12. Quieting Down and Getting Direction

healing angels take responsibility

(Copyright © 2025 BookofRaphael.com. Images in this post were downloaded from Pixabay.com)

A New Year is Upon Us!

1-15-2016. I have taken a nice break over the holidays, and now am just getting back to normal life. Several fellow healing angels suggested that I do an update for healing angels, and give an encouraging word in their struggle to move forward. I then felt the spirit confirm that I should do so.

I then went back in my journals back to mid-November, and pulled out information that related to healing angels. I don't mean to be so forward to give so many of my journal entries. I only do so since they all talk about healing angels, or about my journey as a healing angel. I received many of these journal extracts from God as personal revelation to me. Some of these are very personal, and I only share them with you because I have been directed to do so. As always, please do not share them with others unless you email me first.

Again, I ask you not to take my word for ANY of this, but find out yourself if this information is true or not. God himself will show you the truth of all things as you sincerely ask in faith (see Moroni 10:5). It is fitting and proper that you approach Heavenly Father in prayer and confirm all this as it relates to you and your calling as a healing angel.

Enjoy! I would love to hear from each of you, how you are doing, etc. It is a very exciting thing to be associated with each of you in this great work of healing.


A. R's Personal Journal Entry, 11-15-2015

1. I just attended sacrament meeting in my son's ward. I am sitting my car now in the church parking lot. After the Elders blessed the sacrament, then it seemed that my Heavenly Father was standing gloriously right in front of me, in the air. I was kneeling before him (in my spirit). I made a covenant to take upon me the name of Jesus Christ, to always remember him, and to keep his commandments. Then Heavenly Father spoke to my mind. He first had me stand so I faced him directly. These are his words that came steadily to me at that time, as best I recall:

'R, it is good that you are here in this sacrament meeting. I accept your sacrament covenant that you have made to me. I also covenant with you, my son, that my presence will be with you always.

2. R, great calamities are soon arriving upon the earth. . . Society and culture has changed, for the love of man has waxed cold. This is not normal, but is due to the great wickedness of the people who have turned away from me and the teaching of my Beloved Son. Calamity will soon be upon the inhabitants of the earth, but I will protect you and your loved ones. This includes your house and property, and the lives of your loved ones.

3. Your free spirit is with us day and night in our great effort to heal and comfort the souls of men and women in mortality. You would not be able to maintain your daily living and activities unless you were translated. This will also occur for all healing angels who become fully trained and vested as healing angels in mortality. R, this is a great work that you are engaged in, in the eternal realms.

I love you, R!'

With that, Heavenly Father seemed to fully embrace me. I felt assurance he would protect and bless us, and lead us along. He would be ever before my face, with his presence nearby.

I then finished the sacrament and came to my car to write all this down.

B. R's Personal Journal Entry, 11-22-2015

1. During the sacrament, before taking the bread, it seemed that Heavenly Father was on my left in front of me. After I partook, he came right in front of me and spoke to my mind. I took notes afterwards in my pocket journal. Here is the gist of what he said:

'R, I accept your covenant to take upon you the name of my Beloved Son, to always remember him, and to keep all his commandments which he gives to you. We will be near you and you will have our presence with you always.

2. You have been in our presence continually, day and night, as a healing angel. You are doing the same work you did for us before coming to earth, acting as a pure conduit to transmit our healing power to our needy children in mortality. You have more power now that you are in mortality. We will bless you also to have more ability to heal with our power passing through you, in your conscious state also. . .

I love you, R.'

I then felt that he stepped forth and embraced my free spirit which was now standing before him. I felt his love and protection.

C. R's Personal Journal Entry, 11-29-2015

1. Sunday, during the sacrament, I was emotionally charged from a conversation just prior to going to the church building. Therefore, when I partook of the sacrament, and made my weekly covenant, I couldn't 'see' Heavenly Father or Jesus clearly, or hardly tell what they communicated with me. I could tell that Heavenly Father was there–but it was a lot more foggy than normal.

I realized that our emotional state needs to be relaxed and rested when approaching deity–in order to really commune with God. I believe God accepted my covenant and was pleased with me at the sacrament."

D. R's Personal Journal Entry, 12-10-2015

1. Each morning and night I have a connective prayer with my Heavenly Father. Last night I envisioned his face and felt his presence in front of me. I do this each time I pray. Then afterwards, when I am done with the prayer, I wait and see what he does. He usually smiles at me and then moves a slight distance off. He is always near me.

Last night I finished my prayer and Heavenly Father came near and spoke to my mind words like this (I didn't write them down last night which I should have):

'R, I am pleased with your life and what you are doing. You are a healing angel whose free spirit is with us continually, night and day, being a clear conduit for our healing power to those we choose to bless and heal in mortality. I love you, my son!'

These words came into my mind. Then he stepped back and was nearby. I knew my prayer was over. "

E. R's Personal Journal Entry, 12-13-2015

1. After the hymn, I made a covenant with Heavenly Father as I always do. I envisioned I was before him kneeling. When the priests blessed the bread, I felt the presence of Heavenly Father come to me while I was in the church on the bench. He spoke to my mind words like this–

'R, my son, I accept your covenant to take upon you the name of my Beloved Son, to always remember him, and to keep all his commandments. R, in all the world, the best church meeting in which to worship is at an LDS Sacrament meeting, like where you are today. This is my church. However, the Spirit, my Holy Spirit, has departed in a large measure from the Saints of my church. My people have turned away from thinking of their fellowman, and instead think mostly of themselves. The love of man has truly waxed cold in this day that you are living. (see Matt 24:12)

2. True worship comes from personal prayer, from service to others, and in meeting with the faithful like in sacrament meeting. Partaking of the sacrament is an important part of true worship.

Your service to me as a free spirit is acting as a clear and holy conduit for our healing power. You are in this realm with us night and day. It is a joy having you with us in our service of blessing and healing our children in mortality. We so enjoy working with you. Many more healing angels in mortality are now being awakened. This awakening will continue another 4 months. These too will gradually migrate to the hidden realms where they will act as you do now, as clear and holy conduits.

3. Act in your mortal state too in service to those around you, particularly to your family and neighbors. Act in all ways in the pattern set by my Beloved Son. I will be with you continually.'

After sacrament, I yearned to worship, and did a Google search of the definition of worship. I found a Christian article which quoted the 1828 Websters Dictionary, of the definition of worship: 'Worship is to honor with extravagant love and extreme submission.' I really like this definition!

Worship during prayer, in service to others, and during the sacrament part of the meeting is what I want to do. I want to worship with my wife and my loved ones.

F. R's Personal Journal Entry, 12-27-2015

1. Here is what I wrote last Sunday in my pocket journal––

Today we attended sacrament meeting in Payson, Utah. I made a covenant to worship (to honor God by extravagant love and extreme submission). I envisioned Heavenly Father before me, and made this covenant after the priest offered the prayer on the bread. Then I received the bread.

2. Heavenly Father then came and spoke to my mind with these words, as best I recall:

'R, I accept your covenant that you have made to take upon you the name of my Beloved Son–to always remember him, and to keep his commandments. The world in which you live is dark and almost everyone has gone astray, except a very few. The culture and world are evil and do not please me. However, you are pleasing me by your efforts to keep yourself clean and holy in this dark world. I will hasten my work of healing in my own time, by preparing my healing angels and sending forth great healing upon the earth while the world sinks in despair and darkness. Your actions are pleasing me, my son. I love you.'

3. I had a nice experience with deity today (a week later than the entry above), also during the sacrament. Today at the sacrament, I spiritually looked around the chapel and couldn't find either Heavenly Father nor Jesus. They used to be present in the wards I attended in my area about a year and a half ago. I looked with my spiritual eyes from the beginning of the sacrament meeting until the end of the meeting. They were not in the room, in a 'public view', like they used to be.

4. Then I found Heavenly Father in my mind, in my crown chakra, or in God's Loving Healing Center–not sure exactly which. But he was there with Jesus who was in the background. I made my covenant in my spirit, on my knees, before the Father. He then spoke:

'R, my son, I accept your covenant to take upon you the name of my Beloved Son, to remember him always, and to keep his commandments to you.

This new year in 2016 will be very wonderful for you and all healing angels. Great healing will I send forth upon a world which is at war and dark and difficult. You will find great joy with your wife and family as well. You will always have plenty, and I will be with you always each day. I love you, R.'

Then I partook of the water. Heavenly Father then embraced my spirit and stayed nearby.

5. Then Jesus came near me. He spoke:

'R, I will be close to you also. I have redeemed you, for you are brought back to my presence.'

Then he embraced me as well. He was by the pew at church where I was. Then both he and the Father went nearby, but not right before me in the chapel. I felt fully satisfied that they were near me.

G. R's Personal Journal Entry, 12-29-2015

1. I feel I should be aware of the health needs of others around me more and more. I then should inquire whether helping them heal would be something the Lord would want me to do. If I feel a positive 'yes' answer when I ask, then I should proceed with Complete Healing in my conscious mind. I probably will continue doing this at God's Loving Healing Center, in my spirit and all in my conscious mind. I feel most of these will be done in secret, but I can ask Heavenly Father in prayer to confirm.

2. I also don't feel now an obligation to do anything more with my website GodsLovingHealingHands.com. I am to 'wait upon the Lord' for all direction. I pray daily, thanking him for the great privilege of being a healing angel for him, Heavenly Mother and Jesus, in an unconscious state, in my free spirit. I have confirmed daily to my mind that I really am doing this, and at the same time living my life in mortality. This is a fabulous blessing I feel. I don't know where I am or go as a spirit, or for whom I am sent as a conduit with one the the three healers, but I feel I can receive accurate information about total numbers of healings and awakenings. Yesterday, for example, I feel I did 32 Complete Healings as a conduit, and helped awaken 7 more healing angels. I don't need to know who or where. Nor do I need to worry about much more for the moment, for I am told to relax and enjoy life now. I don't feel stressed with anything much in life, or anything that is going on around me. I feel the world is quickly crashing all around me, but I feel close to my Heavenly Father and led by him. It is a wonderful feeling.

3. As for goals for the new 2016 year, I have these I'd like to accomplish:

1) Actively look around to help heal, through Complete Healings, those in need. I can do this on-the-spot or in a quiet moment once I feel the confirmation from God to proceed. I feel this is pleasing to God.
2) Actively look around to do more service to those in need. This can be quiet, in secret or not. I feel this is what Jesus would have me do–to act like him.
3) Connect with Heavenly Father morning and evening in private prayer, where I wait for him to come, and envision talking to him face-to-face. At the end of the prayer, I want to wait and listen to what he says or impresses me to do, if anything.
4) Partake of the sacrament sincerely, making a covenant weekly with my Heavenly Father. Then to listen, record what he tells me, and to act on what he says if needs be. This seems to be the most revelatory time of the week for me.

H. R's Personal Journal Entry, 12-30-2015

1. From my personal experiences with deity, I believe that our Heavenly Parents and Jesus are very close by, and love and care for us. I believe they embrace our spirits frequently. I think they usually don't seem to interfere, at least to any degree that we would be able to detect as an interference or a miracle. It seems they are very eager to remain hidden. Almost all healing and service they might do is behind the scenes, hidden so we are truly tested in a true mortal testing situation. I do believe they work incognito so we don't notice them. I believe they are particularly interested in how we interact with each other–do we act like the example of our Savior, do we willingly serve others in kindness and love? Do we also do whatever they tell us to do? These are the big issues of life that they watch. A difficult issue, trauma, a defect in the body, or a myriad of hardships, plays into their hands to better test us in this temporary state of mortality. We have fallen a very long way from our positions as children of God. We are tried and tested in this ideal mortal sphere, with God being fully in charge of our lives and what hardships we face.

2. I do also believe in miracles. I believe God can easily orchestrate these to preserve our lives if he wishes to do so. In the healing arena, he seems to want to remain quietly behind the scenes, incognito. We as healing angels work that way too–all according to the will of God. Miracles of healing do happen all the time. Often they happen to just the level for life to continue but to also present a hardship for us during mortality.

3. I believe God will be pouring out much more healing events in 2016, for that is what he said to me the past two Sundays at the sacrament, during my quiet meditations. I am starting to look around more to those who might need healing in their ives. I then pray to see if initiating a healing session of Complete Healing would be acceptable to God. If so, I want to immediately act and be a conduit for God's healing power to that person–all done in secret, in my spirit and their spirit, according to God's will. God only can appropriately judge how much healing to dispense to the client, his child, to help them out but continue the mortal test as he wishes.

4. Sometimes there will be a significant amount of healing, even completely healing the ailment or need. Glory to God, and not man in that case! We should do all we can to deflect any praise, any recognition to us. All healing comes from God.

The question comes up next whether we should petition God to take away some of our pain, or to heal us or a loved one who is suffering. We need to definitely pray for strength to endure pain and hardship. I think too it is appropriate to pray in faith that there will easing of the burdens of a trial too, couched in the words according to God's will.

5. Jesus gave us the example–when suffering in Gethsemane, he said 'Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass, nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt' (Matthew 26:39, see also Matthew 26:42). We dont know what hardships God requires for us or others in mortality. Our greatest desire should be to submit to his will, not our own.

Many times I inquire if I can participate in Complete Healings with a certain client I see who suffers. Most often the answer is 'No, not now.'

client in need
Ask God if those around you might need God's healing

I. R's Personal Journal Entry Jan 10, 2016

1. Earlier today, I went with my wife to a sacrament meeting in a Payson Utah ward (not my home ward.). . . After the priests blessed the bread and offered a prayer, I envisioned my Heavenly Father in front of me, and Jesus on his right hand. We were in God's Loving Healing Center, just outside the opening of the domed room, and on the golden path. I was kneeling before Heavenly Father, he was standing on the path.

I made a covenant with my Heavenly Father to take upon me the name of Jesus Christ, to always remember him, and to keep all of his commandments.

2. Then Heavenly Father spoke to my mind in these words:

'R, my son, I am happy that you are here and have come before us. I accept your covenant that you have made before me at this time. We will always be with you and guide you in your life.

Do not attempt to force your life in any certain direction, or in any way, but relax and it will flow to you. We will guide you, and inspire and prompt you in all things.

3. Great events will occur for you this year, and will bring you much joy. You have a calling to bless and heal those around you, as a pure and holy conduit of our healing power. In all cases, we will lead you to those we wish to bless and heal. Follow your promptings, act in secret, and we will bless and heal these our children in mortality. All this will be done in your conscious mind and in secret, according to the pattern that has been shown to you. This is one of the manners in which we bless and heal our children in the flesh. I love you, my son.'

4. Then the priests blessed the water. When done, and after I partook of the cup of water, I again visualized myself still kneeling before God. Heavenly Father had stepped back, and Jesus stepped forward and spoke to my mind:

'R, I am your Redeemer, and you are clean before us this day. I wrought the great atonement for you, in my spirit, in the domed room behind you. You watched me. It was at the time I was suffering on the cross. You are clean and pure before me today, and I love you.

5. We will be with you, my son, and will guide you throughout your life. This will flow easily and distinctly to you, as you live quietly and in peaceful circumstances. The mission and calling of a healing angel is to bless in quietness and secret those around them in mortality, all according to our will. In the spirit, healing angels do the same actions in other realms above.

We guide our healing angels to those, our children, whom we wish to bless. The privilege of being a pure and holy conduit is a great blessing that you and other healing angels will continue to experience.

I love you, my son.'

6. Then the priests and deacons finished the sacrament. I then began writing all of this down in my little pocket journal.

When I was done writing, I wondered if there was anyone in the congregation that God wanted me to bless and help heal at that time, for whom he wanted me to act as a conduit. In my mind, I divided the congregation in sections, and then energy tested whether any sections had someone I needed to help heal. When I got to the front stand area, I felt there was someone there. I moved, in my mind, from person to person until I felt I was at the person God wanted to bless. There was no one else in the congregation today, except this man. I also felt confirmed in my mind this was the person, and it was the bishop, Bishop ____! I immediately envisioned myself in the same location I was earlier in God's Loving Healing Center, on the golden path, in my spirit. The bishop's spirit then also came to this same place, and we greeted and shook hands.

7. I asked if I could offer a prayer in his behalf, to which he agreed. I offered a simple prayer to Heavenly Father in behalf of Bishop _____. I asked that he receive complete healing from God, to whatever extent that would be, and for whatever need he had. I closed in the name of Jesus Christ.

Immediately I saw bright light, a spiritual light, all around me. I knew it was my healing stone lighting up. I was dressed in my healing vestures.

I then came back to my presence in the sacrament meeting, and energy tested in my mind what amount of healing this bishop had received from God:
In the past: 142 separate healing gifts, going back 15 months from today
In the present: 1 healing gift
In the future: 14 healing gifts for I week forward from today.

8. After the meeting, when leaving, I passed the bishop in the hallway and smiled at him. He didn't know, in his conscious mind, what had just happened to him. I believe, however, his spirit knew. I know I received approval to participate in this healing both from God and from the bishop who gave his consent from his spirit to me, hidden however to his conscious mind. I believe also that since this was done in secret to his conscious mind, he will probably never know that a healing angel served as a conduit for God's healing love and light. Instead, the bishop may know of his blessing from God, and then he may be inclined to thank God, who should receive all the credit anyway. This is as it should be. I feel this is a marvelous system that our Father has instituted in using healing angels to help carry forward his work of blessing and healing his children in the flesh."


J. Take Responsibility for Your Journey as a Healing Angel

1. 1-8-2016. I called my sister this week to connect with her. We had a very pleasant and thought-provoking conversation. I have mulled over a lot about what we said. I feel I should share part of it with you.

She has wanted to continue to the next stage in this energy work of fully acting as a healing angel. She said she wants experiences like mine, where she connects with deity and feels like she is aware of the healing power coming from God through her as a pure conduit, to bless the lives of people she wants to help and heal. I think we all would like to be more connected like this.

2. She has a deck of chakra cards, and she wished to see what card she would pick, hoping it would be a message for improvement for her life. In her heart was the great desire to move to the next step in her healing work. She had felt stagnant, on a plateau of sorts, and wanted to move forward. (Do you ever feel like that?)

The first card she picked was the responsibility card. She didn't like that! She put it back in the deck, reshuffled. When she picked a second time, it again was the responsibility card! Again she put it back in, reshuffled and drew again. Guess which card came up the third time? You're right, the responsibility card!

She then told me on the phone that she has been relying on me to tell her what is the next step in her journey as a healing angel. She now felt that this was not going to come from me, but from God–she needed to find out directly from him, and not have more of the handholding from me.

3. I told my sister that I too had been feeling this same way! I felt that I couldn't or shouldn't do much more guidance for healing angels on their personal journey from here and forward. If they have gone through all the information on my website, have taken a class, and really want to 'get' this stuff, then they need to take responsibility for themselves. This means they need to do what I did, and what she felt now to do, and that is to connect to God and receive direct revelation from him. I believe he will direct their paths fully, and lead them along.

4. Doctrine and Covenants 78:18

"And ye cannot bear all things now; nevertheless, be of good cheer, for I will lead you along. The kingdom is yours and the blessings thereof are yours, and the riches of eternity are yours."

From the back of the Responsibility card and from the booklet:


Take responsibility for your actions and your life.
Great Freedom comes with discipline.

Cradled in the palms of loving hands, a sprouting seed rises up through the soil into the light of day. Within this seedling is the growing vision of a great fruitful plant or tree. There will come a time when the steward of this seed will need to plant it into the ground for it to spread its roots and grow in full form. There will come a time for this seed of life to give back to all who have nurtured it along the way. But for now it is safe here, being protected, and honored by the one who was given the responsibility to care for it.

Responsibilities and self-discipline are vital in creating all the things we want in life, from a healthy body and mind, through to a successful career and happy relationships. This card is an invitation to smile at the opportunity to fulfill your responsibilities.

Sometimes responsibilities feel like a burden, as though they take away our freedom. But we actually need some responsibilities to give us structure in our lives. By having this structure in our lives we end up having more freedom rather than less.

If we avoid responsibilities we are unable to learn the basic lessons of discipline and organized focus required to achieve our goals. We may drift from one relationship, home or job to another, repeatedly ending up in situations we don't want to be in, but not knowing why we ended up there.

Once we take genuine responsibility for ourselves we realize that the power to change is always right here within us. We stop blaming other people and external sources and we become self-empowered. From this place we find the strength, drive and energy to make the choices necessary to truly fulfill our desires.

Next time you hear yourself 'blame' someone for something, stop and ask yourself how you can take responsibility and help the situation. If you are unhappy in your job or relationship, what can you do to change it? If you need more money, how can you take responsible action towards this today? Only you can be responsible for you!

On the other hand, if you are overly responsible for others you may disempower them by not allowing them to take responsibility for themselves. We each need to learn our own lessons in life. To acknowledge our strengths and to learn from our challenges. Know when you have played your part and when it is time to let the seed grow on its own.

By taking responsibility for ourselves and embracing our responsibilities in life, we build a foundation toward a successful and fulfilling life. We become powerful individuals rather than dependent ones. We claim a sense of strength, freedom and confidence that comes through discipline and self-mastery. From this place comes the realization that we can create anything we want to in this lifetime!"

healing angel on bench
We need to take responsibility for the next step of our journey as a healing angel