archangel, Raphael. Tell her we have a great mission for you to do with regards to the Church of the Firstborn, yet to be revealed to you. Tell her that you have been commissioned to be our angel leader in these last days, that you received keys from Jesus Christ in May of last year. Gradually share all with her. We will be with you and will support you, Raphael!

I know you have fear, for the possibility of being rejected. This has always been a wonder in your mind, for what we have gradually revealed to you over the past five years is very unique and amazing. Nevertheless, do as we have now directed you to tell all to your wife, and you will be blessed!'

One of our square foot garden beds

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her assuring words. I will start sharing with my wife today. I hope all goes well!

5. Later–I talked to my wife a little today, saying I don't want to keep any secrets now of what God was telling me. I said I would like to share with her when I could and when she was ready. She didn't want to have precipitated all of this with what she had said yesterday. She said she would just be content to have me keep what God has given me and not share with her if she initiated any of the sharing. I assured her that God had told me to now share with her, independent of what she may have done. We never were able to talk yet, but it was a good start.

Today my wife and I attended a local ward. We sang "He Died! The Great Redeemer Died" (Hymns, 192). As we were singing, I felt to kneel by the fountain of living water, facing the temple to the south. The priest offered the blessing on the bread. I then prayed to God, making my covenant to my Heavenly Parents. They were not in front of me.

6. Then I saw the temple doors open, and Jesus Christ walked to me. He extended his hand and said these words:

'Raphael, come with me. I will take you to our Heavenly Parents.'

I stood and took his hand. We then went directly up into the sky. We soon came to a white cloud, or throne it seemed.

7. Jesus spoke to my Heavenly Parents before him:

'My Father and Mother, I have come to earth and suffered for the sins and weaknesses of thy children. I have suffered for Raphael's sins, who is before me today. He has come to me, has taken upon himself my name, and has repented of his sins. He wishes to come back into thy presence. I have accepted him, and fully redeemed and cleansed him. Please accept him into thy presence so that he may commune with both of you.'

8. Heavenly Father spoke next:

'Jehovah, we fully accept your sacrifice for our children. For Raphael, we accept what you have said concerning his forgiveness and redemption. We accept him now into our presence, all because of thy merits.'

9. Jesus Christ then stepped aside so that I was directly facing my Heavenly Parents. I immediately came to my knees and made my covenant again:

'Oh, my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, I take upon me the name of Thy Beloved Son, to always remember thee, and to keep thy commandments.'

10. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:

'Raphael, we accept your covenant today. Jesus Christ, Our Beloved Son, has redeemed you and brought you back into our presence. It is only through him that you could come again into our presence.

Raphael, we want you now to fully share your journey with us over these past five years with your loving wife. It is not because she has wondered about such secrets that we do this, but now it is the correct time to share. We will be with both of you as you discuss this with her.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words. I then was propelled in my mind back to the sacrament meeting in this ward. I then got my pocket journal out and wrote this immediately down.

Oregano growing next to our square foot bed, sprawling onto the carpeted path!

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 30, 2018, Monday

1. I awoke to rain this morning. I was well rested and came into the adjacent room to pray. I envisioned that I was by the little stream flowing down to Enoch's city, from Lake Beautiful. I knelt in the birch forest facing north.

Heavenly Mother came into my view. She was smiling and I gazed into her loving eyes. I said a few words and then she wanted me to write her words:

'Raphael, I am glad to come to you this morning! It is sunny outside, with light coming through the branches and leaves of the trees. This is a very lovely setting with the forest and this little stream flowing down the hillside.

Your wife mentioned to you last night her desire to start going to bed a little earlier. If you do so, schedule in a block of time for your evening prayer well before this. It is so easy to have the evening get busy and no time for an effective prayer. This happened last night.'

I then said I was sorry. There was continual company it seemed that took up the entire evening, and no downtime or time alone. I asked for her forgiveness.

2. Heavenly Mother spoke again:

'Raphael, you have received yesterday a more formal interchange with Jesus Christ, your Heavenly Father and myself during your sacrament meeting. We did this to reinforce in your mind the great importance of your redeemer, Jesus Christ. He has personally cleansed and redeemed you, thereby allowing you to come into our presence daily.

We have much to share with you, Raphael. This requires you to continually be clean and pure before us, which is achieved through the merits of our Christ and the power of his redemption. He has truly made you clean before us so that you could still live in a fallen telestial world, and yet come into our celestial presence. It is only when you are cleansed from all sin and purified that you may come into our presence. If you were not fully cleansed, you could not endure our presence.

3. In our celestial world, we only have celestial beings who dwell amongst our celestial glory. What you have been seeing in our world is all celestial. You have been quickened in your inner man to be able to come here and work from our world in fulfilling your mission. This quickening is your unconscious mind and your replicated being that are both elevated to our celestial glory.

4. Before you became translated, your spirit was replicated and dwelled among us, in celestial glory. This was true also of all our holy angels. However, now we have made you a translated being, with the power of replication in your physical body. Your body, both physical and spiritual, is replicated and brought to a celestial glory, else you could not dwell in our celestial world. You act and move in your replicated physical body here in heaven, no longer just in your spirit. This gives you much more capability and power as we give it to you.

5. All this while, you are still living and acting and learning in your mortal life on earth, in the telestial world. On earth you are like others around you, but in heaven, our celestial abode, you are replicated many times as needed, in celestial glory, as the need arises.

This same process is happening also for our mortal angels who dwell in the flesh like you. You all dwell in celestial realms as well as on the earth, very active in your angelic roles and functions.'

First snowballs of spring!

I thanked my Heavenly Mother very deeply. I felt so blessed to have such a wonderful opportunity to be before her today! I will continue to seek my Heavenly Parents in sincere humble prayer so as to fulfill their will for my life. I closed my prayer in Jesus Christ's name and started my day.

6. Later–I had a difficult day at work with internet connection issue and training issues. I got frayed a little emotionally. I felt emotionally fragile even, and wish I had better control of my own mind and control of meeting problems as they come to me. I came home and complained about this to my wife. I had a hard time shaking my charged feelings of being upset.

I took a little nap and then went to help our daughter who was moving. I relaxed more and tried to become more myself. My wife says it is all self–management. She also said I would benefit in doing a model of the situation. I will start at the bottom (the result) of the current situation:

Result: I feel frantic and out of control
Action that creates this result: Never a break today at work, putting out "fires", or problems at work
Feelings that precipitated the above action: Out of control, felt of anxiety, overwhelmed.
Thought that created my feelings: I need to address all these problems right away and at the same time
Circumstance: I went to work and these were issues to resolve

This is a pretty rough picture of what happened today. I asked my wife if this is how girls feel when they just want to cry all the time. She said it was. I have rarely felt so emotionally fragile!

My mistake was to not look at the big picture and to think overwhelming thoughts––and that I had to address them all at once.

I've done this correct model before, in the right order written here now:

Circumstance: There were issues to resolve at work
Thought: I take one problem at a time and only work on that until solved and fixed
Feeling: Everything is under control, no panic or anxiety, but calmly moving forward, enjoying my work
Action: I am happy and at peace
Result: My employees and I have a happy productive day

7. I next felt to pray, for it is late again. I came to the desert oasis, and drank of living water. My soul breathed in the slow pulse of the land, the deep calmness that pervaded this celestial desert. Then I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. The water seemed to really help in stilling my soul in preparation for one or both of my Gods who might come.

Heavenly Mother then seemed to float down to me on a cloud, ever so gently. Just watching her come made me very calm and more settled. She had a very eternal peace and love look about her––like everything was going to be all right.

I just gazed on her lovely peaceful face. She was such a blessing to me, to calm my troubled soul. I seemed to meet in front of her on my knees!

Seedless grapes getting started

8. Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael, this has been a difficult day for you after you went to your work. However, your negative feelings were all from your own thoughts. These could have been re–thought with better and calmer resulting feelings.

In addition, you have been doing a great deal of work in the celestial realms on the earth and here in heaven. This has expended your energy to a large degree, and drained you of vitality to meet challenges you face in mortality.

9. Raphael, you have worth and merit even if you did nothing else on earth then your routine chores. However, you have become booked in activities, from morning to evening. This has also exhausted you.

I recommend that you sleep now and give your body and mind time for recuperation and rest. You will feel so much more rested and able to meet the challenges of a new day.'

I thanked her for her recommendation. I came and kissed my wife and went to bed.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 1, 2018, Tuesday

1. I had a good sleep and awoke early today. I anticipate communing with my Heavenly Parents today. I hope I find this a better day! Some days are hard and that was yesterday. Today is a new day, even a new month. I believe it will go much better today!

I came to the calming desert oasis again this morning. I felt quite connected to my heavenly orb there. I felt calm and settled. I drank once from living water. I became clarified and felt transparent.

I then asked my Heavenly Parents to come. I waited. As I waited, I had various distractions come into my mind. I was able to dismiss them easily, and each faded away. I can't even remember now what they were!

2. I then was able to concentrate in my meditation. I heard both of my Heavenly Parents talking as they came walking from across the oasis. They walked on the water and were soon at the water's edge, looking at me!

Night jasmine on our deck

I gazed into my Heavenly Father's face and eyes––these were so assuring that I was fully acceptable to him and loved. Heavenly Mother had a broad smile, very full of love and peace. Oh, I feel so good to be with them!

I thanked them for coming to me. I asked that I learn better mind control and have a better day today.

3. Heavenly Mother then spoke:

'Raphael, write now our words down in your journal that we both will speak to you today.'

I have written to this point. Heavenly Mother spoke again:

'Raphael you have power within yourself to have a peaceful, happy and productive day in mortality. This all begins with your thoughts.

4. We have introduced these concepts to your wife months ago and through her to you. We desire that you gain the skills of rethinking to create more happy and positive thoughts. This practice of creating a new model of circumstance–thought–feeling–action–result will help you manage better your own self.

Your thoughts may change at will. You have full control of these. They are not the results of circumstances. You choose to think in patterns you have learned throughout your life. Now you may learn to change unwanted habits and patterns of thinking. These will fully create new feelings and actions, making your life to be just as you wish it to be!

5. Your Heavenly Father and I have full control of our thoughts. We have planned various circumstances to come upon the earth, upon our children. We choose our own thoughts based on what feelings, actions and results we want.

There are many wonderful things happening in your world on earth, as well as many difficult and unpleasant circumstances. Even in the direst of situations, our child may think happy and uplifting thoughts that will create good feelings and positive actions and results. This is our normal pattern we choose for we are so very happy and pleased in the life we live!'

6. Heavenly Father then spoke to me:

'Raphael, when there is less happening in your life and lots more open time, you settle down and are happier. With more planned activities, it is easier to become overwhelmed. For your own growth, we desire that you continue to plan lots of activities in your life. We want you challenged to schedule your time well throughout your day. We want you to have no "rushed" feelings, but to enjoy life as it comes to you. We want you to fill up your life with wholesome activities, making time for us in twice daily prayer and communion. We want you to live a mortal life to its fullest!

7. By pushing yourself as you are doing, you will be pressed against your own limitations. You have experienced this yesterday, and had feelings of being overwhelmed and maxed out. It is during these times that we wish you to regroup your thoughts and reprogram them to ones that will serve you best. It is in the struggles that you and all our children find their greatest growth.

As you fully connect with us twice a day in personal prayer, we will guide and help you. We will continue to be by your side during the day and are available when you call on us.

8. Raphael, all of these learning experiences are blessing your abilities and strengthening you as well in your unconscious mind and replicated selves in our celestial realms. You yourself are actually both places, in your mortal body and replicated in the celestial realms. Sometimes your greatest growth in your total person only can be accomplished and realized in the many struggles of mortality. Yesterday was difficult for you, but you grew significantly in understanding and increased ability. This has helped you in your work as a holy angel in our celestial realms.

Figuring out how to control your thoughts and improved self–management skills will enhance your life. We are pleased with your growth! We encourage you to press forward in your living and gain eventually full control of yourself in all situations that you may find yourself in.'

I felt very uplifted in my Heavenly Father's words and earlier those of Heavenly Mother! I have such allies and gain great strength from my wife, my Heavenly Mother and my Heavenly Father. I will press forward and seek to improve my thought control. I want to become a very capable angel servant to my God!

9. Later–at 9:30 p.m. I have enjoyed a very productive day. I feel like my day went well, and I stayed focused on my tasks I had planned. We did lots of yard work at one of our rentals that was very fun.

Tonight I came to the overlook to Heavenly Father's wheat field. I knelt facing east towards his field. It seemed to be growing with many young wheat stalks. The whole field appeared green and I couldn't see any soil.

I clarified myself until I felt very clear and mentally alert. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. My attention was drawn to the large oak tree in the northwest corner of the field. This is where I had once seen the sickle against this tree trunk. I then saw my Heavenly Parents talking under the tree, having an animated discussion it seemed. They finished by laughing. I hadn't recalled either of them laughing! Of course they laugh, but I don't recall this before.

10. They then looked up at me and Heavenly Father immediately came to my side. Heavenly Mother stayed under the oak tree. Heavenly Father spoke when he arrived:

'Raphael, come stand and join us under the large oak tree next to my wheat field!'

I stood and traveled with Heavenly Father in the air to the side of my Heavenly Mother. Father maneuvered himself next to Heavenly Mother and they both stood facing me.

Double French lilacs

11. Heavenly Mother spoke next:

'Raphael, you saw your Heavenly Father and I laugh after talking to each other. We smile a lot and laugh, for situations or our comments to each other are often funny. Having humor and laughter is how we choose to act. We often muse over our past lives in mortality and remember and laugh at our past mistakes and foibles. We often laugh too at our children who do funny things that we observe.

12. When things in life don't seem to go as you expect, then sometimes you might feel down or saddened. This is only normal. However, your decision to keep in a saddened state is something you choose. There are a few people with hormone imbalances, or with learned behaviors of depression, but by far most people have the ability to choose to change the negative feelings into positive. Again, these emotions are created in the mind, by your thoughts that are uplifting and happy. These translate into happy or positive thoughts too.'

She turned to my Heavenly Father and smiled and then they both chuckled. Heavenly Father spoke:

13. 'Raphael, we remembered together some funny experiences just now from your mortal life that are now very funny to recall. Your Heavenly Mother and I are very connected. Our thoughts often intermingle very quickly as we communicate with each other. We know each other so fully that we anticipate what each will say or do before we do it. Since we see all things past, present and future, it is very difficult to hide anything from each other. We know each other perfectly well!

14. Raphael, we know our children very extensively as well. We see their past–present–and future before our eyes continually. We read their thoughts too, for they are connected to both your Heavenly Mother and me eternally. We get to know them quickly from the conception of their intelligence into their spirit body. We see them each progress into their mortal lives. We know how and what each thinks. This greatly helps us understand them, even better than they themselves know who they are.'

I thanked them for being so open and real with me tonight for sharing how they think and share together. I was particularly desirous myself to loosen up and not be so serious so often. I want to laugh more and have a happy countenance by my choice. I asked my Heavenly Parents to help me with this. Heavenly Father said they would help me.

I then kept talking with my Heavenly Parents under the oak tree for some time. However, I don't recall any more what we talked about. I therefore closed my prayer and went to bed.

Lilacs, so fragrant!

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, May 2, 2018, Wednesday

1. I came in my morning prayer to Heavenly Mother's glass table, following my impression to go there. I first drank once from the waterfall pool to the north and then prayed next to the table. I asked if one or both of my Heavenly Parents could come to me this morning.

Heavenly Mother was immediately before me at her glass table! She spoke to me:

'Raphael, sit up at my table now, in this chair, and I will bring you food that I have grown for you!'

I sat up and soon Heavenly Mother had brought a small plate of pecans and two dates. She also brought me a very juicy nectarine.

'Eat this Raphael, for my foods will boost you to be able to cope better in your mortal body. I have brought these foods since these are some of your favorite!'

I ate all. When done, my Heavenly Mother gave me a napkin to dry my hands and mouth from the juicy nectarine.

2. She spoke again:

'Raphael, you have noticed that you have become recently more fragile emotionally. You haven't realized why you have these feelings. You have been at the point frequently of being expended in your body, both spiritually, mentally, emotionally. There isn't much you could really do about this, for the cause is from your great labors in the celestial realms. You have responded well to all of our requests of you in fulfilling your mission as our lead archangel in these last days. It has been particularly difficult in apprehending, capturing and removing Satan's minions to the prison orb as we have been directing you. These have not been happy when you do so, and require lots of spiritual strength and concentration. You have done this now for one half million devils, a feat which has been exhausting to you!

3. In your mortal body, we have encouraged you to also be very active in planning and fulfilling many of your aspirations. You have been able to accomplish a lot, one task at a time. It is during these times of high activity that you have learned to control better your mind, your thoughts and the resulting feelings and actions that follow.'

Heavenly Mother then stepped next to me and took me in her loving arms! She kissed me, patted my back, and then placed her arms on my shoulders. She looked me in my eyes for a moment. She then spoke:

'Raphael, I am going to bless you also by the laying on of my hands on your head. You need a strengthening blessing!'

4. Heavenly Mother then placed her hands on my head. She was facing me and I was standing. She raised herself slightly in the air and then spoke:

'Raphael, my son, I bless you with extended ability to manage all the demands we place upon you in serving us and our children. I bless you in your mortal translated body to be happy, to bear with strength the emotional burdens you have been feeling. I bless my food you have just eaten to continue to feed your soul and to vitalize you so that your burdens may become light. I bless you to feel more clearly the presence of your Father and I next to you during the day and night. I bless you to reflect our love, happiness and laughter in your own life, regardless of how heavy the load may be upon you. I bless you more and more with a celestial nature to be the man of God we wish you to become. Amen!'

Heavenly Mother then lifted her hands. The light of her countenance then became exceedingly bright, and I saw that I was engulfed also in that light. It was so very bright all around us! I could still see her smiling face and sparkly eternity eyes in front of me.

5. Next my Heavenly Father was at her side, also filled with light and smiling broadly. It was like they were infusing me with celestial glory and light, very tangible and strong!

Soon the light decreased to normal. Heavenly Father spoke to me:

'Raphael, we have imbued you with our light and love. This transmission of light also has given you a significant boost of our Godly power and capability. You need this now for the next phase of your celestial mission. You will also find greater ability to cope and function in mortality. This boost will help you smile and laugh more frequently too. Truly, your heavy yoke will be easy, and your burden be light!'

I then lost my connection with my Heavenly Parents. I felt them, however, next to me as I concluded my writing in my journal. I have been writing this continually during this process.

I feel so humble and so very blessed! The infusion of light and celestial love was very real to me! Oh, I love my Heavenly Parents! I feel so deeply grateful to them!

I felt this journal entry this morning should be the conclusion of post 78. I will get post 77 out today or tomorrow and then 78 as soon as I am able."