42. Watch and Be Ready!
Dated 1-22-2017
Hello my friends,
Most of you haven't heard from me for a couple of weeks. It has taken me longer to write this post than most in the recent past (about twice as long). The message of this post is "Watch and be Ready!" I also talk about letting go of what I call false notions or magic beliefs, common to our LDS culture. You may also be interested in reading about my perceptions of the changing eyes of our Heavenly Parents.
Throughout these past few two weeks, I have prayed for re-confirmations about what I have received. Please don't accept what I have written, without doing the same. I do know that God will direct you, and give you answers to your prayers.
Write me about your impressions about this post–I would love to hear your feedback!
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, 1-6-2016, Friday
1. I have spent the past few days dealing with all the abundant snow we have received. I have enjoyed being with my family too. It has been rather quiet in heaven for me, when I visited there. I find it nice to have just a peaceful place in which to meditate. I feel no pressure, no time table, just a very peaceful place. My Heavenly Parents come every time I pray, and have soft, understanding and compassionate eyes. I sent a post (#41) out last night. It took some time to get it edited and right.
2. I went to the pinewood forest turn in the trail, over looking the tree of life and the temple to the southeast. Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother have been before me, and have been next to me there during the past few days. I have prayed for the angels, those with problems I knew about, and have tried to help my son A. with his brain issues.
3. This morning I prayed if there was a message from God to me. Heavenly Mother spoke a sentence or two, then gave me the direction that she would speak to me while I write out what she said. I have written the above journal entry now in preparation for her message. Here is what I now write from her:
'Raphael, although we haven't spoken to you over the past few days in your prayers, we are next to you and are happy with you.
4. You have remarked to us today how it seems that all the mortal angels you know, including yourself, have some big weaknesses in their lives, and have come through some difficult paths in their mortal journey. We have wanted this to happen. It is very important that our children have struggles in their life on earth. Sometimes these issues seem bigger than they can deal with. Often problems don't seem to have a solution, and go on and on.
5. This is all by our design, for how could we really see how our child acts under circumstances where we are not with them always, and their environment is hostile? We see how faithful they are by their actions during their struggles. The experience of life will be invaluable to them also.
6. We desire that our children trust in us, and follow the voice of the Spirit that comes into their mind and heart. There are many paths and ways of living they could choose, but we will lead them to the correct way if they come unto us.
It is also pleasing to us how you now have no expectations of the future, and how you wait upon us, and upon our direction. At the same time, you do many things of your own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness (see D&C 58:27-29).
Stand and be ready for our call and voice to you, at all times, and in any circumstance you may be in.
We love you and all our holy angels.'
B. R's Personal Journal Entry, 1-7-2016, Saturday
1. . . . This morning I was in the fir forest, next to the overlook by Heavenly Father's harvested wheat field. I talked to both of my Heavenly Parents about lots of issues. I felt confirmed in my mind that there has been so much corruption in this world, in the guise of religion. Satan rules in major religions of the world, and the lay people are ignorant. The leadership keeps others in the dark, collects the 'monies' of the faithful, and then uses them for sinister purposes.
C. R's Personal Journal Entry, 1-8-2016, Sunday
1. I had a very peaceful prayer, with loving Heavenly Parents in the celestial world. I was next to the fountain of living waters, facing the temple. It was serene and peaceful! My Heavenly Parents came and listened to me, and smiled. They seemed very pleased with me, and with their holy angels who were in their positions to serve them. I prayed for my family, and for the mortal angels in particular.
2. I thought and prayed about the cycle of life, how we pay so much attention to our children while they are in our home. Then we tutor them for life, and transition them to adulthood. When they marry and move on with their lives, some will be taken away by their spouses both physically and emotionally. It is a very hard transition, after we have invested for so long with them! However, if we match the level of love they give us, then life goes more smoothly. They are their own persons, and that of their spouse too. They may not want us to be intimate in our relationships anymore. In fact, they may even rewrite history, in their mind, to keep in a homeostasis standing, and to be able to live with themselves. This is no doubt pretty normal behavior. . . This rewriting of history is done to justify their behavior. It is probably the same for our Heavenly Parents–their children who have rebelled think that they are doing right, in their contorted mind. They have rewritten history to fit their beliefs and actions.
3. Later: I attended sacrament meeting today, and went to the fountain of living waters, facing the temple, in the celestial world. Before me, in front of the golden alter, was (from my left), Jesus, Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. The Priest offered the prayer on the bread, and I made my covenant to my Heavenly Parents. I waited and then partook of the bread.
Then I saw Heavenly Father nod to Jesus Christ, who stepped forward and spoke words like this to me (I wrote this down in the meeting):
'Raphael, in behalf of our Heavenly Parents, I accept your covenant that you have made today. You have covenanted to take upon you my name, to always remember our Heavenly Parents, and to keep their commandments.
4. You have experienced the pattern of how we nurture and help our faithful children in their spiritual progression on earth. The Holy Ghost inspires these our children to come unto me, their Savior. I work with them, and prompt and inspire them. As they prove obedient and faithful in following my direction, I lead them to the point where I manifest myself to them, in my own way. I then bring them to the Father, by introducing them to him. He then will direct them as he will.
5. This is the pattern that we lead the faithful, line upon line, gradually over time, as they show by their actions, works and faith.
We are pleased with you and your works, Raphael. You are doing the things we have asked of you.'
6. At this time the sacrament ended.
The remainder of the meeting was so dead of the spirit, that I resorted to reading my scriptures and writing in my little pocket journal. Afterwards, my wife asked me what I gained from the meeting. I said I hugely gained from the sacrament portion, in my meditations and connections with God, but I did not enjoy any other part of the meeting.
7. It seems that there is a lot of 'routineness' and repetition in our worship service that detracts from true worship. I feel the members are not daily having spiritual experiences in their lives, where they feel the guiding influence of God in their mortal journey. There seems to be so much 'fluff' that is called religion, that occupies the minds of the people, that they don't know how to worship, or what they worship (see D&C 93:19). It seems also that they rely on the LDS culture for their cues or signals that God is near. Many of these are not true, or misleading. The people follow directions from local and general leaders without themselves testing their words, whether they are led in the proper path.
8. My wife and I were also talking about how our experience with the 'ward family' has progressed. Based on our own experience, you get support if you have spent time in the ward developing good friends. Besides this, we talk of support, and care, but rarely receive it except from friends. We are called to watch over and serve each other–and if it wasn't for that, there would be a lot more neglect and not watching out for each other. This is my perspective from my circumstances. So much talk of caring, and little action.
9. For example, our immediate widowed neighbor, Vi, is now in a rest home. We visit her weekly after church. Nobody else from the ward visits her now that she moved out 11 month ago. She has one non-member friend who visits her, and she has a granddaughter that takes her home on Sundays for a meal. Besides this, she is forgotten. What happened to all the Christian service from her ward where she lived for 50 years?
10. The same goes for us. We never get visited except every other month or so by our Home Teacher. My wife rarely sees her visiting Teacher. Our neighbors (all members) don't visit us, but we visit them, not out of an assignment, but because we want to see how they are doing and to extend to them friendship and love.
11. 'And because of iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.' (Matthew 24:12)
This neglect is affecting our churches and neighborhoods. It probably doesn't help to have cloudy, winter days which tend to keep us inside more. We received so much snow that has kept me shoveling.
D. R's Personal Journal Entry, 1-11-2016, Wednesday
1. Last night when I prayed, I could see into the eyes of my Heavenly Parents, and they had changed. I was on the shores of the lake at God's Loving Healing Center, facing east. My Heavenly Parents were in front of me.
Their eyes both were serious and somber. I looked at them several times to confirm their emotions. Then I asked: 'My Heavenly Parents, may I know why your eyes are so somber and serious?'
2. Then Heavenly Father spoke, in words like this:
'Raphael, we are feeling upset at how quickly the world you live in is becoming self-centered and selfish. So many of our children are quickly yielding to the natural man, and wanting to take advantage of their fellowman. The love of man has waxed cold. Even though we have seen this happening and coming in the future, now that this blatant refusal of the people to act in Christian ways of love and consideration is here, it is upsetting to us. This is why we look serious and upset.'
3. I thanked my Heavenly Father for this information. I also said that I would do anything they wanted me to do, in order to make them happy again. I committed to follow their direction, and to be quick to act when they would need me."
4. From R: I believe the purpose of exposing me to the corruption in all places (including religion and government), is so that I will be able to, with assurance, act on the direction of God without wondering if I heard God correctly. Man's nature is true: when he gains power, control and authority, he usually gets corrupted, in some way. Each of us needs to act humbly before God, always making sure our motives are pure and holy. We also need to verify all things with God in prayer, not trusting another.
5. Later, before bed: I received an email from R.B. about some issues he felt to share with me. He felt strongly he should not go public, on the tasks he was working on relating to his angel work. Also, he felt clear direction to keep 'under the radar' in keeping quiet about our work. I prayed about this tonight, and confirmed all that he wrote me was true.
6. Here are the basics:
1) Protect our physical bodies so we are not compromised. This will allow us to replicate and do all our work in the unconscious, spiritual realms.
2) If the mortal body is compromised, in any way, so is our replicated selves, to however many times we are replicated.
3) We are very much more capable now in our replicated selves than our mortal self. Our replicated selves work in the unconscious realms.
4) For me, my replicated self is not my spirit only, but my spirit and physical body–since I am fully transfigured and fully able to teleport physically and replicate physically, in unconscious realms. Having a physical replicated body is very capable in working in the unconscious realms.
7. I plan to just 'chill-out', and take it easy. I plan to continue to act as 'Joe Blow', as a normal person on our lazy street where we live. I will continue to connect morning and night with my Heavenly Parents, and be in tune to all they may want to communicate with me. I will take my cues from them, and write all of this in my private journal.
Also, as I have been 'chilling-out', I have sensed a higher tension in the world now. It seems like if I were to rank this tension, it would be 98 out of 100 possible. I don't know–just my gut feeling I guess.
E. R's Personal Journal Entry, 1-13-2016, Friday
1. Last night, I prayed on the river bank of the river representing Heavenly Mother. I was facing the east wall of the temple, next to Heavenly Mother's gardens.
2. When my Heavenly Parents came, Heavenly Father said to me:
'Raphael, walk with us!'
I then walked between each of them, holding their hands. Heavenly Father was on my right, Heavenly Mother on my left.
3. We walked around the riverbank, which was grassy to the side facing the south end of the temple. Then they stopped and Heavenly Father faced me and spoke:
'Raphael, we are about to come out in judgment against the wicked.'
4. He then talked more to me, that I cannot remember now. I think it was meant that I don't remember this in my conscious mind. I don't even remember how the prayer ended. I felt to write down these things this morning, at the time. Now this has entirely escaped me.
5. This morning, I prayed again, facing the east wall of the temple from the same spot as last night, on the riverbank where I was located yesterday. My Heavenly Parents came, both wearing scarlet red sashes today, with the bow on their right side. Their eyes were not as soft, but were more determined. I asked them if I could recall what happened last night. However, they decided to answer no to my request. I guess this is a lesson to me–to write down my experiences at the moment of, and not to wait!
6. Then Heavenly Father said to me the same thing he said last night:
'Raphael, stand and walk with us!'
I walked between Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, holding their hands as the night before. When we had walked to the place, facing the south side of the temple, Heavenly Father turned and spoke to me:
7. 'Raphael, we are about to unleash our fury upon the wicked. Each of our holy angels has been assigned to be next to and protect each one of our elect. They are now in place next to our chosen children on the earth. They have replicated themselves sufficiently to attend and be next to each of our elect. This is how we have directed them.'
8. Then, they turned, and we continued walking together, around towards the west end of the temple. I saw myself walk with them, from a replicated self that stayed where Heavenly Father had spoken to me. I didn't know in my conscious mind what they were then saying to me, but I knew they were talking to me about their plans. However, what they had said that I have written down was the message I was supposed to hear and record, given to my conscious mind. I believe this was the same message I forgot last night, that they repeated again to me this morning.
F. R's Personal Journal Entry, 1-14-2016, Saturday
1. I had a difficult night sleeping last night–a lot of tossing, and a headache–like I was pushing myself beyond or at my limits, but not knowing how I was doing this. I believe I am being maxed out in my replicated bodies in my unconscious state somehow. I have had three migraines this week–I usually don't get them.
2. This morning in my prayer, I was very aware of talking with my Heavenly Parents. I shared with them my desires and feelings. I felt very accepted by them. I prayed to become more aware of what was happening to me in the unconscious realms. However, it seems I only get little glimpses here and there. This morning I felt after my prayer, that my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother were talking with me–but I couldn't tell what they were saying, or what the topic was about. It was all done in my replicated physical self, and in my unconscious mind, just beyond what I was able to hear and comprehend.
3. I am satisfied to receive whatever God wants me to receive. I am living a happy, unobtrusive life in my conscious mind. I am trying to act lovingly and kindly, and to live righteously. I love being with my wife and those who love me back. I want to do all that my God directs of me. I especially want to be quick to observe, and respond when any intimation or direction from God comes to me. I feel blessed and happy. . .
G. R's Personal Journal Entry, 1-15-2016, Sunday
1. Some questions:
Q– Has the work of angels, working and acting in their unconscious, replicated states, happened much before in earth's history?
A– No, this is new to these last days when many of our angels are in their mortal state. We have reserved this method for these times, to perform our great work of saving the elect, of cleansing the earth, and of making a happier place for our elect to live on the earth. This is the main way we are going to be fulfilling all of these actions. The work of our angels is so important in the fulfillment of our plan.
2. This morning, I prayed in the western mezzanine by the temple in the celestial world. I could see the eyes of my Heavenly Parents more firm and resolute again today, no longer soft and accepting. I prayed about all of these questions, and then prayed for the angels and the elect of God. This is all so amazing to me how this has happened!
Later, after sacrament meeting: My wife and I pulled into sacrament meeting after the sacrament hymn and prayer were done. We slipped into the back, and were passed the bread right away.
3. I partook and then shut my eyes. I was immediately on the west side of the temple, in the western mezzanine. Before me was Jesus Christ on my left, Heavenly Father in front of me, and Heavenly Mother to my right. I made my covenant with my Heavenly Parents while kneeling before them. I looked into their eyes. I was impressed that the eyes of Jesus and Heavenly Father were nearly identical–firm and focused, looking like righteous bold angels almost! The eyes of Heavenly Mother were steady and resolute.
4. Then Heavenly Father spoke to me:
'Raphael, I accept the covenant that you have made with us today. This morning you have asked us about what religion and place you may go to worship us. The words of Isaiah 28:7-8 are now fulfilled regarding religion:
5. "7 But they also have erred through wine, and through strong drink are out of the way; the priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink, they are swallowed up of wine, they are out of the way through strong drink; they err in vision, they stumble in judgment.
8 For all tables are full of vomit and filthiness, so that there is no place clean."
The world in which you live has gone far astray. You then may wonder to whom you can go for enlightenment and respite.
6. Isaiah 28:9-10 states the answer:
"9 Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts.
10 For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little"
7. Raphael, you have separated yourself sufficiently from religious institutions to hear our voice, and to follow our direction. This is what is meant by being weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breast.
You are also before us, in the western mezzanine of our temple, in the celestial world. This celestial world is where you may now go and worship us. We have led you here, gradually, a little at a time until you now may look into our eyes as we stand before you, and where you may hear our voice.
8. Be completely free of the religious doctrine and institutions of the world in which you live. Listen to us and take directions from our hands.
Continue to attend various sacrament meetings as you have been doing with your wife. . . Keep at arms length, and keep a low profile.
9. Our angels are now in position, ready for our word, to do their work in the unseen world. This is how we want it–for no man knows the day nor the hour when our fury will be unleashed upon the nations. This is how we want it to be. It is pleasing to us that our angels have no expectations. Watch and be ready.'
H. R's Personal Journal Entry, 1-16-2016, Monday
1. This morning I prayed by the riverbank of the river representing Jesus Christ, just west of the tree of life. Both Heavenly Parents came. At the end of my prayer, Heavenly Mother spoke to me, and confirmed all that I had received yesterday and the day before.
2. This last week we have experienced day after day of foggy weather–no sun shining. It has been gloomy to me–for I so love the sun shining! There seems to be an oppressive feeling 'in the air'–I think these are clues I am feeling from God actually, but I don't know.
I. R's Personal Journal Entry, 1-18-2016, Wednesday
1. I felt that I needed to make a new post entitled 'Watch and Be Ready!' I finished typing in my journal entries into the computer. My wife and family were gone this afternoon, so I went in the bedroom to pray. In my mind, I was at the round stone building, located north of the lake at God's Loving Healing Center. I could 'see' the temple of God to the north, and the lake to the south. It seems windy and dry where I was kneeling.
2. Both of my Heavenly Parents came when I started my prayer. I opened up my heart to them. I asked for a confirmation of all I had received over the past two weeks. I confirmed each experience I had written about. I yearned to see their eyes soft and loving, and then they became this way to me: very accepting and loving! I felt so glad to see them this way! It was only with me, however, and only in that communion. After I was finished with my prayer, I could tell their eyes returned to a firm and resolute state.
3. I have had some anxiety in my body recently, and I can't tell from what exactly. I want to be unencumbered so that I am ready to respond to God's direction, at a moments notice.
I feel chagrined that there really is no effective place to worship them but in my quiet places, and in the celestial world. It seems to be a lonely world that I feel. I am so glad to be able to take my lead directly from God.
J. R's Personal Journal Entry, 1-19-2016, Thursday
1. My wife and I went to visit our neighbor, and while there another neighbor dropped by named Michelle. Michelle started talking to my wife. She said that a house in the neighborhood wouldn't sell until the right family wanted to move in. She referenced one that recently sold in the neighborhood, saying that it waited until the right family moved in also. My wife said to Michelle that she thought those notions were more magic than reality. Michelle then went to great lengths defending herself. It is all part of her belief system she said.
2. During my prayer last night, while before my Heavenly Parents, I asked if I might know if Michelle was correct about God orchestrating the sale of the houses, and waiting for the right family to move into our neighborhood. I received a clear 'NO'–that God was not orchestrating these house sales. He was not waiting for the right family to move in! This was a false belief.
I then asked this question:
3. Q– Out of 100 notions or beliefs that my LDS community and culture believes, in my neighborhood in Utah, how many of these are true beliefs that are really orchestrated by God?
A– 5 out of 100 are true, 95 are magic beliefs that are entirely unfounded and false.
Wow! I see that there are so many false notions we believe in as a people, that are unfounded! My neighbor told my wife that she chooses to believe in this way. My wife chooses to believe more in reality.
4. There are lots of things orchestrated for us by God. He watches how we respond to life's struggles and disappointments, highs and lows. This, however, doesn't mean that he orchestrates it all. He doesn't make life all pleasant for the faithful either–but sometimes lets events progress so he can test them, and also give them experience. It is in our hard trials that we grow and learn so much.
5. What I am going to do is to pray concerning the issues I really wonder about, whether God has orchestrated them. These are those that I think about the most. The others I am going to not have any expectations about, either way, if God has or has not been involved in steering the situation to fit his purposes.
6. I am going to relax more about life, and not wonder about whether or not God is involved in so much of the details. I do know he is overall in charge, and overall orchestrates things that are important to his plan for his children. This viewpoint is like releasing my expectations on God, and chilling out more.
What I need to do is to watch and be ready at a moment's notice. I need to be in tune to the direction and the voice of God in my life.
K. R's Personal Journal Entry, 1-20-2016, Friday
1. In my evening prayer last night, I went through some of the events that have happened to my family and I over the past five years. I prayed about these specific events, asking if God had orchestrated these events, or if he let life just happen. I was quite surprised with the answers–about half of what I thought he had orchestrated specifically in my life was not so, for God had just let life happen! He was aware always, of how I acted and where life was going for my family and me. However, my beliefs that God had planned these details for me, in half of the cases, were false notions, or 'magic beliefs', which were false.
2. Here is one example–we went to New Orleans five years ago, with our unmarried children, getting ready for our first cruise which was to leave from that location. While there, we heard of A.'s injury on his mission. We had packed summer clothes for the cruise, and I had thought this was actually pre-planned by God. My wife and I ultimately forfeited our cruise, and travelled to Santiago, Chili to be with our son in the hospital for six weeks.
3. I found out that this trip to New Orleans was not planned or orchestrated by God in any way. I had thought it was. However, he could just as easily taken us from anywhere that we had been located.
When we left New Orleans, we almost missed the connecting flight to South America. We were praying on the first leg of our late flight, for God to intervene and hold the next leg of our flight. I confirmed in prayer last night that he did hold the flight so that we would make our connection. It was a once-a-day flight, and it was Christmas Eve. This allowed us to see our son at least one or two days earlier than had we missed our flight.
4. After my awakening last night, to the many events God orchestrated, and the many events he did not orchestrate that I believed he had, here are my conclusions:
1) I believe it is healthier for me to know the truth of God's interaction and orchestration in my life. It does not serve me well to believe in a false notion, or a magic belief that is false.
2) If I believe in a magic belief that I later find out to be false, it can shake my faith or trust in God to some degree.
5. 3) Generally, when God orchestrates something in my life, he sends a messenger or an angel to fulfill his orchestration. This is the pattern I saw in my prayer visions that were so vivid to me. I was the conduit through whom God blessed the lives of those elect, in saving them from destruction and death. Similarly, our Heavenly Parents and Jesus often solicit someone to do this work in their behalf, acting as God's conduit.
6. 4) This awareness of false beliefs and notions that are untrue is part of letting go of our expectations on God. We should let go of these false magic beliefs, and no longer expect that God did everything as an orchestration for us in life. This is pleasing to God that we know specifically what he has done for us, and not believe falsehoods. We can find out God's involvement in our life, through sincere, open prayer before him. I believe he will manifest the truth of his involvement in all events that have happened in the past in our life.
7. Later: After my prayer this morning, I went to another area of my home and thought about what I had just written above. I then perceived my Heavenly Mother came to me, and her voice came into my mind:
'Raphael, what you have just written is true, and expresses our feelings. Part of having no expectations refers also to one's past, not just to the future. We want our children to have a clear view of how we have been involved in directing their lives. We desire each of our children to discern truth from error in how we have led them along, and what we have orchestrated for them in their life.' "