35. Journey to the Tree of Life
Posted 11-17-2016

Hello again,

It is a week before Thanksgiving, and I felt I should give you more on which to ponder, in anticipation our events after Thanksgiving.

Again, I have new information in my post, primarily about our journey to the tree of life, and the general assembly meeting we will have. I know that these ideas are very stretching to your mind! Each of us would do well to pray and prepare prayerfully for your own journey and the general assembly of heaven's angels on November 25th. Please petition your Father in prayer, to confirm all of these things, and to find if what I am telling you is true!

I look forward to our class on the next day, Saturday November 26th, in Utah County, Utah. We will start at 10 am and end at 5 pm. We will have much to do then, and I anticipate it will be quite intensive and very exciting! Please sign up this week if you plan to come (see below at the bottom of this post), so that I can plan more of the details. I plan to send an email out to those who have signed up for the class, sometime early next week.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving too!


(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were drawn by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)

Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
Doctrine & Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Joseph Smith Translation
Index of Posts 1-204
Book of Raphael Volumes One and Two Table of Contents

A. R's Personal Journal Entry 11-12-2016, Saturday

1. I started my morning prayer this day, and didn't think of being anywhere, like I have commonly done. I immediately found myself in the field on the other side of the tree of life, with both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother standing before me, and myself kneeling. I felt I would often come here from now on, in prayer. It is a secluded and glorious spot, and in the presence of my Heavenly Parents.

I then confirmed that this entire experience with the gate with Jesus at the gate, the narrow path, the rod of iron, the tree of life, the field beyond the tree–all this is true! I am in the presence of my glorious Heavenly Parents.

Here are some questions I asked them today:

2. Q– Do all the mortal angels need to go through the white gate on November 25th, in the morning or afternoon, to go to the tree of life, and partake of the fruit and the leaf of that tree?
A– Yes

3. Q– So, they are not to do it on a day before?
A– No. If they try, the gate will be shut and won't be opened to them by Jesus Christ.

(R: I have contacted some who have said they have gone through the gate and already been to the tree and the field beyond. To these I say this: I believe they were able to view what would be happening in the future on November 25th. I would suggest to them to do this entire journey again, in real time, on the 25th. I believe when I did my journey on November 11th it was in real time. I was permitted to do this before everyone else, to do this as an example for the rest of the angels.)

4. Q– Why does this only need to be done on November 25th?
A– November 25th is a significant day, linked with signs in the heavens and chosen by God, the Father, for the ushering in of the holy mortal angels into the presence of God, and launching the angels on their glorious missions. The qualifying of each angel also needs to be done on that day, according to the will of the Father.

5. Q– What about those who can't do so in their conscious minds, or because of traveling or prior commitments, etc. on that day?
A– Then they will be replicated in their unconscious, transfigured, physical bodies, and will do so without being aware in their conscious minds. It will, however, still be done, as an entire group-on that day, for all the mortal angels. This is regardless of their age or current situation. All the angels will respond to your call to them, which you have already done last night by your email. You have also announced to the remainder who haven't received the email, in their unconscious state, about this great event. This was done in the spiritual realms.

I felt I should 'roll with life' too, and do all these things in secret, while acting normal. This will not alert anybody close to me to the greatness of these events which are coming in two weeks!

I ended my prayer and was immediately back to my position by my bed.

6. Later: I have some good feedback on the post I sent out last night, about the general assembly of heaven's angels. One person wondered if she would be able to get to the meeting (general assembly) if she hasn't yet learned to teleport. So here is my question:

7. Q– If a mortal angel hasn't yet felt like he/she has teleported, how do they get to the general assembly meeting in their physical, transfigured body?
A– Relay this to those mortal angels who are unsure of being able to go to God's Loving Healing Center, for the general assembly meeting, on Friday, November 25th: Go in a quiet location, and become comfortable. Pray and meditate in your heart and mind, and visualize yourself in this wonderful place you have heard about, God's Loving Healing Center. Call upon the Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, in faith, that you be transported there for the meeting, since you are invited to attend. You will then experience, in your conscious mind, being teleported there. Keep in your meditative state, and try to visualize what is occurring in the meeting. Also, ask to hear what the Father is speaking to you specifically, and to the group at large. When the meeting is completed, write down all your remembrances, and feelings, in your journal. If you attend the class the next day, share it there, as you feel comfortable to share.

8. Earlier that day, follow the same procedure to teleport to the fountain of living water, just north of the temple. Proceed to the path by the river to the left (or west) as you face the fountain. Be very intuitive with what happens as you proceed down the path. This is your journey, just for you, and prepared by your Heavenly Parents. Meet Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother on the other side of the tree of life, after you have followed the example of the journey of Raphael that he shared with you.

9. I had a prayer tonight, and was again immediately to the west of the tree of life, in the field before my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. After expressing my gratitude, and my love the for them, I asked to confirm the answer to my previous question (above). As I read it, I adjusted it slightly so it was accurate and pleasing to them.

I expressed my excitement that we will all move forward as a group, in learning how to teleport. I also asked some more questions:

10. Q– Am I able to know what will happen at the general assembly meeting on November 25th, when Heavenly Father will address us?
A– Yes! Heavenly Father will call the assembly to begin. He will have everyone stand in their order. He will have Jesus Christ and the male archangels to his right side. Heavenly Mother will also be next to him, on his left side. She too will have the female archangels, next to her, also in order. The assembly will stand in the lake area, with all the angels in sections, based on their missions. All of heaven's angels will be present.

11. He will then ask Raphael, the third male archangel, to step forward. He is the only male archangel who is mortal, and therefore the most senior archangel on earth with a translated and transfigured body.

He will make a pronouncement about Raphael and have all the mortal angels sustain what he says. They will sustain the pronouncement by Heavenly Father with an uplifted hand and acclamation of 'yes!'

12. Heavenly Father will then introduce each male archangel, starting with Michael, the chief archangel, and state each of their missions in the future events of the earth and for his children on earth.

Once this is done, he will ask Heavenly Mother to introduce each of her female archangels in order. Those who are in their youth (P.B. and G.A.) will appear as fully-grown women. As Heavenly Mother speaks about each one, they will step forth.

13. When she is done, Heavenly Father will speak about the overall events and the plan that he and Heavenly Mother have in saving their elect children in these last days. He will emphasize the role of their holy angels who are then gathered before him. As he speaks, each angel will also see in their own mind, their own future role in these grand events which will soon occur.

14. Heavenly Father will also introduce his Beloved Son to the vast assembly, who is also on his right side. He will describe his critical role in saving and ministering to the souls of each of his elect. He will again ask that each of the angels assembled to sustain their elder brother and Savior, with the raised hand, and a verbal acclamation of 'yes!' This will be a very moving experience for us all!

15. Then Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother will speak in turn, to each of their angels whom they have chosen before them. This will be an individual message to their minds and hearts, from their loving Heavenly Parents! It will be done at the same time for all those assembled. Listen intently to what they say!

16. At the end of this experience, the angels will all break out into singing the song of the Lamb, as spoken of in Revelation 15:3-4. The area in God's Loving Healing Center will then be transformed to our view as a sea of glass, mingled with fire (Revelation 15:2). Each of the angels will then be imbued with their full angelic powers and strength! This will be done altogether, as a whole. It will be especially powerful and changing for all the mortal angels!

17. At that time, Heavenly Father will ask each angel section leader to come to the front and address their own constituents, and the group as a whole. Raphael will address all the mortal angels, and give them instructions as he receives this from Heavenly Father. Next he will address the healing angels and give them information specific to their callings.

18. Then leaders of various groups will come up from the congregation of the angels, and speak to their groups and to the overall assembly. This will include R.B., the leader of the warrior angels. Leaders of other major groups of angels like the angels of destruction, proclamation angels, and more will speak.

19. When these are all finished speaking, the entire assembled host of angels will hear from Jesus Christ, their personal Redeemer! All will bend their knee and bow their head when he concludes, in showing deep reverence and submission to this, the Son of God, and to Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother!

20. The meeting will then formally end. We will all be still assembled, however. Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother and Jesus, the Firstborn Son of God, will then come into the crowd and embrace each angel individually. They will start with those archangels on the top of the switchback path, and then move into the crowds of angels in the area below. Many tears of love and encouragement will be freely shed. It will be an amazing conclusion to the general assembly of heaven's angels!

21. Those who are mortal angels, and come to this meeting consciously, will be able to hear and feel part or all of the proceedings, and to fully participate. Those who are not so prepared, will still participate, but this experience will be in their unconscious minds, available for recall in the future.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry 11-12-2016, Sunday

1. I prayed this morning after I awoke. I confirmed all that I had received last night in prayer, about how the general assembly of heaven's angels would proceed. I felt confirmed in my mind and heart that this account was accurate!

I then felt concern over my activities that I would be having that day of this grand meeting. I knew we had scheduled a full day, of going to the Salt Lake Airport, visiting family, etc. I felt a need to have a quiet time in the evening, for being able to be fully immersed in the meeting, in my conscious mind. These are the words of my Heavenly Father to my mind, during my prayer:

2. 'Raphael, please go ahead with your plans for that day, November 25th. In the evening, when you finally retire to bed and have your evening prayer, you will be able to experience it all! This is true for all the holy mortal angels. They will be able to participate in their conscious minds, whether in meditation in a quiet place, or at the end of their day in prayer and meditation. It is our great desire that each angel connect in with us and with our meeting when they are able to do so, that evening of November 25th. The exact time they do this is not an issue. Also, they may recall the proceedings of that meeting at any time in the future as well. This will be the great day of their awakening to their full power as angels of God in the flesh!

3. It will still be their responsibility to keep all of this secret before their friends, family and the world, except between themselves. Our great work of having our angels act in our behalf in secret is very important to us.'

4. Q– There may be mortal angels who want more guidance in going to the gate, the straight and narrow path, the tree of life, and into thy presence, the morning or afternoon of November 25th. What may I say to them?
A– Raphael, tell them that you will personally escort them to the fountain of living waters, just north of the temple. You will be able to encourage them on their journey. Show them the rivers, and the path to the west, where they should start their journey. You won't be able to walk with them down that path, but you may point to them the way and encourage them. Their journey will be a personal experience, planned just for them.

5. Later: I attended today a sacrament meeting with my oldest son and his children, for their Primary Program, and then later I attended again with my wife in our different sacrament meeting. It was very interesting to have two sacraments back-to-back, for the second one was a continuation of the first sacrament meeting!

6. During the first sacrament meeting, I felt I replicated myself and teleported to the field beyond the tree of life. I had been there repeatedly since Friday, two days ago for the first time. I made my covenant on my knees while before my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, facing them. I felt I should partake of the fruit of the tree of life again, as I had done on Friday. I again replicated myself to a place on the other side of the tree of life, to the same location that I had partaken of the white fruit of the tree. Where I had plucked the fruit on Friday, there was another mature fruit in its place that had grown there.

7. When the bread was passed to me, I partook of the bread, and then by the tree of life I partook of the fruit also, at the same time. I felt again enlightened in my body by both. I then waited in my kneeling position before Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother, while my replicated person then went to the west of the tree of life, where I had eaten a leaf of the tree. I went to the same branch, and a new green leaf had grown in its place. I waited until the sacrament water was blessed and passed to me. When I drank the water, I also ate the leaf I had just plucked from the tree of life!

8. After eating the leaf, and drinking the water, I felt more whole again somehow. At this point Heavenly Father addressed me:

'Raphael, we accept the covenant you have made with me today, to take upon you the name of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to always remember us, and to keep our commandments.

Raphael, all that you have received yesterday and this morning is true. You will receive more information about what occurs in the general assembly of heaven's angels when you are there in person. You may also come to this location where we are now, as frequently as you desire, and we will always be here for you.'

9. I then realized that the field that we were in, had changed to a lovely garden area, like the one I had been in recently, in Heavenly Mother's garden near the river representing her. It was a very beautiful garden we were in now, with roses and other flowers and bushes, and a direct path to the west side of the tree of life. I thought then that this field was changed to accommodate each person who came there.

The sacrament then ended, and I came back to my place on the church bench. I wrote this immediately down in my pocket journal, between the children's singing.

10. When I was done writing in my journal, the primary sang 'I will Follow God's Plan', from the Children's Songbook, #164. Here are the lyrics:

I Will Follow God's Plan

My life is a gift; my life has a plan.
My life has a purpose; in heav’n it began.
My choice was to come to this lovely home on earth
And seek for God’s light to direct me from birth.
I will follow God’s plan for me,
Holding fast to his word and his love.
I will work, and I will pray;
I will always walk in his way.
Then I will be happy on earth
And in my home above.

Words and music: Vanja Y. Watkins, b. 1938. © 1981 IRI

11. These words were exactly what I feel, and I think too how each of us mortal angels probably feels. We have a marvelous plan laid out before us, gradually being revealed. Let us all follow God's plan for us!

I came home, and then my wife and I went to my second sacrament meeting today.

At the time of the sacrament, I was sitting with my Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother in their garden, next to the tree of life. I had been there, conversing with them the entire time since the last sacrament meeting, earlier that morning! It was a casual setting; we were sitting on benches in the garden.

12. When the sacrament was blessed, I made another covenant while standing, in front of my Father. After I partook of the bread, Heavenly Mother said to me:

'Raphael, you may come here, to this lovely garden spot, whenever you wish, and we will both come here and talk with you.'

13. Then I partook of the water. Heavenly Father then spoke:

'Raphael, I accept your covenant again today. When you pray to us, you may always come here, and we will usually already be here. If not, we will come after you address us. Share with us about your feelings, the difficulties of your calling, your concerns, your highs and lows, and we will listen and help you. We love you, Raphael, and will do a great work through you and our heavenly angels.'

14. I then could tell that I was consciously in church, and also in this beautiful garden area. I feel so blessed! It seems that I can just think of that garden place, and then I am there also, and they are before me! What a great blessing!

Earlier this morning, in my prayer, I had asked a question which I neglected to write down:

15. Q– Is it ok for us to meet in the Utah County area for our November 26th class?
A– Yes. Make room in your place by moving the center shelves to the sides. Once you have your opening prayer, and discuss and record what each person felt that I, their Heavenly Father said to them, as they may want to share with the class, then attempt to teleport together as a group or individually. You may teleport to various areas in the warehouse. Next attempt to teleport to the nearby field outside. Finally, teleport as a group to God's Loving Healing Center, and maybe also to the field on the west side of the tree of life. Have faith, and be not faint-hearted; it is my will that you do all of this!

16. Later, after my prayer tonight on Sunday evening: I felt I had to write in here some more tidbits:

1) The general assembly of heaven's angels will convene at 9 pm on 11-25-2106. This meeting is called by Heavenly Father, whose number sequence is 9-9-9. Here is a second witness by numerology, of the date and time of this meeting:

Month and day: 11-25 = 1+1+2+5 = 9
Year: 2016 = 2+0+1+6 = 9
Time of the day: 9 pm = 9
Added together: 9-9-9

17. I believe everyone, in their respective time zone, will be at this meeting at 9 pm. This is the evening hour of the beginning of the general assembly. Exact time is really not an issue with God as it is with us who are mortal. Time is measured to man, and not in the sphere where God dwells. The important point is that we will all be together for the general assembly at the same moment. We can be there together, at our several time zones of 9 pm, and still be there at the same instant. This is hard for us mortals to fathom, but I have confirmed that this is true. I don't even know exactly how this works!

18. 2) I prayed that each of the mortal angels will be ready and have sufficient faith to teleport in our class on the 26th, the next day. Here is what Heavenly Father told me in my prayer:

'Raphael, each mortal angel may or may not be able to hear, feel and see in their conscious mind during the general assembly. However, they will still be in attendance in their unconscious mind. It will have the same power and affect on them, however, had they fully been aware in their conscious minds during the meeting. For those who ask me for them to be able to feel, hear and see in their conscious minds, in the sincerity of their hearts, and have qualified by making their journey to the tree of life and into our presence, I will grant their desire. This will be an experience they will often reflect upon in their future life, and in their calling as a holy angel.

19. Also, for those who desire to take their journey on 11-25 in the morning or afternoon, they too may have this blessing in their conscious mind. I will grant them this experience based on their sincere desires, humility, and their asking me with a prayer of faith. This too will be a very memorable experience for those mortal angels who do so.

However, if they do not make this journey in their conscious mind, they will still each make the journey in their unconscious mind. They will then, in one future day, be able to recall this experience.

20. All who attend the general assembly meeting will have thus been qualified by making their journey to the tree of life. They each will have been transfigured, and will have partaken of a fruit of the tree, and a leaf of the tree. They will each also come into our presence since they are qualified, in their journey, before the meeting at 9:00 pm.

21. These things are of me, and not of man. My ways are higher than man's ways, and will not be frustrated or stopped. (see Isaiah 55:9 'For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.') My work will roll forth according to the plan of Heavenly Mother and myself, until the angels be crowned in glory and power. Thus will my work commence with all of my holy angels, ready for my service. We will work through them in orchestrating the great events of these last days, prior to the glorious second coming of our Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to the earth.'

C. R's Personal Journal Entry 11-14-2016, Monday

1. I awoke and laid back down in bed, meditating. I felt I was again in the beautiful garden, walking with my Heavenly Father on my left, his right arm around my shoulders, and Heavenly Mother on my right, with her left arm around my waist. I had both of my arms around their waists. We were walking slowly through the garden.

2. Then we stopped, and they both faced me. Heavenly Father spoke:

'Raphael, we are waiting to unleash the destructions on the wicked, until we have fully empowered all of our holy angels, with our power from on high. They need to be poised and prepared for the fulfillment of their callings. Their mission of service is critical to our plan, in preserving our elect children in these troubled times.

3. The greater part of our mortal angels will serve us faithfully in their unconscious minds, while they are slowly awakening to the grandeur of their callings in their conscious minds. This is how we have designed it. However, any mortal angel may progress to know more and more, in their conscious mind, what their replicated body is doing in the spirit realms. This transition to more and more awareness, will take time and effort on the part of the angel. However, our work will move forward, and they will all, of their own free will, and mostly in their unconscious state, respond to our direction in the saving of our elect on the earth.'

When he was done, they both resumed their positions at my left and right sides as before, and we continued our leisure stroll through the flower gardens, on the west side of the tree of life.

4. I felt that many of the things that I share with the mortal angels are so stretching to their belief system! I myself would have had a hard time believing it all, were it not delivered to me so clearly and gradually, line upon line. This is how God works, and gently shifts our paradigm of reality until we believe and consider all of his ways. We then become more and more open to his truths.

5. Compared to my views this last April, before I was told that I was the archangel Raphael, so much has shifted in my thinking! Sometimes I feel akin to what the people said about the prophet Enoch– 'there is a strange thing in the land; a wild man hath come among us. And it came to pass when they heard him, no man laid hands on him; for fear came on all them that heard him; for he walked with God.' (Moses 6:38-39).

6. I feel 'wild' like Enoch in my views, compared to those of my fellow Christians and LDS family and friends! Yet how can I dispute what I have received? To us, who are living and believing our basic LDS religious doctrine, this may seem 'far out'. However, it is exactly how God feels and believes.

7. I want to know and embrace the truth, and to think about and discern the revelation and the knowledge that flows so abundantly down upon me. As Joseph the prophet said, in the Article of Faith #9:

'We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the kingdom of God.'

8. When I ended my prayer this morning, I felt no longer like I was falling back to my place on earth, from where I had communed with God. Instead, I felt like I remained in the garden also, and never left! I can continue my activities in mortality, but I am still there, in that garden, west of the tree of life, in my replicated body. I can recall it in an instant, and reconnect quickly too it seems, with my God. What a blessing this is for me!

D. R's Personal Journal Entry 11-15-2016, Tuesday

1. This morning I awoke and prepared for communion again with my Heavenly Parents. I immediately found myself in the beautiful garden path, west of the tree of life. I was kneeling before my glorious Heavenly Parents.

I had some concerns for several people in my life for whom I asked for blessings to be poured out upon their heads:

2. 1) My son A.: I explained that on this upcoming December 21st, he will have had his brain injury for 5 years. I explained his situation, and how he has seemed to be stalled in his healing. I asked that he be healed, for we as his parents have done all we could do to affect the change to a healed A.. We have tried so many different methods to help him heal, to adjust remedies, to feed him well, to take him to all kinds of experts we found, and finally to give him countless blessings and healings of all sorts. I pled for him to be healed sufficiently by December 21st, 2016, his 5-year mark of being injured on his mission. I waited.

3. Then Heavenly Mother spoke:

'Raphael, we will heal our son, and your son A., on or before December 21st, 2016. You have certainly put forth sufficient effort in attempting to help him heal, and there has been good progress also to date. We will heal him through our healing angels, who will rally forth and bless him. You may act as a client for A., by proxy, and the healing angels in your class will bless him as our holy conduits. This should be done at the conclusion of the class on Saturday, at the end. It will be a moving experience for you, and for those who act as our angels of healing.'

4. 2) Then I prayed for my two autistic grandsons (one diagnosed, one suspected) in my second son's family. I prayed that we would be able to help fund their diet change, and visits to specialists if needed, without the parents feeling like we are usurping their responsibility and parental roles. Heavenly Father responded:

'Raphael, we will soften the hearts of your son and daughter-in-law, with respect to their two sons, In situations like this, it is our desire that those who are responsible for the well-being of ill children, do all in their power to affect a change. Effort and expense, prayer and struggle to know what they can do, are part of affecting a change in the lives of their dependent children. Healing from our hands usually requires lots of faith and positive action on behalf of the responsible person(s), in this case the parents. Miracles usually don't happen without faith and effort to those directly affected, including friends and loved ones. The principle spoken of Brigham Young, about the field of wheat and corn, is a true principle.'

5. R: I have placed the full quote below that Heavenly Father referred to. The principle he taught was that we should act in doing all we can ourselves in securing the blessings of healing, while also relying upon God to send a healing blessing. President Brigham Young talked about the importance of us to do all we can do before we can really expect healing miracles to happen. Elder Harold B. Lee also recently quoted this same excerpt from Brigham Young when he spoke to the Seminary and Institute Faculty at BYU on July 6, 1956; he was quoting from Journal of Discourses 4:24:

6. 'You may go to some people here and ask what ails them. And the answer, 'I don't know, but we have a dreadful distress in the stomach and in the back. We feel all out of order and wish you would lay hands on us.' 'Have you used any remedies?' 'No, we wish the elders to lay hands upon us. We have faith that we will be healed.' That is very inconsistent according to my faith. If we are sick and ask the Lord to heal, to do all for us that is necessary to be done, according to my understanding of the gospel of salvation, I might as well ask the Lord to ask my wheat and corn to grow with out my plowing the ground and casting in the seeds. It appears consistent to me to apply every remedy that comes within the range of my knowledge and to ask my Father in heaven in the name of Christ to sanctify that application to the healing of my body. To another this may be inconsistent. But, supposing we were traveling in the mountains, and all we had or could get in the shape of nourishment was a little medicine, and one or two were taken sick without anything in the world in the shape of healing medicine within our reach. What should we do? According to my faith, ask the Lord God Almighty to send an angel to heal the sick. That's our privilege when so situated that we cannot get anything to help ourselves. Then the Lord and his servants can do all, but it is my duty to do when I have it in my power to do.'

7. 3) I next then prayed for Greg, a person with whom I have been conversing over email during the past several months. I explained that Greg has suffered with intense head pain for years, and searched online and then contacted me to try to find relief, asking if I could help him. I have worked remotely with Greg over the months, but his pain still comes back. I asked him a month ago, to call upon the Father, in the name of Jesus, that the angel Raphael, God's healing archangel, would come to him and heal him by the power of God. Greg said he felt Raphael come several times. However, his head pain has not gone away. Greg feels now he has unconscious, false beliefs that are plaguing him. I asked my Heavenly Parents to bless Greg and to heal him if possible.

8. In response to my prayer, Heavenly Father spoke again:

'Raphael, we will bless Greg, our son, with healing. Remember, that all healing ultimately comes from God. In our own way we administer healing to our children. Often our healing comes gradually, to not circumvent the purposes of mortality for our child, for earth life is a test, and is planned to be difficult. Such has been the case for Greg. We will continue to bring healing to Greg, but in our own way, through your administration as a conduit for our healing power.'

After this, I asked a question:

9. Q– I understand that we angels are to administer and bless the elect of God. What about the vast numbers of those who are not elect? Do we spend our efforts in protecting, healing and blessing them as well?
A– From Heavenly Father:

'Our elect children, whom I have chosen with your Heavenly Mother, are heirs of the celestial kingdom, and will be brought to the New Jerusalem and admitted into the church of the Firstborn. These will live with us, and be crowned in our kingdom, as spoken in the scriptures (see D&C 76:50-70).

10. Those who are not elect, are still our children, but have not, and will not repent and choose us. (see D&C 29:17–'And it shall come to pass, because of the wickedness of the world, that I will take vengeance upon the wicked, for they will not repent; for the cup of mine indignation is full; for behold, my blood shall not cleanse them if they hear me not.') Their commitment to follow our direction and promptings is not sufficient to change their lives. Most of these will ultimately receive a kingdom of glory, after the final judgment. However, worlds without end, they will not receive what they could have received–a place with us in our kingdom of glory.

11. We will occasionally inspire one of our angels to administer to these who are not elect, in protecting, healing or helping direct their lives. However, the great majority of the effort and work of the angels will be focused on the elect of God, our chosen children, who will ultimately make their way fully back to us, their Heavenly Parents, through our Son, Jesus Christ.'

E. R's Personal Journal Entry 11-16-2016, Wednesday

1. This morning in my meditations, and in my prayer, I felt I was in the lovely garden area west of the tree of life. It occurred to me that we, who are mortal, couldn't really have fully partaken of the fruit and the leaf of the tree of life unless we were in our physical bodies. Our bodies are mortal, yet translated and transfigured. Our bodies are therefore able to go to this celestial world as such, in our combined physical and spirit state. This makes the experience of partaking of the fruit and the leaf of the tree much more full and real. The tree of life is a resurrected tree, having both a physical and spirit side which is combined. It is not a spirit-only tree, but is physical and tangible, like our current physical bodies are tangible.

2. I believe that Lehi, in the Book of Mormon, partook of the fruit of the tree of life also, in his dream, but he was there only in his spirit. He partook of the spirit fruit, not the physical fruit, something that the resurrected tree of life was able to do for him. For us, however, we partake of the full physical and spirit fruit combined, and the full physical-spirit leaf.

3. In order to go to the celestial world in our physical body, it has to be both translated and transfigured, or it has to be resurrected. The spirit cells of the transfigured person encapsulate and control the physical cells. This provides protection, and the ability to teleport to places of glory, like our celestial world home.

4. I also was listening to the Book of Isaiah in the car on Monday, and listened to Isaiah chapter 6. This is where Isaiah sees the Lord, in the temple, and receives his commission. He saw the house (temple) filled with smoke (verse 4). In versus 6-7, one of the seraphims took a live coal from the alter, and touched Isaiah's lips with the coal, saying his sins were purged.

5. I realized then that Isaiah's visions occurred in front of the temple and inside the temple doors, where I have been! The alter from where the coal was taken, is the golden alter, just north of the temple doors, and next to the fountain of living waters. The smoke that filled the temple, is similar to the smoke which now fills the temple. I believe it represents the wrath of God. Isaiah was called to preach to the people, until our day, the day in which 'the cities be wasted without inhabitant, and the houses without man, and the land be utterly desolate' (verse 11).

In the last verse 13, Isaiah talks about eating a tree, and also about leaves. I had questions:

6. Q– In Isaiah 6:13, is Isaiah talking about the holy angels who will partake of the tree of life next week?
A– Yes! Isaiah wrote this last verse in Isaiah 6:13, because he saw, at the time of his calling, the journey of the mortal angels in the future, who walked up to the tree of life, and partook of both the fruit and the leaf of that tree. Although not really clear in this verse as it now reads, he says the following (parenthesis added): '(the tree) shall be eaten (the fruit and the leaf of the tree) as a teil tree, and as an oak (the tree of life looks like a huge mature oak tree), whose substance (the powerful affect of the fruit and the leaf) is in them (in the angels who have eaten of the fruit), when they cast (eat) their leaves (the leaves of the tree of life): so the holy seed (the holy angels) shall be the substance thereof (the powerful affect of the tree of life will transfer to the holy seed or the holy angels, preparatory to their receiving their full power as holy angels in the flesh).'

7. Here is the full verse 13 without the comments:

'But yet in it shall be a tenth, and it shall return, and shall be eaten: as a teil tree, and as an oak, whose substance is in them, when they cast their leaves: so the holy seed what be the substance thereof.'

8. You, who are God's holy angels, are privileged to partake of the fruit and the leaf of the tree of life, and thereby qualify as God's holy angels (the holy seed). You need to have this experience and strengthening effect from the tree of life, before being filled with the full power of your angelic commission. This power, authority and strength will be conferred in full upon you in the general assembly of heaven's angels, on the evening of the day you take your journey to the tree of life. The day that has been chosen by the Father is November 25, 2016."

This is a sketch of the way I see the area around the celestial temple.
I thought this would help you in your journey.