3. Why So Few Healing Angels?
In answer to why there are so few healing angels, compared to the large expanse of humanity, I have written the following entries. Let me know if you have questions!
Added on 8-12-2015: The information below is only considering that a healing angel is doing individual healing gifts, and not Complete Healing (which constitutes multiple healing gifts). The information on Complete Healing was not yet revealed to me in mid-July. However, the general logic of the journal entries below is still very reasonable, although the exact numbers may not be accurate.
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)
A. R's Personal Journal Entry, 7-13-2015 (sorry for all the numbers and calculations below!):
1. My sister and others have asked why there are so few healing angels being awakened now. I don't know why for sure. I believe there are 1,475 healing angels in mortality now, based on my previous inquiries. This is a very small number. Why so few? I think they will go to many needy people each day, performing acts of healing to them.
2. . . . Multiple visits from each angel each day is possible, and is especially true if we can adjust time to fit our needs. For example, since time is only an issue of mortality, we can move ourselves in time, either forward or backward to make the duration of time in healing appear shortened, or done more quickly.
3. Also, there might be situations where we 'multiply' our spirits so that we are in more than one location, or with more than one person at a time. So, if we multiplied, or replicated ourselves, among 20 people, then we could do healing for all of them at the same time. God controls all and will use us how he wants us used, to the degree he wants.
I remember last year I was doing upwards of 20 people per night, 140 people per week.
. . . I believe that healing angels will not be sent to people at large, but those who are the elect of God. There will be many who are in and out of the LDS church.
. . . For myself, I think I will be helping to heal an average of 7 people per day, remotely as a spirit, when bad times come. I will also be actively working in my mortal body to help many people around me.
4. When I ponder this, I feel (from prayer and energy testing) during the crisis that is coming, there will be about 9,000 healing visits per day to the people by the healing angels who live in mortality. This is about 6 visits per day or night per healing angel, all done in the spirit and not in the conscious mind of the healing angel. This seems reasonable to me.
5. There are also more angels on the other side of the veil too who will be doing healing work. I believe there are 1,158 of these who are working for God. I think they will be blessing about 35 people per day* (that is what I energy test and when I pray, that is the number too). This is a little over 40,000 visits per day. Add this to 9,000 visits from those healing angels in mortality makes nearly 50,000 visits per day from healing angels to those God chooses to shower with healing during this hard and difficult time ahead. This equates to nearly 1 1/2 million visits per month to the elect of God who are in mortality.
6. I asked why the healing angels that are not in mortality can do so many more healings per day? This answer came back: because they can do, on the average, about 6 people at the same time! 6 visits per day x 6 people per day = 36 visits per day or about 35 people per day visited (see * above). For some reason, for us who are mortal, when our spirit goes to to the other side (while our bodies are in mortality) to do this same work, we do all our healing work linearly, one person at a time. I am not sure why, because I know we have the capability to do multiple people at the same time."
This replication or multiplication of my spirit actually happened to me nearly 2 years ago (see my lengthy comments below):
R's Energy Work Notes, 11/17/2013 Sunday
1:20 pm at church:
7. We went to a Springville Ward sacrament meeting. I tried to notice if God was there, we were there early. I could tell that Heavenly Father came during the opening prayer. Jesus came after the sacrament song, while the organ was still playing, waiting for the Priests to complete breaking the bread. He stayed the entire sacrament meeting. After I was passed the bread, he came to my side and talked to me in my mind. He stayed with me even after the sacrament meeting. He said he would be by my side from then on. I still feel his presence, even now that I am home.
8. Here are his comments: He told me that I was redeemed and brought back into his presence, and that he accepted my sincere remaking of my covenant at the sacrament. He said because I am redeemed, and brought back to his presence, this is why I can perceive God and their presence. I asked him why he can be several places at the same time, and if it was his resurrected body that is in more that one place. He answered, saying that he, as God, can do this in his resurrected body–be more that one place at a time, and he can do multiple things in different places at the same time too. He said a physical body in mortality cannot be several places at one time, but the spirit of man can, even while in the flesh. Man's spirit can be multiple places at the same time. . . He said that this hasn't been revealed yet to the church. He said I could reveal this to anyone if I felt so impressed by the spirit.
9. Jesus also said that the Holy Ghost can be multiple places at the same time too, just like our spirits. His mission is to dwell in the hearts of people, in their spirits. Jesus and resurrected people can do this too, like I do with my energy work (having my spirit leave my body and do other tasks, while my spirit is still also residing in my body). However, this is not his main mission, but is a main mission of the Holy Ghost.
I was able to spiritually embrace Jesus and felt such an uplift in the embrace. He is so full of love and compassion!"
10. 5:00 pm after nap
I prayed for whom I should do energy work for, and it was for me! I went to my room and Jesus, Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother came it seemed. I was told more about the human spirit issues. I think Jesus was the voice. He said to me that the spirit can adjust to any size, like a spirit in a newborn baby easily adjusts to that tabernacle. Certain righteous spirits can also expand more too, or multiply themselves. Love has to be the motivation for doing these things, for Satan and his hosts cannot multiply their spirits. Also, most mortals as pre-mortal spirits didn't learn how to do this either. There are some in mortality that can multiply themselves to work simultaneously on different people. I am to teach this thing in my classes, but probably not specifically teach this as doctrine, for I have no authority. Spencer, in his book Visions of Glory, told about how he was on a real in-the-body experience in the future, while his ailing body lay back in Utah (his spirit was multiplied to be in both places). Later he saw himself in vision as an observer (3 places multiplied). Most people on earth are so attached to their mortal body, their natural man, that they hardly know about their own spirits.
11. I feel so grateful to have this understanding of the human spirit: it can adapt to size (large or small) and can multiply itself if God gives the person that gift of being able to multiply itself. This is a marvelous doctrine that will bless me I believe!
I received a 'group embrace' from all three of the deity there–it was quite an experience to have their spirits come inside of me and to feel the blend of their strengths, love for me, and their light. I feel humbled and deeply blessed!
B. R's Personal Journal Entry 11/19/2013:
(NOTE: The information below occurred before I learned about Intention Healing, or God's Loving Healing Hands gift)
1. “Yesterday I did energy work for 34 people! I did it by multiplying myself (my spirit) in their healing work. I ran out of time, but still I got it done.
. . . I really like doing this remote healing work anonymously. I believe it is just as effective as a one-on-one session with a person, for I am working with the person’s spirit remotely.
If their spirits do really come the God's Loving Healing Center room, then they all have the power to replicate, or multiply their spirit too. One spirit self would be with their body always, and one spirit self would be in the room. Maybe this is a gift God gives everyone who comes to earth, for it seems they all can do it.
2. When I am in my body and also in my room, at the same time, it seems that there is only one mind, but multiple locations. This makes perfect sense, since the mind needs to control it all and be congruent, not disjointed, between spirits which are multiplied.
When people dream, or maybe see visions, they multiply their spirit, but still have only one mind.
I believe that God (Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother, Jesus, the Holy Ghost), all have one mind controlling all but their multiplied bodies or spirits (in the case of the Holy Ghost) are out in various locations.
3. It seems that the place the mind is operating from is the place which is currently being used. This may and probably is only true of mortals. God, I believe, has full capacity to do multiple things at the same time, to be multiple places at once, and yet have one central mind to control it all. This is extremely mind-boggling for us mortals to think how it is done.
4. So, what are our capabilities as mortals?
1) My spirit can multiply, by being in more that one location at a time.
2) The mind of my spirit (my mental capacity to think, reason, have emotions, etc) are all centrally grouped into one location.
3) The physical body can only be one place at a time while mortal, or translated. As a translated person, one learns to move, disappear, etc as God directs or condones.
4) My mind controls all my mental, spiritual and emotional functions of my spirit. . ."