64. The Keys to Communion in Prayer and to Personal Happiness
Posted 12-21-2017
Hello everyone!
Merry Christmas! I wish each of you a very enjoyable Christmas, and warm best wishes to your family! I hope you have great fun and many pleasant times through the end of the year!
Today I send you another of my posts on self-improvement, at least that is how I see my Heavenly Parents doing for me as I read back over my journal entries. There were two significant keys they gave to me:
1. Key to personal prayer: visualization, meditation, and wait for God to come
2. Key to personal happiness: drop all should beliefs for others and yourself
The second key has been new and hard for me to wrap my mind around, particularly for dropping my own 'shoulds'. Please read carefully this post, for I believe that following these principles will greatly help you connect to God and will bring you great personal happiness. Please pray about these principles that I have been taught, to verify that they are of God.
I have been taught that you are free to spiritually advance as fast as you wish, for it is all up to you! God does not have hold ANY beliefs about what you 'should' do in any of this, but waits for you to choose what path YOU choose. Our Heavenly Parents will then bless you for your diligence in obeying them and in following the path they reveal to you. Their reward will be for your greatest happiness.
Please write me about how you are doing too! I love hearing from each of you.
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were taken by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 5, 2017 Tuesday
1. This morning I felt to pray at the maple tree grove west of Lake Beautiful. I drank living water from the lake and then knelt down in the grove facing the lake. When I prayed to my Heavenly Parents, I could see them both coming to me from across the lake. They were soon in front of me and I was gazing into their faces. They both were smiling and seemed to be happy to be in front of me.
2. I gave thanks for our safe trip and asked for blessings on some decisions and actions we're making in our mortal life. I was particularly happy and grateful to have been a conduit for Heavenly Father when he blessed my wife on Saturday night. She was developing a very painful earache. Heavenly Father came and removed a blockage in her ear, using God's Loving Focus. On Sunday her pain was all completely gone. I expressed gratefulness for his healing on her.
3. After I gave my thanks, Heavenly Mother spoke:
'Raphael, we are glad that you chose to attend the church services at San Xavier del Bac Mission in Tucson, Arizona. The people you saw there represent a very large group of our children on earth and in the spirit world who are humble and believe in us, their God. Many of these will embrace the truth once they hear it. They are religious and want to do what is right. These are only kept from the truth because they don't know where to find it.
4. (see D&C 97:1-2–
"Verily I say unto you my friends, I speak unto you with my voice, even the voice of my Spirit, that I may show unto you my will concerning your brethren in the land of Zion, many of whom are truly humble and are seeking diligently to learn wisdom and to find truth.
Verily, verily I say unto you, blessed are such, for they shall obtain; for I, the Lord, show mercy unto all the meek, and upon all whomsoever I will, that I may be justified when I shall bring them unto judgment."
5. D&C 123:12– "For there are many yet on the earth among all sects, parties, and denominations, who are blinded by the subtle craftiness of men, whereby they lie in wait to deceive, and who are only kept from the truth because they know not where to find it").
6. We will soon send our 144,000 to these humble souls to gather them. This will be in a time of trouble and great distress that will come upon the earth. We will also send, from the unseen world, our holy angels to guide and bless them.
Raphael, we will bless you and our holy angels who live in the flesh in their personal lives so they may do our great work in the celestial realms. Your combined work continues unabated in heaven and on earth.
7. Make your entry yesterday the end of your new post to send out to those angels who support you in your calling. We will continue to lead them along. We love them very dearly.'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her loving words. I am so glad to have quiet meditative time with them again in the privacy of my home.
I then ended my prayer and started my day.
8. Later at evening prayer: Tonight I retired to bed after a full day of activities. I knelt down in heaven in the maple tree grove next to Lake Beautiful. When I prayed to my Heavenly Parents, they came quickly from the lake and soon stood before me. Heavenly Father was not looking happy, but had a stern look. Heavenly Mother was not smiling. I was kneeling but immediately prostrated myself before them. I asked why their visage was now stern, even angry looking.
9. Heavenly Father responded:
'Raphael, you have seen the pictures online of the Ventura, California fires (names the Thomas fire) that started and spread this morning. It was spreading at the rate of 1 acre per second, affecting many homes of people who evacuated quickly. This was a man-made fire, by directed energy weapons and was flamed by the wind.
10. We are angry at the great disrespect for the citizens of the land that your government and military have shown. They are stirred up by Satan and care not for the ruin of lives and property. We will use, however, this evil for our own purposes. It will turn about to eventually entrap these wicked perpetrators and their organizations. They act stealthily and under cover in an effort not to be exposed. Such acts will continue to spread across the land until great calamity and fear grip the people.
11. We will bless those who call humbly on our name and seek to obey our promptings. Every man and woman must gain their own light and direction and not lean upon another in order to receive our guidance and protection!'
I thanked my Father for his clear and direct words. I prayed for those who were devastated by this act of terror from their own government and military.
12. Heavenly Father spoke:
'Raphael, we will send you and our holy angels to bolster those who pray to us for relief and guidance. You all will be sent on more rescue and comfort missions and assignments as we direct you.'
13. Heavenly Mother then spoke:
'Raphael, those who come unto us in the sincerity and humility of their souls will be comforted and given our rest and blessings.'
14. I thanked both of them for their love towards us and their children who desire to act in holiness before them and receive their direction in our lives.
Thus ended my prayer tonight around midnight. I felt I continued communing with my Heavenly Parents in these celestial realms as my time with them in my mortal conscious mind ended.
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 6, 2017 Wednesday
1. This morning I decided to go to the fountain of living water and then to the white gate to meet Jesus Christ. I had some things of this world on my mind that were distracting me, so I stayed at the fountain until these were pretty well gone from my mind. I then walked to the white gate. Jesus Christ opened to me but it took me a moment to be able to see him spiritually. I believe that I hadn't cleared my mind sufficiently enough of mortal concerns to connect to my unconscious mind.
2. When I did see him, he had soft and compassionate eyes! He spoke to me:
'Raphael, you have seen our Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother last night when they were upset at the great injustice of those who perpetrated the fires in Ventura, California. We have strong emotions at times that we display to you, for we see all of the works of men and women on the earth. This event was one of many unfair and unjust acts of domination and control by wicked men. Our Heavenly Parents chose to act and feel in this way to show you their great displeasure. Feeling these emotions help us resolve our actions that we will take on the wicked.
3. There are many situations among our children on earth similar to this experience with the fire. Satan rages among the people, more so than he has ever done in the past. You have been active in removing those evil spirits who have extended themselves beyond their bounds. Your activity of doing this has significantly reduced their trespasses against our boundaries of conduct, for they fear our quick retribution through you.
4. You have also seen how you couldn't spiritually see me when you first came to me this morning. This was because your mind was filled with concerns of your mortal world. It is essential that these are cleared from your mind so that you may experience a clear connection with your Gods.'
5. I felt so grateful for these words from Jesus! I had asked him if I could write his words down since I was having a hard time connecting with him. The words I was hearing were disjointed and not clear. I believe now they are correct once I started recording them in my journal. I also believe I have written exactly what he has communicated with me.
6. I next turned and walked the path to the tree of life. It stood so majestic and beautiful! I plucked a white fruit and a leaf. I then headed west near the sapling tree of life in the garden area there. I partook of the fruit and leaf, seeking to be more loving and pure and strong in my body. I particularly wanted clarity in my mind so the effects of aging wouldn't affect my speed of processing and mental acuity. I knelt in the garden facing east, towards the tree of life in the distance. I then called upon my Heavenly Parents in prayer.
7. My glorious Heavenly Parents came in front of me in a beam of light, descending from the skies above! When they stood before me they were happy, smiling and seemed to be accepting of me. I also know they were also accepting of me last night when they were stern and upset.
I spoke:
'My Heavenly Parents, I am so glad to see you both happy and smiling before me. It scares me somewhat when I see you both stern and resolute in your visages.'
8. Heavenly Mother responded:
'Raphael, our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, has spoken to you the truth about our thoughts this morning. We choose to experience various thoughts to create the emotions, the actions we take, and the associated results we desire. We generally don't allow ourselves to dwell on the negative for too long, for our natural disposition is one of great joy and happiness. We also choose this disposition to be our normal posture, particularly when addressing our beloved children who approach us.'
I then determined in my mind to follow their example of a happy disposition at most times in my life. I knew I could control my own thoughts that would be all of my choosing.
9. Heavenly Father then spoke to me:
'Raphael, we try not to dwell for long on the negative, but we do need to address all the wicked actions of our children. We execute justice upon those whom we will. We also reward the good efforts of our children who act in faith and persistence. The mortal probation of man is a perfect environment for us to see how our children act when we are not visible to them like we were while they were in the premortal life.'
10. I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their words. I am feeling much more understanding of how they operate with regards to their children in mortality.
I then asked that the decisions I make and that my wife and I make in our daily life be guided and blessed by them. I asked for specific blessings. I felt the love and light of God on me in this morning prayer. I left happy and refreshed, ready to start my new day!
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 7, 2017 Thursday
1. I had a nice day yesterday when my second married daughter came for a visit for the entire day. It is great fun to be together!
I prayed last night at the east end of Lake Beautiful. My Heavenly Parents came from a trail to my left (I was facing west, looking over the lake). My Heavenly Parents were very happy in their emotions and smiled a lot. I am glad to know now that they fully choose their emotional state by choosing their thoughts. They have full control over what they think and feel. If they choose to feel and act in other ways, they adjust their thoughts to bring about actions and results they desire to create.
2. After I thanked them for being in their presence, I asked for a few specific items. I then waited upon God. Heavenly Mother spoke to me. She was smiling and happy:
'Raphael, our mortal children need to come unto us in a meditative state, trying to visualize us before them. This is the doorway for them to connect to us and to visualize us before them. We will come to them in their unconscious mind. They will need to be able to connect to their inner spiritual self in order to see us and to hear our words. These are all perceived spiritually and not naturally. It is a great thing for them to bridge this gap between their mortal conscious self to their unconscious mind. It takes persistence and practice. What you have written to M last night by email about visualization is true.'
I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her words. Visualization is such an important part of prayer with them. I then ended my prayer and retired to bed.
3. Here's what I wrote M (someone who wrote me from the contact page on my website)–
Email from M:
'Is it ok to visualize bettering your life? Like a job, home, health, etc? I used to visualize and stopped because I wasn't sure if it was wrong. Then I came across this verse in the bible that seems to be ok to visualize those things: Mark 11:24 King James Version "Therefore, I say unto you, what things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." Thanks in advance, hope to hear back from you soon. M.'
'Hi M. I am sorry I didn't respond to you earlier but I was on a trip. Yes, I am sure that our Heavenly Parents want us to 'visualize,' including bettering ourselves on earth. The root of visualize is the same as vision, and there are many that have received visions from God. The Gods we worship do want us to approach them, trying to visualize them in front of us. The more effort we spend in getting in a state to visualize them, the more success we will have in connecting with them and 'seeing' God. This is done with our spiritual senses and not with our natural eyes. I call our spiritual side our 'unconscious self' that is a higher self, what our spirits communicate in. Our mortal 'conscious self' is what we use day-to-day. We can get in our unconscious mode through visualization and meditation. It is hard work, and takes a persistent soul.
I hope you persist in your visualization efforts, for I believe this makes all the difference. I know it certainly has done so for me!
Warmly, R'
5. This morning I awoke to a calm house. My wife was in the front room and I went into the adjacent bedroom to write and pray.
I visualized I was again on the shore of Lake Beautiful facing the lake to the west. This is where my Heavenly Parents came last night. To my west was an open shore area, not wooded like to my left. When I prayed I invited my Heavenly Parents to come to me.
6. They came this time from my right. They stopped next to the shore and asked me to come walk with them! I stood and quickly walked to them. They had their adjacent hands extended to me, so I took hold of their hands and we all turned and walked north along the shore. It was such a beautiful setting!
I first spoke and expressed how grateful and humble I felt to be in their presence again! I thanked them for their light and love they extend towards me always.
7. Heavenly Father then spoke to me:
'Raphael, we love our children to pray to us and try to communicate with us. However, almost always after they address us, they don't wait for us to come to them! Sometimes their prayers are all done and closed before we come! We wish they would try to visualize us coming and feel our presence when we come before them. We would gladly lead them along but only few persist in deep prayer and meditation. It is not easy for our children in mortality to connect to their inner spiritual selves, their unconscious selves. This is best done in the quiet times of the day when they can find themselves alone and apart from their mortal daily concerns. Your Mother and I yearn to be with them, to talk with them, to embrace them and to walk with them like we are doing with you now.'
8. I felt so blessed to have my connection to my inner unconscious state clear enough to commune daily with them! I feel really connected when I am quiet and alone. I seek these times twice daily, morning and night. I then can feel their presence with me all through the day, even though my awareness of their presence is not so acute and heightened as when I meditate and pray like this morning.
9. I continued walking around the east side of this vast lake with my Heavenly Parents. I feel greatly at peace and have a lot of security and assurance that they will continue to bless my loved ones and myself, for they are eager to uplift and bless us in mortality. As frequently happens, I saw myself continuing to walk with them around the lake in my unconscious mind! I closed my prayer and started my day.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 8, 2017 Friday
1. Yesterday was a difficult day for me! I felt like so many things were coming at me and I couldn't manage them all well. My wife said I became grumpy and was not handling the pressure well. I certainly agree! We are selling some rental properties that we had purchased with our son in Ogden and trying to buy down here in Utah County. We have also been trying to sell off products at work that haven't been selling, amidst trying to get computer systems fixed. We had a water leak in the greenhouse. We also had some family issues. All of these combined in a stressful environment for me! In addition, we have the caretaking role of our son on top of all of this!
2. I have realized that all this stress of life is controlled really by what I think of things and how much I am willing to let others and the situations in life control my actions and thoughts. Today I wish to not get pushed around by all of this. Instead, I will throttle back what I am willing to do in my daily mortal life. When there are many demands on me at the same time, I am going to decide the one thing I will do and just concentrate on that. I believe this will dispel my anxiety and grumpiness. I will at least be able to do that one thing and then choose what to do next. This should help me solve my overwhelming, fluttering feeling too (fluttering meaning feeling overwhelmed and not getting anything done).
3. So I came in this state to prayer last night at midnight. I realized I needed to choose correct thoughts to help me not feel overwhelmed and out of control mentally. I also thought that my energy in the celestial world was perhaps greatly reducing my ability to have sufficient energy in mortality. I desired to connect to my Heavenly Parents and seek their help.
4. I first came to the fountain of living water and drank three times to clarify my mind. I then felt to go to the glass table in Heavenly Mother's lower gardens. I knelt and faced towards the distant waterfall. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come or even just one of them to come.
My Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother both came in the air from the top of the waterfall! They were soon in front of me in the air. They were each smiling and were happy. This made me feel instantly relaxed and able to approach them with my concerns.
5. I shared with them my heartfelt feelings and asked them to somehow strengthen me to be able to cope better in my mortal life. I told them that the demands of life seemed heavy upon me and I wasn't coping very well. Then my Heavenly Father spoke to me:
'Raphael, life in mortality can be very stressful at times. However, you can always control how you think and how you feel. Your current stress is created in your mind, but if you desire, you can rethink and have the thoughts you choose to have and not just those that seem foisted upon you by life.
6. We also want to strengthen you in your mortal body to be able to cope with mental and emotional difficulties. Your Heavenly Mother has prepared foods she grew and prepared for you. Sit on the chair in front of you at the glass table.'
I thanked my Heavenly Father and was very glad to receive strength in my mortal body! I sat up at the glass table.
7. Heavenly Mother then came with some food. Here are her words:
'Raphael, I have prepared three foods designed specifically for strengthening your mortal body. These will help you in mental and emotional areas where you need the most help.
I have prepared cooked green beans, a mango and some bread cakes, similar to what you last ate for strength in the celestial realms. Please eat all, and these will strengthen you in a storage and reserve area in your mortal body. You may use these when you are stressed and feeling demanded upon emotionally and mentally.'
8. I thanked her and ate all of her food she gave me. I felt very full when done. The food was very tasty and satisfying too!
After I ate, I felt my encounter with them had ended. I thanked them again for their concern and love. I ended my prayer and went to bed.
9. I awoke this morning and came in my private side room where I wrote all of this down. I then made a list of things I wanted to address today. I plan to keep on task and not feel overwhelmed. I also want to control my thoughts and not let outside circumstances or pressing situations change my thoughts, using the methods shown me in the past by my Heavenly Parents.
10. I first went to the fountain of living water and drank three times, like I did last night. I then thought to go to the top of the waterfall in Heavenly Mother's upper garden area. I knelt on the left side, or south side, of the falls on a grassy area and faced west towards the glass table and temple in the distance. I asked for my Heavenly Parents to come.
11. They both immediately came to me in the air from the west. They stood before me, Heavenly Father on my left and Heavenly Mother on my right. They were smiling broadly with very accepting feelings.
I started my prayer, seeking forgiveness of my weaknesses. I said I was determined to be in control of myself today and to not feel overwhelmed. I had made a list and would go about doing one thing at a time on my list. I thanked Heavenly Mother for her nourishing foods she gave me last night.
12. Heavenly Father then spoke to me:
'Raphael, we are so pleased to come before you today! We have come to you last night and this morning because you sought us diligently and asked us to come. We desire all of our children to approach us like you do and ask us for blessings they feel they need, in the sincerity and humility of their soul. We will bless them, sometimes in ways they never could imagine, like we have blessed and strengthened you!
Your intentions to choose and control your thoughts are pleasing to us. We will help you as you apply our methods we have taught you previously.
13. Finally, we desire all of our mortal angels to gain practice and control of their thoughts, like you are trying to do. In this way you may become mentally, emotionally and spiritually prepared for the hardships coming to humanity. In these times soon at hand, you will not have time to practice, but will be thrust into a world of calamity all around you. You will be called upon more and more for service in the celestial realms to minister as we direct, in service to our needy children. We love each of you deeply, our choice angels!'
14. I felt so grateful for these kind and loving words from my Heavenly Father. I looked into his eyes, and for a moment was brought into his eternity eyes, looking at me kneeling before him. I saw a man, full of weaknesses of the flesh but trying to do his best. I could feel God's compassion and love for me. I knew I could become strong and that these weaknesses would become strengths as I applied myself. I then came back to myself before my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. I feel very blessed!
I then closed my prayer this morning. I felt confident to face the new day with a great perspective. I expressed love towards both of my Heavenly Parents and left my prayer.
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 9, 2017 Saturday
1. Yesterday was a great day for me, for I had a very good handle on my thoughts and feel liked I was in control. I had also made a list of items to work on and kept focused on these. I made a choice to think very empathetically at several times and at other times I made a choice to keep to my tasks. It was all done consciously without being whiplashed by the circumstances that came to me during the day. This is how I want to live–in much more control of my thoughts which generate my feelings, actions and results.
2. Last night I was watching some video clips of the protests across the world from Donald Trump's announcement on Jerusalem. He went against most nations and the Muslim people in recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital city. He did this on 12-06-2017. The US Embassy will now be moved to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv. Anyway, there were so many protests worldwide. It looks like a wild storm is coming with lots of conflicts over this move!
I prayed last night on the eastern shores of Lake Beautiful, facing the vast lake to the west. My Heavenly Parents came to me from the path to the south and stood in front of me. They were somber and had a look of concern on their faces. I wondered why they were looking deep in thought.
3. Heavenly Mother responded:
'Raphael, we have been seeing the anger and protests over the Jews in the state of Israel now that President Trump has recognized Jerusalem as the capital city of Israel. There will be many conflicts now starting in this region. We see these actions of violence and war also accelerating.'
I thanked her for her remarks. I also said I felt in a better position to serve them now that my mortal conscious mind was more in control by me controlling my thoughts better.
4. She again responded:
'Raphael, you have been doing well in the control of your thinking today. You are always in control of your thoughts, even if you don't think you are. You always choose to think what thoughts you have. We desire you to consciously choose your thoughts in order to create the resulting feelings, actions and results. Even in troubled times, you may choose to be calm by what thoughts you allow or create that are based on truth.'
5. I thanked her and expressed my gratitude and love for her. I felt very settled and happy when I went to bed last night. I sought for greater perspective and more control of all of my thinking, by my conscious decisions. I believe God will continue to bless me to have this be a great strength in the future.
6. This morning in my prayer, I came again to the eastern shores of Lake Beautiful in the celestial world. I went to the lake to drink three times of the living water. I saw my Heavenly Mother next to me as I drank! Heavenly Father was not there.
Heavenly Mother asked me to walk with her around the lake, heading north. I stood and she placed her right arm around my shoulder and I placed my left arm around her waist. We started walking. I felt so much peace and tranquility!
7. Heavenly Mother said she and Father loved walking around Lake Beautiful. She said this was a place of great peace with the vast lake of living water before us. She said I could come here to settle down my feelings.
I asked her lots of requests that I desired in my personal mortal life. She listened and seemed pleased to bless me to find happy resolutions to my problems. I prayed for my injured son, that he would be able to meet a worthy and loving woman and eventually marry. I prayed to receive greater direction on how my wife and I can help him. I also prayed for greater unity in my family, if possible. I prayed for help in their personal issues and problems.
8. I then asked what my Mother wanted to say to me. I desired to follow her directions and promised to obey her. Here is what she said:
'Raphael, at the ward Christmas party last night you talked to Bob, whom you have known for years. He had left the church but now shared with you how he has come back because of the loving friends in the ward. He said he still has lots of questions. He also said he loves to take the sacrament with his friends. What Bob has recently experienced by being around those he considers to be his friends would be good also for you and your wife. I encourage you to attend your own local LDS ward more frequently. There are good people there and you may also be blessed with friendships that will bless your lives. You need not stay beyond the sacrament meeting if you desire.'
9. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her suggestion! I asked her to bless my wife to have these same desires to attend so we could be together. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her concern for us and for her guidance.
At this time Heavenly Father came next to my Heavenly Mother. They lovingly greeted each other and Heavenly Father walked next to her left side, holding her left hand with his right. We three continued walking around this very peaceful lake.
I then knew my prayer was completed for this morning. As I came back to my mortal conscious state, I felt I continued to bask in their presence in the celestial world too. I felt a serenity and peace at the end of praying today! I love these sorts of experiences that so bless my life!
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 10, 2017 Sunday
1. I woke up and talked with my wife for a long time about life. It was so refreshing to talk and connect! We talked a lot about 'shoulds' we impose on how we think or expect others to be towards us or in their own lives. These seem to never serve us well! We also have a 'manual' on how others 'should' act, and if they don't follow our thoughts of how they should act (our manual) then it causes us pain. We may even reject them or move away from them.
2. After talking to her, I felt enlightened as I often feel with my wonderful wife. I also felt so very deeply flawed! I look at my past mortal life and see the great delusions I have been under–my mind and my thinking has been so tweaked and also so narrow–a conglomerate of my training and learning in mortality, much of it misguided and also flawed! I yearn to learn truth of how I who want to be like God am to act (I was going to write 'should' act, but that is what I want to drop–all my shoulds that don't serve me well!).
3. Anyway, this is the state of mind I have, coming before God today in my morning prayer. . . we also wnat to attend our ward more regularly when the new years' schedule changes, so we can hopefully leave home at the same time as our son going to his singles ward. I yearn for closeness with friends there, but I really expect hardly anything now. I think I was tweaked about what the ward members 'should' do to reach out to my family and me. This hasn't happened at all! So this is reality and the attitude I go back to the ward will be that whatever connection we receive will be a surprise and welcomed. It will probably mostly be connections we initiate because we want to be friendly and have some degree of meaningful relationships. We will see how this all works.
4. Sometimes I also feel more limited in what I am able to do in my mortal life–it seems I am still so busy! I don't know if my mortal capability has decreased because of aging or because I am busier now in the celestial realms and my mortal energy is more drained. I do feel less able to do as much as I was able when I was younger for sure!
5. I do want to be very open and real in my life. I want to drop my 'shoulds' on everybody else and adherence of 'shoulds' that I impose on myself still, making me feel guilty if I don't measure up. I am very much precious in God's sight, even if I just sit on the couch and do nothing all day long! This is true with every child of God in mortality.
Well, enough ruminating! There is a line in the sand in my life now that begins today. I start anew, fresh with my own living and not regretting the past. I can only change what is present and future. Like Scrooge, I will be a better man, filling my mortal time with meaning and service.
6. This morning in my morning prayer, I decided to kneel by the circling waters, next to the bench facing south across the waters and stream. I drank three times from refreshing living waters and felt enlivened and clear in my mind. I then prayed to my Heavenly Parents asking them to come to me. I waited.
I looked over the circling waters and my Heavenly Parents gradually appeared before me! I saw they were happy, had sparkling eternity eyes and seemed so loving and accepting of me! I gazed on them for a minute or two. They each still wore their scarlet red sashes around their waists. They were standing above the water.
7. I opened our conversation by deeply thanking them for coming to me every time I pray in this way. I felt so blessed! I expressed my feeling of weakness and how flawed I felt as a mortal man. I sought for their guidance this morning.
8. Heavenly Father then spoke to me. He asked me to write the words he would give me. I am now ready to record them:
'Raphael, our son, we are glad to come to you in your morning prayer today. You have humbly approached us in the openness of your heart and mind. You have seen your great weaknesses and flaws, part of the mortal experience common to man on earth. This is how we wish all to approach us, their God.
9. You have been learning more about dropping your expectations of the people and organizations around you. These you called the 'shoulds' that you still have of how others are to act. These expectations have caused you pain when not met. You have also called the entire list of 'shoulds' your manual of how to judge others. This, too, you have desired to drop since this doesn't serve you well. We agree fully with these concepts, Raphael. It takes time to reorder your thinking about how you see others and the world around you. You are trying to do this but it is difficult. You are moving in the right direction in your efforts.
10. We desire our beloved children in mortality to see their own flaws and to not judge each other by their preconceived rules of behavior. Everyone of age may and will act as their own agents by their choice in choosing how they want to live. We have designed individual choice and accountability for one's actions to be a vital ingredient of living, whether in the premortal or mortal realms. We do not like when our children mistreat each other because of their individual ways they may live. Religion gives guidelines for living but is not intended to be used to judge each other or shun or label each other.
11. We desire you to continue to drop your expectations of others. It is hard mental work but will result in much less emotional pain. We want you and all our children to be happy and accept whatever love and contribution others may extend to them as a gift. This brings in turn happiness and a contented life.
12. Raphael, part of your angelic role and of the holy angels is to spread love and acceptance of God to our children you serve. This requires you to be fully free of expectations of others and free of judgment. Let our love flow through you in all of your administrations to our children as our conduit of light and peace! Be clear and pure in your own motives and we will be able to work our beautiful act and work we have planned to save our elect in these last days. Through you and our other servants, we will save our children, most of who will be in the most desperate of circumstances. Our love through you will motivate them to fully come unto us, their God.'
13. I felt so very grateful to my Heavenly Father for his deep and meaningful words! I want so much to be their worthy and clear conduit as an angel of God! They have called me to be their angel and I so desire to do so as they have shown me how. I thanked my Father again for this great blessing to hear his counsel today! I committed to drop my expectations and judgments and to let their love and light flow through me, their son.
14. Later, after church–We attended at 1:00 PM a sacrament meeting at an LDS Church in Payson. It was enjoyable singing Christmas carols! I came fasting to church. At the sacrament, I was kneeling before my Heavenly Parents at the circling waters in the celestial world. I prostrated myself before them at the water's edge and made my covenant with my Heavenly Parents after I partook of the bread.
15. Heavenly Mother responded to me:
'Raphael, your Heavenly Father and I accept your covenant to take upon yourself the name of our Beloved Son, to always remember us and to keep our commandments. Raphael, we speak and act through you and the experiences you share in your journals. These all will help and bless the elect and those who believe in us and try to follow our loving ways. In this process you have found more of your flaws and weaknesses, but since you are called, and are humble and open, we will continue to do a great deal of our work through you. Your weaknesses and flaws of mortality do not diminish the power and truthfulness of our words, but only confirm to our people that we can and do act through our servants who are greatly flawed and have weaknesses.'
16. At this time, the priest blessed the water. When it came and I drank, Heavenly Father then spoke to me:
'Raphael, our work, our strange work and our strange act (see Isaiah 28:21 and D&C 101:95) is all performed through our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and our servants. Our servants are weak but we have purposefully called them in their weaknesses. We will thresh the nations by the word of our power through these, our unlearned , despised, and weak of the earth (D&C 35:13, 133:59)
17. The elect will receive our word through you, our holy angels and our servants, until they, too, are able to receive our direction from us more clearly. We work through our servants who are weak, unlearned, and fall short of perfection. The fact that our words and works are delivered through our weak servants also testifies that this work is of God.'
18. I was grateful for my loving Heavenly Parents who love and accept me! I feel very meek and humble! I often wonder how someone so flawed can receive so threat things? I know, however, that God uses us who are weak and such to do the great work they are executing. I promised to do all they direct me to do. I really want to be a clear and clean receptacle for them to work through. All great works they do through me are fully because of their might, power and love, and not at all by anything from me. I want to be a conduit for their full power and love that they shed forth through me to others who may hear.
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 11, 2017 Monday
1. This morning I first went in my prayer to the fountain of living water. I drank and then determined to go to the white gate nearby and visit with Jesus Christ. I was having a hard time with lots and lots of mortal concerns coming into my mind this morning.
2. I came to the white gate and was welcomed in by my Savior, Jesus Christ! He was wearing a scarlet red robe, signifying that he is in the era of cleansing the wicked from the earth. I quickly went on my knees and gazed upon him. I recognized his very soft compassionate eyes and tender face! He extended his hands to me and I held them as I gazed on him.
3. I then thought of the question from M.A. about her blessing those of Satan's group who were sent to the light (Christ) and accepted him as their Redeemer. I asked if she was right in doing energy work to help release their multiple emotional issues. This is what Jesus said to me:
'Raphael, please tell M.A. that the work she is doing for those who come from Lucifer and turn unto me is accepted by them! They are filled with trauma and distress, and her emotional healing work is helping them heal as they repent and change their ways.
4. Her friend who calls these crystalline children is well meaning, but is naming this group the name of another group of God's children. See your journal entry of 11-29-2017 where our Heavenly Father addressed her question about crystalline or indigo children. Your name of 'refugees from Satan' is more appropriate.
5. I have been receiving many millions more of the hosts of Lucifer who have now turned to me, their Savior and Redeemer. These have departed Lucifer's grasp and are now dwelling with their brothers and sisters north of the Great Assembly Hall behind the fir forest. There are many of the healing angels who work tirelessly in blessing them with healing in these celestial realms. They are also being administered to by the resurrected souls who have lived prior to my own resurrection on earth.
6. Lucifer and his die-hard followers are very angry at their defection to our Heavenly Parents and me. Their violence and sinister behavior is only tamed by your active work in removing those who cross the boundaries of behavior we have imposed on them. You have vanquished many tens of thousands to that distant orb, never to come back to the domain of the earth. We will deal with these evil souls at the Day of Judgment.
7. Raphael, you have also come to us, your Gods, in humility and sorrow for your many weaknesses. It is hard for you to accept that we work through you when you have so many flaws in the flesh. I have forgiven you of your inadequacies. Those weaknesses you see in yourself will be made strong to you! You will show and are now showing great love and compassion upon our children, more so than ever before! You feel unlearned in so many things and this is also by our design. We will teach and inspire you. You and our holy angels act as our conduits of light, love, healing and power among our needy children. The more clear and pure you become, the more of our direct light and love comes through you. We are pleased with your efforts!'
8. I humbly thanked my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
I next stood and we embraced. I thanked him again and then turned and walked the narrow path to the tree of life. I held onto the iron rod to my right until I reached the tree of life.
9. There at the tree of life I met my glorious Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother! I fell to my knees and bowed my head in reverence to them. Then Heavenly Father stepped forth and placed his hands on my head. He spoke a blessing to me:
'Raphael, our son, be not so concerned over your many foibles and weaknesses you have, for we will make these strengths to you. Continue to be humble and meek and remember the grace of your Beloved Redeemer in saving you and cleansing you of sin. Look to us, your Heavenly Parents, for all your direction and we will guide you to do all that we have planned. Your involvement in our last days' strange work and act is critical in its execution and fulfillment. Your Heavenly Mother and I will be on your right side and on your left side, so you need not worry or fret.
10. I bless you with more perspective in your mortal conscious mind of the great work you are now doing for us in the celestial realms. Raphael, your activity is very pleasing to us! Take courage and be still and know that we are God! Amen.'
11. I raised my head and gazed into the loving face of my Heavenly Father who had just blessed me! I felt impressed he did so because I have been thinking mostly in my mortal consciousness and not been connecting to my unconscious self in the spiritual realms, not knowing of my activities there.
12. Heavenly Father embraced me and kissed me. I felt his great love and his amazing power and control over all the work he and Heavenly Mother were orchestrating in the world!
I then turned and embraced my Heavenly Mother too. She was beaming with a wide smile! Her light and love was overflowing to me, filling me with beams of brilliant light! All around us–the tree of life and the path that entered the area of the tree were fully illuminated in brilliant white light. I felt so serenely filled with light, love and hope in the future work I would be doing.
13. This is how my morning prayer ended today. My unconscious self is still with my Heavenly Parents as I left them consciously. I feel very much filled now with the love and peace of God, which truly surpasses all understanding. (see D&C 76:114)
I then knelt in my adjacent room in my home and thanked my Heavenly Parents for this glorious vision in my prayer this morning. I do so very much love them!
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 12, 2017 Tuesday
1. This morning I approached the white gate again, with desires to talk with Jesus Christ, my Redeemer. I drank first from the fountain of living waters before approaching the white gate. I entered into the gate that was wide open. I turned and knelt. I gazed then again upon the tender and loving face of Jesus Christ, my Savior and Redeemer!
2. I shared with him my concerns, particularly about my inability to absorb so much information and truths from God in my conscious mind. I also sought to think very positively about my physical body that seems to be aging. I expressed worry that there are times I can't recall names and things. I was worried about dementia effects on my brain, even though I know I am translated. I also feel the effects of inflammation in my physical body. Here are the words of Jesus Christ this new morning as he spoke to me at the white gate:
3. 'Raphael, my son whom I have redeemed, I am glad you have come to me this morning. Last night you and your wife were talking to your oldest son and his wife about the powerful effects of your thoughts. Your thoughts about your own capability, or about the strength and well-functioning of your own body, have a powerful effect. Saying or thinking you are getting old and feeling the effects of old age does not serve you well. Instead, think thoughts like these–
4. "I am reaching the age that my Heavenly Parents wish me to be in my translated mortal body, for my great mission I have before me."
The inflammation and lapses in memory that I have been experiencing are strictly from the telestial food I have been eating. I may choose to eliminate these physical issues by eating known foods that correct these effects in my body."
My thoughts change my view of who I am and who I am becoming. I will continue to review what I have written in my journal from my many experiences with Deity and align my thinking of myself to how God views me and my capabilities."
5. Raphael, it is hard mental work to change one's view of oneself to how we, who are your Gods see you! Don't be too hard on yourself, for these shifts in your mind take time.
We desire to give you experience associated with aging so you can experience and understand the feelings of aging that are common to our children in mortality. The more understanding and compassion you feel for our beloved aged children on earth, the greater ability you will have to serve and bless them.
6. You have completed your last post #63 which is now ready to publish on your website. We accept what you have written. Send it out to those who accept and sustain you as Raphael, our mighty archangel in these last days!'
I thanked my Savior for the strength he and my Heavenly Parents continually give me! I love being in his presence! We momentarily held hands and I exchanged smiles with him, and then turned and walked the narrow path to the beautiful tree of life in the distance.
7. I soon came to this tree and plucked a beautiful glowing white fruit. I also plucked a leaf. I then teleported to the bench just north of the Great Assembly Hall, next to the fir forest. I ate the fruit slowly, thinking of showing greater love and understanding to my wife and family and those I meet and associate with this Christmas season. I then ate the leaf, seeking to fully heal from the inflammation and mental fogginess issues I have experienced recently. I rehearsed in my mind the positive thoughts that Jesus had just said to me.
8. When done eating the fruit and the leaf, I knelt in front of the bench, faced the Great Assembly Hall to my immediate south, and prayed to my Heavenly Parents. I invited them to come commune with me this morning.
9. I then saw them both in the air above the Great Assembly Hall! My replicated celestial body then was whisked up into the sky to meet my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. They were smiling and seemed anxious to share something with me! We then descended into the assembly hall at the front. I immediately saw Jesus Christ at the podium addressing a very vast multitude of people. The hall was very full, filled to capacity it seemed. My Heavenly Parents and I took our place out of view in the top front corner, to the back right side of Jesus (southwest corner).
I listened in to what Jesus was saying. I will write now the words I perceived. I don't even know what group he was talking to! I guess I'll find out soon!
10. From Jesus Christ at the podium:
'My beloved children, I have forgiven you of your sins, your dark works that you have imposed in your past upon those mortals on earth, and those in spirit prison. You are clean before me now!'
I then believed this was the newest group of converts, the latest refugees from Lucifer who had just come to him, their Savior and Redeemer!
Jesus then came to the side of the podium and took his right index finger and dragged it across the floor. There appeared a line across the floor from where he had drawn his finger.
11. He came back to the podium and spoke:
'I have drawn a line on this elevated platform from where I am speaking. This line represents this current moment. On one side of this line is your past and on the other side is your future. You may now continue to dwell in misery with the thoughts and memories of your past. These are filled with great fear, trauma, regret and severe mental and emotional pain.
12. However, you may also think of the present and future, represented by this line and the other side of this line. Here you will find peace, love, hope and anticipation of all that is lovely that will come your way.
13. On which side do you want to dwell in your thoughts? You have choice and power in your mind to choose where you dwell. I have already cleansed you of your sins and past. Look now to the changes that are fully offered to you; look to your future happy life! Don't dwell on your past–only think of that time to determine to be a changed and better person! Accept the love and kindness that our angels and other servants extend to you. Seek to show that love by your actions to all those around you. Take upon you the image of my countenance! Oh, I love you, my ransomed ones!'
14. I saw many in tears of joy in this vast congregation! Jesus then elevated himself above the podium in the air. He extended both of his arms forward. The holy healing angels then filled the hall, also in the air above the refugees who were seated below them. He then spoke:
15. 'My beloved refugees, I bless you through my holy healing angels who are acting as my conduits for your healing. I bless you to release your past and dwell on your present and future happiness. I fill you with hope and love! I bless you with mental and emotional healing. I bless you to have a tender and loving heart. I bless you in every need you may desire.'
16. Jesus then bowed his head. Great light came from him in beams of light to each healing angel. This light then passed through them to the entire seated congregation! As it came upon them, they all stood and seemed to be engulfed in the love of Jesus! This was a remarkable scene of a great outpouring of the love of God, from the Son of God to these changed refugees.
17. I turned then to Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother and spoke:
'Oh my Father and Mother! I thank thee for bringing me here this day to witness such an outpouring of light and love from thy Beloved Son, Jesus Christ!'
18. We then, all three of us, rose up through the ceiling of the Great Assembly Hall into the skies above. Heavenly Mother spoke to me then:
'Raphael, our great love and light will heal anyone who comes to our Beloved Son in the sincerity of their heart! This is the beginning of our great rescue effort in saving our elect, our beloved elect who come unto us, their God!'
19. I was then whisked again to another place, next to my bed where I had been witnessing all of this and writing it all down as I experienced it. I fully believe all that I have been shown today. Oh, I love this great work we are all involved in, in the celestial realms above!
I. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 13, 2017 Wednesday
1. This morning I took time to perceive my Heavenly Parents when they came to me. I was just outside the city of Enoch, facing west to the slopes of the valley before me. It was forested and I was in a grassy field. I was just to the north of the little stream that flowed down the valley slope from Lake Beautiful to Enoch's city.
2. While there, before calling in my Heavenly Parents, I decided to enter the city and pluck a fruit and leaf at the tree of life by the fountain. I had previously drunk living water from the stream. However, it took me awhile to even see the fruit in the tree. When I finally was able to see, I plucked and brought the fruit and leaf to the field just outside the city to the west where I had determined to pray. As I ate the fruit, I sought to be more expressive of my love for my wife, my son and my daughter (my two youngest children). I ate the leaf and sought to have more mental acuity, less inflammation in my body, and to have a very tender heart.
3. I felt I was all ready then to receive my Heavenly Parents. I prayed for them to come to me this morning. They quickly came, but when they came it took me the longest time to see them even though I was gazing upon them! Finally the veil lifted and I saw a very loving and happy Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother! I felt glad that I had prepared well and taken my time to come into their presence!
4. Heavenly Mother spoke to me immediately:
'Raphael, we are very glad to come before you, for you have sought us diligently today and have sought to see our faces before praying to us in open communication.
Raphael, last night you talked with your wife about her coaching call that day. She learned that her belief system for how others should act gets her in emotional pain when others fail to meet her expectations. This is what I wish to talk about today.
5. It is our practice as God to observe how our children act. We watch their actions continually. Those who choose to follow our example and who sincerely seek to learn our ways are those we open up to and reveal ourselves to. These are our elect children.
We don't impose on any of our children a pattern of living they should follow. We live our happy, loving lives and teach them truths. However, in all eternity our children choose for themselves if they accept our teaching and patterns for living a happy life.
6. We also have no beliefs about how our children should act, for they may choose how they want to act. If we had a belief that our child should act a certain way and they choose a different action, we would be disappointed in them. Instead, we have chosen to observe their actions. We say to ourselves that our son or daughter has their freedom of choice and has chosen to act differently than how we have taught them or inspired them. We are then able to suffer no or less emotional pain over their decisions and actions. We really want that our child makes his/her own choice.
7. We love all our children, and to those who choose to follow our promptings and live after our gentle loving ways, we reveal more. Those who choose a different way of living, we allow them to do so, but we generally don't inspire and prompt them as much, for they have already rejected our direction.
8. When our own children come to earth, it is easy for them to establish a belief system or a 'manual' as you may call it, on how other people should act. When their fellow men choose to act differently than this belief system, the one with these beliefs feels some degree of emotional let-down, disappointment and/ or emotional pain, depending on how close that 'offender' is to them. They thus have reason to judge and shun that person. If the person is one in their family, the one with the belief system may be even greatly distraught and upset. If a parent, they say they have taught them better.
9. Our desire is that our children drop all of their beliefs that others should act in certain ways. This belief system always creates pain and is unnecessary. Our children also impose on themselves a belief system of how they should act for themselves. This, too, gets them sometimes in a rigid pattern of living so that they are not open to change or even open to promptings and directions from us, their Heavenly Parents.
10. These concepts of dropping "should beliefs" of how each other and oneself should act are very important. They cause all sorts of conflicts between our children, even wars between nations who hold different should beliefs.
11. Our method: accept that every soul, including adult family members, may choose how they act and what they accept. Love them regardless of what they believe and how they act. Don't impose a belief on them that they should act in any certain way, for they have full choice if they are of age.
12. For yourself, be open and receptive to new and perhaps better ways to see life and to act. This is the openness that we desire, so that we may guide and inspire you. Don't be rigid in your views and behavior. Always test all that you do to see if it is inspired by God and not devils or others who are misguided. All of our children may be able to discern between truth and error, light and darkness, happiness and misery. We give each of our children their agency so they may choose what they want. For those who want to live like us, their God, we will lead them along as they follow our whisperings and directions. We find those who are most open, with no preconceived ideas of where we will lead them, are those who are most malleable and progress fastest towards being like us.
13. I will give you more directions on this concept of dropping all of your should beliefs in the near future. Please think on these things and seek to look at your own thoughts to see what should beliefs you may have. Ask whether these are serving you or not. If they benefit you, for yourself or others, they may be able to bless your life and thus create minimal pain when others do not follow them. However, you will find that most or all will need to be dropped if you continue to choose to seek greater happiness and joy in your life. All of these should beliefs reside only in your thoughts and none are part of reality.'
I was 'wowed' by her words! I have a lot of misaligned should beliefs I believe. I plan to evaluate these beliefs and try to rid myself of those that don't serve me well. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her immense wisdom and her loving words!
J. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 14, 2017 Thursday
1. This morning I woke early. My wife had already gone to the front room so I was alone. I started meditating and seeking to come into communion with my Heavenly Parents.
I felt to drink of living water from Heavenly Father's river that left the fountain of living water going north. I then felt I needed to go to the high mountaintop above Heavenly Mother's upper garden area.
I arrived there and knelt facing north. My Heavenly Parents both came to me. I gazed into their loving faces until I could see their eyes, their smiles and know of their acceptance for me.
2. I opened my mouth and spoke:
'My loving Heavenly Parents, I am so glad to be in thy presence today! I am thankful to hear from thee and be guided by thee. I ask thee to please bless my wife, my son and my daughter living with us, with healing. I pray that I may be a conduit of thy healing blessings upon them in anyway I may help. I also pray for the blessing of my other children, their spouses and my grandchildren. I pray for their healing too, that they may be blessed in abundance in their lives. May I also be a loving conduit of thy healing power and blessings in their lives, from the celestial realms, unseen to them.
3. I now wait upon thee, Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, for thy words. I am curious why I have met thee on this high mountaintop in the celestial world?'
I then waited and listened. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me. As she spoke I was taken into a time and place long ago, into the lives of my Heavenly Parents when they first had become a God and Goddess. She spoke:
4. 'Raphael, when we first became Gods together as a couple, we lived on our inheritance of the earth that we had dwelled upon in mortality. We decided to bear our first spirit child. We therefore traveled into the place in space where intelligences were located so that we could choose these to become our sons and daughters.
5. We wondered how we could ever choose one who would become our chosen Redeemer of our first eternity. We asked for guidance from our own Heavenly Parents. They guided us in how to see these intelligences, their propensities for choosing good over evil and their wanting to be true and faithful to us. Our Heavenly Parents guided us in the selection of our first eight children who were to become our first eight sons. These became our chosen Redeemer and our seven male archangels for our first eternity.
6. At this point, our Heavenly Parents taught us again that we really could not have any control over the behavior of our beloved and newly birthed spirit sons, only by the love we showed them. Our sons had full agency and choice to do as they wished. We taught them our loving ways and each responded in desiring to follow our teachings. We guided them and they obeyed, not by any control on our part, but because we loved them and taught them truth and they chose to follow. Our own Heavenly Parents also had told us that we could have no belief at all that they should act in certain ways. They needed full freedom to fully act as they desired.
7. All of our sons followed our ways and us. These sons became our first leaders in our first eternity. They were followed by the birth of our next faithful seven daughters who became our female archangels. These, too, followed our ways and fully embraced the truths we taught them. These also became our leaders in our first eternity.
8. We then bore billions of spirit children in that eternity. We held no should beliefs for these that they should act in any certain way. We taught them truth and showed them the happy life we led. Most followed our ways to some degree, but some rejected this, thinking they could find lasting contentment in other ways. We wanted each to freely choose what they desired. We loved each one deeply! In the end of that eternity, we rewarded each one to the level of lasting happiness we could, based on their actions. Those who followed us became like us, ultimately living their lives as Gods. We had rewarded each to varying degrees of glory and some to no glory at all, based on their choices.
9. We have since experienced eternity after eternity, doing the same process of having children and rewarding them based on their free will choices. In all of these we have never imposed any belief system of what they should act like, for this was their precious gift we gave them, to choose for themselves what they wanted to do and how they wanted to act. We encouraged them to follow us and our loving ways that would bring to them the most happiness and peace they could ever receive. We loved them all and delighted in those who followed our ways. However, we loved all of them and accepted their choices.
10. Raphael, I am telling you all of this and showing you these events in our own lives to help you learn that you would be happiest if you drop every one of your should beliefs. We desire you to never impose a 'should' on any of the family, friends, or any people you may associate with. Instead, rejoice in the blessing that they may choose for themselves how they will act. If they choose differently than you, it is their choice. Their decision will then not cause you nearly the emotional pain than had you imposed a belief that they should act in a different way.
This is a key of happy living: drop every should belief of how you think others and yourself should act!
11. As far as any should beliefs of how you yourself should act, this too limits your happiness. If you restrict your future choices by a belief of how you should act, then you will not be open sufficiently to new vistas of living and truths that may come your way. You live by principles you have fully adopted in your life, like honesty, desire to know truth, and openness. These will be better than restrictive should beliefs.
Think on these things Raphael! It takes time to transition to a new thought process that I have described to you today. I will talk to you more about this in the future.'
12. I was so very thankful to receive these truths from my Heavenly Mother today! I have much to ponder. This concluded my prayer this morning.
When I checked my email, my oldest son, who had just become accredited as an Emotion Code practitioner, wrote and said he had worked a lot on our injured son, for improving his body systems. I felt like I was also an unseen conduit for God's healing through my oldest son to bless our younger son. This was a very immediate answer to my plea this morning in my prayer!
13. Later at night prayer: I met my Heavenly Parents at the maple tree grove. I felt so blessed to be in their presence. I talked to them about my sincere desire to drop all of my 'should beliefs' about others and myself. Heavenly Mother said she would address me about this more in the morning. I so, so appreciate her gentle and clear teachings! She is really the best one that could teach me with all her vast experience over the many eternities she has lived through! I am very excited to change to the man she wants me to become!
K. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 15, 2017 Friday
1. This morning I went to the lake at God's Loving Healing Center. I drank living water from the lake and then knelt in front of a bench facing south, looking over the lake. I prayed for my Heavenly Parents to come. I then waited. I saw a bright person on top of the switchback path who soon zipped right in front of me! Heavenly Mother soon was before me a little above the ground. She said this to me:
'Raphael, please stand and let's walk around the lake! Your Heavenly Father won't be here today–just me.'
I stood and took her extended hand in my left hand and then said:
'Mother, I am so very glad to be in thy presence; there is no where else I would rather be!'
'Raphael, I will talk to you more about your beliefs this morning. Please write in your journal in your room while I talk to you as we walk.'
I then got off my knees in my room and have written to this point. Here is what I feel impressed that she shared with me this morning:
3. 'Raphael, my son, the lessons about dropping one's should beliefs, either for others or for oneself, is difficult to hear sometimes, and more difficult to implement into one's life. You have been eager and open to change so that is why I am sharing with you these principles. All who want to become as I am, or as your Heavenly Father and Jesus, will necessarily also need to drop all expectations and should beliefs.
4. Some might also be unaware what a belief system is. It is a belief that others or yourself should act in a certain preconceived way. It might be easy to see how this is important towards others, but misunderstood for oneself. I will explain this more.
5. As you learn our loving ways, you see how we love and serve our children in any way that will enhance and bless their lives, particularly in the long-term. All our actions are based on love. Love is action to serve and bless another. Love is the motivating emotion that is behind all that we do.
6. Sometimes our child who is seeking to become like us builds a belief system for themself of how they should think and act. This is different than character traits they may have developed, like honesty, integrity, love, gentleness, etc. The should beliefs of how our child thinks he/she should act usually restricts them, making what they do limited to a narrow range of actions. He/she often expects a certain behavior of themselves, like always attending church, always paying tithing, always thinking in certain patterns, and an endless array of ways and shoulds of living and acting. When he/she prays to us, there is not the openness to change that we so much desire in our son or daughter. If we give a prompting to do something different, this is often rejected as a notion that it could never be from God, for it doesn't match the should belief system of that son or daughter.
7. When we inspired Nephi to slay Laban, he struggled with his belief system of never killing a man before and of always keeping the basic Ten Commandments where it says "thou shalt not kill." However, Nephi broke through his own restrictive should beliefs and followed the prompting. As the spirit of God, I reasoned with him until he dropped his preconceived way of thinking and slew Laban. In turn, he caused one man to perish but saved a future nation from dwindling and perishing in unbelief. (see 1 Nephi 4:13)
8. In order to lead you to vistas and heights we desire, we need you to drop all of your personal should beliefs you've constructed in your mind on how you are to act. We require you, as our holy archangel, to act fully from our promptings and directions without hesitation.
9. If we instruct you to travel to the sun and command the sun to create solar flares and coronal mass ejections, we want you to unhesitantly act as we direct. If we want you to speak to a large group of new believers in the Great Assembly Hall, we want you to stand up and start speaking, awaiting our inspiration of what to say. If we want you to do anything, we want you to act immediately. We generally won't tell you our plans beforehand, but require a humble and willing mind and heart with immediate obedience.
10. Raphael, through you much of our work, our strange work, and our act, our strange act, will be revealed to the world in these last days. The manner in how we will execute these events will surprise you, but afterwards will make perfect sense. You cannot harbor any belief system of how you should act, but fully rely on our direction. You know our voice and recognize that it is either Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ or myself who speaks to you. Trust in us in all humility (see D&C 19:30) and we will lead you to spiritual vistas beyond your greatest comprehension! You live in a time when "nothing shall be withheld". (D&C 121:28).'
11. Heavenly Mother then turned to me, placed her hands on my shoulders and spoke:
'Oh Raphael, we have such great things to reveal through you to the faithful! We know you will be open and willing to act and do all we give you and our holy angels! Oh, how we delight in you and love you!'
She drew me close and kissed and embraced me, her son! I felt full of joy and light, to even overflowing! I promised to drop my rigid beliefs, to be open and fully malleable to hear and act on their every word!
12. Heavenly Mother then rose up in the air in a bright beam of light and power! She was met by my Heavenly Father who took her hand above me. He then spoke:
'Raphael, our son, all that you have written in your journal about what your loving Mother has said is accurate and true! Watch my son, and be ready!'
13. With that they both together rose further into the skies and were soon departed! I am more determined now to drop all expectations and beliefs that I have and to ever watch and listen for their words and commands. Oh, how I want to do as they direct me!
L. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 16, 2017 Saturday
1. This morning I prayed in the birch tree grove, on the slopes of the valley leading to Enoch's city. I drank from the little stream flowing before me from Lake Beautiful. I prayed then for my Heavenly Parents to come. I waited. I then saw a path on the north side of the stream that came from the west, from the lake above me to my left. My Heavenly Parents came down this path walking hand in hand. Soon they were before me and I gazed into their happy faces. I felt so blessed to be again in their presence!
2. I asked them if my conversation with my wife about my daughter-in-law was appropriate yesterday. It had seemed to us that she had motives that were somewhat selfish and wasn't thinking of the better good of her husband and family. I asked if when I discuss people (in this case my daughter-in-law) in the privacy of our conversations as husband and wife, if I was judging my her inappropriately or not. Heavenly Father then answered me:
3. 'Raphael, you did not talk judgingly of your daughter-in-law yesterday but were together trying to decide why she acted in the manner you both observed. There is no inappropriateness in this, nor sin in doing so. As a married couple, this is normal to discuss your observations of others. In the course of your discussion, you mentioned several times that she has full choice to act however she desires. This was the basis of all of your conversation. You should evaluate actions of others as you may determine their character and trust level you have with them. This type of conversation is necessary to have as a couple and in sharing your feelings together.
4. Raphael, your Heavenly Mother and I often talk together about you, our son, and how you act. We determine how fast and what we may share with you based on our observations of your actions. We do this for all our children, particularly our elect, whom we have chosen. As you respond to our direction and gentle guidance, we extend more to you. In this process, there is a judgment on our part of your status and progression and character. These types of discussions are very necessary for married couples on earth too, for them to maintain a loving, happy and close marriage. Your Heavenly Mother and I never allow ourselves, however, to wish that our child should act in a way we believe they should act. Our child has full choice to decide for themselves what they do and if they choose to follow our enticings and promptings. We fully want to observe how they act and give appropriate responses to them in the hopes of having them accept our lead and direction. We desire to give the greatest happiness to our child that they are willing to accept. Our child chooses the degree of happiness they ultimately receive by their actions.'
5. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his understandable words. I told him that I am sincerely trying to very much please them, my Heavenly Parents, in all the actions I choose and the way I live. I asked them to guide me in ways that would best help me become more and more like them.
I next asked about myself, my replicated celestial self, with my unconscious mind that was praying before them. Was this my replicated self, an exact duplication of my self on earth except with my mortal conscious mind?
6. Heavenly Mother answered and asked that I write her response.
'Raphael, your replicated self that is kneeling before us in this birch tree grove is exactly yourself, replicated in every way. For example, you have a growing beard here and one also in mortality, exactly the same. However, your celestial replicated self here before us is fully aware of all the happenings in our surroundings in this celestial world. You see us clearly standing and communicating before you.
7. However, your mortal self is limited to perceiving us only through the connection you have to your unconscious mind. The better your conscious mind-unconscious mind connection is, the more clearly you will perceive us and your surroundings here in heaven, the paradise of God.
8. In order to connect to your unconscious mind in mortality, you need to be in a meditative and quiet state, as you have observed. This allows the connections in your mind to link together and be more one together. This is how we are able to lead and direct you in mortality. I am now speaking to your unconscious mind, which in turn is connected to your mortal conscious mind, and then you are able to write in your journal my words. We have not fully lifted this veil from your unconscious mind, but as you come to us in a sincere and meditative state, we come to your replicated being in our own world, the celestial world above.
9. Because it takes great effort on the part of our mortal child to connect to us in this way, we are able to see how determined they are to be with us. We bless and reward these efforts, however small, with an increase of our spirit and influence in their lives. All is based on how sincere, humble and persistent they are in approaching us, their Gods.
10. Raphael, you have been determined to be with us, seeking our face each time you pray. You have not started praying without first connecting to us, which is the vital connection to your unconscious mind and replicated self who dwells among us in these celestial realms. As you persist, we will continue to open to you more and more of our revelations and reveal more of our works through you!'
I thanked Heavenly Mother for all she shared with me. I feel like I wrote this accurately, all according to what she said to my mind. I feel so grateful for their closeness to me, their son.
M. R's Personal Journal Entry, December 17, 2017 Sunday
1. In my prayer last night, I was before my Heavenly Parents. I asked them more about dropping my should beliefs. Heavenly Mother spoke to me:
'Raphael, dropping one's should beliefs for oneself does not mean dropping one's character, like honesty, love, gentleness, kindness, long-suffering, obedience to God, and many more traits and core attributes. It does mean, however, dropping one's beliefs that he/she should think and do certain things because it's always been done that way. It also means to be open to change in whatever we ask or require. These are in areas where our child thinks and acts, such as thinking the same thoughts, in interacting with people in the same ways as has always been, and in following actions one has always done. These are founded in the should beliefs of our child that often become automatic and unchallenged.
2. We desire our children to be so open that they will change any practice if we ask them to change. Some of these may be deep-seated beliefs whose change has never been evaluated or considered. How can we mold our children if they are so tight in their personal should beliefs? We love to work with those like yourself who are very open and malleable to our every prompting.'
3. I felt gratified in her answer to me last night. I want to be just like God wants me to be, in my thoughts, emotions and actions1 I want to change as quickly as possible. I want to receive all they have planned to reveal to me, as fast as I am able to change myself and accept.
This morning I awoke a little before our ward's sacrament meeting. I left our home with my wife to our early meeting at 9:00 AM while our son still slept.
We sang Christmas songs, and for the sacrament from hymn 195 "How Great the Wisdom and the Love." During this hymn, I found myself on the eastern shores of Lake Beautiful in heaven, on a path that went around that part of the lake. I was standing, facing south. When we started singing verse 4, I saw Jesus Christ, my Savior, coming down the path from the south.
4. The 4th verse:
"He marked the path and led the way
and every point defines
To light and life and endless day
where God's full presence shines."
5. Jesus was on the path coming towards me, just as the hymn states. I fell on my knees before him. He stopped in front of me. As we finished the hymn, Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother then came on the path too and came to the sides of Jesus, Heavenly Father on his left and Heavenly Mother on his right.
The priest then offered the sacrament prayer for the bread. I made my covenant with the three Gods before me. I waited then for the bread.
6. After I partook of the bread, Heavenly Father spoke to me:
'Raphael, we accept the covenant you have made this day, to take upon you the name of Jesus Christ, our Beloved Son, to always remember us, and to keep our commandments.
We have revealed to you a very great key for your happiness this week. This great key is to drop all of your should beliefs of how others and yourself should act.'
7. At that moment, the priest offered the prayer on the water. Heavenly Mother then spoke to me:
'Raphael, we have revealed to you another great key for your ultimate happiness. This key allows you to personally commune with us, your God, so that we may guide you with revelation.
8. The key to praying to us is to come to us in a meditative state, seeking to see our face. In doing so, you activate your unconscious mind so that in your mortal conscious mind you may see our faces and know that we live. This takes persistence and effort. We desire our children to approach us in their personal prayers in this way, waiting until they connect to us and see our face. (see D&C 93:1)
9. This key and the one about dropping should beliefs will allow children to come back into our presence and allow us to lead them to great levels of happiness and peace! As they persist, all that we have will be given to them.'
I thanked my Heavenly Parents for their kindness and love they always extend to me. Then the meeting started again and the sacrament was over.
After we came home, I had my morning prayer. I came to the same path on the eastern shores of Lake Beautiful. My three Gods were still there before me and I was kneeling.
10. I waited upon them. Heavenly Father then spoke to me:
'Raphael, write all of your experiences from today and share it on your next webpost. Have today's journal entry be the last one for this post.'
I then started writing in my journal."