70. Premortal Training
Posted 2-26-2018


I hope this email finds you well and happy. It hasn't been easy for several of us this last week or so. Nevertheless, life moves on and we have great hope and assurances from God that they are fully in control. 

This email contains many gems from our experiences in our premortal life, in preparations for coming to earth. Our Heavenly Father trained us sons and Heavenly Mother trained her daughters. I was given more details of the advent of Adam and Eve to this earth. There was great planning and preparation!

I was also given revelations on the two rebirth experiences we would have, on the training and suffering of our great Redeemer, and of the purpose of suffering for all of us. I even was told that Heavenly Mother was a widow on her own earth for ten years. Our Heavenly Parents have experienced suffering as well while living on their earth as mortals.

Please confirm that these revelations are from God. Heavenly Father and Mother will give you the assurance that I speak the truth. If you have questions, please write. I may take a few days, but I will get back to you. I value each of you as friends!


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 14, 2018 Wednesday (continued)

1. Later, in the evening. I had my evening prayer, first coming to the white gate. I came to the gate and Jesus opened the gate wide for me! I came in and immediately went to a kneeling position before him. I gazed into his tender face and deep eyes that could see right into my inner soul! I thanked him for redeeming me from my many sins and weaknesses. He was smiling and he said words like this to me:

'Raphael, you are clean before me! Your weaknesses are also disappearing as you work on being a better man, with more love and capability. Come enter into the narrow path that leads to eternal life, to the tree of life!'

2. I gazed again on his loving face and felt very assured in his great power to redeem me and to guide me along in life, along with my Heavenly Parents. I turned and walked the path to the tree of life. I soon came and plucked a white fruit and a leaf. I then thought to take these to the oasis.

3. I came to the bench in front of the desert oasis and ate while sitting. I felt expanded in love in my heart somewhat as I ate the fruit. I thought of those I could show more heartfelt love for! I then chewed and swallowed the leaf, thinking of managing my thoughts and beliefs better, more patterned after those of God.

4. I then came to the water's edge and drank again living water, seeking a more clarified mind. Clarity came slowly but surely to my mind. It was like in this oasis everything is slowed down but very deliberate and sure. This is how it felt when I ate and drank here.

5. I then prayed for my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother to come. They both came in front of me, gradually appearing. They were both smiling and were full of light. It was so quiet and still and their appearing also came so quietly and still. There were no thoughts or words exchanged, just peace and love in a very serene and still environment in this beautiful desert!

I hated to break the stillness, but I did. I expressed my deep gratitude for the blessing of my Father's shields and the blessing of my Mother's memories. I told them I felt very cared for, protected and loved so very deeply!

6. Heavenly Father then spoke:

'Raphael, we love meeting with you here in this desert oasis! One can think deeply here and more quickly find their true thoughts and beliefs. We also come here because of this quality of our desert oasis.

7. Today I would like to talk to you about the need to find yourself and your true identity, for you and our elect children on earth. Raphael, it has been nearly two years since we revealed to you your true identity as Raphael. About a year before this time you had been told you were a healing angel. Two years before that time we had appeared to you in your energy class in April 2013. These times gradually awakened you to who you really were–our archangel of God with responsibilities in these last days!

8. We brought you to a point in your life, through experiences and circumstances, to be open to each of these new views of who you were. Your perspective changed gradually. You had to also be open and needing for something to motivate you. We used the experience of your son having an accident on his LDS church mission, to stop you in your normal life and to change your life forever in helping him heal.

9. We have had our hand over your life since your birth and have been watching and guiding your actions throughout your life. We have waited until you were ready for us to gradually awaken you to your true identity, and the work we had for you to do for us. We are very glad you now realize your position and important calling with which we commissioned you to act for us in these last days.

10. It is our desire now to similarly extend to each of our servants and elect in mortality their premortal identity as well. We have done this for a few mortal angels, in revealing to them their premortal names. However, we desire to awaken them in more dramatic ways.'

11. I then spoke:

'Heavenly Father, I thank thee and Heavenly Mother for the great care with which you have both awakened me to realize who I am. I wish to continue to realize more and more of my premortal standing and responsibilities!'

12. Heavenly Mother then spoke:

'Raphael, one way we will help our elect and you in your understanding of who you are is for me to give you glimpses into your unconscious memories. You received one such memory as a small spirit toddler playing hide and seek with me! This precious memory shows you how loving we were with you and how important you are to me, your Heavenly Mother! We want such memories also unblocked gradually from our faithful elect on the earth as well, all in our own time. These memories are strong and help in forming a vibrant faith in us that will carry our faithful over difficulties that may surface in their lives. These deep chakral memories will awaken our mortal elect to see who they really are- our precious sons and daughters! They may not have a major calling as do you, but they all have been reserved to come forth at this time, in these dark and difficult times on earth. Most will be preserved in the flesh for our new and glorious millennial day. Their role in the transition to a righteous world is one reason we have selected those who would be strong and faithful. These elect of God currently on earth, each now shielded by your Heavenly Father, will be the vanguard group of our elect sons and daughters, bringing forth a world of peace and happiness. They will be instrumental in extinguishing evil and its many faces on the earth in these last days!'

I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their messages tonight to me! I felt so honored to receive their plans for the faithful, to awaken them more to their identity and the memory of who they are. I then closed my prayer and went to sleep.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 15, 2018 Thursday

1. I came again to the wonderful desert oasis this morning to pray. However, I had promised to take the place of an employee today and tomorrow so I had to dress and scurry off to work.

Later: I tried all day long to connect with my Heavenly Parents in prayer, but was too busy! I then went home after 6:00 PM and snuck off in the bedroom to connect finally in prayer!

I went to the circling waters and soon met my Heavenly Parents there. I gazed on them and felt so comfortable and loved in their presence!

I then said a few things about my day. I prayed for those who were sick and in need of the mortal angels and their families. I then asked if one of my Heavenly Parents wanted to say anything.

2. Heavenly Mother asked me to write the words she would speak to me. Here are her words:

'Raphael, when you get too busy in life, you become unable, try as you might, to really connect to us in meaningful prayer. You have been blessed with a quiet life that gives you open time to meditate and pray to us! Today has been too busy.

3. We want you to keep open time and not be so busy. This may take a concerted effort. In this state, we will be able to continue to pour out upon you revelation upon revelation, as we have planned to do.

4. We had mentioned that we had chosen those who are now the elect that are on earth or coming to earth, prior to the second return of our Son, Jesus Christ. These were chosen based on their faithfulness and what they could contribute to the changing of the earth to a more righteous world. There will be extremely many who come in the millennial day who have been extraordinarily faithful. However, those elect that we have staged now for this battle with Lucifer are uniquely able to meet these great challenges to their character. They mostly have the tenacity to hang onto their beliefs during the barrage of attacks from Lucifer and his minions. They are our "transition elect", between a telestial world and the happier terrestrial world. They will be able to be open to change to adapt to a life of deprivation and then to a life to be rebuilt again. Our protective shields and premortal memories will strengthen these elect through these difficult times.

5. Now that all our servants and elect who agreed are protected by your Father's shields from the internal influence of the adversary, I will open up their premortal memories to them. This will be gradually, on a one by one basis, directly by me. They need not seek these, for I will open these up to my beloved children without their requests for these memories.'

6. I then spoke:

'My Heavenly Parents, I wish to have open time each day and not be so busy as I have been today. I pray to thee to help me have open time in the mornings and evenings, unscheduled. I want to use this time to commune with thee and to receive all that thou has planned for me to receive. Sometimes it seems a little tricky also to keep secret in what I do. I pray for thy help in this matter.'

7. Heavenly Father spoke next:

'Raphael, both of us will assist you in your desires. We will make you be able to stay more in contact with us also, so that you don't need much formal meditation time to connect to us, for that will come more immediately, according to your desires. This will become a great strength to you as you practice daily hearing our voice in prayer. Your practice in writing our words is also a blessing and a strength that we will increase you with in more ability.'

I then asked if they had any further revelation to give me tonight?

8. Heavenly Mother responded:

'One thing I wanted to share with you are the factors we use in choosing a particular intelligence to be a male or a female spirit child. Your Father and I come together as husband and wife and view our chosen intelligence we wish to create into our child. We then both look at this intelligence with our Godly foresight, and are able to see how that particular intelligence would be in the future as a male and then as a female spirit. We see out in the future each future possibility. We then share our thoughts with each other, what gender, male or female we feel would be best for our child, even before we ask this intelligence for their permission to create them into our child. We are always united on what gender, male or female, that intelligence should become before we approach them.

9. Once we settle on their gender, we then approach this intelligence and offer to make it our own son or daughter, in our own image. They always agree with our offer, seeing this as an exceeding great blessing and honor!

10. Once this intelligence accepts our offer, your Father brings them into his body. Later, when we come back to our celestial home, his holy sperm with the intelligence enters into my womb and this intelligence grows into a male or female spirit child. In the process of their growth, I have full control over their development. I create all male spirits differently from female spirits. I do this also by my creative power as their Mother God, or their Heavenly Mother. I control all development features of each child by my thoughts. These directed thoughts control the details of development of our future spirit baby. Nothing is happenstance, but all is decided and controlled in my womb from my thoughts. We decide on all the unique features of our future beloved son or daughter.

11. Raphael, you live in an era where many of our children are questioning their sexual identity. Some want to change their gender, or their sexual orientation. However, we have chosen their gender from the beginning and have carefully created each son or daughter spirit. These same spirits inhabit the physical bodies that are born to them on earth, by their earthly parents. In every case, the gender we have spiritually created becomes that same gender in the flesh. They are imbued with all the same male or female characteristics as they experienced in their premortal life. We are not pleased when our child thinks they should have been born as the opposite sex, or wants to change their God-given gender.

12. We have also planned for their physical bodies to have natural desires for the opposite sex. When this is disrupted somehow, there may be same gender attraction. This also has become a big issue in your day, even among the faithful. In these cases, we desire our child to come to us in meditation and prayer for assistance and help from us. They may also have evil spirits who possess these, our earthly children, and influence them in their sexual orientation or attraction. Now that those who are our elect each have a protective shield, these elect will be able to more easily correct their God-given desires towards their own sex and that of the opposite sex. For those who are not among our elect, they may pray for help from us, in the sincerity of their heart, and we will hear and answer their pleas.'

13. I was very glad for her clarification of these issues on gender selection from the beginning. I feel so glad I am a man! I am so pleased in how they chose to make each of us either a man or a woman. I feel very settled about all of this. I hope that those with these protective shields will soon have any same sex attraction or gender identity issues corrected.

This concluded my prayer this evening. I then closed my prayer and went to bed.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 16, 2018 Friday

1. I have received a number of emails, telling me of major sickness, physical defects even, that were recently experienced by the angels or their loved ones. I acted as an angel of healing to these since Tuesday of this week. In each situation, I acted as a conduit for either Heavenly Mother or Heavenly Father, in my conscious mind, for those who were ill or needed a blessing. I am so grateful to have acted in this capacity for these needy ones!

2. This morning I participated in the last healing blessing for the husband of one of you angels who support me. I felt to go to the water of the oasis, raised a little in the air. Heavenly Father came and together we went to the bed of the afflicted one in the hospital who nearly died and was still very ill. I acted as a conduit and voiced a blessing directly from the Father to this sick man. It was direct and clear. We then returned to the oasis and Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were before me. Heavenly Father wanted me to write his words:

3. 'Raphael, there are increased attacks by the adversary on our mortal angels, the elect of God, and their loved ones. This is primarily due to the removal of Satan and his evil devices from them and the protective shields they now have. These protective shields do not protect these, our sons and daughters, from physical attacks or illness. When these attacks come, we will ask our healing angels to administer to them, acting as our conduits for healing and blessing our elect. Our power is more powerful than the evil ones who attempt to thwart our work!

4. Raphael, there will be other attacks of devious means by our enemy, the evil ones, on the elect of God and their loved ones. In each case, we will bless and counter these attacks with our greater wisdom and power. We will primarily have our holy angels act as our extension of healing and blessing to our elect of God, to counter these measures.

5. Yesterday evening, your Heavenly Mother told you about how we chose the gender of each of our beloved sons or daughters in the beginning. These actions of creation and choosing were all done by the power of God, that we directly possess.

6. There are many powers of God that we possess. Some of these we have shared with our faithful, such as replication and healing, having our angels act as our holy conduits for healing and blessing. We have also been training you in the control of your thoughts and beliefs, a characteristic you will need in exercising the power of God that we will continue to reveal to you, and to have you exercise to fulfill your mission.

7. One of these powers of God we want you to begin experiencing more is our power of foresight, seeing into the future.'

At this point, Heavenly Father paused. He knew I had to prepare and go to work today for the full day! He then spoke again:

'Raphael, I will continue speaking to you later today as you have quiet time at work and seek to hear my voice again.'

I thanked my Heavenly Father, and anticipated hearing and writing more at a later time. I am now going to get ready and feed the chickens before I go to work in 45 minutes.

8. Later-I am at work now and have done the bulk of my necessary work there. I am now going to connect in with my Heavenly Parents and see if I can write the remainder from my Heavenly Father:

'Raphael, I will continue now to reveal to you the power of foresight that we possess.

9. When we were choosing the gender of our intelligences we selected for becoming our sons or daughters, we looked into their future, one by one. We did so with the power of God, given to us by our ordination to our position, long ago by our own Heavenly Parents. This power allows us to see into the future of anything we desire. A similar blessing of seeing the past, called hindsight, happens when we look into the past of anything we desire. These are seen with our minds, and also with our eternity eyes. We see the entire view of what has happened in the past, or what will happen in the future. In the past, the action or event has already happened, and is recorded for all to view who have this capability. In the future, the events are malleable, based on circumstance and choice of our children. In the case of an intelligence, when we view in their future, we are able to see how life for them would be had we chosen them to be a male and then we are able to see the future how life would be had we chosen them to be a female. We then compare both future possibilities and then your Heavenly Mother and I choose the best gender for our future child.

10. The words foresight and hindsight have different meanings for us than you commonly use in your language. Both refer to our Godly ability to see, whether in the future or past. The most complex of these is foresight since this is malleable.

11. We wish you to have a portion of both our foresight and hindsight powers in order for you to fulfill your mission. These powers constitute the power of a seer, a revelator, and a prophet who is chosen by us to lead our people. You have this special calling in the Church of the Firstborn, Raphael, until our Beloved Son comes to the earth to reign in his own Church. Until he comes, you will have these powers of foresight and hindsight given to you to the extent we desire.

12. We have already shared with you some of these powers. In the past, we have shown you your own past in many settings, and most recently with our prophet Elijah. You are able to see what we choose to reveal to you. It is only by our power and sharing with you that you are blessed to see, even with our eternity eyes and from our perspective.

We have also shared with you future events, such as will happen in the New Jerusalem. You generally did not seek any of this, but we revealed what we wanted to you.

13. You have looked from our high mountaintop into the western skies to see the past, with us by your side. You have also looked into the eastern skies for the future events, through our eternity eyes and power as well.

We want to expand your views so that you no longer need to go to the high mountaintop to see these past and future views. Both your Heavenly Mother and I are now by your side continually and by our power you will see what we want you to see.

14. Raphael, we want you to flow with our revelations as they come to you and just see what we show you. This will not be with any requirement on your part except to keep in holy communion with us, all of the time. This is why we desire your life to not be cluttered with too much activity, for how could we give you our views and revelations if we can't reach you?

15. You will also find that you will have thoughts and intimations of things that will just occur to you, or for an event that may soon happen in your world. These all will continue to increase, and are all gifts of foresight, given by us, your Heavenly Parents. This great gift will gradually grow inside of you and will just come freely without any effort on your part.

16. Again, the most important thing you can do is to stay in full communion with us all of the time, and not to clutter your life with busy-ness or activity that may be distracting. Give us priority place in your life, and we will give you abundantly, our son!'

17. I deeply thanked my Heavenly Parents. I was thus able to commune clearly with God while at work, putting aside my routine tasks and meditating and praying with them. I feel so privileged and blessed today! I closed my prayer, but kept close to my Heavenly Parents who I knew were next to me somehow.

18. Later in the evening: I got dressed for bed and initiated a prayer in my bedroom. I went again to the oasis, near the bench facing south. Heavenly Father came from the east, or from my left. Heavenly Mother wasn't there. I was successful in gazing into his eternity eyes and seeing his face. After sharing my day with him, I asked if he had a message for me. He asked me to record his message:

'Raphael, I will give you a message now, and then Heavenly Mother will come and give you her message. We have planned out what we want to reveal to you ahead of sharing it with you.

19. Yesterday your Heavenly Mother shared with you how we selected the gender of our new spirit sons or daughters. We raised these choice children in our eternal home, our temple in heaven. We taught them how to live holy and upright lives, how to think of others and love each other. We fully taught them our values. We instilled in them while young our own Christian virtues and character. We showed them by our example. We loved them, laughed and played with them and guided them as we could to become as we are.

20. There was a time when they left our immediate celestial home and lived outside our direct presence. We have houses and rooms for them that we gave them as they decided it was time to become more independent. They frequently came back to us and were in our presence much of the time, even though they lived and learned in other areas of our celestial world. We maintained a healthy and warm influence with all our children, as much as they each desired.

21. When it came time to decide to follow Jesus Christ, our chosen Redeemer, or Lucifer who rebelled, those children who were closest to us almost all chose to follow Jesus Christ. Many of those who had distanced themselves from us as they matured as spirits were more influenced by Lucifer and his plan of coercion.

Tragedy came with the division of our large family, when Lucifer and his followers were cast out of heaven. There was great sadness at that time. This brought many of our children who had distanced themselves from us to become closer again.

22. We then started instructions for all of our spirit children in preparing for their future mortal experience. We taught them how to operate all of the functions of their new future mortal physical bodies. We taught them about how to operate their unconscious mind which would become hidden from their mortal self. We taught them many things in preparation for mortality.

23. I taught our sons how to treat, care for and protect our daughters who would bear their children into families on earth. I instructed them about the strong male desires they would have to reproduce and create a family of their own. These I schooled in all of the noble roles of man so they would be prepared for their future mortal experience. I ordained many to the holy priesthood at this time. I said if they were faithful to Heavenly Mother and me, they would one day receive the priesthood in mortality or in the spirit world following the earth life.'

24. At this time, Heavenly Mother came from my right, or the west, to join my Heavenly Father who was before me. She came and held his hand and then faced me. She next spoke to me:

'Raphael, while your Father was training our sons to become like him, and supervising their instruction, I was training our daughters how to become like me! I taught each female child my views of the family and how the woman was the heart of her home. I said what they had seen me do as their loving mother, they would one day be able to do in the flesh on the earth. I told them about the miracle of growing and bearing a child. I instilled in them the great importance of loving and caring for their young ones until they would leave their home, much like what had happened to them in our heavenly home.

25. I also told them about the strong feminine desires we would instil in their future woman physical body to find a man with whom they would have their own family. I told them details of reproduction and how babies are formed and grow in their womb. I told them all about childbirth and nursing their newborn infants. My daughters were so enthralled with these marvelous experiences they would one day do in their physical bodies! It was hard for many to grasp, but they mostly trusted in my wisdom and teachings.

26. Raphael, you may now see how it saddens me how a few of my daughters I trained now want to be like men. There are also some of our sons who want to be like women. We never trained them to become anybody except the male or female child we taught them to become in their future world and mortal life.

27. I know that my authority of high priestess would be withheld from my daughters until the dawning of the millennium. Nevertheless, I conferred this authority on many who would become my noble and stalwart daughters in mortality, in all ages of the earth. I promised them that if they were faithful to my voice that I would whisper to them, that they would yet be conferred my authority at some time in their physical state on earth. This promise is yet to be realized for almost all of my daughters.'

I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their revelations tonight of how they each prepared their sons and daughters for earth life. I felt so privileged to receive their insights! I then knew my teachings were as much as I could receive tonight. I thanked them again and closed in the name of Jesus Christ, their Beloved Son.

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 17, 2018 Saturday

1. I got to bed late and woke up refreshed. I am now in the adjacent bedroom. I re-read what I wrote last night. I was impressed with what my Heavenly Parents gave me. I have a feeling they will give me more information about things that happened in the pre-earth life when we were spirits.

I then felt to go to the bench just south of the fir forest, next to the Great Assembly Hall by Lake Beautiful. I was going to pray, but then thought to immerse myself in the lake which I then did. While in the water, I opened my eyes and drank some too. It all seemed very clarifying to my mind!

2. I came back to the bench and prayed, facing the lake. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother next came together to me from the lake, in a beam of light from the skies. They were each happy and smiling. Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael, you are correct in that we will continue sharing with you more of the experiences we all shared in the pre-earth life together. This impression you just received is from the gift of foresight we are blessing you with! Now sit up in your recliner and write my words I will tell you!'

3. I sat up and wrote to this point, and Heavenly Mother continued. Her eyes and facial expressions showed my joy in her memories of these premortal days!

'Raphael, we completed fully training and preparing our spirit sons and daughters in how to operate their bodies and minds in their future mortal state. They were swelling with excitement and anticipation! Many, however, were apprehensive of how they would individually choose to act and what experiences they might have. We encouraged them to not worry and to have no negative expectations. We said we would continue to speak to their minds like they have always heard us in heaven. They would need to quiet down their lives to hear us, but it would be fully possible.

4. We next gave many of them spiritual gifts and responsibilities for their soon to be mortal experience. We told them each details of how and when they would come to earth.

5. We also chose our holy angels at this time! We ordained and set you all apart for your great calling among our other children that would come to earth. Your angelic ministry would be for all the period of earth's temporal existence. We clothed you in your angel vestures, each one uniquely crafted by your Heavenly Father and me. Some we gave swords Heavenly Father created. We gave healing stones to our healing angels, and other necessary items to other angels they would need in their ministry. We blessed and trained our holy angels in all of their roles and responsibilities.

6. We also spent individual time in preparing our Beloved Son, named Jehovah, at that time, of his great future ministry on the earth and his role as the Messiah for all our children. His was a critical role in the progress and redemption of our other children. We trained him in all the ways of being a God. He practiced and became very proficient in all the ways he would need to possess in order to redeem our children during his ministry.

7. We then finished the preparatory work of creation of the new earth we had created. We involved our Beloved Son, even Jehovah, our male and female archangels, and many more of our faithful sons and daughters in the final preparation of the earth to be ready to receive the first men and women on the earth. All of the hosts of heaven watched and some were involved more than others. These all anticipated for joy the new experience of receiving their own physical mortal bodies from Adam and Eve, in the process of time.

8. Our children had never experienced time related issues in heaven, so this, too, was a difficult aspect for them to grasp in their minds. We told them that it would all be so natural when they would come, and that they could only understand time and lots of other experiences when in the mortal telestial state.

9. At the appointed time, your Heavenly Father came to the earth that we and many of our noble spirits had prepared for the advent of man on its surface. We created a terrestrial environment on its surface where we would come and bear Adam and Eve, our first male and female physical children on earth. We restricted Satan and his hosts to remain away from these two new babies I had birthed on earth. Adam and Eve grew up in their physical bodies as young children, under our care and tutelage, on the physical earth. Our immediate world was a terrestrial environment where we raised them. They were with us continually. We loved being with them, and often explored the new Garden of Eden we had created for their enjoyment. They were naked and innocent. We also had our Beloved Son, Jehovah, come and join with us often in this beautiful new world.

10. When our two children, Adam and Eve, became fully grown, your Father spoke to them. He told them they could partake of all the trees of this garden except for one we just had planted, the tree of knowledge of good and evil. He forbade them from eating of this fruit. He said were they to do so, they would surely die.

11. He then conferred on Adam the holy priesthood, and I conferred on my daughter the calling of high priestess. They were then both fully able to choose good or evil. We then married them as husband and wife and sealed them together with a temporary holy sealing ordinance. We promised them a time when they could have this sealing be permanent, one day in the distant future. This would be in the Church of the Firstborn, after they had proven themselves worthy of so great a sealing!

12. Adam and Eve then left our presence more and more, since they were full grown and had the desire to be together more and more, without our continual presence. We visited them often, however, and they frequently came to us too, in very loving relationship of parents and children.

13. We then allowed Lucifer to come into our beautiful garden. He alone was at first permitted among all those who had been cast out of heaven with him. He came soon and tempted our son and daughter to partake of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The rest of the record is adequately recorded in our holy scriptures.

14. Thus the man and woman fell, and your Father cast them out of their beautiful garden home, by the power of our Son, into the lone and dreary world.

This world was a telestial environment. Lucifer and all his spirit followers then were free to entice Adam and Eve and their posterity as is recorded in the scriptures.

Access to the lovely terrestrial Garden of Eden was restricted once Adam and Eve fell. It was later destroyed in the flood. This area is the same general area where the New Jerusalem will be established in a future day.'

15. I was very impressed with more details of the premortal life we led, and of the creation of our first parents on the earth! I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her words. As she told me these things, I often have glimpses in my mind of the actual events she was explaining. I guess this was my gift of hindsight.

At this point, my Heavenly Parents rose up in the air and returned over the lake to my south. I was left alone and then closed my prayer and started my Saturday!

16. Later, in the evening..We just returned back home from a busy and productive day. It is 9:45 PM and I slipped into my bedroom for initiating an evening prayer. I came to the beautiful oasis at night and there was a reflective moonlight on the water. It was very still and quiet. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come. They both came from under the water, emerging to a position standing on top of the water. Soon they came to me, walking on the water and then on the shoreline.

They were both smiling, and I could connect with each one, gazing into their eternity eyes and happy faces. I opened the prayer, and shared some events from my day. I then asked if they had a message for me.

17. Heavenly Father said he would like me to write his words. He also said I could continue writing his words in my front room. Here are his words:

'Raphael, we appreciate you coming before us as soon as you were able to do so tonight. We have shared with you yesterday and today a summary of the major events that occured in the premortal life of our children. We have also shared with you details about the advent of Adam and Eve to the earth. These are all important events that will help our children on earth realize our great planning and preparation we have made for them, our beloved children, to come to their mortal estate. All had to be in order and prepared ahead. We wanted each child to have the best experience they could receive.

18. We watch closely our children, in their earthly experience. We continue to speak to them throughout each day, as we used to do so in their unconscious mind. Now that there is a veil between their conscious and unconscious mind, it is harder for them to realize it is we who speak to them. This discovery of how we continue speaking to them, and a developed sensitivity to hear our voice, is one of the most important accomplishments of a mortal life.

19. When we continue to speak to them, we rarely hear words or thoughts of recognition back from our children. If they do try to connect, we call this praying to us. However, very few know how to talk to us anymore. There are many who quickly address us and then don't wait for us to come. Then they close their one-way discussion and hurry on their way.

20. True prayer is communion with us, their Heavenly Parents. Our child needs to approach us humbly, seeking for our presence. Then they need to wait for us to come, or until they feel we are near. They then may share with us their feelings and thoughts, as one wants to do with another person in a conversation. As they visualize us near, we will be actually near to them.

In a discussion or a communication, one speaks and the other listens, and then the second one speaks and the first listens. They speak and share, listening and making comments.

Such is how true prayer is meant to be–a discussion and communion between friends, or between a child and parent in this case.

21. Prayer is also best done in a meditative state, with quiet surroundings and no distractions. These help our child hear our voice, we who speak to the unconscious mind and heart. As our child lingers and tries to hear, we will help them begin to hear us clearer and connect with us.'

At this point, my wife said she was too tired and was heading to bed. Father then spoke:

'Raphael, I will share with you more in the morning about prayer. Go to bed with your wife and get some rest now.'

I thanked him and closed my prayer and went to bed.

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 18, 2018 Sunday

1. I somehow contracted a cough that has kept me awake on and off tonight. I went in the adjacent room and shut the door. I listened to post 69 with my earplugs. I then turned on the light at 5:30 AM and started writing. I am hopeful to connect now with my Heavenly Father and hear more about prayer from him.

2. I came to the oasis again and prayed to my Heavenly Parents. It was still nighttime there. I knelt in front of the bench facing the water. I asked my Heavenly Parents to come. They were there, in the same place as last night and had been hidden from me since they didn't emit light from their beings until I prayed again to them. They both were smiling. Heavenly Father spoke again:

'Raphael, I will bless you in your cough, so you will recover fully. I would also like to continue where I left off with my discussion of true prayer.

3. In the prayers of our children, we only desire to communicate back and forth with them! We yearn to talk with them and to hear their sincere heartfelt feelings. In turn, we will guide them in ways we feel best so that they will receive our words. We are ever so patient with their foibles and weaknesses! As often as our children come unto us, we will come unto them. However, we need them to wait for us to come before they end their prayer. Like so many often do.

4. In group prayers, it is more difficult to wait for us to come. We accept this in group prayers as a necessity to proceed, as if we are present. With those like yourself, Raphael, who now are able to quickly come into our presence, you may prepare for group prayers by thinking in your mind ahead, asking us both to be there when you address us in behalf of your group. This will make a deeper and more connective group prayer. We may not respond as in personal prayer with our own feelings or thoughts, but we will generally accept your group prayer and send our blessings as you may ask.

5. All prayer also should be done in the humility of your very being. There are some who want to direct us to bless so many things, without pausing and listening to our soft voice of what my be more appropriate to pray for. Deep and effective prayer consists of our child yearning to conform to our will, in humility, and not in rapid-firing to us a list of his/her requests.

6. This type of deep effective prayer requires also our child to be very open to our promptings and directions. These come gently usually, ever so softly and quietly. These come to the unconscious mind and heart of our child. To hear, it is best to be alone, also being quiet and in meditation. Meditation is best entered in by visualizing one or both of us before them, listening and speaking in a real life communion.

What you do in gazing into our faces and eyes while you humbly speak to us is a great method to visualize us more fully.

7. Your Heavenly Mother and I were exuding no light to you when you knelt down this morning to pray to us. You didn't realize we were in front of you. It was only when you invited us to come did we brighten up and then you saw us both. Such is the proper way to approach us–asking for us to come and commune with you. We come in various ways and sometimes only one of us comes. We plan ahead for our prayers with you, and in our plans we have a way to best emphasize what we want to lead you to understand that day. This is exactly how we will lead each of our children who faithfully come unto us, persistently as you do.

8. When you first prayed, waiting for us to come to you each time, starting in January 2015, we often didn't make ourselves visible to your conscious self. This was our design, to see if you would persist, day by day, until we would gradually reveal more and more of our beings to you. At first, as you waited, you did not proceed in your prayer until you felt our presence. Once you felt us near, then you started your prayer. This procedure was very pleasing to us.

9. In time, as you sought to see our faces and eternity eyes, we gradually revealed these to you. We proved you in your daily persistent effort. We also made it clear at times that we were not there at first in your prayers. In these cases, you sought to find us. You inquired in your mind where we might be and then followed your intuition. We may do this again for our children with whom we wish to tutor in the skill of communicating with us, their God.

10. There was a point when we said to you that we would never have you come looking for us again where we had before made you seek to find us. We said we would inspire you where to go to pray and then one or both of us would always come. This we have faithfully done since that time. We may also do this same practice for our child as they, too, mature in communicating with us over time, in deep personal prayer.

11. We respond to the faith of our praying child. As he/she exercises a belief that they may really commune with us, we will come. We are able to see the amount of belief and faith that our child exhibits, and will respond to them in kind–the more faith, the more we connect.

Faith is displayed to us by the actions of our child. If our child approaches us every day in morning and evening, as do you, this shows us a high level of faithfulness. When prayers are sporadic and not meaningful, or not planned very well to have quiet time, then this shows a lower level of faithfulness.

12. Each time you pray, you attempt to kneel before us. This shows deference and respect, and true worship. If our child is not able to kneel because of limiting physical issues, then they should visualize kneeling before us in their mind, with a pure intention.

We also want our child to approach us in the name of Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son and their Redeemer. They may open or close their prayers in his holy name. This also shows respect and gratitude to him for forgiving their sins and cleansing them so they may enter into our presence.

13. Raphael, I have shared many aspects of prayer yesterday and today. Once our child approaches us and starts communing with us, we will gently lead them as we will. What I have described is how our child generally may enter into this important way to commune with us in their mortal life, while they are away from us and our heavenly world. Oh, we love each one so much!'

I thanked my Heavenly Father for his clear words and examples of how we should come unto them in prayer. I feel so very honored to daily commune with them! It has made such an impact in my personal life!

14. After church–I wasn't feeling so good this afternoon, so my wife and I stayed only part way through sacrament meeting. During the sacrament, I felt to go to the oasis by the bench, facing the water to the south. My Heavenly Parents were not visible. After the priest blessed the bread, I made my covenant with my Heavenly Parents who were not in front of me yet. I knew they would soon come as they always do at the sacrament.

15. Before the tray of bread reached me, I saw a light in the gurgling waters of the oasis and both my Heavenly Parents came out of the water. This happened recently also. After I partook of the bread, Heavenly Father spoke to me:

'Raphael, we accept your covenant today, to take upon you the name of Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, to always remember us, and to keep our commandments.

You have seen twice now how your Heavenly Mother and I have emerged from the waters. This represents a rebirth that we want each of our faithful children to do. This is what we want to talk to you about today.'

16. Then the priest blessed the water. Heavenly Mother then spoke:

'Raphael, there are two rebirths we have planned for our faithful in their journey to return to us and have eternal life. The first is at their baptism by immersion in the church of Christ. The second rebirth is to happen at the waters of separation ordinance.

17. You are familiar with the deep symbolism of baptism by immersion. If our newly baptized member is sincere and faithful, they leave behind a life of being carnal, sensual and devilish and become a saint of God. (See Mosiah 3:10, Mosiah 18:10) Our son or daughter enters into a covenant to serve us, their God, and to keep our commandments. We then pour out our spirit more abundantly upon him/her. There is a gradual change to becoming a new creature and for a new rebirth.

18. When we have thoroughly tested our son/ daughter, Jesus Christ, the great Redeemer, then accepts them into the Church of the Firstborn. The initial ordinance receiving them is the waters of separation. This is also performed with water, holy water that you consecrate, Raphael. Our new member then receives another rebirth at this time. They are to act and think like we think, in elevating their fellowman in their mind and actions. They serve each other out of this mighty change in their heart. Their service becomes spontaneous and their love becomes deep for other people. They love helping and serving, in any way their fellowman. They act like the angels of God, never tiring of the love and service they render.

19. This rebirth also changes our son/ daughter to more fully follow us in the way we individually lead them. They are very open to change and to personal revelation, seeking our presence and our will above their own desires. We tutor them gradually in our holy ways, and they humbly submit. They thirst for more knowledge and guidance. They become very choice and fully obedient children.

20. The process of rebirth is a gradual change. It requires leaving the old and accepting the new man or woman of Christ. We guide and direct all of our faithful children in the rebirth process. The change from telestial to terrestrial (through the baptism rebirth) and then from terrestrial to celestial (through the waters of separation rebirth) will bring our children to become even as we are.'

I wrote the last part of Heavenly Mother's words this afternoon while she again began speaking to me. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their new insights on this wonderful rebirth process!

21. On a separate note, I had been emailing M.A. about her sick husband, who was still in the hospital. The in and out procedure from last Tuesday got worse, until Rodney (her husband) passed away today at noon! This is so sudden! I feel so bad for M.A., and wrote her my deep condolences. I am puzzling how this all happened and if God was silently directing all of this. Wow. I will want to find out more details if I am able."

(Note: When I inquired, M.A. asked me to share this, in the hopes it might help someone else. See also the words from Heavenly Mother below).

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 19, 2018 Monday

1. I went in my prayer to the oasis and my Heavenly Parents came. Heavenly Father said that they would not give me any revelation until I was feeling better. I felt relieved actually, for even writing can be difficult.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 20, 2018 Tuesday

1. Yesterday was pretty much an awful feeling day! I even went to the doctor and she confirmed I had the flu. I have hardly ever been sick over the years! I am taking a whole host of natural herbs and remedies to turn this illness.

2. Last night I prayed at the circling waters. My Heavenly Parents came. I was in no real position to even write, so I asked them if I could retire to bed then. Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael, we won't give you any revelation tonight since you are feeling so bad. We will also help you to speed your recovery. We love you!'

3. I then felt relieved and went to bed. I had lots of pillow piled high so my upper body would be elevated. I actually slept on and off all night! It is now about 7:00 AM. I have come to the adjacent room to write this and to attempt to pray. I am hopeful to be feeling better today.

4. I came to the oasis, and sat on the bench. Even though I felt sore and weak in my physical mortal body, my replicated body was functioning well. I then energy tested if this replicated body had any reduction in its function due to my sickness on earth. I tested it was reduced about 10% in its clarity. I think that means the connection this replicated body has with my unconscious mind in my my earthly physical body. The illness I have directly affects my well-being in the celestial world. I believe being emotionally distraught in one's physical body can have even a greater impact on one's replicated body. I tested that it could be up to 60% reduction in effectiveness in the replicated body.

5. Anyway, I now returned my thoughts to prayer. I drank of the water from the oasis, and then thought of drinking from my water container next to my recliner. I envisioned that it, too, was living water. I also drank three times from my water bottle.

I knelt facing the oasis. I prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come. I then saw them come in a beam of light from across the oasis. They both stood before me! I gazed into their faces and they were smiling at me.

I opened this prayer, expressing my desire to receive direction and revelation from them if they wanted to share anything.

6. Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael, we are glad that you prayed to us even though you are not feeling well in your earthly body! Write the words now that I will give you.'

7. I wrote to this point. Heavenly Mother then continued:

'You have seen that illness can restrict you in effectively communicating with us. All of your activity in life comes to a halt if you become very sick. This also affects your capability in the celestial realms, in your replicated body.

8. Your friend and fellow angel, M.A. , lost her husband this last Sunday. These will be difficult times for her, with the loss of her sweet companion! Nevertheless, there is purpose in this. She will meet her loving husband once our Son, Jesus Christ, returns to earth and Rodney is resurrected. They will be able to live together in the millennium, and do the holy work in the New Jerusalem Temple together. Rodney is also an angel and will share this great opportunity with her in a future day.

9. Raphael, we are so pleased when our children marry on earth and have families. Their love may grow to a high level as they serve and care for each other, particularly after the children leave. It is a great blessing for them to be together in their later years, although often this is interrupted by death of one of them. Being alone cane be a difficult test for the one remaining on earth. The other spouse who has died, if righteous and a faithful person, will go to the paradise of God in the world of the spirits. They, too, will be given assignments and responsibilities. Being an angel of God, Rodney's work will be very busy in the world of spirits. He will act as all angels do, being replicated many times and will follow our directions in blessing the elect of God, both in mortality and in the world of the spirits. There are a number of angels who have departed mortality that he will join. R's full memories of his angelic work and mission will return to him now and he will continue his full work there.'

10. I thanked my loving Heavenly Mother for her sweet words! I love to see her kindness displayed to her children. She is so very loving and supportive!

I then felt this was all of my words from God this morning. I closed my prayer and tried to go back to sleep. In a few moments I had the impression that Heavenly Father died on his earth 10 years before our Heavenly Mother died. I confirmed this in prayer and heard the approving words of Heavenly Mother in my mind:

'Yes, Raphael, I was a widow for 10 years after my beloved husband, your Heavenly Father, died on our earth.'

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 21, 2018 Wednesday

1. I did manage to pray last night by the fountain of living water. Both Heavenly Parents came, Heavenly Father addressed me, followed by Heavenly Mother. I had expressed to them the marvels of a married couple to come back together in the resurrection and to progress to be even as they are. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, we have devised the wonderful plan of happiness, a happiness that endures forever beyond the grave. When a righteous couple come into the Church of the Firstborn, they are assured of eternal life together. We want our sons and daughters to experience the eternal joy we continually feel in being together as husband and wife, as your Heavenly Parents! This brings us the greatest happiness we could ever receive, together or apart!'

2. Heavenly Mother then spoke:

'Raphael, it is hard to comprehend the grandeur of eternal happiness when experiencing such pain in mortality as you now have. I am very sorry you both are suffering so much! I will come and assist in your healing as you call upon me to do so.'

3. This morning I called upon God to help me do healing work again on my wife. Heavenly Mother came, and I acted as a conduit for God's Loving Focus healing gift. I was surprised I had enough energy to do that, but Heavenly Mother strengthened me.

4. I then asked for her healing blessing for me. She brought two female healing angels who acted as her conduit of healing, also doing a God's Loving Focus healing gift. When done, the angels left and Heavenly Mother spoke to me:

'Raphael, you are learning important lessons of the power of natural remedies. You have energy tested both for you and your wife the importance of each remedy and its frequency to take during the day. Your knowledge of how these work in your body will help you bless many people in the future day.'

5. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her compassion and kindness to me when I am so ill. I feel my life is in God's hands. I also feel I need to do all in my own power to turn these illnesses of my wife and I, by taking these many remedies. I feel like my stomach contained mostly remedies, as I have had no real appetite. Boy, I will be grateful to get over this nasty bug!

6. I prayed next to my Heavenly Parents and asked that I be relieved from praying much this morning. Heavenly Mother was so gracious and said this would be just fine. I then came in the front room and began to be worse and worse. My daughter called and asked what she could do for us. I said we both needed to get to the Insta Care, my wife for the first time and and me for the second time. We arrived there and the doctor was concerned with my faltering vital signs and wanted me to go to the emergency room right then, in the Provo Hospital. My daughter took me over and after 2 ½ hours, with lots of tests, it was confirmed I only had influenza type A and no pneumonia or any other illness. I felt awful at the Insta Care place and couldn't even hold up my head!

7. Now that I am finally back home, I feel so much better with my fever broken. This flu has really hit us hard. I hardly ever get sick and this has been a hard one on me!

I also determined our employee, who I took her place last week, had the flu and she had given it to me. I used her same computer one day eating moistened carrots for my lunch and typing on her keyboard. I energy tested that this is who I received this from.

This evening I felt good enough to pray again. I have learned we can be too sick to pray! I came to the circling waters and drank of living water there and then knelt down to pray. My Heavenly Mother came in a blaze of light from high in the sky. She descended to a position immediately over the water. She was smiling at me and seemed very pleased to be with me.

8. I asked if she had any message for me. She asked me to write her words:

'Raphael, you have been very sick today. I have blessed you to feel better when you came under the care of those who could help you. You have seen that your protective shield keeps you out of the intrusions of the evil ones into your body. You still experience sickness and other normal conditions common to earth life. Satan will try to devise ways to take you down and to destroy you as he has tried to do with this sickness. He will yet try other tactics, for he is very angry at the protective shields of the Father. For every one of his devices, tricks and sinister methods, we will provide an escape. Trust in us and our Godly power and you will be able to fulfill your great mission to the faithful.

9. During this experience with sickness, you were able to know how to help heal yourself and our children in mortality with natural remedies. We have provided the earth with bounteous plants and other items, which we have designed to cure all sorts of ailments that come upon mankind in the flesh. You are gaining valuable skills in knowing how to use many natural remedies.'

I thanked her for her words. I especially was grateful to feel so much better this evening.

She then extended her hand to me and I took her hand in mine, and my replicated self went with her to her herb garden that she wanted to show me. I lost contact with my unconscious mind then and I knew my prayer had ended. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, and then went to bed.

I. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 22, 2018 Thursday

1. I feel quite a bit better today. I came early to the adjacent room and slept on and off until 9:30. I then went to pray at the oasis where I drank of living water and felt very clarified. I am so glad my mind is fully functional again today!

2. I prayed in this very quiet and serene place and invited my Heavenly Parents to come. They both came from my left, holding hands. They were smiling as they stood a little in the air above me. I was so happy to be in their presence!

I began by thanking them both profusely for feeling so much better! I had felt I was on death's door yesterday in the Insta Care! I thanked them to have been ever near me, sending angels to bless me by God's power. I also was grateful to have gone through this physically wrenching illness.

3. I then asked if I might hear a message from them today. Heavenly Father said he would like to speak and for me to write his words. Here are his words I now am receiving:

'Raphael, one purpose of earth life is to gain valuable experience through suffering. Your suffering yesterday and during this intense illness has now been added to a host of such experiences in your conscious memories. These will forever be with you throughout your life and into eternity. You will recall these memories when you see others suffering in similar ways. You will then understand in part what they, too, must feel like. This understanding, coupled with love and compassion, will make you a very effective one to bless and comfort them in their distress.

4. There is only one of our children, however, who really knows how our suffering children feels. This is our Chosen Redeemer, Jesus Christ. He has actually suffered as they have suffered and knows their pain because he experienced it firsthand. He had to be elevated early to the status of a God before any others in order to fulfill his great mission. He has suffered for all mankind, for each of our spirit sons and daughters, in a remarkable way. His sacrifice has made it possible for each one to be fully redeemed, based on their acceptance of his sacrifice and their condition of repentance. He therefore may make them fully redeemed and cleansed before us.

5. Our entire plan for the redemption and exaltation of our sons and daughters hinges on their acceptance of the eternal sacrifice of Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son. He has fully sacrificed for all, even those in Lucifer's grasp. You have witnessed the conversion of many of these recently with the Refugees of Lucifer. He could quickly accept them back and redeemed them because he had already suffered for their many sins.

6. Your suffering yesterday also helps you wonder how Jesus Christ could suffer for an entire life of one of our children, combined with all the others, at the time of Christ's death. This was possible through the power of Godliness he possessed. He replicated himself enough times to suffer for each son and daughter, time after time, and in so short a mortal period. We also strengthened our Beloved Son, through a God's Loving Healing Hand blessing, using you, Raphael, as our holy conduit. We did not intercede, but strengthened him. His determination to fulfill our will and his great love for his brothers and sisters, made him capable to endure to the end and finish all his work, even fully completed on the cross just before he died. He has not suffered in a like manner for anyone else, for he fully completed all suffering in Gethsemane and on the cross.

7. Raphael, this is the reason why each of our elect children who come unto us need to first be reconciled with their loving Redeemer. They may be forgiven of their sins, cleansed from all sin, and then start on the path towards eternal life. We will lead each along as fast as they are able to receive and then to act on our commandments.'

8. I felt so grateful to have my Great Redeemer! I felt so blessed to know him, to have been fully cleansed by him, and to be, therefore, able to come back into the presence of my loving Heavenly Parents!

I thanked my Father for his clear words and his reasons for the sufferings of his children in mortality. I knew my prayer was completed. I then closed in the holy name of Jesus Christ.

At that time, my Heavenly Parents left, hand in hand the same way they came to me. I then mentally came back to my room where I had been writing all of this down.

9. Later-This afternoon I asked about translated people on earth who die. There are recently translated people, like the mortal angels. Heavenly Mother whispered to my mind these words:

'Raphael, when one of our translated individuals who dwells on the earth, being recently translated to a celestial or terrestrial level and then dies, they immediately go to the spirit world and continue their mission from that location to us. These will be resurrected when our Beloved Son comes again to dwell on earth. Those who have a millennial mission, like our angels of God, will continue in that capacity as a resurrected soul.'

I thanked her and thought to write this down soon.

10. Later, at evening prayer. I came to the birch tree grove on the slopes east of Lake Beautiful. I drank from the stream there and then prayed, facing north, for my Heavenly Parents to come. They immediately descended from my left, heading to me, a little elevated above the stream. Soon they were in front of me and turned and faced me. They were both happy and smiling!

11. I thanked them with how much improved I had felt today! I asked that my wife and son be strengthened in their illnesses too.

I then asked a question from S.A. about the shields of the Father-how are they upon those with mental conditions (depression, anxiety, bipolar) that may come about as a result of evil spirits or evil devices. I also asked for any other message they might want to give me.

12. Heavenly Father then asked me to write his thoughts:

'Raphael, it is true that some mental conditions were due to evil spirits or their evil devices for the elect. These have now been eliminated and these individuals are fully protected in their immediate persons from the adversary. They may now be able to repattern their thinking so that they may finally overcome their previous condition.

13. There are also some addictions and gender issues that will also be relieved, now that these evil spirits and their devices are removed. These individuals who have, in the past had these issues, may now want to reprogram their thinking and belief systems. This effort will not be blocked by the adversary in the future.

14. Raphael, we have other measures to strengthen our faithful elect children, and our servants who will help us gather these elect sons and daughters. We will respond with every one of Satan's tactics that he may devise to control the elect with our greater power of God. These will help insure the battle with Lucifer continues on a fair and equal status, so the decisions our elect make can be according to their free will choices between good and evil. Satan and his hosts of evil ones are more aggressive, manipulative, and full of deceits and trickery in these days than ever before.'

15. I thanked Heavenly Father for answering my question so well. I thanked them for keeping that battle over the elect on an equal basis of good and evil also.

They then asked me to stand and walk with them. This again was in my unconscious mind that I did not have access to. I saw us three continue walking down the stream to the east. This ended my evening prayer.

J. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 23, 2018 Friday

1. I came to my adjacent bedroom this morning to pray. I came to a beautiful marshy area into where the little stream from Lake Beautiful descends. The stream fills the beautiful marshland and then continues into Enoch's city.

I found a grassy area and prayed, facing west. This stream on the western slope that was before me is where my Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and I descended together last night.

2. I drank living water and then asked my Heavenly Parents to come. They came from behind some bushes in the marshland and soon were in front of me. They were smiling.

I opened my prayer, asking them to continue to bless and strengthen my family in their illness and with those mortal angels who are struggling. I thanked them for my abundant blessings which are many.

3. I then waited upon God. Heavenly Mother spoke to me:

'Raphael, we will continue to strengthen and bless your family and our servants in their afflictions. We have no new revelations for you this morning, for we revealed much to you in your unconscious mind while we descended down the stream last night. This is now purposefully hid from you in your mortal state. We need you to initiate work for us in our celestial realms now. These actions will soon be revealed to you.

Make this entry this morning your last one for this next post. We approve what you have written in your journal for this post. Send it out as you are able, my son.'

I said I would do so. I said, too, that I would have no expectations about not knowing things in my conscious mind. I was very happy to do anything and everything they commanded me to do."