'Yes, Raphael, I was a widow for 10 years after my beloved husband, your Heavenly Father, died on our earth.'
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 21, 2018 Wednesday
1. I did manage to pray last night by the fountain of living water. Both Heavenly Parents came, Heavenly Father addressed me, followed by Heavenly Mother. I had expressed to them the marvels of a married couple to come back together in the resurrection and to progress to be even as they are. Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, we have devised the wonderful plan of happiness, a happiness that endures forever beyond the grave. When a righteous couple come into the Church of the Firstborn, they are assured of eternal life together. We want our sons and daughters to experience the eternal joy we continually feel in being together as husband and wife, as your Heavenly Parents! This brings us the greatest happiness we could ever receive, together or apart!'
2. Heavenly Mother then spoke:
'Raphael, it is hard to comprehend the grandeur of eternal happiness when experiencing such pain in mortality as you now have. I am very sorry you both are suffering so much! I will come and assist in your healing as you call upon me to do so.'
3. This morning I called upon God to help me do healing work again on my wife. Heavenly Mother came, and I acted as a conduit for God's Loving Focus healing gift. I was surprised I had enough energy to do that, but Heavenly Mother strengthened me.
4. I then asked for her healing blessing for me. She brought two female healing angels who acted as her conduit of healing, also doing a God's Loving Focus healing gift. When done, the angels left and Heavenly Mother spoke to me:
'Raphael, you are learning important lessons of the power of natural remedies. You have energy tested both for you and your wife the importance of each remedy and its frequency to take during the day. Your knowledge of how these work in your body will help you bless many people in the future day.'
5. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her compassion and kindness to me when I am so ill. I feel my life is in God's hands. I also feel I need to do all in my own power to turn these illnesses of my wife and I, by taking these many remedies. I feel like my stomach contained mostly remedies, as I have had no real appetite. Boy, I will be grateful to get over this nasty bug!
6. I prayed next to my Heavenly Parents and asked that I be relieved from praying much this morning. Heavenly Mother was so gracious and said this would be just fine. I then came in the front room and began to be worse and worse. My daughter called and asked what she could do for us. I said we both needed to get to the Insta Care, my wife for the first time and and me for the second time. We arrived there and the doctor was concerned with my faltering vital signs and wanted me to go to the emergency room right then, in the Provo Hospital. My daughter took me over and after 2 ½ hours, with lots of tests, it was confirmed I only had influenza type A and no pneumonia or any other illness. I felt awful at the Insta Care place and couldn't even hold up my head!
7. Now that I am finally back home, I feel so much better with my fever broken. This flu has really hit us hard. I hardly ever get sick and this has been a hard one on me!
I also determined our employee, who I took her place last week, had the flu and she had given it to me. I used her same computer one day eating moistened carrots for my lunch and typing on her keyboard. I energy tested that this is who I received this from.
This evening I felt good enough to pray again. I have learned we can be too sick to pray! I came to the circling waters and drank of living water there and then knelt down to pray. My Heavenly Mother came in a blaze of light from high in the sky. She descended to a position immediately over the water. She was smiling at me and seemed very pleased to be with me.
8. I asked if she had any message for me. She asked me to write her words:
'Raphael, you have been very sick today. I have blessed you to feel better when you came under the care of those who could help you. You have seen that your protective shield keeps you out of the intrusions of the evil ones into your body. You still experience sickness and other normal conditions common to earth life. Satan will try to devise ways to take you down and to destroy you as he has tried to do with this sickness. He will yet try other tactics, for he is very angry at the protective shields of the Father. For every one of his devices, tricks and sinister methods, we will provide an escape. Trust in us and our Godly power and you will be able to fulfill your great mission to the faithful.
9. During this experience with sickness, you were able to know how to help heal yourself and our children in mortality with natural remedies. We have provided the earth with bounteous plants and other items, which we have designed to cure all sorts of ailments that come upon mankind in the flesh. You are gaining valuable skills in knowing how to use many natural remedies.'
I thanked her for her words. I especially was grateful to feel so much better this evening.
She then extended her hand to me and I took her hand in mine, and my replicated self went with her to her herb garden that she wanted to show me. I lost contact with my unconscious mind then and I knew my prayer had ended. I closed my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, and then went to bed.
I. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 22, 2018 Thursday
1. I feel quite a bit better today. I came early to the adjacent room and slept on and off until 9:30. I then went to pray at the oasis where I drank of living water and felt very clarified. I am so glad my mind is fully functional again today!
2. I prayed in this very quiet and serene place and invited my Heavenly Parents to come. They both came from my left, holding hands. They were smiling as they stood a little in the air above me. I was so happy to be in their presence!
I began by thanking them both profusely for feeling so much better! I had felt I was on death's door yesterday in the Insta Care! I thanked them to have been ever near me, sending angels to bless me by God's power. I also was grateful to have gone through this physically wrenching illness.
3. I then asked if I might hear a message from them today. Heavenly Father said he would like to speak and for me to write his words. Here are his words I now am receiving:
'Raphael, one purpose of earth life is to gain valuable experience through suffering. Your suffering yesterday and during this intense illness has now been added to a host of such experiences in your conscious memories. These will forever be with you throughout your life and into eternity. You will recall these memories when you see others suffering in similar ways. You will then understand in part what they, too, must feel like. This understanding, coupled with love and compassion, will make you a very effective one to bless and comfort them in their distress.
4. There is only one of our children, however, who really knows how our suffering children feels. This is our Chosen Redeemer, Jesus Christ. He has actually suffered as they have suffered and knows their pain because he experienced it firsthand. He had to be elevated early to the status of a God before any others in order to fulfill his great mission. He has suffered for all mankind, for each of our spirit sons and daughters, in a remarkable way. His sacrifice has made it possible for each one to be fully redeemed, based on their acceptance of his sacrifice and their condition of repentance. He therefore may make them fully redeemed and cleansed before us.
5. Our entire plan for the redemption and exaltation of our sons and daughters hinges on their acceptance of the eternal sacrifice of Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son. He has fully sacrificed for all, even those in Lucifer's grasp. You have witnessed the conversion of many of these recently with the Refugees of Lucifer. He could quickly accept them back and redeemed them because he had already suffered for their many sins.
6. Your suffering yesterday also helps you wonder how Jesus Christ could suffer for an entire life of one of our children, combined with all the others, at the time of Christ's death. This was possible through the power of Godliness he possessed. He replicated himself enough times to suffer for each son and daughter, time after time, and in so short a mortal period. We also strengthened our Beloved Son, through a God's Loving Healing Hand blessing, using you, Raphael, as our holy conduit. We did not intercede, but strengthened him. His determination to fulfill our will and his great love for his brothers and sisters, made him capable to endure to the end and finish all his work, even fully completed on the cross just before he died. He has not suffered in a like manner for anyone else, for he fully completed all suffering in Gethsemane and on the cross.
7. Raphael, this is the reason why each of our elect children who come unto us need to first be reconciled with their loving Redeemer. They may be forgiven of their sins, cleansed from all sin, and then start on the path towards eternal life. We will lead each along as fast as they are able to receive and then to act on our commandments.'
8. I felt so grateful to have my Great Redeemer! I felt so blessed to know him, to have been fully cleansed by him, and to be, therefore, able to come back into the presence of my loving Heavenly Parents!
I thanked my Father for his clear words and his reasons for the sufferings of his children in mortality. I knew my prayer was completed. I then closed in the holy name of Jesus Christ.
At that time, my Heavenly Parents left, hand in hand the same way they came to me. I then mentally came back to my room where I had been writing all of this down.
9. Later-This afternoon I asked about translated people on earth who die. There are recently translated people, like the mortal angels. Heavenly Mother whispered to my mind these words:
'Raphael, when one of our translated individuals who dwells on the earth, being recently translated to a celestial or terrestrial level and then dies, they immediately go to the spirit world and continue their mission from that location to us. These will be resurrected when our Beloved Son comes again to dwell on earth. Those who have a millennial mission, like our angels of God, will continue in that capacity as a resurrected soul.'
I thanked her and thought to write this down soon.
10. Later, at evening prayer. I came to the birch tree grove on the slopes east of Lake Beautiful. I drank from the stream there and then prayed, facing north, for my Heavenly Parents to come. They immediately descended from my left, heading to me, a little elevated above the stream. Soon they were in front of me and turned and faced me. They were both happy and smiling!
11. I thanked them with how much improved I had felt today! I asked that my wife and son be strengthened in their illnesses too.
I then asked a question from S.A. about the shields of the Father-how are they upon those with mental conditions (depression, anxiety, bipolar) that may come about as a result of evil spirits or evil devices. I also asked for any other message they might want to give me.
12. Heavenly Father then asked me to write his thoughts:
'Raphael, it is true that some mental conditions were due to evil spirits or their evil devices for the elect. These have now been eliminated and these individuals are fully protected in their immediate persons from the adversary. They may now be able to repattern their thinking so that they may finally overcome their previous condition.
13. There are also some addictions and gender issues that will also be relieved, now that these evil spirits and their devices are removed. These individuals who have, in the past had these issues, may now want to reprogram their thinking and belief systems. This effort will not be blocked by the adversary in the future.
14. Raphael, we have other measures to strengthen our faithful elect children, and our servants who will help us gather these elect sons and daughters. We will respond with every one of Satan's tactics that he may devise to control the elect with our greater power of God. These will help insure the battle with Lucifer continues on a fair and equal status, so the decisions our elect make can be according to their free will choices between good and evil. Satan and his hosts of evil ones are more aggressive, manipulative, and full of deceits and trickery in these days than ever before.'
15. I thanked Heavenly Father for answering my question so well. I thanked them for keeping that battle over the elect on an equal basis of good and evil also.
They then asked me to stand and walk with them. This again was in my unconscious mind that I did not have access to. I saw us three continue walking down the stream to the east. This ended my evening prayer.
J. R's Personal Journal Entry, February 23, 2018 Friday
1. I came to my adjacent bedroom this morning to pray. I came to a beautiful marshy area into where the little stream from Lake Beautiful descends. The stream fills the beautiful marshland and then continues into Enoch's city.
I found a grassy area and prayed, facing west. This stream on the western slope that was before me is where my Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and I descended together last night.
2. I drank living water and then asked my Heavenly Parents to come. They came from behind some bushes in the marshland and soon were in front of me. They were smiling.
I opened my prayer, asking them to continue to bless and strengthen my family in their illness and with those mortal angels who are struggling. I thanked them for my abundant blessings which are many.
3. I then waited upon God. Heavenly Mother spoke to me:
'Raphael, we will continue to strengthen and bless your family and our servants in their afflictions. We have no new revelations for you this morning, for we revealed much to you in your unconscious mind while we descended down the stream last night. This is now purposefully hid from you in your mortal state. We need you to initiate work for us in our celestial realms now. These actions will soon be revealed to you.
Make this entry this morning your last one for this next post. We approve what you have written in your journal for this post. Send it out as you are able, my son.'
I said I would do so. I said, too, that I would have no expectations about not knowing things in my conscious mind. I was very happy to do anything and everything they commanded me to do."