B. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 13, 2018 Friday
1. I awoke this morning and came to pray next to the fountain of living water. I drank once of living water and became clarified. I then knelt, facing the fountain and also the temple to the south. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come to me in prayer.
Heavenly Father then came, walking to me from the open temple doors. He walked right up to me and stopped. His visage was determined to do something and looked somewhat upset I thought. I immediately asked him why he was not smiling like normal.
2. Heavenly Father asked me to write his words:
'Raphael, yesterday morning you saw Heavenly Mother crying and upset at our children, mostly in the LDS Church. They had mistakenly thought they felt the spirit of the Holy Ghost, whereas in reality, this was their own emotions or a false and lying spirit they have received.
3. I am similarly upset at our elect children. When I had selected them, with your Heavenly Mother when I harvested my wheat field, I realized many would have a hard time to hear our voice at first. There are so many that have become hardened and insensitive to our influence over their lives! We speak to them often, without hardly any recognition on their part! We speak to their unconscious minds. However, they are either too busy, not in-tuned to their inner-self, distracted by the things of their world, or not wanting to hear us. They feel no need to come unto us in their ease and contented state.
4. These are the reasons why I am upset today. My feelings are shifting, as your Heavenly Mother's feelings shifted, from being upset to disgust and even anger.
I have counseled with my eternal companion, your lovely Heavenly Mother, and we have determined it is time to bring calamity into the lives of our elect children, for they will not come unto us in the days of their ease. They are being greatly misled and yet many of them feel they are moving towards us, their God. They think we direct them whereas we are not. This has been all very upsetting to your Mother and I, Raphael!'
I looked into the eternity eyes of my Father, who had expressed his feelings very openly to me, his son. I was drawn into his eyes, and then saw through his eyes the flippant behavior of many of his elect children. I saw their closed-mindedness, their pride, and their desire to be led into worldly and material security, rather than to humble and open up themselves to their God. I soon became upset too at such reckless behavior! They think all is well in Zion, but in reality they themselves are in the direst of all situations!
5. 2 Nephi 28:21-32- a perfect description of our exact day:
"And others will he pacify, and lull them away into carnal security, that they will say: All is well in Zion; yea, Zion prospereth, all is well—and thus the devil cheateth their souls, and leadeth them away carefully down to hell.
And behold, others he flattereth away, and telleth them there is no hell; and he saith unto them: I am no devil, for there is none—and thus he whispereth in their ears, until he grasps them with his awful chains, from whence there is no deliverance.
Yea, they are grasped with death, and hell; and death, and hell, and the devil, and all that have been seized therewith must stand before the throne of God, and be judged according to their works, from whence they must go into the place prepared for them, even a lake of fire and brimstone, which is endless torment.
Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!
Wo be unto him that crieth: All is well!
Yea, wo be unto him that hearkeneth unto the precepts of men, and denieth the power of God, and the gift of the Holy Ghost!
Yea, wo be unto him that saith: We have received, and we need no more!
And in fine, wo unto all those who tremble, and are angry because of the truth of God! For behold, he that is built upon the rock receiveth it with gladness; and he that is built upon a sandy foundation trembleth lest he shall fall.
Wo be unto him that shall say: We have received the word of God, and we need no more of the word of God, for we have enough!
For behold, thus saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little; and blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts, and lend an ear unto my counsel, for they shall learn wisdom; for unto him that receiveth I will give more; and from them that shall say, We have enough, from them shall be taken away even that which they have.
Cursed is he that putteth his trust in man, or maketh flesh his arm, or shall hearken unto the precepts of men, save their precepts shall be given by the power of the Holy Ghost.
Wo be unto the Gentiles, saith the Lord God of Hosts! For notwithstanding I shall lengthen out mine arm unto them from day to day, they will deny me; nevertheless, I will be merciful unto them, saith the Lord God, if they will repent and come unto me; for mine arm is lengthened out all the day long, saith the Lord God of Hosts."
6. I then came out of seeing through God's eyes and was kneeling in front of him.
Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, come walk with me and let us go to the river to the north, which flows from the beautiful fountain of living water. This river eventually flows into Lake Beautiful in the far distance.'
I stood and my Father put his right arm around me and we turned and walked on the river heading north. This is the river representing him.
7. We walked in silence for some time. I believe we were both mulling over the behavior of the elect of God.
When we arrived at the wheat field on our left, Heavenly Father steered us onto a dirt road on the north side of his wheat field. We stopped and turned to look at his wheat field. There was newly sprouted wheat growing everywhere! It was maybe a foot in height. These new wheat plants seemed to listen and follow him and his every thought and word. He smiled on them and expressed love to these, his newly planted wheat, who represented his millennial elect. I could see these gave him great joy in their desire to respond to his every word and thought.
8. Heavenly Father turned to me and spoke:
'Raphael, why are these so eager to hear my words and to keep my commandments, whereas those in the LDS Church are so blinded as a whole and so insensitive to me?'
I responded:
'Father, I believe it is because the adversary, our enemy, has successfully lured them away by his deceptions and the ease they have in their lives. These new millennial elect are free from the tricks and deceptions of the evil one. They will live in a much happier and truthful world, where all is so much brighter and full of thy love and light.'
9. Heavenly Father nodded and said I was correct in my assessment. He said the only way to serve his elect currently on earth would be to bring distress into their lives, stirring them up to remembering their Heavenly Mother and him.
He said the shields he had so lovingly provided these, his elect on earth, are of no use if the recipient is intent on following the whisperings of the adversary, even though he is no longer possessing or whispering to their own spirit.
My thoughts then suddenly switched to my surroundings in my bedroom and I knew my time with my Heavenly Father was over for the moment. I felt very blessed to have communed with him today!
10. Later in the evening–I came in our house after some family activities and went right into my bedroom to pray. I felt to pray in heaven just east of the circling waters, up the stream a ways so I could still see the waterfall to the west. I prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come. I looked toward the waterfall and saw the emergence of a bright light come from over the waterfall. Soon a bright person appeared, and was walking towards me. It was Heavenly Mother and I was so glad she was coming to me! She came right in front of me in the air and had very sparkly eyes and a wide happy smile.
I greeted her and told her how happy I was that she came to me tonight! I asked if she had any message for me.
11. She asked for me to write to this point and then to write her words she would speak:
'Raphael, I am so glad to come to you tonight! In our world, it is still bright day. The new leaves of these mountain trees are very tender and green and flowers are emerging everywhere in this, my upper gardens. I call this a garden because there are such an incredible variety of flowers, trees, bushes, little cover plants, mosses and so many animals too, not to mention the mountain stream that gurgles on its path to the waterfall. I love to come here and enjoy its splendid beauty. We have such peace and tranquility here in these heavenly mountain gardens!
12. This early afternoon, you talked on the phone to your sister, K. She had a distinct impression of being in the Great Assembly Hall, off the western shores of Lake Beautiful. She was taken to the front of the large assembly and spoke to the group. You were not yet informed of this, for we were waiting until tonight to confirm this meeting to you.
Rachael (your sister K) is correct that she came to the meeting and spoke. There were many servants assembled there, including many of the angels of God, the resurrected servants, and many of Enoch's translated group. There were also some of the 144,000 who are living on earth in mortality in attendance.
13. We had asked you to assemble this group by asking the leaders of each group of servants to bring those they felt should attend. The assembly hall was filled from the front to the back, with every seat and bench taken.
You conducted the meeting, Raphael. This was a meeting of readiness. All were told by you and others to be now fully ready for whatever we, your Gods, might direct each one to do, and how to act. Many in attendance have the ability to replicate and to therefore greatly multiply their efforts, doing many actions simultaneously, as we direct them.
Each of these various servant groups voiced that they were fully ready, except for all the 144,000. These are the last ones prepared since many of them are still asleep and won't realize their great calling until calamity comes upon them.
14. Raphael, tonight the president of your country announced a three nation attack on Syria. This action, intended to stop chemical weapon use, will soon catapult the world into more war and difficulties between nations.
It was very timely that in heaven this meeting of readiness was held, before this attack on Syria. Those who are our servants are mostly all ready to hear our voice and act on our commands. We are in charge of the events as they now occur in your world. We will give multiple directions to all our multiple servants to fulfill our plans.
15. Nobody except us, who are your Gods, knows how all this will turn out. We will bring on the calamities to help our elect emerge from their deep sleep and awaken to God. We will also speed up the destruction of the wicked, making room for a happier and millennial world!'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her visit tonight. I asked if I would become aware more of the readiness meeting that was held at the Great Assembly Hall.
16. She replied:
'Raphael, your Father and I will inform you tomorrow morning of more of the meeting's events. Right now you need to relax and prepare for bed.'
I thanked her again for coming. I told her I loved her very much. She smiled and turned and rose up into the skies above at about a 45-degree angle to the horizon and then she was gone. I finished writing and then got ready for bed.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 14, 2018 Saturday
1. I came early to the adjacent bedroom to pray. I re-read what Heavenly Mother said to me last night. I then knelt down and felt to go directly to the Great Assembly Hall in the air in the southwest top corner of the hall. I met both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother there. They indicated I could now experience the meeting that I called to convene yesterday in heaven. My Heavenly Parents wanted to remain unseen in this location. They wanted me to start the meeting.
I came to the podium, now visible to all. On the stand behind me were Michael, the leader of the resurrected souls in attendance, then Enoch, the leader of the ancient translated souls and then Phillip and Rebecca Johnson, the leaders of the 144,000. There was also seated my sister, Rachael a holy archangel, Elijah the ancient prophet, a translated man named John who lived anciently with Enoch in his city, and John the Beloved. I had called this meeting as I was inspired to do so, and had been asked by my Heavenly Parents to conduct it. It was named "The Readiness Meeting of God's Servants".
2. I opened the meeting, held yesterday morning, 4-13-2018:
'Good morning my fellow servants! I am so glad you are all here! I have called the leaders of each of the servant groups and asked them to assemble a member of each of their groups to come to a readiness meeting today. The purpose of our meeting is to verify our readiness to serve God who will give us instructions at the moment we are to act. I have asked all who speak to center their words on their readiness and that of the group they represent.
3. We will begin by singing "Who's on the Lord's Side, Who?", after which I have asked Elijah, the ancient prophet, to offer our opening prayer.'
We sang this rousing opening hymn, led by a fellow angel with music from a heavenly orchestra, whose participants were premortal spirits.
Elijah next offered a stirring prayer, seeking the presence of Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ to be in attendance.
4. I next spoke:
'Elijah, our Heavenly Parents have just now been joined by Jesus Christ, and are all three located out of view behind me in the upper corner to my right. They are abundantly sending the Spirit of God to be with us. Here is the order of our speakers today:
First, Rachael, my sister in the flesh and female archangel over the earth and nature will speak. She will be followed by a translated man named John from Enoch's group. Then we will hear from John the Beloved and finally me, Raphael.'
Rachael stood and introduced herself. I will not write her words but will have her give her own account of what she spoke. Her words were clear and moving to me and I believe all those in attendance!
5. Note: Here is an excerpt from K's journal account April 13, 2018 Friday:
"I went to Lake Beautiful to immerse and drink living water then went near the stairs of the Great Assembly Hall. I prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come and felt immediately impressed that Heavenly Mother took me inside the hall to speak to a huge throng of people–angels I believe, and other servants. I was told to speak right then and so I stood at the podium and introduced myself as Rachael, the archangel of nature and the elements and also a healing angel. I said I was currently in mortality and that Raphael, the archangel, was my brother in mortality. It seems I was a part of a bigger meeting where we were coming together to be ready and watchful and I know I said something to the effect: 'We must all be ready to act immediately when instructed by Father or Mother or our Savior, Jesus Christ. We who are in mortality must be prayerful and vigilant. We are all called to assist in this great transitionary phase that is soon upon us, when the destructions and desolations come swiftly!'
I was then done and feel that many others spoke. I have no recollection.
6. Heavenly Mother spoke to me:
'Our daughter, what you have glimpsed is true- a meeting at the Great Assembly Hall where you and many other angels, archangels and leaders spoke. All is ready. Be watchful and attentive and always attuned to us, our daughter. You must step up now in faith and courage. We are with you always. Be ever prayerful and open to our guidance.'
7. Heavenly Father spoke:
'Rachael, you received a true glimpse into a meeting that is taking place at the Great Assembly Hall. All our angels, leaders and servants are at the ready for our word. Be of good faith our daughter.'
I said:
'Thank you my Heavenly Parents. It is my greatest desire to do thy will and be 100% faithful and to swiftly act upon every whisper of guidance you give me. I pray for your strength and courage.'
Heavenly Mother then Heavenly Father embraced me. I am so grateful."
8. Next John from the city of Enoch stood and spoke. John said that he had been assigned to help awaken me, Raphael, several years ago. The process of awakening the holy mortal angels has been ongoing since that time. He said that I, Raphael, was now fully awakened and commissioned to act in my role as the angel of these last days, acting under the direction of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. He said I had received priesthood keys to the Church of the Firstborn, from Jesus Christ himself last May, and that I was acting under this authority as the angel leader of these last days' events.
9. John said that his group of translated souls who lived anciently, before and after the flood, were all in readiness! He said they now had learned replication skills for the first time and are using this blessing to greatly magnify their work. He said a lot of their effort was to bless and succor the Refugees of Lucifer, who are located on the other side of the fir forest, just north of this building. He said that all of Enoch's group, including Melchizedek and his people, are very much energized by the increased service they are able to perform in the celestial realms of heaven and on earth.
10. After John, John the Beloved spoke on being prepared by being open to every impression we might receive from God. He talked about the intimations of the Spirit and how quiet they are. He said we should never dismiss these small impressions, but act on them always. These are confirmed to our heart and mind as directions from our loving Heavenly Parents or Jesus Christ, his father. He said that these impressions would always come in a familiar way that can easily be distinguished from our own feelings or the whisperings of Satan, our enemy.
11. John concluded by encouraging all of us now to be fully ready to act whenever we are inspired and directed by God. Timing is so important, said John, since we will be given our direction right before the action is required. He confirmed that all is orchestrated by our loving Heavenly Parents, and that none of us, their children in the spirit, know what will happen or how these days will unfold.
John the Beloved concluded his stirring address with a witness of his father in the flesh, Jesus Christ, our Savior. He told us about his great love and tenderness, his kindness yet firmness. His witness burned deep in my soul!
12. After John sat down, I, Raphael, spoke to the vast assembly.
I spoke of my first conversion to the Book of Mormon, and then how I joined the Latter-day Saint church, along with my sister K (named Rachael, who had first spoken to us). I told about my recent awakening, and how kindly our Heavenly Parents led me, from one step of understanding to another. I told them how inadequate I had felt when I realized I was Raphael, the archangel of God. I said I was boosted daily by my communions with Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I was in awe of the many truths and revelations they had given me, all written both in my journal on earth and in heaven in a separate journal.
13. I told the group how very important it was to drop all our expectations of what might happen in these last days. I said we each needed to be very humble before God, extremely open and clear, so that we could hear correctly our directions from God. We were then to act immediately as they directed us.
I shared my love for each of them assembled. I felt a great kinship with each one! I said our greatest joy would be in service to God, our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, and their Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
I then asked all to stand and confirm their allegiance to our Gods. I said we should stand in readiness to receive and act as they might direct us. I then asked for them to raise their right hands, bringing their right arm to the square, and then say "yes".
14. The vast assembly arose, raised their right arms and said "yes" in a resounding voice of unity and strength!
I then closed my address.
I said we would conclude our readiness meeting by singing a hymn of the restoration and of the reformation "Onward, Christian Soldiers". After this I said I asked Martha (J.D. in the flesh) to offer our concluding prayer. We sang and had our prayer, a very humble and sweet prayer by Martha! We then dispersed to our various stations and our meeting was concluded.
After all had left, I came to the top corner of the room and knelt before my Heavenly Parents and Jesus who were still there.
15. I asked if I had recorded the proceedings of the readiness meeting accurately. Heavenly Mother said these words:
'Raphael, we are pleased that you have called and conducted this meeting, now yesterday. It has given all the boost they needed, and greater confidence to hear and act on our words. You have also written it all down accurately in your journal.'
I thanked my Heavenly Father. I then realized my prayer was ending. I said I would remember them throughout my entire activities of this day ahead. I closed in the name of Jesus Christ.
The following question about this meeting was posed by my sister K, and I responded. I think this will be of interest to all:
16. From my sister K:
"R, when I had the sensation of speaking at the Great Assembly Hall meeting, Heavenly Mother told me that "many other angels, archangels and leaders spoke", but your description was that I, John the Beloved, John from Enoch's city and you were the only ones who spoke. Did I hear wrong? Perhaps. I am less astute at this but I'd like to hear what you say."
I wondered about this yesterday too. I now think there was a series of meetings prior to this larger meeting, kind of like a convention where there are many speakers. The one I attended was the readiness meeting, and that was the one at which I heard you speak. I have a feeling, however, that many more spoke at other assemblies at which you were present and I was not. These are the ones where many other angels, archangels and leaders spoke.
I hope this helps."
18. Later, at night- I felt to go to the desert oasis. I drank once from living water and then became very clarified. I asked then for my Heavenly Parents to come. I waited. I then saw Heavenly Mother come from my left. She came to me and was smiling sweetly at me. I asked if she had a message for me. She asked me to write:
'Raphael, we are pleased you had a fun workday on earth today. I love working in my gardens also, as you do. When I plant seeds and watch them grow, there is an excitement about the emergence of a new creation!
Today you transplanted over 20 lilac bushes that were very new and young. You have faith the transplant will be able to grow into a beautiful and very fragrant lilac bush.
19. We, too, have a lesson in the life of our elect in this pattern: when our elect are not awakened to us and feel settled in their life, we might transplant them as you did the young lilac shoots today. Our transplant method will be to disrupt their life by circumstances so they have a real need to call on us, their God. No more will they feel complacent when calamity, tragedy or some distress comes upon them. They suddenly need us to direct, lead and comfort them. Many of their roots in being able to connect with us are shallow. Our hope is that they humbly seek us and petition our help. We respond as they are diligent and seek us in the energy of their souls.
20. We will awaken many of the elect in this way- to those who have wandered away in comfortable paths and no longer are sincerely or regularly seeking our companionship. We will transplant them to higher plateaus where we may more likely reach them and guide them to us.'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words and great analogy! I said I would continue to seek her and Heavenly Father diligently, twice a day. I expressed deep gratitude for their guidance and revelations they continually give me!
This ended my rather short prayer tonight. I am very tired but happy, and got ready for bed.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 15, 2018 Sunday
1. I awoke like clockwork at 7:00 a.m. I came to the adjacent room to pray. When I thought of praying, it felt like I was surrounded by desert, in some obscure location in heaven. I had no idea where I was but I thought I was in the desert near the oasis somewhere in heaven.
I knelt down and clarified my mind. I became very clear. I then asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.
Heavenly Father soon was at my side. I had the question "how did he find me in this obscure location?"
2. Heavenly Father asked me to write his words:
'Raphael, our children cannot hide from us. They may be in some obscure or remote location, but we always know where they are. We come to those who humbly and sincerely pray to us, as did you this morning.
3. This morning I'd like to address the questions you have received by email recently:'
Q: "So do I understand this right–have no expectations of others and then there will be no disappointment? It is as it is? We need to be like a blank sheet of paper, and just accept things?"
4. A: 'The reasons to have no expectations of others is to be able to accept them as they are. This greatly reduces judgment of their behavior, which is not what we as your Gods like to see among our children. You never know what the experience of another has been and when you expect them to act in a certain way, this is a judgment and a restriction in your mind of how they should act. We desire you drop such "should-beliefs" of others and also for yourself.
When you truly drop expectations of others, you find an increase in your love and understanding of others also. This makes it so much easier too to fully serve your fellowman, with no preconceived thoughts of them. You feel more connected with all of humanity, and don't have any elite-est thoughts of being better than others in any way.
Finally, dropping expectations of others helps you accept people as they are, and your mind becomes free of the burden of feeling disappointment and non-acceptance. This is very freeing to your soul! You don't need to conform to any social or cultural norms, but just find yourself accepting and loving your fellow mortals as they are, with no judgment.'
5. Q: "There has been a lot of sickness among a number of us. Do you think that we get sick to build our immune system for when the plagues hit? Hoping Heavenly Mother will read this and enlighten us."
6. A: 'The illnesses you had give you experience in being compassionate and understanding of others. They are not intended to prepare you for the plagues that will come on mankind in the near future. They have come upon you as part of your being in mortality, among people who are also sick and transmit illness to others.
When the plagues come, and we ask you, or angels, to minister among the sick and afflicted, when you come to them in your unconscious replicated selves, you are not able to contract these diseases, for you come from the celestial realms above and have celestial protection.
If you go among those with the plague, while in your mortal body, in your telestial state, you will likely also get the plague unless you have special protection from us, your Gods. We will talk to you more about this at the time of these plagues and give you guidance then.'
7. Q: "From post 74 The Great Test is Coming–How does this affect current LDS missionary work when giving the discussion about modern day prophets and such? Will they still lead people to the church in these current days?"
8. A: 'We have removed our confirming Spirit from those in the high leadership position of the church and they are acting without our inspiration, but are on their own for the most part. However, for anyone, including those leaders who humbly and openly seek us sincerely, we will reveal our inspiration and direction to them, and lead them as they allow us to.
If missionaries, or any other Latter-day Saints, teach things that are false, we will not testify of their truthfulness, but withhold our witness. The mantle and position of modern-day prophets is no longer true in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, so how could we witness that this is true? We would witness that Joseph Smith is a prophet and that the church was restored by a living prophet at that time, but we won't do this for the modern leaders who say they are prophets and are not true prophets of God.
This missionary work in the LDS Church may continue with the fervor of man, but we no longer endorse all that they teach. They will become like missionaries in other Christian churches, who promote Jesus Christ and seek to turn others to Christ. When they strive to turn others to sustain the leadership of the current LDS Church, they are on their own without our Spirit to back their teachings.'
9. Q: "Based on the lack of shields in the leadership (of the LDS Church), does this mean they are not elect? I thought all elect obtain these shields?"
10. A: 'We who are your Gods, have chosen those who are our elect. Each one may have a different path to return to us. We have withheld some shields from certain elect children for a time so that our purposes may be fulfilled, but mostly all of our elect are now shielded, and all will have these shields in our time. We do not reveal to our children who are our elect unless we give them specific instructions to minister to them and reveal it to them because they need to know. This is true in all angelic ministrations also: you may have revealed to you, usually at the moment, who are the elect based on your need to know while serving them. However, we might also not reveal if the one you minister to is of the elect or not.
We will not now reveal to you whether or not the current leaders of the LDS Church are of the elect or not. In time you will know, but for now it doesn't affect your own course of action in your life. Think of these leaders as fellow human beings having a mortal experience, with no judgment on them. Be accepting of them as fellow mortals.'
11. Q: "If Heavenly Mother speaks truth to us through thoughts and feelings in our hearts and minds, how does Satan work, so we can distinguish deception? How can we decipher our own thoughts too?"
12. A: 'Each of our children may discern the truth from their Heavenly Mother from that of the adversary by the clearness, peace, and full alignment with truth that 'rings true' in their soul. Our children all know the feeling and presence of their own Heavenly Mother. They will also recognize her Spirit when she comes into their being to witness to them of truth and fills them with her love.
Satan is not able to show love or peace, but when he whispers there is always a feeling of falseness or incompleteness to our sensitive, open and humble child.
13. Our children learn discernment in mortality based on their connection with their unconscious minds and spirits, and on their own experiences in life. When skilled at discerning good from evil, it is very clear. When not experienced, our children often believe Satan, thinking his whispers are of God when they are his deceptions.
For those who humbly, openly, and very intently pray to us, we will lead them and give them the awareness when Satan lures or deceives them with his subtle tricks and whisperings. This is one of the great lessons we desire all our children to learn in their mortal probation. We will help them as they come unto us.
14. Satan whispers to the mind and heart also of our children. He does not possess love, but uses imitation of our ways to deceive the elect. He has persuasive arguments, but does not know how to give love, peace, or true clarity of the mind like we do, because he does not possess any of these attributes. He is miserable, dark, very logical and smart. Do not think he cannot trick you with his sophistries, or attempt to deceive you with his persuasive arguments. Always be on guard, and seek our light and love. He will go away when we are present. It is during these times when you know we are close that you may really discern if a thought you have is from us, or Satan, or your own thinking or emotions.
Now that you have my shield of protection, the whisperings of Lucifer and his minions are more removed and distant. This is a great blessing to you who have my shields of protection.'
15. Later, in the evening– We went to church today at a local ward. When we sang the sacrament hymn, I went in my mind's eye to the edge of the sapling tree forest in Heavenly Mother's upper garden, just north of the circling waters. I faced the waters to the south. I partook of the sacrament bread and made my weekly covenant. Then I saw three beings descent from the skies upon the circling waters. They came to a point a few feet above the water. They were Heavenly Father in the middle, Heavenly Mother on his left and Jesus Christ on his right!
16. Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, come stand before us.'
I got off my knees and walked over to the circling waters and stood at the water's edge, facing these three glorious beings. I looked into their faces and recognized the distinctive eyes of each one.
17. Heavenly Father spoke again:
'Raphael, we accept the covenant you have made today, to take upon you the name of Our Only Beloved Son (he extended his arm to his right towards Jesus), to always remember your Heavenly Mother and me, and to keep our commandments.'
The priest in the ward then blessed the water.
18. I then heard Heavenly Mother speak:
'Raphael, we have brought Our Beloved Son Jesus Christ with us today, to witness to you that when he came to earth as a mortal, he grew up without knowing who he was. He had a veil over his unconscious mind as did you and all our children in mortality.
We gradually revealed ourselves to him as he approached us in humble, sincere and open prayer. We responded quickly and diligently as he inquired, as we would any of our other children. We led him, step by step, to gradually reveal to him our will for him. He grew from grace to grace in the understanding of his great mission and purpose in coming to earth. (see D&C 93:12-14). We communed with him daily as we now commune with you daily.
19. He knew of his mission, to wrought the great atonement for all mankind and to suffer for the sins of all. He knew he would disrupt the nations of the Jews and their long-held religious traditions. He would introduce a new way of worshipping us and living our gospel, to show love to others? He would be our representative on the earth and the mediator between all mankind and us. He soon knew his life would be offered as a sacrifice, that he would die on the cross. We revealed all this to him gradually, as fast as he was able to receive. This has been our manner with all of our children who diligently seek us.
20. Raphael, your mission and calling is now in secret, as was Our Beloved Son's before his revealing to all people. Your mission is to disrupt the religious beliefs of your day and to lead in the great work in these last days that we are planning to do. Like Jesus, we are gradually revealing your mission to you. You are also being the receiver of our great revelations, never before revealed to mankind! These all come as fast as you are able to receive them. Also, like Jesus, your mission is only known to a few and is in secret until the day of your revealing to the world.'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words of confidence! I then looked at my Savior and was impressed with his very deep, compassionate eternity eyes again. Oh, I love him and am so grateful for his example that he has set for me!
Thus ended my sacrament meeting this afternoon.
21. Sunday night: I came to the desert where I had been this morning when Heavenly Father came to answer questions of those who had emailed me. I felt I was immediately again in my Heavenly Father's presence, alone in the desert. I asked him if he wanted to continue answering questions. He said he would do that now.
22. Q: "We are told to counsel in all things, yet Heavenly Mother said we need to ask showing diligent effort, persistence, faith and humility in order to qualify for an answer. How can we counsel in all things if answers are that time consuming?"
23. A: 'We desire to communicate freely with our children, and lead them as they come to us in humble prayer. However, we need to make sure they are sincere and won't simply disregard our counsels and soon forget us. Therefore, we require their heart and mind in order for us to reveal ourselves to them. We know they are sincere when they diligently seek us and then obey our commandments we have already given them. We then reveal more and more, watching and waiting for them to follow our counsels. When our children thus qualify by their diligence and obedience, we then develop a trusting relationship with each one. We will then more quickly respond to their pleas and request, and they truly will be able to counsel with us in all things. This state is attained after they demonstrate faith and obedience to our words over time.'
24. Q: "So do I understand correctly- you (Raphael) hold the keys to the Church of the Firstborn and Joseph Smith to the Church of Christ?"
25. A: 'Yes, this is how we planned from the beginning. We knew that the Church of Christ would one day become sufficiently corrupted by disobedient leaders and false doctrines so that we would need to remove their priesthood and their priesthood keys. Joseph Smith still is faithful and holds these keys as the head of the dispensation of the Fulness of Times.
For the Church of the Firstborn, there needed to be a mortal man to whom we could establish on the earth our celestial church. When Our Son, Jesus Christ, will come to the earth in glory, this church already needs to be functioning to receive him as the rightful high priest of this church.
Raphael, our third archangel, was sent to the earth to mortality at this time to receive these priesthood keys so he could establish the Church of the Firstborn on the earth, preparatory to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. When Christ comes again, Raphael will relinquish his role over the Church of the Firstborn to Our Beloved Son, and then continue his role with Oriphiel in administering the waters of separation ordinance. As of today, Raphael our archangel, R in the flesh, holds these keys to the Church of the Firstborn, given to him by Jesus Christ in May 2017.'
26. Q: "Do you believe we have guardian angels? If so, if we are ourselves angels or archangels, are our guardian angels our relatives or our Heavenly Parents?"
27. A: 'Whether you are an angel, archangel, or not an angel living in mortality, you do have assigned spirits to watch over you. These are mostly relatives who have lived or descendants who will one day live on earth. Some commonly call these guardian angels, but they are not really angels. Instead, they are assigned individuals living in the spirit realms who watch over their assigned person on earth (recipient) who lives in mortality. They help their mortal recipient by caring for them, prompting them of danger, encouraging them to choose the right, and acting as a helper in anything that God may want for that mortal recipient whom they are assigned.'
This concludes the questions I have received to date. I hope I addressed everyone's questions! Heavenly Father indicated to me I have recorded his words sufficiently well. I then thanked him and said I loved him. I also love his words he so freely shares with me!
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, April 16, 2018 Monday
1. I awoke before 7:00 a.m. and left my wife asleep in our bed. I quietly came to my adjacent room to pray. I felt to come to the area in heaven just south of God's temple, on a grassy slope. I could see the river representing Heavenly Mother enter into the hole in the ground.
I prayed facing south. I became clarified in my mind. I then asked for my Heavenly Parents or at least one of them to come to me. I waited and then turned around. Heavenly Father was standing next to me! I thought he would be alone today so I started my prayer. I thanked him for coming today and for the many revelations he had recently given to me. I then asked if he wanted to speak.
2. Heavenly Father spoke to me next:
'Raphael, I have given to your more perspectives yesterday about how we operate with our mortal children on earth. We, your Heavenly Parents, are willing and eager to share with you our truths as you come to us and humbly seek us. We will reveal our revelations to you as fast as you are capable to receive them.'
He then turned and faced the south end of the temple. My Heavenly Mother then came through the wall of the temple and walked to him above the grass in the air. They held hands and then both faced me. I gazed into their loving and peaceful and happy faces.
3. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:
'Raphael, our son, we don't want to discourage any of our children who attempt to come unto us. We want them to always be encouraged in their prayers, even though we may not come into their perception. We will be near them, even at their first sincere attempts to openly pray, but they may not as yet realize that we are near them. We may even speak to their heart and mind, but they may not yet hear. They usually will, however, feel my warm spirit of peace and acceptance, encouraging them to keep trying. We will gradually help them perceive our presence.
4. Once our children realize how we speak and interact with them in true communion and prayer, they will realize we are speaking to their inner?? self. You have appropriately called this their unconscious mind, separate from their conscious mind. They then begin working on the ability to hear and feel their unconscious spiritual mind in their conscious mortal mind.
Oh, we wish all of our elect children to approach us in humble, open prayer and we will answer them, leading them to us!'
I acknowledged to my Heavenly Mother how kind she and Heavenly Father are to me. I said it is so wonderful and exciting being with them and receiving their counsel!
5. Heavenly Father then spoke:
'Raphael, there are many things that you have been reading in the news of your day. Much of it is untrue reporting and those who publish these false reports have evil agendas. Some people have labeled these as "fake news".
6. This type of misinformation will continue to sway the people who believe what is reported. However, trust in our words as we may reveal these to you. We will never lead you astray. We always have a future path of more and more knowledge and truths from heaven that we wish to share with you. We will do this for every soul who approaches us as do you, in the sincerity and intent of the heart and mind. We will thus lead the faithful as we have always done.
Our ways are eternal and we vary not in how we respond to the humble pleas of our children whom we have sent to earth for their mortal experience.'
7. Heavenly Mother then asked me to stand and walk with them on my sides, into their temple! I stood and came between them. They each held my hands and we walked up the grassy slopes to the southern wall of their temple. We kept walking, right through the wall! We came into the mortal probation chapel and then turned and came to our left. We soon were standing before the last days living mural on the wall.
8. Heavenly Mother spoke next:
'We will show you more about your future mission, Raphael! Watch the mural and you will see the next period of these intense days ahead and how and what we expect you to act and do.'
I then looked on the mural. Then suddenly my prayer ended; I was back writing in my personal journal.
Heavenly Mother whispered to me to make this entry the last of the next post 76. I thanked her for her and Heavenly Father's love and care to me, and to all the holy mortal angels! I again told her how much I loved her. My prayer ended and I closed in the name of Jesus Christ."
9. Here is an experience of my sister, K (Rachael) as recorded in a portion of her personal journal April 17, 2018. This relates to the training that I was receiving about asking living entities to move as directed by God:
"I drank living water at Heavenly Mother's river to the east of the southern temple grounds. I then knelt facing the temple on the south lawn and prayed for one or both of my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Mother came through the southwest corner wall (the south part of it) and came to me.
I prayed to her and when I asked for her to speak to me she said "come". She took my hand and we 'flew' over the beautiful celestial kingdom of mountains, hills, desert, jungle, fields, meadow, rivers, lakes, and then she said we were going to my earth. We swiftly 'flew' to earth to an isolated desolate area that had a dirty pool of water.
10. She told me to address the water and then say "As a high priestess after the order of Divine Mother and by the instruction of your Heavenly Mother, I ask you, water, to become clear and pure for the animals and humans who drink of it" (or words to that effect). I did so and waited. In a few moments the water was clean. I asked the water to stay clean. I thanked it very much for its obedience.
Then Heavenly Mother and I were on a path in a dense evergreen forest. A large tree had fallen across the path and we could not continue on the path. She told me to communicate to the tree to allow us to pass. I said something to this effect:
Oh tree, as a high priestess after the order of Divine Mother, and by her instructions, please allow us to pass."
I felt confusion from the tree and realized I had to tell it what I wanted it to do. I told it then to rise up about 10 feet and let us pass. It did so and after we passed it fell back down. I thanked the tree for its obedience."
11. On another day, April 18, 2018, I (K) recorded another experience. Here is a snippet from my journal:
Heavenly Mother spoke:
Our daughter, Rachael, we will go again to your earth among our telestial nature and elements. She took my hand and we 'flew' to earth. We came to a forest fire that was raging towards where people lived and there was a village. She told me to connect with the fire and speak to it to change its course and then dissipate, in her name and by her direction.
12. I did that. I spoke to the fire and told it it was heading for people and a village. I said "As a high priestess after the order of Divine Mother, your creator mother, and under her direction, I command you, oh fire, to change course and then to dissipate. It responded by changing course and soon dissipating. It seems the people were shocked but relieved.
Heavenly Mother spoke: Good. That was good, my daughter." That is all for now, Rachael."
We then 'flew' back instantly to the celestial realms. I feel we talked and walked among her beautiful flourishing gardens, but I do not know.