13. Healers and Healing Angels

sunrise on healing

(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A. Are You A Healer?

1. 2-16-2016. I was recently contacted by a wonderful person who felt that she was a healer but not a healing angel. I prayed about this and felt the same way. This then started me on a course to further understand the broader world of healing, beyond our narrow scope as healing angels. 

First off, I believe all healing angels are healers also. Healers are what we were in the early premortal world before this world was, learning the healers' arts in classes we took. We learned from skilled brothers and sisters, and probably from Heavenly Parents and Jesus Christ too, in our thirst for learning these healing skills. Many of us gained proficiency at a particular gift or skill set. I believe this all pleased our Heavenly Parents a great deal–they took joy and satisfaction in seeing the progress of their children, particularly in the healing arts.

2. We had the awesome opportunity to be called to that grand meeting where Heavenly Father called us all to be his healing angels (see this link here). There were very few of us, however, leaving many of our classmates and dear brothers and sisters not called. 

However, it is now my belief that these, many of our choice healing brothers and sisters who were not healing angels, were called to another very important work of being a healer in mortality! Some healers might also have been called upon, before or after they would be born to earth, to assist in helping heal their brethren in mortality. In mortality they gravitate to the healing gifts. Many of them have brought forth wonderful healing modalities with which we are familiar. This was a calling and mission similar to ours.

3. There were others who were not healers, but would discover their desires to attain these healing gifts in mortality. I believe a gracious God hears their pleas and answers their prayers, as these sincere people put forth effort to learn healing gifts.

Then there were others who were also ordained to the priesthood of God, or would be in mortality. Many of these would be able to call down healing for the sick, according to the inspiration of God that would come upon them.

4. All these groups are very involved in the healing work of God for his children. All groups are very important to the overall plan of mortality. All these work under the direction of God or his Spirit and inspiration.

I have worked on a comparison table showing the various healing groups, and how God uses each one. It is not a final list, but one that will hopefully spur us on to think more on our fellow healers, their importance, and the respect and love we should have for them. 

5. Of critical importance to me is that we never elevate ourselves, in our own minds, above our fellow healers, and the importance of their callings. We are all in this together. We are all on God's side to help, heal and bless his needy children on earth. This is a wonderful work we are all involved in!

I have placed the chart below. Let me know what you think of my choices of the roles and missions of each of the four groups too! I would love to hear from you. I would also like to incorporate your ideas that I may have left off.


Types and Mission of Various Healing Groups
Comparitive Chart

Healing Issue Healing
Healer Non-healers, seeking gifts
of healing
from God
Priesthood healers who
heal by their
Essential in God's
healing plan for
his children
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Works in mortality
to help heal God's
children, in a
conscious state
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Works in an
unconscious state
Yes No No No
Can do their
healing work in
God's Loving
Healing Center
in the Celestial
Yes Yes Maybe Maybe
Possesses gift of
the Spirit
to heal (see Moro
10:11, D&C 46:20,
D&C 84:68, D&C
Yes Yes Yes Yes
God inspires and
blesses these
with healing
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Their mission is
to work
in every age of
Yes No No No
Translated to
fulfill mission
Yes Some may be No No
Numbers of each
2,633 total
Over 1 million
(400x those in
healing angel
category) from
--- ---
Developed and
introduced the
modalities for
on the earth
No Yes No No
When not in
mortality, these
give assistance
from the spirit
world by helping
those healers
on earth
who need
Maybe Yes Maybe Maybe
Called and set
apart with a
special healing
Yes Yes No No
Called 'angels' by
Yes No No No
Healing vestures:
given healing
robes and a
healing stone
Yes No No No
Can have a special
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Acts under the
direction of God
to do his will and
bidding at all
Yes Some may be Some may be Some may be
God sends his
healing power
through them
as a conduit to
the people
Yes No No Some may be
Has the presence
of the 3 healers in
their work
Yes No No No
Has the presence
of the Holy Ghost
in their work
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Works with God to
heal past, present
and future issues
(Complete Healing)
Yes No No No
Acts in secret,
behind the scenes,
not out in the open
Yes No No No
Very quiet about
their calling and
doings to the
outside world
Yes No No No
Need to be
awakened and
then re-trained in
the flesh
Yes Some may be No No
Motivated primarily
by love for God
and his children
Yes Some may be Some may be Some may be
Led in their final
training by
revelation from
Yes Some may be Some may be Some may be
Each has unique
gifts and
Yes Yes Yes Yes
greatly increased
to be able to
actively serve
God in healing
Yes Some may be Some may be Some may be
Active in
people to heal
No Most seem to
Most seem to be No
Can be replicated
in the spirit in
order to do
healings at the
same time
Some may
No No No
Uses 5 Gifts (GLE,
GLG) and BookofRaphael.com
Yes No No No
Uses Find-Scoop &
Remove (FSR) gift
No Yes No No
Uses Intention 
(IH, Healing Balm,
Spiritual Bandage,
Healing a Wound,
etc.) gifts
No Yes No No
Have a vital role
in healing God's
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Have a vital role in establishing Zion Yes Yes Yes Yes
A high measure
of protection from
Yes No No No
Healers in this
Now about 40 known so far
in mortality
John Upledger
Dr Charles
code, body
Donna Eden
Alex Loyd
and many
many more.
people everywhere
Priesthood holders

6. Other notes:
1. Our mortal bodies, with our spirit within our physical body, has capability to heal itself when given the correct components to do so (healthy food, remedies, etc). Our spirit has stewardship over our physical body. We have all been trained and schooled in the premortal life in how to heal our own physical body. Our spirit does this unconsciously mostly through the autonomic nervous system.

2. All healing angels are also healers.

3. There are many who are not healers that seek the gift of healing for gain only, as a profession. Many of these are not motivated for the true love of mankind, although many have a sense of duty to help people with their health issues. Most of these seem to 'go through the numbers' to do their work in prescribing health remedies and prescription drugs, in the case of allophathic medical doctors. The health industry is a very big business, now at 3 trillion dollars per year (see here). Some are in this industry for financial gain, and some for desires to serve and bless others.

4. The dark arts are opposite to the healing arts, or the healing plan of God. The dark arts are controlled by Satan.

B. Replication of our Spirits and of God

1. God's Omnipresence. This is a doctrine going back to the power and capability of God: 'We here observe that God is the only supreme governor, and independent being, in whom all fulness and perfection dwells; who is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient' (Joseph Smith, Lectures on Faith 2:2).

The dictionary during Joseph Smith's life was the Webster 1828 dictionary. The definitions of omnipresent in this dictionary is this:

'OMNIPRES'ENT, a. Present in all places at the same time; ubiquitary; as the omnipresent Jehovah.'

2. So God is all-present, or omnipresent. From my direct experience with deity, since 2013, I have had my eyes more and more opened to how God operates and moves about. As part of his omnipresent capability, I have observed that God has the ability to be in multiple places at the same time, and is not limited by his resurrected body.

Our Spirit's Ability to Replicate. We, who his spirit children, acting under his direction, can also be in multiple places at the same time. This is what I call replication of our spirits.

This is very useful when we as a healing angel need to do healing work for more than one person at the same time.

Many of you may already know all about this if you have been in energy work for a given period of time. For some of you, it may not even even be in your awareness of what is happening, for it is so natural. I did feel that God wanted me to address this at this time so that we all know about this ability that God has and extends to us when we are in his service.

To support my views, I have linked three

C. excerpts from my personal journal, dating back to 2013.

1. 11. This was when my eyes were opened to this understanding of the omnipresence of God, and his ability to be replicated or multiplied as many times as he wishes.

Just this month, I was feeling a need to be a conduit for two people at the same time. I wondered how I could possibly do this! Then I had a very interesting experience in a fast and testimony meeting involving the replication of my spirit:
R's Personal Journal Entry, 2-7-2016:
From Heavenly Father: 'R, . . . I am pleased that you have come here today. You are now fully awakened and act as a healing angel before us. In the spirit, you are continually before us and act as a pure conduit for us to dispense our healing love to our children. In your mortal body, you also act in the healing angel capacity, doing the same thing in your conscious mind.'

2. At this time I saw myself in the spirit, replicated before me, coming from the left, by the horizontal log (in God's Loving Healing Center). I was wearing my healing vestures in that location, and I was also wearing these same healing vestures in my current location where I was standing next to Heavenly Father and Jesus.

Heavenly Father continued: 'R, we use you as a pure and holy conduit, replicating your spirit before us as many times as we need and as much as you are able to bear and are capable. I will increase your vitality in the flesh so that you can bear the spiritual load of this healing mission. You are now fully in your calling as a healing angel, acting in secret and behind-the-scenes, always in love. I will give you more of our love and light to bless you in your calling. I love you, R!'

3. I had barely finished writing the above in my pocket journal when a sister got up to bear her testimony in the meeting I was in. She had a heart condition and was in continual pain. I felt very sorry for her, and also felt I should participate in Complete Healing for her right then. I didn't know her name. I felt to go to God's Loving Healing Center, down by the lake on the sloped switchback. I met her spirit there. She told me her name was June. After I explained that Heavenly Father wanted to send healing to her, we had a prayer, me being voice. I closed the prayer and I saw my healing stone light up.

4. As I was writing this account in my pocket journal, another sister stood that was a single mother of 3 children, twins age 12 and a 19 year old. I felt also to do a Complete Healing for her too, but I was still doing the sister who was in continual pain! I was trying to do two Complete Healings at once, and it was ne'er impossible–to listen to the single mom's testimony and to finish up the Complete Healing of the pained sister. Then I saw myself replicated before me! My replicated spirit was next with this single mom, down by the lake, by the meadow. I could see what my replicated other spirit self was doing–having a prayer, then my healing stone lit up on the my other spirit self, and then I was done. I knew I had participated as a healing angel to help bless her.

5. This experience made me reflect on my capacity as a healing angel: if there is too much to do, I can always ask God in my conscious mind that my spirit be replicated and to do work which I wouldn't be able to do. This is a way that I could serve multiple people at the same time, God willing!"

I want to close by emphasizing that this all is my view and opinion, based on my experience and direction from God to me. Each one of us needs to determine the truth of all things by the power of the Holy Ghost. We are not to rely on each other for truth or doctrine, but to test everything with God. Only then will we really believe in it and know it for sure.