73. Our Merging Minds
Posted 4-3-2018


I hope each of you have experienced a wonderful Easter weekend! I have had lots of family around, and have enjoyed communing with God.

In this post you will read more about transitioning into a celestial nature. We need to drop our self-centered habits, and transition to a higher celestial nature.

God revealed more about how our conscious minds and unconscious minds will merge when we arrive in the New Jerusalem. We need to become more refined in order to merit such wonderful celestial experiences that are in our future. Open-ended time and not being too busy for God is essential to our progress.

Have a wonderful week! I will tell you about my thoughts of General Conference in the next post.


P.S. I have included some pictures of emerging spring flowers around my house (and some professional images as well). I do love this time of year!

(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 19, 2018, Monday

1. In my morning prayer, I went to the white gate in the celestial world. When I touched it, the gate swung wide open, with my Savior behind the gate. I came before him and knelt on the ground. I gazed into his compassionate eternity eyes, so deep and loving! I spoke to him and shared some recent feelings. He then spoke:

'Raphael, I am glad you have come to me this morning. We try men and women's souls to see if they will follow us. There are so many that won't or don't hear our gentle promptings. Those who hear us and keep our commandments, are those we lead to become like us. The path is not easy (he turned and looked at the narrow path that leads to the tree of life), but by holding to the iron rod or the word of God as we reveal to them, day-by-day, it is possible. Ultimately, our elect child will partake of eternal life or the joy of reaching the tree of life.'

He embraced me then, pulling me up from my kneeling position. He said he was pleased with me and my efforts to hear their words and to always strive to keep their commandments.

2. I then turned and walked the narrow path, holding onto the rod of iron. I ultimately came to the tree of life. I came under its canopy and plucked a brilliant white fruit and a nearby leaf. I then teleported to the bench to the north of the circling waters.

This is where my prayer ended this morning. I had planned to write all of this down at work, but it was too busy to do anything like that! I had longed to connect with my Heavenly Parents today. I have just arrived home and wrote all of this down after I arrived. I feel tired and somewhat stressed out by the workday. I hope we hire and train someone soon, for this is not the life for me right now!

3. I then knelt down and prayed in front of the bench facing south, next to the circling waters. I prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come. I still had the fruit and leaf in my hands. I then waited. I next heard someone to my back left call my name. Heavenly Father walked closer on my left side and spoke to me:

'Raphael, there are times in life that one has to do things that are not what he/she would like to do. It is the daily in and out routine that sets the pattern for living and shows the real desires of the heart. Such has been your case today. You have not been able to finish your morning prayer until now. I will come to you in a few hours with your Heavenly Mother. We will commune with you then. Partake of the fruit and the leaf to help clarify and settle yourself after a hard days' work.'

4. He then smiled and turned, returning to my back left side, back into the forest from whence he came.

I then ate of the living fruit, plucked from the tree of life. It seemed to really settle me down and help me return to myself, unpressured from the work environment and things of this world. I also ate the leaf of the tree of life and felt more renewed in my strength. I then closed my prayer and came out with my wife and son. I feel much better now!

5. Later–I came into my bedroom tonight before the family went to bed. I prayed to my Heavenly Parents at the desert oasis, facing the water from just in front of the bench. I loved feeling the sand on my feet and knees as I prayed. I enlivened my mind with my own thoughts and felt very clarified. I then asked my Heavenly Parents to come.

There was a beam of light that came right from the moon amidst the dark sky. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were soon inside the beam and then the light gathered around them.

It was such a still, moonlight night! My Heavenly Parents were before me, smiling a lot, with deep eternity eyes. They wore matching outer white robes that extended from their left shoulders to their waist, held fast around their waist by their scarlet red waist sashes. I so loved to gaze on them.

I asked that they deliver their messages Heavenly Mother said I should write up to this point, and then write the words she would speak to me. She said I could go out in my front room and do this.

6. Here are Heavenly Mother's words:

'Raphael, we love to come here in the moonlight, here at this desert oasis! You have noticed that when you clarify your mind while here, it takes five seconds or so before you feel the clarity start working. In all other areas of heaven this feeling is immediate, but not here. We have purposefully made a delay here, with a corresponding higher increase in clarity when it fully comes. This delay is part of the utter quietness and stillness that pervades this desert region. Once you become clarified, your ability to think more clearly is enhanced, and your ability to see things as they really are in your own life becomes more in focus. As you come here regularly, you will be able to continually see things as they really are. Peoples' motives and ambitions will be clear if you come here often. Your own foresight and hindsight perceptions will also be sharper.

When you were very sick, it seemed like the emotional curtains of life were fully raised, and you could see clearly into the souls of your family and friends. This same clarity can be realized as you repeatedly visit this quiet desert area.

7. Your Father and I always see our children's intentions and hearts clearly. You have talked with your wife tonight that it continually surprises you how self-focused people are. We are used to this now–for in the telestial world, this is how by far most of our children act. However, in the terrestrial world, our children have much less self-interest and very many love their neighbors as themselves. In the celestial realms, everyone is continually concerned about their children and everyone else around them. The spiritual growth of our children from telestial to terrestrial to celestial has the effect of turning them more outward in love towards those around them, their fellowmen. Therefore, don't be too disheartened by the self-focused of people all around you. They will change as they allow us, their Gods, to lead them to higher spiritual levels.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her insights. I so love gleaning their abundant wisdom from them when they talk to me so frequently.

8. Heavenly Father then spoke:

'Raphael, as our children progress to higher spiritual maturity, toward a celestial nature, their minds are also more clarified. They are able to understand higher spiritual concepts and truths. Conversely, as our children degrade and become more carnal, sensual and devilish, they understand less and less of spiritual things, and these ideas become foolishness to them (see 1 Corinthians 2:14–"For the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness unto him, neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.")

9. When our children reach a terrestrial inheritance, and have a terrestrial state themselves, they become more alert and understanding in all fields of endeavors. Scientists and inventors are more enlightened, those who write are deeper in their literary skills, and those in construction and engineering are more capable and endowed. These same traits are further enhanced as they progress into the celestial world.'

10. I so appreciate these greater understandings as my Gods speak to me from their glorious celestial perspective and experience. I so love them! I thanked them both for their words tonight. I felt enlightened.

Heavenly Father then had me stand and come next to him. We all three then were enveloped in the bright beam of light and went into the skies above! We came to the bright moon orb above the celestial world. I don't know much at all about it except that its purpose was to please God with its beautiful reflected light! We walked a while on its rocky white surface. I then lost consciousness with my Gods. I was so very pleased in my prayer tonight! I soon prepared for bed and went to sleep."

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 20, 2018, Tuesday

1. I came again to the desert oasis this morning. The moon had gone and it was nearly dawn. It wasn't cold out. I drank living water that slowly clarified and focused my perceptions. I then prayed for God to come.

Heavenly Mother soon was on my right side, standing and smiling at me. She seemed very happy to be next to me. She wore the same robes as last night. I invited her to speak to me. She then asked me to write her words:

2. 'Raphael, I want to talk more to you about the celestial nature of our children. In their pre-earth life in this heavenly area, they all lived in celestial glory. However, they didn't have the rich experience that a mortal life provides. They were mostly untried and untested, without a high degree of focus on their fellowman. There were exceptions. These included our holy angels who cared deeply for others as themselves. Our angels developed a high level of celestial love for their fellowman.

3. However, most of our children were self-focused and cared mostly about themselves. Those who followed our plan and Our Beloved Son were motivated more by what rewards they would personally receive than by a great desire to please us and to uplift others.

4. The mortal experience in the telestial world taught so many of our faithful children great lessons that they could not have learned had they remained in our celestial presence. By being fully on their own, and experiencing hardships and joys that come mixed together in one's mortal life, they could grow by choosing on their own the good over evil. This freedom gave them opportunities to really demonstrate to themselves that they fully wanted to live our holy ways and struggle in their weaknesses to become like us. In their efforts they developed the maturity and commitment required to again come back into our celestial presence.

5. In this time of awakening to whom they really deeply wanted to be like, they chose to follow our promptings at all costs. The faithful elect sought us diligently in their struggles, and we came to them and gently guided them. Without the need for faith and determination, they wouldn't have been able to gradually develop the godly character necessary to become a true celestial person, full of light and love.

6. In the millennial day, many of our elect children will come forth to experience their mortal probation. It will not be as severe a situation as you have lived in since Satan and his minions will be bound, and they will live in a terrestrial glory and environment. However, this mortal experience of struggle, requiring faith and personal choice, will be sufficient for them to develop the celestial character. There will not be nearly so many that lose their ways as there have been in the telestial world of mortality you are experiencing. We have chosen those who would grow and thrive best in the terrestrial mortal experience to come forth in the millennial day of peace and rest.

7. When our elect children have passed through their mortal probation and have clearly demonstrated a determination to follow our commandments as we give them, they will have developed a celestial character. One of the main attributes of this godly person is that they are filled with love and a desire to bless and uplift others. They think of others as themselves. They look for ways to uplift and bless them. They are prepared to be received into the Church of the Firstborn, to become like their Redeemer in their attitude of others. They are prepared to become gods, giving their entire lives in service and love to their own offspring. This becomes their greatest joy and source of happiness. This is the very fulfilling celestial nature that your Father, Our Beloved Son, and I have.

8. Therefore, we encourage all our children to come unto us and we will lead them along towards this celestial nature that they will develop in the midst of their struggles. This is the greatest achievement of our children–to become even as we are!'

I thanked my glorious Heavenly Mother for her revelation this morning! Oh, how I want to become like God is, and develop this celestial nature within myself! I realized she was done speaking and my personal prayer had ended. I closed in the name of Jesus Christ and started my day.

9. In the evening: Tonight I came again to the desert oasis and it was very dark outside. There was no moon, but only stars shining. I clarified my mind and then prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come. Two beings came to me from the east, or my left. They were completely dark. I could see their outlines against the starlit sky. I discerned these were my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I addressed them:

'Oh my Heavenly Parents, please let me see thy faces so I may look into thine eyes and countenances.'

10. Heavenly Father replied:

'Raphael, we have purposefully come to you without any light in our being. We have done this to verify that you could tell it was us who had come before you. You discerned us from your unconscious mind, which could sense our presence and knew we were before you. Your conscious self was connected to your spiritual awareness, your unconscious self, to know it was us. We are glad you can discern without your eyes who we are, or where we are!'

At that time, both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother became illuminated by a light glow so I could clearly see them. I saw their smiles, their eternity eyes, their happy countenances.

11. Heavenly Mother then spoke:

'Raphael, all our elect children need to know where we are, and discern us, even God, without physically seeing us. These things are spiritually discerned, through your unconscious mind and spirit. We wish all of our children would develop the sensitivity that you have to discern us, our presence, our works, our revelations, without us appearing before them. This view you have requires faith and diligence and a great effort to come unto us, their God.'

Heavenly Mother then stopped speaking and they turned and walked away to the east, across the desert. I pondered their words tonight. I am so glad I can perceive and comprehend them. I feel very blessed!"

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 21, 2018, Wednesday

1. I came this morning to the desert oasis. I clarified my mind and prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Mother came. She was not looking happy. I asked her why. She then asked me to write her words.

'Raphael, you have become too busy for us to communicate effectively with you since Monday. We know that this is a temporary issue, but your time is consumed with your work in your business. We are not pleased that you limit our presence and time with us because of your work demands.'

I humbly asked my Heavenly Mother what I could do to open up my time with them in prayer, for I felt like I didn't want this either, and really wanted to spend more time with them in prayer.

Cilantro that my wife grew inside our house

2. Heavenly Mother spoke again:

'Raphael, on Monday after work you came to us directly after work, cloistering yourself in your room and communed with us. This was your busiest day. Today make time for us during the day or evening and we will commune with you and reveal our revelations to you. It is helpful, Raphael, to have open, uninterrupted time for us, with no ending time in your mind. For when deadlines or an ending time is looming in your mind, we feel this too and are not at liberty to spend much time with you.'

3. I apologized and said I would do better today! I asked for her help in my needed work so that it would go very smoothly in the transition between employees. I said we have limited our hours at work, closing now at 3:00 p.m. I said I would seek to connect with her and Heavenly Father directly after work. I will have my journal with me so that I can commune in a park or somewhere quiet.

4. I told Heavenly Mother how important it was for me to be with her and my Heavenly Father! I felt very pressed upon to have to go to work and to train a new employee. I asked her for help to be efficient and that this new employee would be able to work out, for we have gone through many candidates in the past until we have found one suitable. I also asked that our shipping clerk, who just gave her leave of notice, would also be relatively easy to replace.

I said normally I am not so involved in the business these days. I said my wife and I are somewhat in a quandary what to do with our business, since it has not been producing much recently. I asked for direction.

5. Heavenly Mother spoke again:

'Raphael, we are fine in having you keep your business rather than closing it now, so that your wife may keep very active in it as she desires. We will bless you to be efficient in your training process. However, in all of this, make open time in your day to commune regularly with us, at least twice with open-ended time, so that we may continue to pour out upon you our revelations and directions.'

I gazed into her eternity eyes. They seemed hopeful and happy again, for she had expressed her concerns and I had listened. I shared my love to her and desire to detach from my demanding schedule twice more today, in order to commune with her and Heavenly Father. This was my real desire.

6. She came close to me and put her loving arms around me, hugging me and pulling me close while I was still kneeling. She then stepped back and smiled broadly at me and had sparkling happy eyes. She then spoke:

'Raphael, it is time now for you to get ready for work. I look forward to communing with you this afternoon!'

Then she was instantly gone! I knelt by my recliner where I was writing and thanked her for this time in prayer. I asked to have the blessings of heaven to be with me, and closed my prayer.

7. 3:30 this afternoon–I remembered to come to the celestial world directly after work. I felt to go to the sapling tree of life next to the tree of life by the fountain of living water. I came to the sapling tree and saw it was now a large tree (two feet or so in diameter) and even had fruit on it. I plucked a white fruit and a leaf. I sat down next to this tree and ate both. I felt more clarified in my mind from the fruit and stronger in my body from eating the leaf. I then felt ready for prayer.

I knelt towards the mother tree of life to the northeast. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. I then saw them both at the mother tree of life, walking under its canopy. They looked towards me when I prayed and then held hands and started walking towards me. I was soon in their wonderful presence! I was kneeling and they were each smiling broadly and seemed very happy.

8. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, our son, your Heavenly Mother had corrected you this morning at the desert oasis and you said you were sorry and then you have obeyed her counsels. This makes us both very pleased. We are happy when our children follow our suggestions, admonitions and commandments. We will reward you for your obedience and humility. We also will reward our children who obey with more revelation, direction and protection in their lives.

9. We have brought you here to the sapling tree of life to teach another lesson to you about time in heaven. It was only a few months ago that you discovered this sapling tree, then only about ½ inch in diameter. Now it is nearly two feet in diameter. This tree has grown exceedingly fast by your earth's standards.

You have also noticed at various meetings that we have held in our Great Assembly Hall that it seemed that time wasn't a factor, for you could come at anytime and the meeting would then start.

You have also noticed that if your prayers become temporarily delayed, that you may continue when you get back to your prayer, as if you were never gone.

All of these observations are accurate. Time in our celestial world is relative, and not exact. It is not measured like it is on your telestial earth.

10. It is true that our galaxy and your solar system move in their order, all calculated and precise in their rotations. This is the basis of time on your mortal planet. However, in the celestial orbs that move in our galaxy, these have rotation and celestial movement in the heavens according to precise time, but on their surface time is not measured in this way. Time is only measured to man in the telestial and terrestrial worlds on which they may live. In our celestial world, time is malleable and not fixed. One in the celestial world may see the past, present and future all at the same time, if they possess the power of God or are given this power from God. We may see re-enacted something from the past as easily as we see the present. We may also see the future by the divine power of God we possess. We can even see all of these time-based situations at the same time, and comprehend them at the same time.

11. We are blessing you with hindsight to see the past and foresight to see the future, as we extend this power to you. You, too, will notice that time becomes a less important factor as you see past, present and future. Such is our experience in our celestial glory all the time. Eternities roll in and out of existence, but our power and Godly capability remains forever like this.

12. We have the capability also to slow time down or speed it up in any place we may be in. This is done by our celestial Godly power. For instance, Our Beloved Son suffered for the sins of all mankind in the span of about three hours of earth time. However, he was able to slow down time so he could fully suffer for each of our billions of children for whom he was atoning. He remembers each person and the experience of his atonement for each soul. This could only be done with time not being a factor, for he slowed down his own time to fit all of his atonement mission in within the period of earth's fixed mortal time.

The understanding of these time issues can only be known when one experiences these things. For our premortal children, they couldn't understand the concept of mortal telestial time until they came forth into mortality and lived in your fallen world. For those who have lived for some time in their mortal bodies, they cannot fathom what a timeless environment would be like either.

13. When you approach us in prayer, we desire that you release your own time-sensitive thoughts, and dwell and commune with us in a non-time meditative mode. This will allow us to really commune with you, without earth's boundary and limitations of time. This will make for a much more meaningful prayer as well.

We will lead you along, helping you transition to a timeless meditation state of prayer. You are already doing this to a great degree. However, we desire you to let go of time-related thoughts so that we may reveal to you greater things. You will understand all of this as you progress and move upward in your abilities to more greatly commune with us, your Heavenly Parents.'

14. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his mind-expanding words. Oh, how I love to be tutored by him!

He then had me stand and hold their hands. I did so. We then were transported to the earth, in its primeval state when it was created only spiritually, before physically created. It seemed that there was no time yet assigned to Mother Earth, yet she was fully herself, with a clear identity, and intelligence, and spiritual shape the same as she now appears physically.

15. I saw next how everything was created spiritually on her surface, just like would later be created physically: the plants were created and grew from spirit seeds; the animals were populating the earth as spirits. God's children were on the earth as premortal servants, doing all the work spiritually before any natural or physical thing came on her surface.

When physically created, I saw the earth come into her time of reckoning, in our solar system. Still, time as we know it hadn't yet started. There was rotation, days and weeks, months and years, but no time started.

16. When Adam and Eve fell, after having lived on a timeless earth, then the counting of time began formally. All of their children were born into this life fully immersed in a time-related world.

I knew my glimpse into the premortal earth was completed. I have lots to think about. I expressed much enlightenment to my Heavenly Father for his words. I thanked both of them for coming to me in my late afternoon prayer. I closed in the name of their Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. I then continued my day.

17. Later-9:25 P.M.–I've had a fun and enjoyable evening with my family. I like this wind-down time at night and of course, my evening prayer.

Tonight I felt to go to the little birch tree grove consisting of mostly small and sapling trees on the slope from Lake Beautiful to Enoch's city. I found a spot next to the little stream, facing north into the grove of trees. I drank and then knelt, asking my Heavenly Parents to come.

I next saw them in the far end of the birch trees, coming towards me. Then suddenly they both were immediately in front of me! I gazed into their loving eternity eyes, and so enjoyed seeing them both smile at me. I opened the prayer, thanking them for coming also so quickly to me! I told them a little about my day, and then asked them to speak to me as they wished.

18. Heavenly Mother asked me to write to this point and then to write her words, as she would speak to me. Here are her words:

'Raphael, we are both pleased to come to you this evening on earth when you have come to us, being still alert. You may have noticed that it is dark outside on earth, yet bright like noonday here in heaven. We do not change time on the earth, but allow days and nights and seasons on the earth. Your world is based on these time-based days and nights, all ordered in regularity.

19. However, in our celestial world, we may make it be any time of the day or night as we wish. We are not restricted by any time-based system here in our celestial world. We change these at will and our world fulfills our desires.'

At this moment, I saw that the noonday light outside was dimming and even becoming dusk, just before dark. Then it became darker and darker until it was very dark, like at midnight! I saw the stars appear in their brightness. Heavenly Mother then spoke again:

20. 'You can see, Raphael, the change all around you that I have created by my thoughts. Our world recognized this request and responds immediately. We are not restricted by any normal procedure or process in heaven, for it is all malleable, according to our will and pleasure. In this way, our world in heaven is the most ideal world to live in.

21. Not only are time-based things like day or night changeable by us, but other situations as well. You have seen how on the straight and narrow path you have experienced all sorts of issues in the past. We created these according to our desires. Your rod of iron is on your right hand side as you walk the narrow path, but for another it might be on their left. Some may have unique experiences just for them, while others something completely different.

22. You have also seen that our Great Assembly Hall can accommodate most every sized crowd. We are able to expand its length and breadth. All is malleable here, again, by our direction and intent. We make any weather condition or climate to come upon certain areas of our celestial world. We can remove masses of soil and rock from our celestial orb, all to fit our desires and purposes. We can allow or restrict our children access to whatever section we desire. We can do anything we desire, for this is our celestial world, built for us, your Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, and continually changeable according to our desires.'

I was so wowed by what my Mother had just told me. It fit in so well with Father's words this afternoon.

23. Heavenly Mother spoke again:

'Raphael, when you live in the millennial day, you will live outside of the temple square area at night. However, in the day you will work in the temple, and in the temple square area, which area is celestial. This area is also malleable, just like our own celestial world. We will allow you to adjust time and other factors you may desire in this celestial spot on the earth. If you desire a certain thing to change, according to this celestial order where all is malleable, and if it is in accordance with our will, it will happen according to your desire. You may, for example, feel pressed for time to do your invaluable temple work. However, this time factor is changeable too in the celestial environment. And you may have it changed to meet your demand needs (probably 'demands' or 'needs' but not both). Our Beloved Son did this in his great atonement work, and you may need to do a similar thing in binging our elect children into the Church of the Firstborn, so all is completed by the end of the millennial day.'

I humbly thanked Heavenly Mother for her wonderful revelation about this portion of the earth that will be celestial in nature. I felt so enlightened by these amazing things!

Then my Heavenly Mother made it turn into dawn outside and then back into the noonday. She and Heavenly Father turned and walked north in the birch tree grove. I watched them until they were out of sight.

This was my evening prayer, lasting about 45 minutes of me writing this all down in earth time."

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 22, 2018, Thursday

1. Last night as I went to bed, I thought of all the different things Oriphiel and I could do when receiving people for the waters of separation ordinance. One thing is that by virtue of its celestial properties, people could come in every one minute. However, once inside the temple, we would not be constrained by time–we could spend as much "time" as needed with each new Church of the Firstborn member. When I would receive the next candidate, it would seem to be the next minute of time, whereas I may have taken an hour with the previous candidate(s). There would never be a rushed feeling once inside!

We may even occasionally travel to heaven and back or out to the temple square gardens together with the candidates as needed, once we were inside the temple. All of this would be during a relaxing, no rush environment, void of time restraints. Anyway, the fact of not being constrained by time issues was very exciting to me!

This morning, I traveled to the desert oasis for my prayer. I drank from the living water there and felt very clarified. I then asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.

2. Heavenly Father came to me, a little above the oasis water. He was full of brightness and glory and was smiling. I gazed on his eternity eyes. He spoke and asked me to write his words:

'Raphael, I have come to you to explain another aspect of being a celestial person, having our power and authority. We talked about the characteristics of being in a celestial environment, either here in heaven or in the New Jerusalem temple square area. This morning I want to share how a celestial person may act in a telestial or terrestrial environment.

3. You are a celestial person, for you have been gradually changed to receive our image in your countenance. You have mortal weaknesses, it is true, in that you are not perfected. However, you are translated to a celestial translation and work day and night in the celestial realms, in your replicated self. This qualifies you to be a celestial elect son. All of our holy angels are also celestial children, for they, too, work continuously in these same celestial realms in heaven or on the earth.

We are able to extend to our celestial children who work in our behalf, our celestial powers of God, as we desire. These powers include all of the attributes we have explained to you yesterday about the celestial world. This includes being able to not be constrained by time-related issues, even while in your mortal body.

4. For example, if you feel rushed or pressed, and would like more "time", you may ask of us, your Gods, to allow you to do more in a short time than normally possible. This we generally will grant to you, our celestial child. You then will be suspended momentarily for a period of time, to be able to get done all you couldn't normally do because there was too little time to do it. This power to detach from the constraints of a telestial world, and act in celestial ways, is by virtue of our power of Godliness. We will freely extend this to you if the request is not for selfish reasons, or to show this power to others. If we extend to you, our mortal celestial angel, this power, we need you to keep it all in secret from the world.

5. You might, for instance, want to commune in meditation with us, but feel pressed for time. We may grant your request to have an unrushed prayer and communion with us, all done within the constraints of so short a time. In this case, you would have time suspended while you pray to us and we communicate to you. This would be by virtue of our power of God, which we extend to you when you request it.'

I looked upon my Father before me. He had spoken some mind-expanding concepts. I thanked him for this option to act in celestial ways while in my mortal body.

6. I then thought of once praying for God to "hold" an airplane, the last one traveling to South America. My wife and I were traveling on Christmas Eve to be with our newly injured son in Chile. God answered our request and we were able to board the plane, late as we were, so we wouldn't need to wait another full day to be with our son. This is a celestial request, where a time issue is suspended. I have had a few of these things that happened to me in my life. However, now I may consciously pray for more suspension of time issues, if these are done in secret and approved of God. I will need to muster up my faith and confirm my requests as approved of God.

My prayer was ending. I thanked my Heavenly Father for coming and giving me these insights. I thanked him for his power he was willing to extend to me. I closed my prayer and started my day.

7. Later in the afternoon– I came home eager to connect to my Heavenly Parents. I came to the serpentine desert stream near the oasis, on the west side. I drank of the living water from the stream and then knelt, asking my Heavenly Parents to come.

Heavenly Mother came to me alone. She appeared in the air above the stream. I shared with her my difficult day and my stress at working in our office job. I said I don't feel as capable–maybe because I am older now and not as quick and spry as I used to be. I said it was difficult for me to manage myself in this environment at work. I then asked my Heavenly Mother to share with me what she wanted.

8. Heavenly Mother asked me to write her words:

'Raphael, you have expressed to me the difficulty of working this week in your business. This is a result of age and decreasing stamina and mental sharpness. This is all in your mortal body. You will find that this decreasing ability will continue also, in your physical body.

However, in your replicated body in the celestial world, your capability and strength will grow and increase. You will have more of our power to fulfill our purposes.

9. You may wonder how can my mortal body continue to age, even when I am translated to a celestial level, and yet my replicated self become more capable and strong?

We have designed that you experience the effects of aging, so that you will learn the most you can from your total earth experience. There is much to learn from your later times in your life, that will help you be more understanding, compassionate, and more celestial in nature. We wish these end-of-life experiences to bless you and others.

10. When you reach a certain maturity in aging, you will then be privileged in physically traveling to the New Jerusalem area. This will be after you have already gone there in your majestic replicated self as a holy archangel of God to direct the affairs of construction in that area. Your replicated body will be in its physical body as well while in the New Jerusalem. When you arrive in your mortal body, as an older man, you will then no longer have your replicated body there, for you will be there in person. You will then assume the role initiated by your replicated body. You will then remain at this age in which you arrived in your mortal translated body to the New Jerusalem. Your aging will then cease and you will do all of your great millennial work at this older age. You will receive additional strength and stamina to work full days in your work in the New Jerusalem temple. This work will enliven you rather than sap your energy as your current office work has been doing.'

11. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her and Heavenly Father's plan for me in these older days of my life. I still don't fully understand it all, but I believe it will become clearer in the coming days.

Heavenly Mother said she and Heavenly Father would come again to the same location tonight and give me more understanding. She then left and I continued my day.

12. Later, at night–I came again this evening to the meandering desert stream. I immersed myself up to my neck, and also drank of the living water in the stream. I stayed in the stream and felt the slow moving water flow through me it seemed. I then came on the western bank and knelt, facing east. I prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come.

I was very clear and perceptive, not only in my head area, but all around my body too. I then perceived clearly both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother coming to me from behind me. They came and split when they came to me, Heavenly Father on my left and Heavenly Mother on my right. They then joined together and held hands in front of me, facing me.

I thanked them for coming to me. I said I was eager to hear from them tonight. Heavenly Father said I should write his words. He also said I could go out in the front room and write.

13. 'Raphael, you have received an impression of what I would speak to you tonight in your prayer. This is your gift of foresight.

You will find that you tire at office/computer work that you are doing now in your business, just like you would tire from work outside that you might do around your home. Your stamina and vitality naturally fade more and more as you age. We are not going to restrict this natural aging and maturing process. You will still be able to fully function as you age, but just will have less sustained energy.

14. We have mentioned to you in the past that you will one day walk to Zion with others in your area. You will do this as a seasoned older man, one of the oldest in your group. At the same time or earlier, you will also come to the New Jerusalem as a replicated man, acting in your calling as an archangel of light, responsible for the activity of building up the New Jerusalem. You will exhibit lots of leadership and all will recognize your calling and role. You will have our mantle of authority. You will also look like an older man, similar to how you are in your home in Utah. This is your replicated physical self. You will continue to work in your replicated self until your own mortal self arrives on foot to the New Jerusalem.

15. At the time of your arrival on foot, you will replace your replicated self with your mortal translated self. You will continue to act in your mortal self in this role as the Branch, or the builder of the New Jerusalem temple complex and city. You will have increased vitality and strength once you arrive. Your aging will also stop and this will be the state you will remain throughout the millennial day.

16. Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I have planned all of this and there is no further need for you to worry or wonder about it. Trust in us, in the design we have orchestrated for your life and mission. We are pleased with your progress to date and will lead and guide you into whatever we will want you to receive and experience.'

I humbly accepted their guidance. I said I would just let my life go wherever they might wish it to go. I said I was very honored by their direction of my life.

They then smiled at me and came to me and each embraced me. I said I loved them and they said that to me also. They then turned and walked back to the west from whence they came. Thus ended my wonderful prayer tonight!"

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 23, 2018, Friday

1. I awoke this morning and came to my adjacent room to pray. I felt to go to Heavenly Mother's glass table in her lower gardens. I cleared my mind and prayed, facing east. While on my knees, Heavenly Mother came immediately in front of me. She spoke to me:

'Raphael, I have brought you here to my glass table to feed you and strengthen you as you age. My food will help you navigate through the increasing difficulties you will have associated with not feeling so alert, spry and strong. Come sit up at my table and eat all that I have prepared for you!'

I then thanked her and sat on the glass chair. I saw a small piece of cut bread on a plate, an apple and a glass of water. I ate all while she was standing before me. I felt very satisfied when done. I told her that this meal was very tasty and very filling. She then asked me to write her words. I have written to this point in my journal and am now ready to receive her words to me:

2. 'Raphael, this food I have prepared will give you increased stamina to do your necessary work in your mortal body. You not only have been fatigued in your office work in your business, but because of your increased work in your replicated selves in the celestial realm. All of these activities cause increased tiredness in your mortal physical body.

You have become used to the level of work and activity you could extend to in your mortal body. Then last Monday you added more demands on yourself by working six or more hours per day in your business. This has continued until today, and will also continue more next week. This has all been difficult for you. I want to strengthen you to be able to maintain better with these increased demands on your vitality and strength.'

3. I said this to Heavenly Mother:

'Heavenly Mother, I feel so grateful for thy concern over my body needs, in giving me food to sustain me in my work! Thy food has fully satisfied me this morning! I pray I will be able to meet the challenges that come my way and take away my energy. I pray that this morning nourishment will last as long as I work daily in my business, until I can train new help to do the work.'

4. Heavenly Mother smiled at me and said the following:

'Raphael, I will watch over you and strengthen you in your current demanding life. I am grateful you still have been making time to commune several times daily with us, your Heavenly Parents. This has been more difficult for you, I know. We will continue to reveal to you our revelations, day by day, as you come unto us. Our time with you may be short each time, but there will be very important information we share with you in each prayer.'

I thanked my Heavenly Mother again. She then started fading away and was gone within seconds. I stood and then came where I had originally knelt by the glass table. I confirmed I had been strengthened this morning. I felt assured all would be better at work today. I then ended my prayer and started my morning routine and chores before I went to work.

5. Later, after work–I came to the fountain of living water, facing the temple. I prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come. They came from the north temple doors, then headed to the fountain and stood in front of me, on the western side. They were both smiling. I told them I had a better day at work–still a 7 ½ hour day. I asked for them to share with me what they wanted.

6. Heavenly Father asked that I write what he would speak:

'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother has given you her food this morning to strengthen you in your mortal physical body. You will not ever be too old to function well, but you will have strength and vitality in these, your later years in life. We will continue to help you manage the heavy workload we are giving you and the workload you yourself choose to do in mortality. We are pleased that you are eating well and active in your physical self on earth. You are careful with your own health practices and the stewardship over your earthly body.

7. I would like to share with you some thoughts about faith. Faith is the motivating action in all of our children. If they have faith to do something, they usually can do it in their lives. We may do anything we desire because of our faith. If we didn't believe we could do a certain thing, we would not be able to accomplish it. With faith in ourselves, and a knowledge or belief we can do it, then we are imbued with the assurance we may accomplish what we desire to do.

Likewise, our children on earth may have faith that they may do a certain thing. As long as they believe, and it is possible within the parameters of their given telestial, terrestrial or celestial environment, they will be able to accomplish it.

8. If you have faith in something that is not possible in your environment, you need higher powers to be able to do it. For instance, you are constrained by gravity in the telestial world. If you then, being telestial, wish to come into this celestial heavenly kingdom, it requires a higher power for you to do that, for gravity keeps you in your own world. In that case, you have to be quickened by a celestial power to come to our kingdom where you are now. If you are not quickened by a celestial power, you have no power to come here to heaven, but are constrained by gravity, regardless if you have faith or not.

9. You now have the faith, that when you come into our kingdom and go to where you feel prompted, that we will come to you. You have knowledge you can do this, for it has happened to you many times. You also know one or both of us will come for we have told you so. Therefore, you have faith and full assurance to be able to come into our presence.

There are also many other actions you may do that are in the celestial realms that you don't realize you can do yet. Once you have faith or assurance you can do these things, then you will be enlivened with the power to act. We will give you an awareness of such actions in the future, so you will be able to do them, and therefore have more capability and power.

10. We desire our holy mortal angels to come into our celestial kingdom in their conscious minds, as you do. This is very possible, but will require faith on their part–an assurance they may come and that we will commune with them. You are showing them by your journal entries how these encounters are fully possible.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his encouraging words. I said I want to know what things in the celestial world, or with celestial power, I can do that they will show me. I said I looked forward to these new experiences.

Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then said they would soon come again, this evening, and share more with me. I then thanked them and came back to my life and continued my day.

11. Later–I just finished my evening prayer. Heavenly Mother spoke to me. She and Heavenly Father came again to the fountain of living water. Here are her words:

'Raphael, when we were young parents on our earth, we were very distressed with Sophia's condition. Our neighbor friend shared some herbal news that gave me hope. I had sufficient faith in what she said about reconstitutive herbs that might help Sophia. I exercised faith by taking action, in applying poultices and having Sophia take these herbs orally as well. It was my faith that made the difference in Sophia's recovery.

12. Similarly, we will tell you some things to do with your new found celestial powers that will require your faith. You will have hope in our words sufficient to exercise your faith to take action. Your action will make the change and fulfill our promises to you, making it reality. This is the basis of action in all people, in their telestial, terrestrial or celestial realms they live in.'

I thanked Heavenly Mother. I said I wanted to hear how I might exercise more celestial powers and do their will. She said I would be told in time. She and Heavenly Father then left my side. I ended my prayer and came to bed."

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 24, 2018, Saturday

1. I awoke refreshed this morning! My wife and I plan to prune and dig in the yard–should be a fun activity today.

I came into the adjacent room to pray. I prayed in heaven in the desert oasis. After clarifying my mind, I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. Heavenly Mother soon appeared before my unconscious mind, over the water. She then walked near to me where I was able to gaze on her being, like I always do. I comprehended her eternity sparkling eyes, her nose, and her smiling mouth. All this was comprehended in my unconscious mind. I knew she was alone, before me. I had no idea what she would say to me.

2. After I opened the prayer communication, I asked that she share with me what she wanted to say. She asked me to write her words:

'Raphael, my son, you have written correctly in your journal, that you are able to comprehend my presence in your unconscious mind. This is a great gift, a blessing you receive while in meditation before us, in humble prayer, seeking our faces. You can sense my presence and features, even though I do not this morning appear to you openly in your conscious mind, or before your physical eyes. There will be a time in the future that your Heavenly Father and I do this, but that time isn't yet. Nevertheless, my appearing before you is just as real as if I were to come before your entire conscious and unconscious mind.

3. In your premortal state, before coming to earth, you saw and talked to me also in your unconscious mind. At that time, your mind was not divided like it is now in mortality. In order to see me more fully in mortality, you need to develop the ability to connect your unconscious and conscious minds. You have gained a skill doing this, with persistent practice in a meditative mind, and you connect to this portion of your mind and write in your conscious mind.

4. When you arrive in the New Jerusalem in the future, having walked there physically in your mortal body, you will have the great blessing of having your conscious and unconscious minds as one again as you experienced before coming to mortality! Your replicated self will already have been there in that location, doing the preparatory work needed. When you finally come in your body and conscious mind to that place, you will merge with your unconscious replicated self and be able to comprehend all your conscious and unconscious self, altogether again. This same gift will be given to every mortal angel who arrives in a similar manner to the New Jerusalem.

5. The effort and refinement that you and our mortal angels will receive in walking to the New Jerusalem area will serve as a way to prepare you for this experience. The merging of your conscious and unconscious mind will be only possible because of your celestial nature and powers you will have developed by that time. Then, acting in faith, your minds will merge and become as one again. You will need to have confidence in my words to you today that this is possible. Then, with that hope and assurance, and the faith to come to the New Jerusalem to do this, you will receive this great blessing.

6. Once your minds are merged as one, you will fully be able to see my face clearly and that of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ when we all come before you. Your mind will be fully merged, as unconscious and conscious. All that your unconscious mind and replicated self currently do in the celestial realms will also be continually before you in your merged mind. This will be a power of God we will extend to you and all our angels who will serve us faithfully throughout the millennial day in the temple, our celestial temple.

7. Your merged mind will greatly enhance your ability to perform your very necessary and important work in performing with Oriphiel the waters of separation ordinance. You will recall at that time all of those who come to you, both in their premortal states, their full mortal experiences and any post mortal experiences. You will comprehend all of this, by the celestial powers we will give to you and by virtue of your merged mind. This will be a great, great blessing for you! All this time, you will not have died, but will obtain the full stature of the translated celestial angel we wish you to become. Your aging will stop and you will maintain your current mature age at that time, and your minds will merge.

8. I tell you these changes now so that you may look forward, with the eye of hope in your breast, to these celestial changes. In the mortal time between today and then, we will continue to tutor you and give you abundant revelations. These will also shape and mold you into the celestial man we wish you to become, day by day. Oh, we love you and our holy angels, Raphael!'

I felt in great awe at Heavenly Mother's words! I am thrilled with her revelation today! I so love God.

9. I replied to Heavenly Mother the following:

'My Heavenly Mother, may of these promises that thou has revealed to me today, fully come to pass as I exercise hope and faith in thee. I feel so honored and blessed to have these blessings of a merged mind happen in my mortal state in the future. I thank thee deeply for this blessing!'

10. Heavenly Mother then took my hands that I had raised in the air towards her. She held them and helped me stand before her. She then placed her hands on my head, shut her eyes and spoke:

'Raphael, I promise you that all of these words will come to pass in your mortal body. I bless you with the celestial powers to gradually change and eventually receive all these promises. Amen!'

She then opened her eyes, pulled me close in a Godly embrace! I felt her love, her power, her celestial nature so pure and strong! Oh, I want to be like her! I then opened my eyes and I was in my recliner, writing all of these things. My prayer with her had ended. I feel so blessed and happy. It is now time to start my day. I knelt and confirmed all of the words in my prayer, that they are true and will come to pass. Then I started my Saturday.

11. Later, in the evening– I felt to go to the meandering desert stream on the east side of the stream. I drank once of the water and felt so very clear. I then prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come. They both appeared on the other side of the bank. They gradually appeared before me. They were smiling and happy.

I spoke:

'My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, I am so humbled to be in thy presence. I feel so honored to have thee come before me tonight. I have enjoyed working outside today in our flowerbeds and orchard. I feel so glad to be over my recent illness and I am working side by side with my friend and wife like I did today. I would love to hear from thee tonight if thou would like to share.'

12. Heavenly Father then asked me to write his words:

'Raphael, your Heavenly Mother has shared with you some very important revelations about the merging of your conscious and unconscious minds at the New Jerusalem. This will greatly enhance your ability in your leadership role in that celestial spot on the earth.

13. When your mind becomes complete and fully merged, so that you can comprehend all your conscious and unconscious mind together, you will be able to recall all the classes you've taught and all the learning in your premortal life. You will fully remember all those chakral memories from your premortal life as well. Your mind will transform your awareness of who you are and your standing before us, your Heavenly Parents. You will feel comfortable in fully acting in your stewardship and commission that we have blessed you with.

You will also remember all of your brothers and sisters who are then on the earth. Your views of them will be filled with compassion and understanding. They will greatly honor you.

14. You will also see us, your Heavenly Parents, in the way you now see us, only you will not need to seek to work at having a transfer from your unconscious mind to your conscious mind. In that day that you see and comprehend us, you will totally comprehend us in your full mind. There will not be a difference in what you see or perceive as a mortal translated man. Had you been only a spirit, you would see and perceive all things around you. This is how you will see at that time, in your mortal translated body. You will see into the celestial realms as easily as you can see into lower orders, even into the terrestrial and telestial realms. You will see all things physically and spiritually that are before you. This will make your understanding great among your fellowman. You will be a seer and a revelator, one who daily talks with God and receives our continual flow of direction and revelation. This will all be in your full mind awareness, at all times. There will no longer be a division between your "mortal" self and your celestial self, for you will be one, merged together.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his great words of hope and awe. These concepts have never occurred to me at all until Heavenly Mother talked to me this morning. I am so amazed at it all!

I expressed deep gratitude to each of my Heavenly Parents who were before me. They smiled and started fading away again, as they had come. Then I found myself alone on the bank of this desert stream. I finished writing and went to bed.

15. At bedtime: I had another short prayer. I don't know where I was in my prayer, but I could "see" the faces of my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I prayed to them, thanking them again for the blessing of having my minds merged in the New Jerusalem. I then asked these questions:

Q–If my conscious and unconscious minds are merged, then this also merges my physical and spiritual awareness I believe. Will I be able to see not only with my physical mortal eyes, but also my spirit's spiritual eyes?

Q–Will I be able to have these spiritual sides of my other physical senses also fully expanded? Hearing physically and spiritually merged?

Q–Smelling physically and spiritually merged?

Q–Tasting physically and spiritually merged?

Q–Feeling physical boundaries and also feeling spirit boundaries, like a spirit building or plant?

Therefore, all my five senses will be fully merged with the spiritual, just like my conscious (physical) and unconscious (spiritual) minds. Wow, this is so exciting to think about! I hope I can go to sleep tonight!"

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, March 25, 2018, Sunday

1. It seems amazing how fast time flies! We are almost done with March and into April 2018!

I came in my prayer this morning to the bottom pool of the waterfall in Heavenly Mother's lower gardens. She alone appeared to me. She immediately asked me to stand and walk with her. I stood and she came on my left side and put her right arm through my left arm.

We then walked up the northern end of her lower gardens where there were lots of vegetables planted. We came to the eastern end of her gardens and then started on a dirt pathway through some fields. We soon saw the high mountains before us. These are the mountains that I have often gone to in the past to see past and future and which also have the mountain slopes with Heavenly Mother's cold climate remedies.

We walked up a valley between the towering mountain slopes. It was very green, with lots of meadows, trees and animals and such. I have been in similar terrain in the Wasatch mountain valleys, along dirt trails. I had never been here before.

We arrived at an open meadow of yellow small flowers. She stopped and came to a bench that was in the meadow. We both sat down.

2. Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael, I have brought you up this mountain valley. It has been such a lovely walk here with you this Sabbath morning! Your Heavenly Father and I had talked to you yesterday about your merging mind that will happen when you physically arrive in the New Jerusalem. We have also planned the details of your earlier arrival as your replicated self to the New Jerusalem. At that time, this self will have full awareness of your conscious and unconscious mind, just like your replicated selves experience even now in the celestial realms. This is the state also of all our mortal angels who now work in the celestial realms, in their replicated selves. However, you and our mortal angels don't have access yet in your physical mortal bodies to their full unconscious minds. This will come once you all arrive in your mortal bodies at the New Jerusalem. The trek to the New Jerusalem will further help refine you and our angels. Once you arrive, and your conscious and unconscious minds merge, you will no longer have any more probationary experience, but will all have the promise of eternal life and exaltation! Your time from this point on will be committed to serving your fellowmen coming into the Church of the Firstborn. You will continue to serve all the elect of God in your fully merged minds as you now do in your unconscious replicated states.

I have brought you to this meadow this morning. It is so breathtakingly pretty! It is only reached by traveling up the dirt trail we came on, or by teleporting here directly. There are always many bees buzzing, birds chirping and many kinds of animals who live here. I love coming to this valley meadow!

3. In this setting, I want to let you know there are other celestial blessings that await you when you arrive in the New Jerusalem. You have already been told that you will have a merged mind and that you will be able to be independent of mortal time constraints. You will continue to be able to replicate yourself physically in as many locations as you need. You will have full awareness in your base merged mind of everything you do in all your replicated places. You will be able to fully teleport physically wherever you desire, without having to walk or travel there. You will be able to perceive other peoples' motives, by having the reality curtains lifted permanently, an experience you had during your recent illness. You will not be able to read their thoughts, but will know of their intentions and desires by their actions and also knowing who they are from the premortal life, for your memories of that time will be restored. We, too, will often bless you with an understanding of our will for each of them. You will have great powers of foresight and hindsight. You will not have the powers of gravity hold you fast to the earth where you will dwell and serve. You will be able to control the amount of celestial light coming from your own person.

4. These and more abilities will be the celestial powers that we will grant to you, Raphael! We will do so by our power of God. You will become powerful and yet continue to be very humble and meek and grateful. You will have these celestial blessings in order to best fulfill your important responsibility during the millennium.

Our angels will also have some of these celestial gifts and powers in order to fulfill their holy callings in that great millennial day.

Oh, your Father and I so look forward to our great day of peace and rest!'

I humbly thanked her for a deeper explanation of these celestial endowments! I asked that I be able to be prepared adequately for that great day.

5. She spoke again:

'Raphael, you still have lots to learn before that day in the New Jerusalem. We will help you change and progress.

Make this entry in your journal, at the end of this Sabbath, to be your last entry for post 73. We have shared a lot of new revelations with you this past week. You have done well in writing it all down. This pleases us greatly, for we wish it all to be shared, first among our holy angels, and then in a future day among our elect.'

I thanked her again and said I would do so in my mortal body in my adjacent room, writing all this down. I then started my day.

6. Later, after dinner–We attended church at a local LDS ward in Utah County. During the sacrament hymn, I felt to go to the open mountain valley where Heavenly Mother had taken me this morning. I looked around. I felt these were buttercup flowers in this mountain meadow, although I wasn't positive. Just before the bread was blessed, my Heavenly Parents came walking to me, in the air just above the flowers.

They came before me, in front of the bench where I was kneeling. I then made my covenant. Once I partook of the bread, Heavenly Father spoke to me:

'Raphael, we accept your covenant to take upon yourself the name of Our Son, Jesus Christ, to always remember us, and to keep our commandments.

7. Raphael, your mission and role to administer the opening ordinance for our elect children into the Church of the Firstborn is extremely important to us.

We want this experience of coming into our Church of the Firstborn to be very memorable to each of our candidates who receive the waters of separation ordinance. You will be able to take all the "time" with each one that they may need. You should act in your celestial nature that you will have developed up to that time. You will seek to serve these new members with great kindness, love and acceptance, having no judgment. Our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ has approved all of these for entrance. Each has repented and been cleansed by his great atoning power.

8. These elect sons and daughters are tender and open and very impressionable. Many will have never met an archangel of God, or even an angel in their conscious mind. We will bless you with many celestial attributes so that you may more fully minister to these as you feel inspired. Some will need to talk and share their lives; some will need to feel of your love and gentleness and kindness. You may teleport with them to the temple square gardens or to this celestial heaven to uplift and bless them.

9. Some you may feel impressed to teach and succor. You will seek to act and behave as we would act. These are your precious brothers and sisters who have been obedient to us. Many will become lasting friends, all fellow members of our celestial church. All will remember what you and Oriphiel will have done for them, on this, their day of entry into the Church of the Firstborn. We fully trust you, our son!'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his confidence in me. I thanked him for this great, great opportunity that they will give Oriphiel and me.

Then he and Heavenly Mother both grew brighter and started rising up in the sky until they were so high they departed from my view. I wrote all of this down in church, and then came home to transcribe this all in my personal journal."