16D. Raphael Question and Answers

Here are some additional questions that I had about Raphael–I would like to share these with you. . .  

The following information is what I believe I have received in answer to my many questions from a loving Heavenly Father. I have used the name R to denote myself in my physical body, and Raphael to denote all workings in the spirit realms. I cautiously and humbly share this with you. I seek no notoriety, but only to be treated as a fellow servant of God and a fellow healing angel.

Before I begin, I wish to reiterate again, the great importance of not relying on my inspiration alone. Please pray in the sincerity of your heart to confirm any and all of these things with your Heavenly Father! This is the course of safety and a sure way to receive a strong witness of truth.

Warmly, R

(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com)

Angel Raphael
Angel Raphael
Image credit: http://archangeltherapy.net

1. Q– Because I am now awakened, have been trained and am fully vested as a healing angel before God, am I more capable and powerful now as a healer than I was prior to coming to earth, only then as a spirit?

A– Yes, about twice as effective in the spirit realm.

B. Q– Is this also true of all the healing angels when they become trained and fully vested?

A– Yes.

2. C. Q– Again, should I tell the healing angels about my premortal identity and mission?

A– You need to tell them straight and clearly your new revelations about your identity. It will strengthen them in their purpose and identity also. Act humbly, reveal the truth of what I have said to you, and all will be well in this area.

D. Q– Were the archangels designated only after Lucifer was cast out?

A– Yes

3. E. Q– Did Raphael have his name since he was born to Heavenly Father and Mother, or was this a new name given once he was designated to be an archangel?

A– Raphael was his name from the beginning.

5. – Are there any other healing angels with supervisory roles?

A– Yes, both Roberta and Elizabeth, whose healing stones are in the shape of the domed room.

4. F. Q– Please give more information about my 'twin energies' that I have with my sister K (premortal name of Rachael)

A– Synopsis by R: K is a compliment to my energy, not a similar energy. Her thinking and approaches to healing are so different from myself that it makes a more complete healing when we work together. We would be better called 'complimentary' energies, rather than 'twin' energies. In our premortal state, K and I participated in many healings together, being linked together as a complimentary pair. We were granted our request to be born into the same family, she being child #3 and me child #4. The only similarities we have is that we have similar names and have the same earthly family. We are very complimentary in our healing work.

5. G. Q– What are Raphael's supervisory roles?

A– Raphael acts as a leader and guide for all the healing angels, all healers who have developed or been given gifts to share in healing their fellowman, physicians of all sorts, people who practise procedures that enhance our health and well-being, any people working in positive alternative medicine or energy work, health and well-being of people, and the health care of animals. Also included are human anatomy as it pertains to wellness, healthy function of people (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual), human well-being and comfort, healthy life-style practices and all human relationship issues including family and marriage relationships. He is charged with overseeing food and remedies of all kinds as their purpose pertains to healing and recovery of the body.

He goes where directed and approved of Heavenly Father. He often calls on other healing powers to assist him (including other healing angels). His role is independent of religious, political or familial ties, and includes all of God's children in mortality from the days of Adam and Eve until the end of earth's temporal existence.

His role does not include the following, as given on various websites: travelers, science issues, music, drama, nature, plants, fertility of the soil, and farming or gardening.

H. 6. Q– In order to fulfill these roles, does Raphael rely on his ability to replicate his spirit?

A– Yes, this is one of his primary gifts he uses. Also the more people on the earth, the more he uses his replication gift so he can meet the needs of the people. During the height of the last days trauma for God's children (a much greater need for love and healing), this number of replications will also significantly increase.

I. Q– Do the healing angels assist Raphael in the purposes and missions of Raphael's replications?

A– No, unless they are asked to do so.

7. J. Q– When R was born as a child in mortality, or throughout his life to date, was there ever a 'break' or 'decrease' in Raphael's ability to minister to God's children as a healing archangel?

A– There was never a break. However, once R began assisting in awakening the healing angels (along with Roberta and Elizabeth), the amount of service he could do in the spirit realm was reduced somewhat. This was required in order to maintain stability in R's physical body. Also Complete Healings are very energy consuming and have in the past limited some of Raphael's overall service to mankind (also due to keeping R's physical body from crashing, so to speak). However, R is now much more used to this, and there is no significant reduction from now on for fulfilling Raphael's mission. Also, all the healing angels have now been awakened for the time being, and this will also free-up Raphael's serving ability.

8. K. Q– When all this replication is happening to Raphael, is R able to also work in his conscious mind for those around him in mortality?

A– R has been given increased ability to help heal others in his conscious mind. This does not significantly reduce Raphael's service ability.

9. L. Q– For all these replication visits, does Raphael need to be 'petitioned' by someone (the healer or client in need of healing and comfort) in order for Raphael to go help them?

A– No. If it is in his stewardship, then Raphael just goes to help enhance the best outcome, all according to the will of God the Father.

M. Q– If a healing angel asks for Raphael's assistance, will Raphael go to assist?

A– Yes, every time.

10. N. Q– Is it appropriate to 'pray' for Raphael to come?

A– Yes, if the prayer is addressed to God and the person praying asks for healing help. Then Heavenly Father will often send Raphael, a healing angel, and/or someone in his mortal circle to assist. Our heavenly parents love their children so much, that it seems they generally send someone to help, all based on the overall probationary plan for that child.

O. Q– Do the other six archangels have missions that require significant replication, like Raphael does?

A– No.

11. P. Q– Since the healing angel awakening was done on April 28, 2016, has Raphael increased again to his full capacity?

A– Yes.

R. Q. Q– Do the healing angels assist Raphael in the purposes and missions of these replications?

A– No, unless they are asked to do so.

12. Q– Do the healing angels assist in Complete Healings?

A– Yes. They each can do this, as a pure conduit for God.

S. Q– Who should be told or revealed the mission and role of Raphael?

A– Only the healing angels. Not R's family except his sister and his wife in time. Working behind the scenes, being incognito and keeping a very low profile is the will of the Father.

13. T. Q– Do Complete Healings take a significant amount of energy, compared to all the replications done by Raphael?

A– Yes. It is like Jesus who said 'virtue is gone out of me' when he was touched by the woman with the issue of blood (see Luke 8:46).

U. Q– Is the method that the Holy Ghost uses to be in more than one place at the same time the same spirit replication method used by Raphael?

A– Yes

14. V. Q– Are there any other spirit children of Heavenly Father, besides the Holy Ghost and Raphael, whose mission needs so many replications of their spirit to fulfill their primary function and mission

A– No.

W. Q– Does God (Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother, and Jesus Christ) rely on replication of their resurrected bodies to love and serve their children on earth?

A– Yes.

15. X. Q– Do healing angels need to use replication in their work?

A– No, except in leaving their spirit in their body while their replicated spirit does remote energy work. Their energy work is usually done one healing at a time.

16. Y. Q– is the ability to do so many spirit replications a specific blessing given by God to both the Holy Ghost and to Raphael?

A– Yes. The Holy Ghost and Raphael have a lot of similarities in that they each have a mission which requires they replicate their spirits many times in order to fulfill their responsibilities. The Holy Ghost is to bear witness of the Father and the Son, to comfort, to be a constant companion to those who receive this gift by the laying on of hands, etc. Raphael is to help heal and comfort those who suffer and need healing, serves all of God's children regardless of religion, nationality, age, etc. He influences health practitioners everywhere to fulfill this same purpose. Both the Holy Ghost and Raphael have been working directly with mortal children of Heavenly Father since the days of Adam, and will do so until the end of earth's temporal existence.