58. Darkness is Encroaching
Posted 9-22-2017

My beloved mortal angels,

I have just been told to send to you another website post, only days after the last one! Please read this and pray about it, particularly what I wrote in my last journal entry. Please verify of its truthfulness as spoken by Jesus Christ and Heavenly Mother today, September 22nd, 2017.

Today is a very dark afternoon, with dark clouds and drizzle in my area. The temperature is dropping and we will need to blanket our many tomato and pepper plants to keep them from freezing. I feel a heaviness in the air. It is as if Satan and his hosts have hunkered down with more intrusion on us, and with more evil pressure on us here on earth.

I will continue to pray for each of you. I ask also that you pray for me and for my clarity in these dark days on the earth in which we live.

Much love!


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. R's Personal Journal Entry, 9-20-2017 Wednesday

1. I sent the post out late last night. I feel relieved to have done so. In my prayer last night and this morning, I have felt my Heavenly Parents acceptance of it. I also felt their presence this morning by the little stream going down to the city of Enoch where I met them. My sister K has helped me immensely in editing this and the other posts. She greatly helps me.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, 9-21-2017 Thursday

1. Yesterday M.A. , one of the email recipients of my post, emailed me saying she was confused about what I said about the names of Christ: Immanuel, Jehovah and Jesus Christ, and when they were given/changed. I made a mistake in my post and wrote her about it right away. I also changed the post to reflect the truth, with a note before the changes. I had forgotten all about the name of Immanuel! I think now that there was so much coming at me that I neglected stating the correct names of Christ during the right period of time. I also feel a need to re-read my own posts from the beginning. So often I just write it and then move on, and don't look back. This is a mistake, for I need to keep in my memory all the wonderful things I have learned from my Heavenly Parents.

2. What I did last night, as I prepared myself for prayer, was to go to the white gate. I met Jesus Christ who opened the gate wide before me. Here is our conversation:

Q– Was thy birth name in the premortal life 'Immanuel'?
A– Yes

Q– Was this name changed to 'Jehovah' when thou wast announced as the Redeemer of mankind by the Father, before all of God's children, and when Lucifer rebelled?
A– Yes

Q– Is the name 'Jesus Christ' the mortal name thou wast given once thou wast born in the flesh?
A– Yes

3. Q– What name dost thou prefer to be named and addressed?
A– 'Raphael, I prefer my name of Jesus Christ, for this is the name during the period that I was born into mortality, overcame death and hell, and then been resurrected. I had not completed this great mission when I was named Immanuel or later named Jehovah.'

4. After Jesus Christ gave me this clarifying word, I felt so happy to have been corrected and enlightened, by what M.A. had said, and by the words of Jesus Christ himself. I feel very weak and simple-minded at times like this, which I believe is good for me. There are other times I feel very empowered. I realize that I am but a man, and have weaknesses, like my memory or lack of connection to my unconscious mind. This causes errors like calling the Redeemer 'Jehovah' instead of 'Immanuel' at the time he was only named Immanuel.

5. I feel this is ok, however. I know that I am imperfect, and that God is fine with that too. They do, however, still choose me to receive great revelations! I am content to be just a man who makes mistakes, and yet receives great revelations when the Spirit of God quickens me.

6. I feel this is also a good test and experience for those who sustain me. I believe I can easily stand being corrected by one of them too. I actually only want to know the truth, and to reveal in the process all of my foibles and weaknesses. This experience keeps me meek and lowly before God and man I hope!

7. When I prayed this morning, I felt to be on the steps of the great assembly hall, facing northeast. I prayed for Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus Christ to come. They came in glory before me!

Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother wore scarlet-red sashes, and Jesus Christ wore an entire robe colored scarlet-red. I gazed into their faces and was happy.

I expressed to them my great weaknesses, and that I marveled that I could be in their presence so frequently. I felt humbled yet so enlightened by their presence! I then waited upon God.

8. Heavenly Father then spoke to me. Here are his words, as best I recall, that he spoke to my mind in my prayer:

'Raphael, we have engineered the experience of you confusing the names of our Beloved Son at different times that his name has been changed. This has served to show you and those who sustain you, of the weaknesses of our children on earth, even one whom we have chosen to have such great responsibilities as you. We prefer to work with the humble and meek, like yourself who make mistakes due to their flesh. This was also the case with the prophet Joseph Smith, when we required those who sustained him to do so in all patience and faith.

9. D&C 21:4-5–

"Wherefore, meaning the church, thou shalt give heed unto all his words and commandments which he shall give unto you as he receiveth them, walking in all holiness before me;

For his word ye shall receive, as if from mine own mouth, in all patience and faith."

10. We are wearing scarlet-red sashes, and Jesus Christ is wearing a scarlet-red robe. This is because of the tribulations coming upon the world. Many will die, yet this is the plan and work of God. However, man and the governments of men plan many of the calamities. We use natural and man-made disasters for our purposes in cleansing the wicked. Vengeance is ours, which brings tribulations upon mankind.

11. Today begins Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year that initiates ten days of repentance. It will be concluded by Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement on September 30th, 2017. After this, the people who haven't repented, who will be most of mankind, will be open for the vengeance of God. We will then come out upon the wicked, or the unrepentant, who do not come unto us.

Watch therefore, and continue to be humble and prayerful, and be ready!'

12. I thanked my Heavenly Father for his words. I tried to write as best I could. I knew my heart was right with God. They then all three rose up in the air and vanished from before me.

I felt I had written what he had said clear enough for the message he wanted to convey. I feel very blessed!

13. Later:
Throughout the day and since Sunday I have been listening to an audio book of 'Visions of Glory' by John Pontius. I had arrived in the narrative at the point in the conference center when Joseph Smith and the Savior, Jesus Christ appeared.

I was confused, wondering why the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was still intact, particularly after so many general authorities in Spencer's narrative died in the floods, plagues and such. I had seen differently than Spencer, that Joseph Smith would set the church in order and reorganize the Church of Christ, as it was in the beginning of this dispensation.

14. My wife went to get A. at the bus stop, and I was alone for a short time. I immediately went to the bedroom and knelt down. I quickly drank from the living waters, the fruit and leaf of the tree of life, and then went to the birch tree grove on the side of the valley hill, in the celestial world. I prayed that my Heavenly Parents would come to me, which they did. They came from my left side, and soon I was kneeling before them! I looked into their eyes so gentle and happy with me.

15. I asked about the discrepancy between what 'Visions of Glory' said would happen, and what I had seen myself about the LDS Church being replaced with a restored Church of Christ. I then waited upon God.

16. Heavenly Mother responded to me. I will write what she said, as best I recall:

'Raphael, the 'Visions of Glory' was written from the notes John Pontius gathered from interviewing Spencer. What was recorded about the LDS Church was not how it actually happened. Here's what will happen in the conference center: Joseph Smith will spend time releasing the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and therefore all other officers in the LDS Church. He then will call new mortal members of the Twelve Apostles in the Church of Christ, which he then will restore as in the beginning. This will be done by virtue of his priesthood and the keys he holds as the head of this dispensation.

17. The vision that Spencer received was changed for him from what actually happened, and the actual events that happened were different. This was done to protect Spencer in part, in his continued good standing in the LDS Church. We also did not want this information revealed to the world just yet, at the time of publication of the book. However, the account in 'Visions of Glory' is correct in other aspects of that future meeting in the conference center, with what Joseph Smith will say, and the appearance of Jesus Christ standing up in the meeting and blessing each person who attended.'

18. I thanked my Heavenly Mother for her enlightenment! I am planning to pray more about this, for it is very key to my understanding of the transition from the LDS Church to the Church of Christ.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, 9-22-2017 Friday

1. Today is the second day of Rosh Hashanah. This begins ten days of repentance for sins committed in the previous year. I plan to think deeply about this and to repent and focus my energies to more godly ways. This is what Jews celebrate as the end of one year (yesterday) and the start of the new year (today). It is thought of by the Jews as the day God created Adam and Eve, and serves as a time to celebrate the creation of the universe.

2. At the end of ten days comes Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. This is considered the holiest day in the Jewish calendar, spent in prayer and fasting. After this day, those who do not repent are considered ready to receive the judgment of God.

This morning I have felt a heaviness of heart. I had some doubts of what great things I have received. I wondered about my revelations. I then thought of the great things I have received–and they brought me great consolation and joy in their truths.

3. I drank of the living water at the fountain of living water in front of the temple in heaven. I could feel light infusing into my mind as I drank three times.

I then walked to the white gate from the fountain of living waters. When I touched the gate, I saw Jesus Christ on the other side of the gate, with my celestial spiritual eyes. He spoke to me:

4. 'Raphael, I am glad to see you this morning! Ever since the meetings last week in the assembly hall, those in the celestial realms who are helping save the elect of God are now on the earth. These are very actively helping guide the elect of God.

5. However, Satan and his hosts have also met in their meetings of darkness, and have re-doubled their efforts in causing darkness and evil to spread in your world. They are surrounding each mortal angel as well, and also the elect of God and the 144,000 as they are made known to them. The heaviness of darkness you have felt is from Satan and his hosts who are working against you and those others that they seek to destroy, neutralize and discourage.

6. In preparing for your daily prayers, come to this white gate and meet with me. I will tell you what you may need to do to be strengthened in your conscious mind, and in the mortal life you lead. I will help you also shed the darkness that keeps trying to encroach upon you, all coming from the power of the adversary. No longer go to the other two trees of life in heaven, but come by this way so I may strengthen you on your journey to partake of the tree of life, its fruit and leaf. This is something I want to do for all the mortal angels also.

7. Those who support you will also feel the oppressions of the adversary, even from Lucifer and the fallen angels who still believe in his ways of force and deceit. Those mortal angels who are not sustaining you now are more prone to the influences of Satan, and are temporarily lulled asleep by the adversary.

8. In order to stay awake and alert, and to gain the presence of our Heavenly Parents, even Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, come through this white gate each time you prepare to pray. Pray morning and night, at least two times a day. Continue to seek our face, and we will come unto you.

9. Great is your work ahead of you, Raphael! As you do these things, we will strengthen you in all of your work in the celestial realms, and connect your conscious mind more and more to your unconscious, glorious celestial self who works in these celestial realms. Such also is my message for all the mortal angels who sustain you.'

10. I thanked my Savior very much for his clear direction today. I told him I would come through this white gate from now on, preparatory to partaking of the fruit and leaf of the tree of life, and before I came into the presence of my Father and Mother.

I next walked to the tree of life along the straight and narrow path. Its sides were steep and treacherous it seemed today. The path was extremely narrow, requiring that I look at the path as I walked so that I wouldn't slip and fall.

I ultimately came to the tree of life. I partook of the fruit and of the leaf under the canopy of that safe tree. I felt refreshed and prepared to approach my God, and enter into their presence.

11. When fully prepared for my prayer, I went to the bench next to the circling waters, in Heavenly Mother's upper gardens. I prayed with uplifted hands, for my Father and Mother to come.

I then saw them come in glory from the skies above, and gradually descend in front of me. They looked firm and resolute in their faces.

12. Before I said anything, my Heavenly Mother spoke to me:

'Raphael, our son, what our Beloved Son has just spoken to you is true. We desire you and each mortal angel who sustains you, to come through the white gate each time you pray, and receive strength from Jesus Christ. Walk the narrow path and partake of the fruit and leaf of the tree of life, prior to coming into our presence. This effort, and also drinking of the living water, will strengthen you sufficiently to come into our glorious presence. We will then guide and direct you.

13. Raphael, share this with the mortal angels who support you in a new post on your website. The darkness is encroaching around each one, and they need to be made strong!'

With that, Heavenly Mother stepped forward and embraced me! I felt her great concern, her love, and her focus upon us in this great work of helping the mortal angels save themselves and the elect of God.

14. She stepped back, and Heavenly Father embraced me! He exuded a feeling of calm and assurance that the holy angels and I would be fully protected as we followed the instructions from Jesus Christ and Heavenly Mother.

He then backed up, and both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother returned in glory into the skies above the circling waters. This was my entire prayer this morning, and a very important message today! I will seek to type this up today and send out a new post as soon as possible!"

15. When I sent this post to my sister K this morning, she sent these words back to me, along with a few edits:

'R, when I prayed this morning I asked if there was anything I needed in preparation for what is coming. This thought came to me from Heavenly Father: "There is no way to prepare for that which is to come except your faith and relationship to us."

This is unsettling!'