14. Eight More Healing Angels Awakened
April 13, 2016
I thought I would share with you, my fellow healing angels, the accounts of the last eight healing angels who have contacted me. I also saw the healing vestures of six of these healing angels. These have all been copied from emails that we exhanged. I now have identified 36 healing angels so far. I think this may help inspire you in pursuing your efforts in learning God's healing ways. For each of these I have changed their names when sharing their information.
In addition, I have received confirmation in prayer from God that the last day of awakening of healing angels (at least for now) will be April 28th, 2016, in about two weeks. What I know is that Roberta, Elizabeth and myself have been given this charge of helping God awaken these persons to their premortal calling as healing angels. Together we have recently been averaging around 17 awakenings per day. Like you, these persons have not been released from their high and holy mission and calling as a healing angel before God because of their birth in mortality. Like most of you, they still need to be trained and guided in mortality by God to be fully vested and capable again as a healing angel in the flesh.
Now that these awakenings are wrapping up, I have scheduled an advanced class on May 12-14th in Utah County Utah. There are still a few openings for those who of you wishing to attend, but let me know soon!
(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were drawn by R or downloaded from Pixabay.com)
A. Hyrum
April 21, 2015
1. This morning, as most days, I awoke out of a deep and good sleep promptly at 7 am. I went to the adjacent room where I prayed and then started meditating.
I immediately went to the domed room in God's Loving Healing Center. From there, I felt to travel to a remote island in the South Pacific. It was uninhabited, all sand and beach, very small. It was 10-11 am in the morning there, and already warming up for the day. It was beautiful!
2. I went near the shore, on the sand and knelt down. I asked if there was someone I could help heal or help awaken to their gifts. After a bit, the name of Hyrum came to mind. I wondered if he would come, and he did! Hyrum appeared near the chair I was kneeling by. We embraced and I felt his humble soul. He asked me if I might help him awaken a little more today to his premortal healing gifts and abilities. I said that I thought God would provide.
Hyrum sat in the beach recliner which was there. I felt he should receive God's Loving Healing Hands gift. I laid my hands on his head and offered a prayer: 'Heavenly Father, Hyrum and I come before thee, and ask thee to bless Hyrum to awaken to his healing gifts a little more-so he can perceive them more fully, and feel assurance he is pleasing thee. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.'
3. When done, I saw person come to our right from the hill of the island, walking towards us. He continued walking in the air until he was directly in from of us. Jesus was smiling but spoke no words. He was in front and elevated above us slightly, in the air. He started sending his loving, healing light in an arch in the air to my head. I felt this light go down my arms and hands into Hyrum's head. As I looked into Hyrum's spirit, I could see the light and love of Jesus filling him up. This light seemed to proceed to his legs and feet, and just start filling him up. When he was fully filled, the light kept coming and started overflowing Hyrum's body boundaries.
Then I saw, at the crown of his head, a split open up into 2-3 parts. (Note, I know that something like this happened back on Mar 19th, 2015, done by Heavenly Father. This happened again here with Jesus.) The light kept coming, and the splits opened up more and peeled back under the light which was flowing strongly. As I looked, I saw a bright new 'Hyrum' under the peeling old Hyrum. Soon the peels of the old had completely been removed, over all his body, and disappeared in the sandy beach below. A bright and pure and very gifted Hyrum was before me, still sitting on the chair under my hands.
4. Then Jesus stopped the flow of light, and I removed my hands. Hyrum stood, turned and fully embraced me, thanking me. He was so filled with light and love that it permeated my spirit and I felt the light pass through me. I felt very happy for Hyrum!
Then Hyrum and I separated. He turned and saw his Savior before him. Hyrum fell on his knees, but Jesus asked him stand. Then Jesus stepped forward, extended his arms to the sides of Hyrum's arms, and spoke words I could hear:
'Hyrum, thank you for coming here and seeking to be more fully awakened to your healing gifts. We have seen your faith and persistence and desires. I have awakened you partially today to your great abilities and talents that you have used as a healing angel before you were born in mortality. You will now be able to learn quicker and perceive more fully your gifts as you practice them. We will be near you and tutor you in your learning experiences in helping God's children heal. We will send our healing power and light through you to those we direct you to bless in this way. You will act as our conduit of our healing power, acting as our hands, and ministering in humility and love. I love you Hyrum.'
5. With that said, Jesus drew Hyrum close and fully embraced him. They seemed to be together, almost as one bright source of light. As they separated, Hyrum was beaming and seemed so happy and filled with joy. Then they grew smaller and together, and started fading away. I asked, in my mind to Jesus, if I should share this with Hyrum. He spoke to my mind:
'R, share this choice experience with my servant and your fellow healer, Hyrum. This will buoy him up, and will help him in his healing journey.'
They were both gone. I sat in the beach recliner and immediately started writing. At the same moment, I got out of my bed, in the adjacent room, and wrote in my journal too. I felt I was both places at the same time. It was a great experience today!
. . . I then felt my 3 bumps on my portal. I was in my bed, sitting on the edge writing all this down at the same time in my journal. After finishing, I knelt down by my bed, thanking my Heavenly Father for such a wonderful experience this morning."
B. Annabelle
September 3, 2015
1. In an email to Annabelle from R:
Interesting that I put up the link 'Am I a Healing Angel' just yesterday, following a prompting-I guess that too was just for you! I too feel confirmed in prayer that you have been awakened since we started unconsciously helping awaken healing angels this summer. I don't know when it happened, but I do believe that you have received anew your full healing vestures and your full capability and standing as a healing angel that you were before you were born. You might confirm all this too, and gain more insight on some of your specifics, in prayer and meditation."
2. Annabelle's response:
R! It is so beautiful and spiritual! Earthy words just don't express the beauty involved. I still feel like an infant in my understanding of this work and my gifts-as I just started to use them in the past 2 months. I too can muscle test in my mind. None of the other ways were working for me, so my friend suggested perhaps I am one who can just test in my mind. When she said that, the spirit washed over me and I knew it was true. Since then, I have been practicing, but I am a mother of 2 small children (2 and 5 years old) and its difficult to find alone time to practice. ;) I have been contemplating emailing you for a few months now and when I saw this link for 'Am I a Healing Angel?' I knew the time was now."
C. Nora
October 21 & 22, 2015
1. Here is what I did for your healing, using Complete Healing that I describe on my website as a framework:
I went to the domed room and you came to me there, as a spirit. When I saw you, you were wearing your healing vestures as a healing angel! I got a good look and wrote it up in my journal (see the attached sketch–please forgive my artwork!). Here is from my journal:
'. . . When I perceived her come to me, I was able to see her healing vestures in detail. She had a yellow cape around her shoulders, attached in the front with a yellow amethyst, round healing stone. She also had a light yellow sash underneath the cape, tied in the back with the sash ends flowing to the ground. I saw temporarily a golden crown appear on her head. She had a white inner robe that extended from her neck to her feet. She had on no shoes.'
Nora's healing vestures
. . . One thing I have fully realized, is that I have no control over anything with Complete Healing, or any of the healing gifts I have taught, except in being a pure and clear conduit. All healing comes from God, not me. Also, if God wants to fully heal, partially heal, or not heal at all, it is all his prerogative, and not ours. We petition him, in prayer like I did when both you and I had together as free spirits. I know God responded with something since my healing stone lit up so brightly. All the healing gifts I participated in were done in my unconscious mind, not my conscious mind. I don't know the outcome, but I believe it is God's desire to bless and cure you.
. . . He also has a plan, unique for you, Nora, in your journey as a healing angel. It is up to you to find out what he has in mind."
D. Emily
February 13, 2016
1. So I went to the domed room, in God's Loving Healing Center, in my mind's eye, as my spirit. The furniture was elegant and beautiful. I thought 'where is Emily?' and then you came in the doorway and came to me. We had a full embrace, like old friends would greet. I said to you that Heavenly Father wanted to give you a healing of some kind, and that I was to be the conduit for this healing. I asked if I could offer a prayer in your behalf, which you agreed to.
It was a simple prayer. When I ended, it took about a second and then my healing stone lit up like fireworks! It took a bit for it to settle down so I could see and think more clearly. You were still there, alone with me. I asked to energy test what had happened. This was a Complete Healing, or a combination of healing gifts, going back in the past, in the present, and into the future too. Here is what I found:
Physical healing: 10%
Emotional healing: 10%
Spiritual healing: none
Mental healing: 5%
Training as a healing angel: 75%
Total healing: 100%
. . . I then saw your healing vestures! They were magnificent! I had time to 'peer' at them, so that I was sure what I was seeing. I could see your purplish healing stone which attached an outer, brilliantly white robe in your front, just below your neck. This white robe extended to the ground, covering your entire backside and sides. Your arms were able to extend out of this robe. The healing stone is what you saw before I believe. There was another stone, but not a healing stone, lighter purple, which acted as a clasp of sort on your purple sash which went around your waist. You also had a very light purple inner robe which went to your feet. It was tied at the waist with the sash and clasp stone.
You also wore a gold crown on your head-truly like a queen or a princess! I am confident it represented your glorious state after finishing earth life, your mission as a healing angel, and returning back to your heavenly parents.
Emily's healing vestures
I wrote all this down in my pocket journal and finished around 1:00 am. I drew a sketch of what I saw too of your healing vestures."
E. Joel
February 18, 2016
1. I wanted to write you about your healing vestures. I spent some time in prayer last night, trying to visualize them. Heavenly Father seemed right in front of me during the prayer, and agreed to let me look. Here is what I saw (see the attached sketch). Let me know if you see anything different or similar, if you can. I am telling you exactly what I saw, like seeing through a glass darkly, but still distinctly:
You have an inner robe, with full-length open sleeves, light golden color. It extends around your neck and to the ground. You also have a bright white outer robe, with arm-holes on the right and left sides. This robe is open in the front and flows freely to the ground. You have a white sash too, which connects in the back in a bow (not visible, under the outer robe) which has ties that flow to the ground. I saw your healing stone a little different that you describe. I saw it as attached to a gold chain and is oval in the front view. There is, as you said, a diamond there. I saw it in the center, also appearing oval to me. This is all encased in a golden-type gemstone of some kind-very beautiful! I have never seen anything like it, very heavenly for sure! I thought the overall stone was about 3/8" thick, 1 1/2" tall and 1" wide.
I also queried about other healing angels in your family. I felt there were 3 additional ones living, one deceased, and none that were yet to be born. Including you, that is 5 healing angels! I would say that your family has been abundantly blessed!
Joel's healing vestures
I also asked if I should share this with you, and I felt I should.
These are sacred and wonderful experiences that I share with you. You have a lot of wonderful experiences ahead of you, I am confident! I look forward to meeting your some day too."
F. Mackenzie
March 2, 2016
1. Thank you for your open and great email! I understand fully your feelings, I think. I do agree with you that your spirit goes somewhere else and does important healing work with God. At first it feels like you are very tired, or falling asleep like you describe. This seems to be what happens at first. In time, it becomes so much more natural and you become used to this experience, and it becomes hardly noticeable even. It is a very interesting transition.
This morning in my personal prayer I prayed whether I should participate in a Complete Healing for you. I felt very strongly that I should! I did so immediately. It was a very remarkable experience, and I whipped out my pocket journal to write it all down, which I will re-write in this email. When you first came to me, in the spirit, I pondered what you looked like and I was taken with your healing vestures. I studied this out, trying to perceive what I saw, and I saw more and more. I started sketching in my pocket journal what I saw of your vestures, and I was so impressed! I have included this sketch below. I will start with describing what I saw before me (you were dressed in your glorious healing vestures) and then I will describe the rest of the events and healing.
Mackenzie's healing vestures
Healing Vestures:
2. I saw your gold crown on your head, signifying the glory of your reward when you are finished with your work here below. I don't think this is normally on your head, but it was just shown to me to tell you about the grandeur of your reward. I saw two healing robes: the inner robe was light purple and extended around your neck and to your feet. It was tied with a darker purple sash which tied on the right side, under your outer robe. The sash ties extended to the ground. The outer robe was brilliant white and extended all the way to your wrists, with open sleeves. It hung to the ground and was open in the front. On the sides there were diagonal bands of gold, about 2" wide, made from gold thread woven into the fabric (by Heavenly Mother I am sure). These bands started at the back of your neck and wrapped around the front of the outer robe to a point below your sash. These were strikingly beautiful against the purple and white! At the front of your outer robe, there was a gold pendant on which hung your lavender healing stone, shaped in the form of a pyramid, like the pyramid room with 4 sides. The gold pendant actually was sewn into the hem of the outer robe around your neckline, very elegantly done too! I have a closeup sketch of this. Your healing stone was about 2" tall and 1 1/2" wide at the base. You had bare feet, and were just glorious!
Healing Experience: Now for what I have written down during my prayer:
'I felt to go to the west side of God's Celestial Temple in the Celestial Kingdom, just north of God's Healing Center. I have been there before. I was right next to the temple-it was a hugely tall building wall, so bright, spacious and expansive! I was in the mezzanine area just west of the temple. I knelt down there on the stone pavement.
I prayed to Heavenly Father that Mackenzie would be able to come, I had confirmation again that she was to receive a Complete Healing. She then came from my right, dressed in elegant flowing white robes (the way I initially saw her). The more I gazed on her, the more of her glorious healing vestures became apparent. (I then described the healing vestures given above.)
3. I felt confirmed these were Mackenzie's healing vestures. We had a full embrace, as good friends from a premortal era. I told her that God wanted to heal her with Complete Healing. She was crying and agreed. I prayed in her behalf:
Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother (for they both had just come in front of us, and we were both kneeling on the mezzanine pavement facing the temple. I prayed to both of them since they were both there, and it seemed very appropriate at the time.). We ask thee to heal Mackenzie, thy choice daughter in mortality, all according to thy will. In the name of thy Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, Amen.
Then I was looking at my own healing stone which was plainly seen but immediately burst into brilliant white light so that I could not discern anything around me in the area of my healing stone! It stayed that way for a while. This was a true sign that a Complete Healing had just taken place.
Then Heavenly Mother stepped forth and fully embraced Mackenzie in her bosom, becoming one with her. She was broadly smiling, tears in her eyes and in Mackenzie's. When they separated, Heavenly Father stepped forth and fully embraced Mackenzie too.
When finished, they each took Mackenzie by her hands, Heavenly Father took Mackenzie's left hand, and Heavenly Mother took her right, and hand-in-hand they started walking away from me towards the temple. They were talking to Mackenzie as they were walking. Then they went right through the temple wall (there was no door) and soon were out of sight! I was left alone.
4. . . . Here are my questions I was able to get answers for:
Q Does Mackenzie have her healing vestures fully restored now? YES
Q Is Mackenzie fully trained as a healing angel in mortality now? NO
Q What happened in the temple with Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother? Mackenzie was blessed by both Heavenly Father and Jesus who also came there to assist. She also received a tour and special instructions.
. . . I was writing while I was in the spirit, and felt very uplifted and sure this all happened.
Overall, Mackenzie, this was a remarkable experience for me! I believe you probably didn't have any idea in your conscious mind that this happened. However, if you will pray about it's truthfulness, I believe you will receive a strong confirmation that it is true and that you are definitely destined to work as a healing angel for God, blessing and helping heal their needy children whom they choose. You are a very noble woman of destiny. That is my very strong belief.
. . . You are greatly loved of your Heavenly Parents, for I saw and felt their love for you, their noble daughter!"
G. Claire
March 5, 2016
1. This morning I prayed and felt again that I should participate in a healing blessing for you. I felt to go God's Loving Healing Center, on the south end of the lake under the bluff. I don't know why I choose different locations for different people, but I try to feel where I should go, and then I go there. When there, I prayed to my Father that you would come in your spirit. I then could see that you came, in your spirit from the higher ground to the west, and came down the switchback path, down to the path around the lake towards me. It took a minute for you to walk to me. When you arrived, you told me your name, and I know we recognized each other, for we had a full embrace, reserved for good friends from another premortal life. This is a relationship we can't remember of course, for it is not in our conscious mind.
Anyway, I told you that Heavenly Father wanted to heal you today, and asked if that was ok. You agreed, and then we both knelt, facing the lake and the distant temple to the north. This is God's residence, in the celestial world. It is amazing beyond anything earthly!
Anyway, I prayed out loud a simple prayer for you. I asked that Heavenly Father come and completely heal you, all according to his holy will, to the extent he desired. I asked that I participate as a conduit of his heavenly healing power. I closed in the name of Jesus Christ.
2. At that moment, which is my common practice, I looked into my healing stone around my neck. It immediately became extremely bright and shining so that I couldn't look on it, it was so bright. I looked up and then gazed on you, trying to distinguish what you were wearing. I saw your beautiful healing vestures (see attached sketch, please pardon my disproportionate scale):
I saw momentarily a gold crown on your head, symbolizing your great reward for faithful service as a healing angel before God. I saw a completely unique set of robes. The inner robe was pleated from the bust line down to the ground. It also had open sleeves, extending to the wrist. It was brilliant white. The outer robe was even more unique and very elegant: 2 panels criss-crossed in the front and attached to a cape in the back, both at the shoulders and the sides. The panels were about 2" wide at the shoulders and about 4" wide where they attached to the sides. This entire cape was golden colored and glorious!
Claire's healing vestures
3. In the front, a gorgeous amethyst, emerald-green colored, and in teardrop shape, dangled from a beautiful gold pendant. This was your healing stone. It was about 2" tall and 1 1/4" wide at the widest part. I never knew amethysts could be green (I even looked it up on google and they can be).
You were very stunning with your healing vestures, and appeared very capable.
At that moment, I saw Heavenly Father coming from behind you, across the lake. You stood and turned to greet him. He immediately extended his hands and laid them on your head and gave you a blessing of some sort. I was not privy to hear any of his words, and he gave it to you alone. When done, he embraced you and then put his right arm around your shoulders. He then turned with you and together you both walked across the lake, northward. Part way across the lake, he then took you by the right hand, in your left hand. At the other end of the lake you both rose up and proceeded in the air towards the glorious temple and soon were out of my sight. I was left alone.
. . . This is what happened today, Claire. It was a marvelous experience for me! It only took 10-15 min of my mortal time. I hope you will pray about this and confirm with your Heavenly Father that it happened as I explained. I felt to share this all with you. I feel you are at a glorious juncture now on your healing path and journey! . . . I am impressed with your grandeur and your great gifts and abilities."
H. Grace
March 10, 2016
1. This morning, in my meditative prayer, I went with the intention to assist in a Complete Healing for Grace. I went to God's Loving Healing Center area, and then felt to go to God's glorious temple just to the north. I went to the west side of the temple grounds, on a long mezzanine area with alcoves and benches with beautiful flowers and trees. I went to the end of this area, near 4 ft stone wall that contains the mezzanine. I went to an alcove to the north so that I could still see the temple in the distance to the east.
I faced the temple and asked in prayer to my Father in Heaven that Grace's spirit come to me. Grace came from my left in the alcove. We fully embraced as friends from a premortal life.
I asked her if she would be willing to receive a Complete Healing from our Father. She readily agreed. Note that this was all done in my conscious mind. . . I had asked earlier if I should invite any other healing angels to attend, and the answer was no.
Grace and I both knelt and faced the temple, to our east. I voiced the prayer:
'Heavenly Father, Grace and I come to thee in her behalf, and ask thee to Completely Heal her in mortality of anything that would prevent her from being the glorious healing angel that she is. Please bless her with the extension of her life, all according to thy holy will, that she may fulfill her mission on earth that thou has sent her to perform. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.'
At that moment, my healing stone on my front pendant shone way bright-very blindingly bright! We arose and walked to the center of the mezzanine. There was a slight breeze coming from the temple which caught her cape-a gorgeous purple color on the outside and white on the inside. I saw momentarily a gold crown on her brow, signifying the glorious exaltation she will receive on completion of her great work. She wore a beautiful white gown, with an inlayed golden piece of fabric in her front, between her neck to her waist. The gown flowed to her feet and had open long sleeves to her wrists. She had a light purple sash which tied on her right side too. There was a very beautiful light gold colored round shaped diamond (1 1/2" diameter) which served also as a clasp for her cape. See my attached sketch. It took me several minutes of concentration to see all of these details, making sure I saw everything correctly.
Grace's healing vestures
2. Then both Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother appeared in front of Grace, between her and the temple. Heavenly Mother fully embraced Grace and said:
'Grace, you look glorious with your healing vestures which have now have been fully restored to you again. Oh, I love you, my sweet daughter!'
Then Heavenly Father embraced her fully too. Grace seemed to melt into each of them as they embraced her.
Then they started walking east up the mezzanine towards the temple, Heavenly Father on Grace's right and Heavenly Mother on her left. I received the distinct impression from Heavenly Father 'R, please convey this to my precious healing angel daughter Grace!'
. . . Then they were all 3 gone! I think they went into God's Celestial Temple at that time.
. . . Then I thought of me being alone in the alcove, west of the temple. I prayed if all I received and had witnessed was accurate. Heavenly Father came to me there and said:
'R, what you have witnessed today, with your spiritual eyes, is true about Grace. You have recorded all accurately, including the description of her glorious healing vestures. This is part of her awakening process also. She still needs to be trained to fully act in her calling. Again, please share this with her today.'
Then Heavenly Father drew me close and embraced me! Next thing I knew I was kneeling by my bed, he was in front of me as he always comes when I pray. Then I ended my prayer with thanksgiving. Heavenly Father moved back a ways, my signal to begin the day. It was 9:14 am, Thursday March 10th, 2016."