20. Comments from various healing angels, and
Satan is Being Unleashed in Great Fury in July

I have also included my personal journal entry from an experience that happened the last Sunday in June. In this communication, Heavenly Father talks about Satan being unleashed in July 2016, and about calamities coming soon. It may be scary, but I have been told it is necessary for God's purposes to roll forth in preparation of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. 

Our healing work as healing angels is starting to ramp up now, mostly to be done in the spiritual realm. I would love to hear about how you are doing. I have been told this will continue to be a gradual buildup on healing work that we will all be involved in. 

The advanced 3-day class coming up on Thursday, August 18th to Saturday, August 20th, 2016 in Utah County Utah. My sister K will be attending and help teach these classes! There is a lot of synergy by being all together!

Get ready!


P.S. I anticipate that the next entry in here will be around the first part of August, 2016. At this time I will report on the loosing of Satan on the earth in great fury.

(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. Comments from Various Healing Angels

1. 6-13 from Angela:
Oh R, thank you. I have been very drawn to going to healing waters lately so this is very timely. I have immersed myself several times in the sacred lake water. It feels cleansing and purifying and also I feel it is good to take a drink of this purifying water.

Very sweet. I love these. I wish I could read a post every day or two as they really bring me insight and joy and a feeling of being very blessed."

2. 6-10 from Gabriella:

It was so amazing to read what you sent me. One of my gifts stated in my patriarchal blessing is that I am a 'visionary and will dream dreams and see visions'. This I believe is why my sleeping gets disturbed so much because the adversary is trying to disrupt my sleep so I will not be able to dream. So, the other night my two youngest woke up in the middle of the night and we had to bring them in our room. Then, a couple minutes later my ____ came running down the hall in a total panic. He had a really bad nightmare. Then, about 15 minutes later I see and hear my husband sitting up in bed and he's casting out evil spirits. I'm usually the one that experiences them or feels them (another gift I have is feeling and hearing them). He had a bad dream as well and was paralyzed in his dream and couldn't raise his arm to the square to cast them out. When he was able to get himself out of the dream he sat up and raised his arm to the square. What was interesting about this was in the morning when I got up your email was in my inbox. I read how you said us healing angels will have extra protection and to call on Raphael with his sword. I was the only one who didn't have a nightmare that night. Now, I did feel them but I did not have a direct experience with them. Pretty incredible."

3. 6-9 from Claire:

"This month is flying by. Everyday I feel more prepared as a healing angel. I am having experiences I never dreamed of. I thank you so much for guiding me in this work. Have a great night"

4. 6-8 from Mackenzie:

"This is truly incredible stuff! Thank you so much for sharing :-) . . .

Thanks R, for living true to who you are. It's incredible to witness.
Your friend,

5. 6-8 from Angela:

"I love hearing your updates and new experiences. I rejoice in it. I want to be prepared to serve in the most effective ways I can. It changes how I perceive people and situations. I feel I am more understanding and forgiving of others' shortcomings.

Anyway, thank you for being so supportive.
I love you!

6. 6-7 from Angela:

"I love reading the new information you receive. It is so interesting and encouraging! Thank you for posting! I will read it again."

7. 5-23 from Hyrum:

I read everything over and over, it was beautiful to read.
Thank you so much.
You are a true servant of Heavenly Father."

8. 5-22 from Savannah:

When I began to watch your videos it felt so peaceful. A calmness came over me. I knew from the beginning that in healing we were all just conduits, but your method is directly with God (and others) not just as the source, but as the teacher. I love that. I told someone once that I felt like Joseph Smith when he was so confused about what religion to join. I know there is good in everything, but I was missing a piece. I believe that piece to be Heavenly Father, Mother, and Jesus. They are everything.

What you have to say resonates with me. A while back I got a blessing from my husband which stated that I would have the Holy Ghost as my tutor, that I was going to be healed, and what I learned would allow me to help so many others in the future."

9. 5-21 from Samuel:

With that in mind, I thank you for your time spent on us to flip the light switch on in our lives. I know full well that Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and perhaps many others are involved with bringing the light in our lives. I am grateful for all They do.

(I am keeping) up on the latest things that are happening in your life and what you and others are saying on the website. Although I don’t have a testimony of you being Raphael, I don’t reject the notion either. I suppose I am neutral at the moment. And that is okay. I do know that everything you said while you were in our (class) is truthful–it was filled with the spirit. It felt like the temple. Never once did the spirit leave. I know what that is like. When someone was introducing energy work to us a year before your class in my home, I said something very wrong. The spirit left immediately and all of us felt it. So, I know if you had said something untruthful, we would have felt it. Thank you for taking the time to come and talk to us and allow the spirit to teach us."

10. 5-20 from Kennedy:

Hi, R, I'll keep calling you that, unless you say different. WOW! What a few days you all had in Utah County. . . It seems so strange, yet so true, to me. Emily had told me about it. . . I was so glad you posted what you did. I could read at my own pace and assimilate it all much better. I was a little concerned about you for awhile (months) before you had your class. You were not clear ( you had dark entities attached and attacking you). I knew you were being buffered by the dark side. I did not tell Emily that before she went, so it was interesting what all happened. I wasn't surprised by what happened. Thank you so much for sharing with me. "

You are clear (free of evil spirits) now. The soreness will be replaced with healing."

11. 5-19 from Emma:

"Thank you so much for (your) healing for me with the class. That was a beautiful experience listening to what was taking place. . . I offered (a) prayer and felt so tender and loved. I asked Father in Heaven if the things that would take (in the healing session) were true and if it is something that He wants me to know or be guided to. And, if these things are right, that I would have a strong confirmation that day. . . I had a peaceful yet very strong feeling wash over me. I felt the words, 'The healing work that is being done this day is hallowed work.' It was so powerful that I dropped to my knees on the hard ground and started sobbing in gratitude, thanking Heavenly Father. Without a doubt, that was my answer and confirmation. It took away my fear and brought me peace and joy. I have felt the spirit world closer. I feel more open and understanding of the spirit world and there feels like a separation between the spirit world and the physical world. I am finding that talking to Heavenly Father and praying are easier and my faith increased in prayers being answered. I was so especially touched by hearing that so many family members were there. That brought me to tears. I was so touched by the love of my family. . . All of it was so very special to me! I am ever so grateful for that day, for those present, for you and for our Father in Heaven for all that happened."

12. 5-18 from Emily:
It was absolutely silver lightning!! No wonder hell is shaking and the attacks on mankind starting Sunday reached a new level!"

13. 5-16 from Joel:
But for now I mostly wanted to make sure that you know that I really appreciate you and the love & compassion that continually flow through you. I also wanted you to know that I have full confidence in you & sustain you as our leader."

14. 5-15 from Mackenzie:

I hope everyone has had a wonderful Sabbath day. I have been really trying hard to remember the events of the past few days, but I can only remember the summery of each day. I can't remember any of the messages or proclamations/declarations. The WORDS of the blessings and promises were so powerful during the demonstrations, yet I can't remember any of them. Has anyone else been able to recall anything?"

Thank you everyone for the amazing weekend. You each brought the spirit with you along with your talents, faith, and gifts. I love you all, and I am so excited for the future! Look to the present and future, never looking back. (Unless you are going to the past for healings. Then that's okay.) I learned so much, but the feeling I am holding on to is that I am enough. We are ALL enough. And as Emily says so perfectly, 'It's not about you.' It's about those we are helping and those that need to be healed. Thank you R for teaching us the Lord's way of healing, and moving forward as the spirit directed."

15. 5-15 from Angela:

R, I am in awe. I wish I had been present for such a glorious experience. Last night I tuned in (or perhaps it was this morning. . . can't recall) and I sensed a gathering of all the healing angels together in God's Loving Healing Center outside. It seems like you were key in it and I can't recall much of it now. But I had the impression that all have now been awakened and we are preparing to serve. Like a legion of light to the earth and to help ease and heal the suffering."

16. 5-13 from Joanne:

R, thank you for sharing this information with me, it is an amazing thing to learn about. The more I think and ponder on all that you have shared, I would think that with the events that are coming before the Savior, he would want more people awakened to help."

17. 5-6 from Angela:

(words from Heavenly Mother about an energy class Angela was soon to give): "Yes. Just be yourself. Put on your robes and crown and stay in your heart energy. All will be well. Angels will attend you and bless all who attend as well. Love will be created and it will flow. Stand in confidence and speak from your heart. My love will magnify the work. You are dearly loved."

18. 5-2 from Madison about premortal name:

Wow! I was quite taken aback, and shocked, yet not shocked at the same time. This makes sense to me. As I would read this account, and as we discussed some of this as a family, I felt such a strong feeling rise up within, leading to feel of its truthfulness. I will pray about it, but I think I already believe it, as the feelings I have had as I read this are strong and powerful at times.

I feel quite humbled and grateful for my friendship with you, but then again, I always have. You have always been a source of inspiration and a blessing in our lives. We talk often about how we feel the spirit as we read your words, whether via the website or email, and also feel the spirit when around you in person. You are very humble, patient, kind and loving. You are truly a great example to us all!"

19. 5-1-2016 from Kennedy about premortal name:

Wow I get that this is all true. Thanks for sharing with me"

Satan is being unleashed in great fury in July 2016

"Satan and his hosts will be unleashed upon the earth, going forth
with great fury like they have never done before.

B. R's Personal Journal dated 6-26-2016:

1. Today is another hot day, about 96 deg F. We took our son with us to a Mapleton Ward where one of our friends spoke at his missionary homecoming. . .

At church we partook of the sacrament. I envisioned myself in God's Loving Healing Center, on the west side of the lake. I went a little ways off of the path. I knelt and made my weekly covenant. . .

I then heard the sacrament prayer on the bread by the Priest. Then Heavenly Father came before me in a blaze of glory and said, as best I recall, the following:

'Raphael, my son, please stand before me. I accept the covenant you have made today.

2. Raphael, this is the last week that my healing angels will heal prior to all of the healing work that I will send them. They have all been awakened, protected, mostly translated, and by the end of the week sufficiently healed to act as pure conduits for us who are the 3 healers. We will soon send our healing angels to people all over the world who are in great need.

3. Next month, Satan and his hosts will be unleashed upon the earth, going forth with great fury like they have never done before. Great calamities are coming upon the inhabitants of the earth also, as described in Isaiah chapter 24. This will all be done, by my word, so that wickedness will be cleansed from before my face, and replaced by righteous living, culminated by the glorious return of my Beloved Son to the earth!

I bless you, my son Raphael, to have the strength to lead and direct each healing angel, and all healing on the earth also at this critical time. My presence will be with you continually in abundance. I will strengthen your physical body to do all of this great work while you are in the spirit realms.

I love you, my son.'"