5. More Details about Complete Healings

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The story continues. . .

5. More Details about Complete Healings:
During these three days, I go into much more detail about Complete Healings and how it affects my body. If I push myself to my energy work 'threshold' level, then I only feel tired and not headachy or ill. I have tried to do this every day, and to understand how to increase the amount of Complete Healings I can do without becoming ill. I explore how fast I can improve, and my belief that there will be a time a few months out when I can do unlimited Complete Healings without any physical issues at all! I give lots of details too, including some of my calculations which I hope won't overwhelm the non-numbers persons reading this! All the names of the clients I worked on have also been changed.

Summary of Journal Entries below:
8-7-2015, Friday: I have been dividing up a Complete Healing on a client over 4 days, since the effort to do so in one day would do me in! My goal would be to become very accustomed to doing lots of healing gifts without becoming ill in any way. I also give some early responses of for those I have done Complete Healings.

8-8-2015, Saturday: I continued being occupied with finding the details of Complete Healings and how they affect me and my client. There are more details about the healing stone being lit up, and how I was able to get to my threshold level each day.

8-9-2015, Sunday: I came up with my prioritized listing of how to get up to my energy work threshold each day. I also determined that when I worked up to 5,000 healing gifts per day (estimated to be the first week of December), I would then be able to do unlimited amounts of Complete Healings. I surmise an optimal path for healing angels to improve in being able to do Complete Healings. I have a direct communication with God during the sacrament where he confirms that prayer and determined practice will lead the healing angel to increased capability and being able to do unlimited numbers of Complete Healings per day.

I also had a unique experience while participating in a priesthood healing blessing. During this time I saw myself doing a Complete Healing at the same time the priesthood blessing was finishing up.

Finally, I report the first person who was awakened as a healing angel (helped by me) during an unconscious awakening session with God on July 5th, 2015.

A. R's Personal Journal Entry 8-7-2015, Friday

1. I went to bed last night feeling tired, but awoke well-rested. I decided to finish up John's Complete Healing for his anoxic brain injury.

I started this last Tuesday (4 days ago), and for the past four days have been doing Complete Healing in pieces, over a 4-day period. Initially, I tested if I could do this entire Complete Healing at once for John, and I felt I would severely overtax myself. I then tested how many days I should divide up the healing. It was to be done in 4 pieces I felt. So here is what I did:

(His brain injury was on Dec 21, 2011)
Tuesday: 273 past healings for the 2011 and 2012 years
Wednesday: 263 past healings, for 2011-2013 years
Thursday: 333 past healings, for 2011-2014 years
Friday: 323 past healings, for 2011-2015 years, 1 present healing, and 18 future healings for 7 weeks ahead (September 25, 2015)

Total healing gifts for John: 1,211

Since John's injury over 3 1/2 years ago, and going out 7 weeks is 1,372 days total, with 1.211 healing gifts over those days. This is a little over 6 healing gifts per week average!

I also feel that these last few days have pushed me, and that I am at my threshold in doing energy work without getting a headache or sick in some way. I do feel fatigued, but I can handle this. When I energy test my current threshold in doing energy work, it is 340 healing gifts per day and 7 awakenings of healing angels for today.

I also wanted to see if I am improving in how much energy work I can handle, and the answer was 'yes'! Here is what I energy tested for my energy work threshold the past 4 weeks:

4 weeks ago: 130 healing gifts + 6 healing angel awakenings
3 weeks ago: 180 healing gifts + 6 healing angel awakenings
2 weeks ago: 250 healing gifts + 7 healing angel awakenings
1 week ago: 300 healing gifts + 7 healing angel awakenings
now: 340 healing gifts + 7 healing angel awakenings

2. I expect that I can continue making improvements in my energy work threshold before I get a headache or become ill. I feel the only way to improve this threshold is to continue practicing and trying to push myself, and prayer.

My goal would be to become very accustomed to doing lots of healing gifts without becoming ill in any way. I can find out if I can do a certain Complete Healing through prayer and/or energy testing.

I did a Complete Healing for Alaina on 7-29-2015 (Wed) for her adrenals and adrenal exhaustion. Her condition had caused her to hardly sleep at all. I then redid Alaina's remedy chart which I had volunteered to do earlier. When I retested her chart, I noticed that her adrenal remedies dropped right off or became very low. Then she wrote me yesterday, saying the following: 'I'm happy to report I have been sleeping rather consistently for a week. Can't say I've had that since before High School.'

I also did Complete Healing for Natalie for her eyeball injury. She too reported on 7-28-2015: 'My eye is feeling 10x better today than it did yesterday. Even after you did energy work on me, it felt better.' I am waiting to hear how her other issues I worked on are doing. . .

I also did healing for Joan, for her sinus infection which was brewing. Normally she would be down for a few days with a bad sinus infection. However, it greatly dissipated overnight which was a surprise to her.

3. (later, 10:10 pm) I have been pretty tired today–like I want to do projects but don't have hardly any spunk to get started. Yesterday I did a simple task for 1/2 hour and I started sweating like crazy from my forehead! I usually don't break a sweat so easily.

Anyway, I have been pretty lethargic this week. I tested today and I helped awaken 7 healing angels by the end of the day too! This was the most I have done and I have never tested that I have done so many. All this on the heels of 342 healing gifts from this morning. I would say I have been maxed out today and I feel it. However, I didn't get a headache or become ill in any way–just tired. I am grateful to God whom I believe strengthened me.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry 8-8-2015, Saturday

1. This morning I awoke refreshed. I am so happy for sleep! I went to bed exhausted, a little cranky from all the energy work I had done yesterday I believe. We had a heavy rainstorm which blew off and it is now clear outside. Sleep does this to our souls too–brings out the sunshine in our spirits.

I did Complete Healings on three people this morning when I first awoke. I was trying to reach my threshold healing gifts of 340.

I did Roberta for her frozen shoulder (236 healing gifts total), Jane for her depression, sadness, unhappiness, suffering for the 'whole world' (59 healing gifts total), and Martha for getting over a bad relationship (28 healing gifts). This is a total of 318 healing gifts so far. I will not try to add more I think. I know I will also have more healing angel awakenings too during the day.

I just want to practice, practice, practice–and have success in Complete Healings. As I do more, I believe Heavenly Father will bless me to become more capable too, and I will please him more.

2. I paid attention more today to how my healing stone lit up. I was successful in having each of the three people above to come to me in God's Loving Healing Center where I did their Complete Healings. This is how each went: when the person arrived, we embraced and then had a prayer together, a very simple request together for the Complete Healing of their specific condition to occur. When I closed the prayer (I was the voice in every prayer), I saw a bright light in the front of my robe, coming from my stone. I actually 'replayed' this occurrence several times in my mind so I could see and perceive more clearly the lighting up of my healing stone and my sensations at that moment. It was like a light bulb turned on and then faded off, only taking a few seconds maximum. I did feel more assurance and love for my client too for which I had unconsciously just barely participated in multiple past, present and future healing gifts. It all seems so real to me too. In every case I was dressed in my healing vestures and seemed to have lots of healing capability.

What my aim is now is to transfer somehow this healing capability I felt in my spirit to my mortal self too, and my conscious self, as much as I can, In whatever way Heavenly Father allows me. I believe this is pleasing him and preparing me for what I am supposed to become.

3. (later)– I was out mowing the lawn and had an impression; that I can push my threshold every day by 40 more healing gifts a day, and still not get a headache. This will keep me progressing and practicing to the max!

So today so far I already have 318 healing gifts. Yesterday my threshold was 340. So 340 + 40 more = 380 healing gifts to do today to reach my threshold. So I can have 380 - 318 = 62 more healing gifts to go until I reach my threshold.

Here's what I plan to do: use Henry who has a mental issue of some kind (perhaps Asbergers Syndrome)–to have him take all the remaining healing gifts each day. I cannot do Henry's full Complete Healing today for his brain condition, but I can do 62 more healing gifts towards his Complete Healing today, to be completed in the next few days I think. Then tomorrow I will do more until I will eventually complete Henry's healing gift for a Complete Healing.

Ok, I just did 62 healing gifts for Henry. I saw my healing stone light up too! I have completed today's portion for Henry and have reached my threshold for today! I am practicing and trying to improve.

Ok, back to mowing the lawn!

C. R's Personal Journal Entry 8-9-2015

1. As I went to bed last night and had my end-of-day prayer, it occurred to me that I needed to do remote Complete Healings for whatever God wanted me to do. This would be in my unconscious mind, like I do now for assisting in awakening healing angels every day. In fact, this is my mission, at least in a great part, of being a healing angel–to be available to God for whatever Complete Healings, or any other individual healing gifts, he would want me to do.

2. So here is what I now see as what I do as a healing angel, in my current priorities. These all take my energy and contribute to my energy output threshold:
1. Help awaken healing angels
2. Help those I wish to heal (individual healing gifts and Complete Healings)
3. Help those God would want me to help heal in my unconscious mental state, individual healing gifts and Complete Healings.

3. I don't know of anything else that would take my energy away–except the things I do in my physical body that consume my physical energy. For example, yesterday, I mowed our large lawn and did various projects outside, and I went swimming with my wife. This too took my energy. I started tiring, and had to go to bed earlier than normal.

Yesterday I reached my threshold again: 7 healing angel awakenings and 380 total healing gifts. Whatever I do today, if I am short of the 420 total healings, I prayed that God would fill-in with more unconscious energy work (#3 priority above).

I then wondered if there is a point when I won't have to worry about getting ill in my body (with headaches, etc.), and will be able to do unlimited healing gifts.

In answer to that question, my thoughts diverted to how quickly my threshold could increase. If I continue having my capacity increasing at 40 more healing gifts per day, then that equates to 40 x 7 = 280 more healing gifts per week, or 1,212 more per month, or 14,560 more healing gifts per year! My next question: is there a point when I won't be affected with a threshold limit?

4. When I energy tested this question, I felt that at 5,000 healing gifts per day I would not be affected any more with an energy threshold, and I would be able to do unlimited healing gifts! If I steadily push myself, and if my capacity improves steadily at 40 more healing gifts per day, then this 5,000 healing gift per day should occur in 26 1/2 more weeks:
5,000 - 420 (today) = 4,580 more healing gifts until I reach 5,000 healing gifts per day.
4,580/40 = 114.5 more days, or 26.4 more weeks.

Today is day 221 of the year, so 221 + 114.5 = day 336.5 which is Dec 2nd, 2015. This is my calculated day for reaching 5,000 healing gifts capacity per day.

5. My view now: if I push myself, or ask God in prayer to help me daily reach my energy threshold, by the first week of December of this year, I will be able to do unlimited healing gifts per day! This is less than 4 months away–not too long. This will occur about 5 months before all the healing angels are awakened (end of Apr, 2016).

I just went to pray about all this. . . I felt in prayer that I would be able to do unlimited healing gifts by Dec 5th, 2015 if I push myself. I then prayed to my Heavenly Father that it was my desire, and that if he wanted me to become this as soon as possible in my mortal body, then to help me reach my energy threshold every day. I felt assured God would do that for me. In other words, God would fill in all the needed unconscious healings I need to reach my energy threshold every day. This would be helping me practice Complete Healings like he asked me to do last Sunday at the sacrament, and again in my prayer last Sunday night.

I feel too this is the optimal path for all healing angels. I believe if we, as healing angels, ask God to help us practice Complete Healings, in our conscious and unconscious mind, and be willing to push ourselves to our energy thresholds in our bodies, then we each will reach, in a matter of months, the ability to do unlimited healing gifts without getting ill in our physical body. I want to think about it more today to see if this is the right path to suggest to other healing angels.

6. (later) I did John's testing chart today which I do every Sunday mornings, and I was surprised actually that his numbers dropped off so dramatically! This has never happened before. The only thing that stayed the same was my energy work (7.5 importance out of 10) and fast walking (3.5 importance out of 10). His brew of H2 even dropped off! His other remedies dropped way low in importance, and his only drug from the doctor reduced from 15 mg daily-1x to 5 mg-1x.

As I think about it, of course this would happen! John had Complete Healing done, Monday-Thursday of this week, with a total of 1,211 healing gifts done for him! If this is all true, then of course his remedies would be reduced or drop off entirely.

7. Then I went to sacrament meeting with my wife. After the sacrament song and the sacrament blessing on the bread was offered, I made a covenant with the Father in my mind. I then could tell Heavenly Father came right in front of me, and that my spirit was kneeling before him. I also saw Jesus at my level, on his right side, a little lower in elevation than Heavenly Father.

Once I partook of the bread, Heavenly Father stepped forward and asked me to stand before him, and then spoke to me works like these to my mind (these are my own words of the message I received):
'R, I accept your covenant which you have made with me, to take upon you the name of my Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. I will have my spirit to be with you constantly, and I will be before you also, as also will be the presence of my Son.

8. I have been pleased with your efforts this week. You are doing exactly as I wish you to do. I will bless you also, as you continue to practice in your conscious mind doing Complete Healings for those around you, according to my will. I will make up the remaining healing gifts to reach your energy threshold each day. These healing gifts will be done in your unconscious mind. This will allow you to progress as rapidly as possible until you will be able to do unlimited Complete Healings, both in your conscious and unconscious mind.

9. It is also my will to have all those healing angels who have been awakened to practice Complete Healings daily. As they do, and pray to me also that they likewise progress as fast as possible, I will answer their prayers. I will bring them gradually to be able to do unlimited amounts of Complete Healings, both in their conscious mind and unconscious mind. As they individually come to me, and pray to me in the name of my Beloved Son, I will confirm all these things to them. The rewards of being able to do Complete Healings, in unlimited numbers each day, is reserved for those who come to me with this request in prayer and then work steadily to attain it.

10. R, these words and truths are sacred and should not be shared with the world at large. However, share these with those you know who have been awakened as healing angels. Great works are in store for each of them who extends himself or herself in this manner.

It is my desire that each healing angel be capable also, in their mortal body, to do unlimited Complete Healings, in their aware conscious mind and in their unconscious mind. This will allow us, the three healers, to bless and heal our needy children in the days ahead.

I love you, my son!'

Then Heavenly Father drew me close and embraced me! I felt tingles all over me in my spirit.

Then Jesus came forward and embraced me, and I felt close to him too! This was all done in my spirit which I was viewing before me.

11. Then a surprise–Heavenly Mother appeared and said a few words:
'R, I will bless you with more love and compassion as you put forth your efforts in doing Complete Healings for our children. I love, R!'

Then Heavenly Mother embraced me too in my spirit!

At that moment, the Deacons were back at the sacrament table with their sacrament water trays. Heavenly Father and Jesus took their place in their position before me, on my left front, in my spiritual perspective. I felt so happy and blessed! I did not see Heavenly Mother anymore.

12. At church, we got a text on my phone that our daughter and her husband wanted to visit us after church. When they came, I assisted my son-in-law in giving her a priesthood blessing for the sick. As he voiced the blessing, and commanded that she be rid of her corn allergy, that has plagued her so much in the recent past, I had a peculiar experience: He was speaking, and I was on his right side with my hands also on my daughter's head. Then I saw Jesus, in my mind's eye, behind him, standing. Then I saw myself come next to Jesus! I was dressed in my healing vestures. As my son-in-law was ending the blessing, Jesus placed his right hand on my left shoulder and asked me to do a Complete Healing for my daughter, to heal her of her corn allergies. When my son-in-law said 'amen', my spirit finished the Complete Healing procedure, and then I felt I saw my healing stone around my neck light up. The blessing was done and we were hugging each other with my daughter. I told my son-in-law that I really liked his blessing.

13. I then excused myself and sat down immediately and wrote some notes in my little book. I quietly energy tested if I had seen this correctly. Yes, I had! I felt assured also in my mind and heart. She received a priesthood blessing from her husband, Jesus asked me, as a healing angel, to do the Complete Healing for her, and I did so as the priesthood blessing concluded! It was remarkable to me! I did 42 healing gifts for her past, 1 for the present, and 16 in the future–a total of 69 healing gifts at that moment! I got the distinct impression that this number of 69 was part of the 100 unconscious healing gifts that God had told me earlier that morning that he was going to reserve for himself to use that day, so that I would reach my threshold level. (I had written down earlier in the day in my energy work journal the following: 'Henry: 320 healing gifts, not done yet with his Complete Healing. 100 unconscious healing gifts, reserved for God.) I believe my daughter was healed of her corn allergies today or will be soon.

14. Another topic: I had also received an email from Hyrum this morning. I had sent him the private link to the healing angel information on my website. Hyrum has corresponded with me over the last 4-5 months I think, but he had not been one of the 28 healing angels which I had helped awakened and put his information on my website. However, I felt that I had helped awaken him as part of the healing angels I unconsciously have been awakening on a daily basis. I energy tested, and then prayed about Hyrum and I felt that I had helped awaken him, unconsciously, in my spirit, on July 5th, 2015. Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother, and Jesus were all there too! He had been clothed again in his healing vestures and had his healing stone. This was all done in my unconscious mind, back on July 5th, 2015! I felt I could not find out more of the details except that Hyrum is now fully awakened as a healing angel! I believe that Hyrum can find out himself, through prayer, about details of his robe and stone. I will write him today and tell him so."